If you are new to this story, and want to know what Georgie is thinking about, look for my first fanfic, These bonds that link us.


Georgie sighed and leaned against the trunk of the tree and closed her eyes. Drawing her legs up to her chest, she nestled her chin into her knees and pulled the threadbare blanket around her. It was cold and the ground was frosty, but she was glad to have some alone time, away from the camp, to think.

It had been a week since they had escaped from the prison. They had been moving continually since, afraid to stay too close in case the walkers had followed them. After the initial euphoria of being reunited with the rest of the group, reality had set in fast. The RV had been stripped of food and most of the medical supplies Georgie, Daryl and Rick had risked their lives for. The buses had some water, obviously equipped for emergencies, but no food. The group had no clothes other than what was on their backs, and most of their weapons were also at the complex. The only thing that was better than the complex was the lack of walkers everywhere. She rubbed her hand over her eyes and sighed.

T-Dog had been brilliant. Rick was still in shock over the death of Lori-they all were-and was in no fit state to make any decisions. All the prisoners had moved on, apart from Billy and Katie, and T-Dog had just taken charge. He had sent Glenn and Maggie out to look for abandoned cars to siphon gas from, and come up with a plan for the next few weeks. That first night, they had slept on the bus and in the RV. Adele and Georgie had lain on two seats at the back of the bus, and in subdued whispers, Georgie had told Adele everything that had passed in the complex.

Well, almost everything.

The Governors words, about how she and Adele were his finest projects, how he could see himself in them. They haunted her. She had been kept awake every night since then, wondering if it was true, searching herself for a hint, a shred of the insanity that the Governor may have bred in her. When she did sleep, she had nightmares where she was sat in the Governors seat, watching walkers rip T-Dog and the rest of the group apart. And laughed whilst they did it. As a result, her nights had been for the most part sleepless, and she was pretty sure that T-Dog, Adele and Daryl knew something was up.

Daryl and T-Dog. That had been an unexpected development. Ever since Daryl had realised that T-Dog and Georgie had been the ones who had decided that they were going to rescue him, his attitude towards T-Dog had softened considerably. One would almost call it friendly. Not only that, but Daryl vocally backed up the decisions that T-Dog made, effectively confirming his place as temporary leader. When the three of them sat on guard, rode, hunted or generally hung out together, he seemed more relaxed, and more tolerable to be around. T-Dog noticed this too, and was both flattered and mystified.

Georgie shivered, and her hand went involuntarily to the chain around her neck. Carlos' crucifix hung there, a comforting reminder of the gentle man who had tried to look after her in the complex. Running out the prison, she had seen his body, not yet reanimated. Despite the shouts from Daryl, she had had to give him the same dignity he had given so many others, and so had run to him, grabbing the first weapon she could find, and sliced his head open. There was no time for a prayer to rest his soul, so she had taken his crucifix and ran, hoping that a belated prayer using this would be enough. When she had realised that she had picked up a samurai sword, she had allowed herself a small smile. When she had returned to the camp, after the initial excitement and relief of seeing Georgie, Adele had noticed the sword. Grinning, Georgie had handed it over to her friend, who had almost danced with excitement at finally getting her own samurai sword. She had laid it on the floor of the bus that first night that they had slept there, and practised slashing the air with it, obviously dying to put it to the test on a real walker. Georgie was glad that Adele had something to keep her occupied.

"Georgie? You out there. Don't wonder off so far. Billy's leaving soon." Georgie twisted her head slightly to look behind her. Didn't T-Dog get it? That was why she was out here on her own, to avoid having to say goodbye. To be fair, it had been pretty obvious that Billy would leave them once they were established. She knew he was desperate to find out what had happened to his daughter, and now he was free of the complex, he was able to find out. Still, she felt betrayed. Carlos was gone, and they were about to lose Billy. Couldn't he stay for a month or so? She didn't see why they had to lose so many so quickly, Lori, Tyrese, Carlos and now Billy. It wasn't fair. She clenched her fists in frustration and anger. Fair? What was fair about anything nowadays? She shook her head and scowled.

"Grow up Georgie," she muttered to herself. "Be strong. Be strong for the group. Let Billy go. Help T-Dog. Keep it together." She slowly got to her feet. Roughly rubbing her eyes, she turned and walked back into the camp.