Author's Notes: I'm on a roll for new stories! lol^_^ Anyway, I've wanted to do a camping story for quite some time; I was just waiting for the summer to do it...

Once again, here's the low-down for the people who have never read any of my other stories: No reviews means no new chapters. I love to write so I won't stop just 'cause no one reviews, but I do like knowing that people are reading what I write. If I think no one's reading, then why would I bother to update?

Also, I know the difference between a flame and constructive criticism; the latter I would greatly appreciate; the former may result in me blocking you depending on what you have to say. Flame if you want, but I think it's really pointless.

With all that out of the way, please enjoy^_^

And, oh yeah, I don't own Yugioh! 5D's, just the plot line. I also don't own Elodie Kumari; she is the OC of ElodieKumari94 (go figure XD) and is used with the permission and approval of the creator.

Chapter One - The Bet

"JAAAAAAAAAACK!" Crow yelled angrily as he flew down the stairs to the garage.

"Uh-oh," Leo taunted. "Somebody's in trouble!"

Yusei shrugged. "Probably just the utility bill... This happens every month..."

"Would you mind," Crow yelled straight into the blonde's face, "explaining what this is?"

Jack glanced up casually from his cup of coffee. "Looks like the utility bill to me."

"Told ya so," Yusei spoke to the twins, who were watching him work on his duel runner.

"Yeah," Crow continued to yell. "One where the amount for WATER is ten times higher than everything else combined!"

"So why are you complaining to me exactly?"

"Because you take showers that are longer than most girls take!"

"I resent that!"

"I am fully convinced that if the City's water system suddenly malfunctioned, you wouldn't last a single day!"

"I don't think either of them would last, personally," Akiza muttered to Elodie, who was sitting next to her on a stool while the two girls also watched Yusei work.

"Speak for yourself, Akiza!" Crow shot back. "You wouldn't last either!" Akiza stared at him in surprise. How in the world had he even heard that?

"Well, it's true!" Elodie countered in a playful tone. "You wouldn't last two seconds without running water either, Crow, and you know it! Not to mention if the city suddenly lost power..."

"Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute!" Crow started. No one actually heard anymore of his argument, however, as Jack, Bruno, Carly, Akiza, Sherry, and Elodie all joined in with their own comments on the matter - in very loud voices akin to shouting.

"Uh, guys?" Yusei asked. "GUYS?" Realizing no one could hear him even when he raised his voice, he placed two fingers to his lips and let out an ear-splitting whistle. Everyone was instantly silent, glaring at the man who had busted their eardrums. "Do we really need to fight over something so trivial?"

"Crow and I are just making our point," Jack stated. "These wimpy girls couldn't last nearly as long as us men could without running water and electricity."

Elodie scoffed. "Yeah, right! You guys are the only wimps I see in this room!"

"Well, maybe you should look harder, then!" the blonde retorted.

"How 'bout you just have a contest to find out?" Luna suggested before the fight could start up again. "Which ever group comes back first loses. You could even place stakes on it to make it more interesting. Ya know, like a bet!"

"I think she has something there," Bruno commented.

"It is a great idea!" Sherry agreed. "Zat way each side has a chance to prove zemselves!"

"What would the stakes be?" Carly asked. "Oh, I know! Who ever loses has to serve the winners for one week, whatever they are commanded to do!"

"And after we arrive at the campsites, we have to rely on whatever we bring," Bruno chimed in. "No going to the nearest store for supplies."

"And Leo and I will stay here to make sure no one tries to cheat by coming back early and then going back to the camp ground later!" Luna volunteered.

"What?" Leo protested. "Awww! I wanted to go!"

Luna shook her head. "You know there's no way Mom and Dad would let us go. So don't even bother arguing."

Everyone nodded in agreement to said terms.

"Then I say we get packed up tonight and leave first thing in the morning for East Bearskin Lake!" Yusei added. "We'll leave from here so we all leave at the same time."

"Let's do this!" Crow shouted enthusiastically with a fist pump into the air. "Let the bet begin!"

Author's Notes: Short I know. But hey, this is just the beginning! Stay tuned for some, uh, interesting events XD.

...(hehehe Jack switched sides half way through the chapter XD)...

Oh, and just a note: I am/will be referencing lakes in northern Minnesota for this story. I don't know enough about Japan's geography to set it in Japan so you'll just have to deal with it being set in the United States. (Not to mention it is based off a camping trip I took last summer so it just works out well that way... XD)

Anyway, hope you enjoy my sunny summer story^_^ Reviews? Pretty Please?