Yay for the Author thingy up here! I really hope you enjoy this! I know I enjoy it. It gives me a reason to watch "Damages" more often. I just wish Ray Fiske hadn't died... HE WAS SO CUTE! -cries herself to sleep-

"Jim Kirk, you are on trial for the murder of three of your crewmates. How do you plead?"

Jim looked up, "Could you state the names so I may decide?"

"Of course. Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, and Commander Spock."

Six months earlier

"Hey, Spock, wait up!" Jim called.

"Hello Jim… is there something you require from me at the moment?"

"Yes," Jim grinned, "A game of chess. You and me. Tie-breaker."


The pair walked to Jim's room, setting up the chess board. Jim's hand accidentally brushed Spock, causing the Vulcan to pause.


Spock took Jim's hand in his, tracing Jim's fingers with his. Jim smiled and pushed their hands together, palm to palm. He leaned forward, kissing the tips of Spock's fingers.

"I don't think this game will work." Jim smiled.

"Most definitely not." Spock pulled Jim forward with his free hand and kissed him human-style.

"Love you… Spock…" Jim gasped through kisses.

"As I… love you… T'hy'…la…"

(Meh, this is a break because the stupid uploader is being stupid!)

"Hey, Jim." Nyota smiled, "Janice left this with me for you to sign. It's a report on the repairs Scotty did."

"I sent him to work on that not three days ago…"

Nyota smiled, "He is a miracle worker."

"That he is."

Jim read over the PADD and scribbled his name under, leaving it with Nyota.

"Hikaru! Pavel! How we doin' on getting to Planet I-Can't-Remember-The-Name-Nor-Can-I-Pronounce-It?"

"Hornotian Semicron VI, Jim." Hikaru smiled.

"Horny Tia Semi Corn Six. Got it."

Pavel chucked, "Ve should arriwe zere in sewen hours, Jim."

"Good god, man!" Jim laughed, "Could your accent be any cuter!"

"I don't know. Do you vant me to try?"

"No, please, no! Hikaru'll kill me and Spock'll kill you."

Hikaru stood and wrapped his arms around the Navigator, "Damn straight!"

"Back to your post, Lieutenant!"

"Screw you, Captain!"

Jim stood, "Those be fighting words."

"Bring it on, Blondey."

The pair started wrestling with each other.

"That's my foot!"

"Did you just honestly bite my shoulder!"

"Made me feel like Spock."

"That's disgusting!"

"Ow, that hurt like hell!"

"Don't rape me~!"


"Why are we fighting again?"

"I forget."

The pair paused, Jim's hair bunched in Hikaru's hand and Jim's hand on Hikaru's throat.

"Huh…" Jim smiled, "Wanna have lunch together?"

"Sure!" Hikaru grinned and let go of the blonde's hair.

Jim used the reflection in the view screen to fix his "Amazingly-sexy-hair-of-doom" and smiled.

"James Kirk!"

"Bones! What brings you to the bridge?"

The doctor walked up to his friend, "You… are the biggest idiot in the world!"

"Nice legs, Leonard." Nyota smirked,

"Sh-shut up! Dammit Jim! Why do you find it fun to screw around with my uniforms!"

"You like your short sleeves so much, why not shorts?"

"Because I wouldn't even allow my daughter to wear these!"

"Leonard?" Pavel asked.


"I can see your undervear…"

"Dammit, Jim, where are my clothes!"

"Why don't you find them?' Jim smiled.

"Because every one of my female nurses are hitting on me!" the doctor blushed, "Please, Jim?"

"Fine, fine. Check your office."

"It… had… to be… in Sickbay… didn't it?"

"Of course it did. Where else would I put them?" Jim smiled and waved to the doctor as he left.

Five months later

Jim stared in horror at the scene before him. He dropped the lipau mu'yor, the Vulcan dagger covered in green blood.

"Oh my God… Spock…"

Reviews bring more chapters and the reason Jim says Spock's alive and if Spock really is dead! Flames engulf your keyboard and burn your hands off. 8D