Dungeons and Dragons
The Die Master
. . .5 Years Later. . .
Shadow Demon couldn't help but cackle evilly. He never needed Venger or Mallacar. He was strong enough on his own. He had powers unknown to Venger, which he had kept secret. He planned on playing on as Venger's spy until he got his chance to rise. That time had come. With Dungeon Master busy training Venger, and the annoying young ones gone, no one could get in his way. However, his efforts to gain followers turned out to be quite futile.
No one likes a spy. . .
However, after such a long time of performing quests, doing favors, and playing bounty hunter; which all turned out to be success attempts at taking advantage of him, he eventually came across the perfect allies.
The Shadow Mastiff.
These creatures had the bodies of large dogs, with a smooth black coats, and mouths full of sharp teeth.2 feet high at the shoulder, and each of them weighing about 200 pounds. They could not speak, but they could obviously understand Shadow Demon clearly.
Shadow Demon was greatly pleased at how loyal the dogs were to him. Of course, this pleasure turned into confidence, confidence that led him to perform his first task in his rise to power immediately. He planned to do what the old wizard Kelek couldn't do.
The unicorn's horns would be all his.
With the power of teleportation in such a vast amount, he would be able to master all four corners of the Realm instantaneously.
Being a spy, and a shadow, it was easy for him to find information on the location of the secret Valley of the Unicorns. However, the location was still kept in great secret, so it did take a long time to pin point it's location from mere fragments of conversations and torturing tight lipped secret keepers.
"But," Shadow Demon thought as he watched his army of Shadow Mastiff charging the small unicorn herd and rounding them up to be taken, "It was all worth it."
Shadow Demon then heard a soft whistling sound. . .
Shadow Demon fell, his arms and wings tightly bound to his body by a bolas glowing with magical light. The pure aura prevented Shadow Demon from slipping out of the iron roped weapon's grasp.
Suddenly, the sound of a mighty horn blast came to Shadow Demon's ears.
"T-that can't be!" he gasped, "That's the- the- Horn of Valhalla!"
The mighty sound was then followed by a thunderous war cry. Shadow Demon helplessly looked on as a group of ten strong men charged into the valley. Each one had the full attire of the barbarian, as well as their weaponry.
The group of fierce warriors roared roguishly as they fought like demons against the Shadow Mastiff army. The flailed about with their iron axes and butted and slashed with their metal edged bucklers. The dark dogs fought fierce as well, but the tremendous fighting spirit of the barbarians proved to be too much for them. Even when their weapons were wrenched from their grasps, the fierce barbarians imply fought with tooth and nail.
The hacking and slashing and fighting went on and on for a full hour, and then, it ceased. Every singled Shadow Mastiff was dead.
The ten barbarian constructs then became energy, and returned into the Silver Horn of Valhalla from whence they came. The caster smirked as he let the powerful horn hang down over his shoulder from the strong cord attached to it. He then stepped confidently in front of Shadow Demon.
"Oh, it's you," Shadow Demon spat. The light from the bolas suddenly wore off. Shadow Demon slipped out of it and continued, "It's been a long time? How have you been?"
The surprisingly handsome Barbarian just folded his arms and said, "You've made a big mistake by coming here." He then whipped out a long wand of bone with a small, yellow sapphire on the end of it. "This wand has 50 charges to it, and 50 casts is all I need," he said with a smirk.
He then raised the wand high and shouted, "Imprisonment!"
Blasts of magic shot out like crazy from the single wand. The bodies of the Shadow Mastiff were trapped within glowing spheres of light. These spheres then spun briefly, and the zoomed right through the ground, deep into the center of the Realm.
Shadow Demon's eyes widened, and he quickly attempted to make an escape, however, one of the blasts caught him right between the wings. He attempted to let out a scream of rage, but this was cut off as the effects of the spell took hold. Time stood still. Everything ceased. The suspended animation had begun as the sphere containing him went down, down, down. . .
"Have a nice eternity, Shadow Demon," he said coldly as he placed the spent wand in his bag. He then turned, and a smile grew on his face. The herd of unicorns pranced toward their hero. Leading them was an average sized unicorn with a long flowing orange mane.
The stocky teen of a Barbarian was in the midst of euphoria as he threw his arms around the leading unicorn. As the unicorn happily nuzzled him, Bobby said, "Oh Uni, I've missed you so much! But you see, I told you'd that I'd be back!"
Again and again, heroes and forces of evil rise and fall within the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons. But one hero who will never fall, will be the Barbarian, who calls forth the Army of Valhalla through the silver horn, who makes the very ground shake with the mighty Thunder Club, and rides across the plains and down through the valleys on his mystical unicorn steed.
And that is what legends are made of.
That's it! Boy, was this fun to write! Funny thing is, I would never have written it if my Dad hadn't convinced me. He's a big fan of this series. Yes, I've heard the radio show version of "Requiem", the true final episode, but I didn't really like it that much.
Anyway, to answer any final questions, Sheila would be around 20 years old, so she'd be in college by now, so Bobby would probably feel better about leaving now that she's off to face life head on. Bobby would be 13, which is old enough to take care of himself, but still young enough to still want adventure rather than "normal life". Anyway, I just couldn't split up Bobby and Uni. Although they had the whole "Bobby's Goodbye to Uni" scene in three different episodes of the series, they all seemed rushed and unbelievable. It would take much more than what was going on in the scene to make Bobby okay with never seeing Uni again. Therefore, the knowledge that he would return to the Realm and be a great hero there with Uni, just like Balthazar; who was himself in pre-incarnated state; would probably help him to go through with it without having a breakdown.
Also, many of the spells, such as Imprisonment, Rod of Wonder Effect, Arcane Fire, Stinking Cloud, Wands, etc., are actual spells and effects from the Dungeon and Dragons board-game. I did my share of research for the story.
Anyway, please review, and give your honest opinion whether good or bad.
Matthais123 signing off!