Noel Night

Author's note: First and foremost, this is a fanfiction. All characters you know belong to Jo, and all characters you don't belong to Jaina, chiefly Rosalind. The story is narrated by Rosalind, who is Lily's best friend. It is December of the gang's final year at Hogwarts. I chose to call the dance the Noel Night because the Yule Ball is a Triwizard thing.

And on we go.

People can be really stupid, even at Hogwarts. Take the Noel Night for example. It's this big formal dance for the seventh years at Christmas, except that no one knows who is going with whom. And the reason is sickening and ridiculous: the so-called popular students haven't got their dates yet. All the other girls won't say "yes" to anyone until Sirius Black had got his date, and all the boys know it. They A.) don't want the embarrassment of a "no," thus being officially considered a sloppy second, or B.) know if they ask Black's girl, then they're gone. How? He's popular, funny, and can control the majority of the student population. I need hardly expand.

Yet that Black has to be the most horrible boy at Hogwarts. He's the class clown, and all of his jokes became old and horrible after the first day of the first year. He hangs around (an understatement to say the least: try attached to the hip) with James Potter, the stuck-up quidditch prince, who somehow managed to make himself Head Boy, aside from acting the part of the school's biggest moron. Then there's Remus Lupin, who's quite the two-face. He seems nice and innocent, especially with the teachers. But if he really was that kind and sweet, he'd know to associate himself with better people. Lily says he reminds her of Eddy Haskell, but I have no clue who he is. The three of them are waited on by their horde of yes-men like Peter Pettigrew, boys who are so busy hero-worshipping Black and Potter, that they don't even bother to make friends with people in their own houses.

All I have to say is thank God Potter has a date already. Everyone knows Potter is going to go with his girlfriend Veronica Engerton. They might as well be married. She's a Ravenclaw, but at mealtimes she goes over to the Gryffindor table and sits on Potter's lap. It's rather revolting. Then again, if it weren't for her, there would be double dating hysteria running amok among us. One popular boy was bad enough.

Today, after Potions with Professor McShane, Winnie Frank asks me who I thought Sirius Black was going to ask to the dance.

"Why do you even care?" I ask. "I'd say no if it was me. Besides, the lot hasn't said a word about the dance at all."

"Exactly!" says Winnie, "But it's only six weeks away now, so that's really close! What do you reckon, Rosalind?"

"I don't give at damn."

Winnie walks off.

"I think that was a little too harsh Ros," Lily tells me later.

"Well, I meant it. I DON'T care."

"You at LEAST could have said 'I don't know' or made up some name - one of Veronica's prostitute buddies- that would have worked. You'd even be right."

Lily goes on lecturing me, half-agreeing, half-attempting-to-be- responsible. We seem to give each other the "be nice" lecture about once a week. It was hard. Some of the other kids call us swots and other stuff behind our backs, but I don't care. I had Lily and Lily had me. Besides, Lily is Head Girl, and I'm a Prefect, so we're not entirely worthless.

As we walk into the Great Hall, I notice Veronica sitting on Potter's lap. Lily stares a bit. I poke her on the small of her back. She jumps, then we sit down.

"What?" I ask her.

"There's something between them," Lily says thoughtfully. Not her too. I DON'T need my best friend, the only other sane person in this entire school, to join the bandwagon of people analyzing the two and their social lives. It's as if the two were Hogwarts' own royal couple.

I'm close to losing my temper, so I try to humor her, and be nice.

"What makes you say that?" I say, but not all too kindly.

"I don't think James is happy with her at all," she tells me in a concerned way.

This is too much. "Not happy?" I say incredulously. "How could he not be happy? I'm willing to bet anything that she gives it to him whenever he wants her too. What more could a guy want?"

"ROS!" Apparently Lily can't handle the truth. "I can't believe you just said that!"

"Well, I did," I say smugly.

"Have some tact, please."

"Don't tell me you actually like that Potter," I say desparately.

"He's not that bad, honest," Oh brother. "At the prefect meetings you know he's all business. I'd never have believed, but he does take that security stuff really seriously. And-"

It was too much.

"Lily?" I say, "I saw him yesterday, carrying a bag of dungbombs. I went up to him, you know what I ask? I ask him 'How many bloody dungbombs have you, anyway Potter?' You know what he tells me? A thousand! He got 'em all bloody wholesale! Who buys dungbombs wholesale? Who NEEDS to buy dungbombs wholesale?"

Lily laughs. "I digress. He really bought a thousand dungbomgs?"

"Ask him."

She get and goes over to where Potter is sitting. I follow her.

"James?" Lily asks. Veronica is still sitting on his lap. She gives Lily a nasty look.

"Mmm?" Potter says. He's reasonably polite to her as opposed to the way he snaps at me. It's probably the Head Boy had better be nice to the Head Girl deal. If they didn't have to work together on so many projects, I doubt he'd be that nice.

"Did you REALLY buy a thousand dungbombs?"

Black, who is sitting near Potter starts laughing his head off. Potter just smiles. I swear that boy NEVER turns red. I would if Lily was laughing at me like that.

"Yeah. I did," Potter looks her straight in the eye. "I only really need eight hundred sixty-two, but if I bought over a thousand, they cost less apiece. It turned out to be cheaper that way. So that's what I did."

Lily just looks at him. Potter smiles sheepishly. Veronica kisses him. Potter seems to be annoyed with Lily, but she presses on anyway.

"Why in God's name did you buy a thousand? What're you going to do, dungbomb the entire school."

Potter smirks, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Oh God! I don't like that smirk AT ALL. He IS going to dungbomb the entire school!

Lily says something that I don't catch. Potter tries to reply, but he's lost again in the realm of Veronica's lips. I am happy to see that Black is tapping his fingers, looking cross.

Please r/r, more should be on the way. If you liked it, PLEASE check out and review my other stuff.