Disclaimer: I asked to own the 39 Clues on my birthday but I didn't get it. My first story :D I'm so proud of myself... They're out of character sooo if you don't like stories like that don't bother reading.

The following are things that should not be done to the 39 Clues characters.

1. You should not tell Ian that Amy and Jonah are getting married.

Dan was bored out of his mind, so he couldn't really think clearly. That's when he pulled this certain prank. He dialed Ian's phone number and made sure Amy wasn't around. "Hello?" said a voice with a British accent.

"IAN! My man! You're going to the wedding right?" Dan said cheerfully.

"What wedding?" Ian asked quizzically.

"Amy's and Jonah's of course!" he replied. Ian sobbed and cried saying how much he loved Amy while Dan held in his laughter. Dan let Ian continue on doing this for an hour before saying "I'm kidding.", and then hanging up. An hour later, he received an email from Ian that was 4 pages long filled mostly with swears and very very bad "yo mama" jokes. Sadly, he had forgotten that Dan's mother was also Amy's mother. So a while later Dan received another email.

Dear Dan,

Don't tell your sister I insulted your mom. If she asks, Natalie did it.

P.S. you're a horrible ninja.

Dan called Ian once more that day and said a few words that 11 year old's should not know just for adding the P.S. part.

2. You should not make Hamilton Holt join a dance camp. (he doesn't look good in a tutu)

Nellie had told Amy to stay of Grace's library (where they currently lived) for a day and be a normal teenager. Amy was indeed feeling something that most normal teenagers felt. Complete and utter boredom. She saw a ad on the cover of a magazine that she was thinking of reading. It was an ad for a dancing camp that taught ballet. Amy called the number that was on the ad.

"Hello? Yes I'd like to register someone. My cousin Hamilton Holt, he's too shy to register on his own so I'm doing it for him. And no matter how much he resists, take him to the camp. He'll love it! Thank you!" Amy hung up with a smile on her face.

The next day Hamilton was forcefully taken to the camp. His parents thought it good to get rid of him so they let him go. A week later, Hamilton was back from camp. Amy was the first to call him.

"Hi Ham! Did you like the camp?" she asked.

"I actually did, thanks a lot Ames! I even got 4 free tutu's!" Amy hung up feeling horrified. Hamilton in a tutu...

3. You should not replace Natalie's clothes with Cat-woman costumes.

Natalie was being extra bratty lately. Probably her time of the month. Ian was tired of her attitude so he decided to have some revenge. He had ordered 10 Cat-woman costumes and then he had emptied Natalie's closet while she was at one of her friend's mansions. He hung up the costumes on hangers then waited for her to get back. He was sitting on the thousand dollar sofa watching Spongebob (yes, even Kabra's like Spongebob!he's just so awesome!) when she came in.

She glared at him then went up to her room to change her clothes. Natalie grumbled about Ian being a total git, not really noticing what she was putting on (everything in her closet looks good on her (Or so she thinks). She walked down stairs, her clothes felt REALLY tight on her for some reason. She looked in the mirror to see just what she had put in. She screamed. Downstairs, Ian was busting his gut laughing after hearing Natalie's scream. He was so busy laughing, he did not notice Natalie come behind him with a dart gun...

While Ian was knocked out, Natalie admired herself in the mirror wearing the skin-tight black costume.

4. You should not ask Jonah to read 20 pages of Twilight with a British accent.

Jonah and Sinead were playing truth or dare on a Sunday at Jonah's mansion in LA. But both of them knew how evil the other one could be while daring someone. So they kept doing truths. Finally, after half an hour of embarrassing pointless truths, Jonah made the mistake of saying dare. And Sinead handed him a copy of Twilight (where'd she even get that?) and told him to read 20 pages of it in a British accent.

Jonah tried to sound gangster with a British accent while reading about vampire love. On page 8, Sinead started regretting her dare. On page 12 she was crying and begging him to stop but Jonah strangely liked reading it and didn't stop. On page 20, Sinead was dead asleep on the floor, snoring softly. Jonah spent the whole day finishing the book.

5. You should not Photoshop a picture of Dan and Natalie kissing then show it to Fiske Cahill.

Ian had discovered something very interesting. Photoshop. So far, he'd made a picture with him and Amy getting married. He printed it out and locked it in a safe. Then he made a picture of Natalie and Dan kissing. He laughed his head off at that and decided it to email it to lovely Amy. When Amy got the email she laughed so hard that she fell off the chair she'd been sitting on and almost broke her arm. She was still laughing when she printed it out and ran to Fiske's office. Him and Amy laughed the day away till Fiske almost got a heart attack laughing so much. When Dan found it later that day, Fiske almost had a seizure seeing his face. Especially since he knew that Dan had a giant crush on Natalie.

These were the first ones I thought of, please review and give me more ideas :D THANK YOU FOR READING!