I do not own anything nor do I make any money from this story. All rights apply.

The Price of Freedom – A Momentary Rest

The rock was cold against Zack's back. But he didn't need the rock to chill him, he was doing that fine by himself. Dread is what chilled him. Dread that they would be caught. All the lowly infantrymen needed to do was to look up, scan their flashlights over the rocky outcrop and they would be found. And returned.

Zack tightened his grip on his sword; not willingly returned. His gaze didn't leave the infantrymen as they search. Searched? Zack would have laughed in another lifetime. The group of infantrymen huddled round their meagre flashlight, shuffling slowly along making no effort to broaden the search area of their flashlight. They would only find the pebbles in their path.

In a way Zack could hardly blame them, they thought they were looking for escaped monsters. Hojo was hardly going to explain the exact details – find my specimens. Anyone with any brain would know that specimen covered a range of creations with Hojo. No mention was made of looking for an ill ex-SOLDIER and a comatose cadet.

Zack watched the infantrymen until they were out of sight. He hadn't managed to get as far away from Nibelheim as he would have liked. The lights of Nibelheim still burned brightly to his left where there should have been nothing but charred ruins. It didn't make sense but Zack was sure Shin-Ra was behind it. They were behind so much heartache.

Only once he was sure they were alone again did Zack slide down to the ground. The night was cold but there was no wind blowing, a cool quiet. Zack wasn't entirely sure what the time was but he guessed past midnight. He toyed with the idea of continuing but opted to sleep for a few hours first. Shin-Ra had checked this area, it would be clear of men for a few hours and so safe. Things would change once there was daylight and the infantrymen knew who they were looking for.

With immediate danger having passed them by Zack turned to look at Cloud. He lay where Zack had propped him, eyes closed. Zack hoped it was sleep but occasional tremors told him otherwise. Maybe it's the cold, thought Zack. He shook his head, no point in pretending. He rested his head against the rock and closed his eyes. Rest. Rest then run. And run and run.