"See you, Kira."

With that the raven haired man disconnected and frowned.

How come Kira couldn't kill me then? Did he just not bother because I'm not a criminal? No... In that situation, he most definitely would've tried to kill me, so it must have been because he didn't know what I look like, or he didn't know my real nameā€¦

L got ready to shut down his computer and get some cake but he noticed that he had received an email.

That's odd... Only Watari knows my email.

But, his curiosity took over and he opened the email. L's eyes widened even larger as he read the email.

Dear L,

Well done Sweetie, you've found out which area of Japan Kira is in! Took long enough didn't it? But don't worry, it was very good for the worlds second best detective wasn't it?

I have a little game for you, don't worry the rules are simple! First to find Kira wins! You'd better hurry though, I already have my suspects.

Bye, Honey!

Love, K

L sighed.

This is going to be a tough one...

Bye Honey! K signed and sent the e-mail then smirked widely.

God, I wish I could see his face right now!She giggled at the idea of L sitting there, eyes open widen and mouth aghast. Then her smile faded, she gave a sigh and closed her large, green eyes.

Should I have lied to him about having suspects? She straightened her back and opened her eyes.

No, I was right to, this way he'll be more motivated.She ran her fingers through her long, black hair and moved her fringe out of her eyes. She unfolded her legs, stretched, yawned and rubbed her eyes. Damn L for depriving her from her sleep! She groaned and picked up he clock. 4:35 pm.

She cursed silently.

Great, I'm gonna be in a bad mood tomorrow . Damn L for keeping me up. She walked to the other side of her room and switched on her TV, turning to the news channel. She rolled her eyes at the usual stuff, bank robbers, murders, all stuff that she had no interest to. Then the story came up that she's been waiting for. After watching with horror for a few minutes she heard the front door open.

Shit!She quickly turned off the TV and dove into her bed, pretending to be asleep.

"OI, YOU HOME?" She groaned and put her head under the sheets, trying to block out the sound. She heard foot steps stomping up the stairs and her bedroom door fling open.

"Hey, don't pull that on me again, I'm not stupid. I heard your TV on." A hand pulled the covers away from her face and she stared into the cold, dark eyes that she hated so much.

"I told you not to turn that TV on, were you deliberately disobeying me?" K shook her head slowly.

K's identical twin sister frowned and tucked her short, black hair behind her ears. "Why would you lie to me?" An evil smirk appeared on your face. She grasped K's face in her hand, holding it just that bit to tightly.

"Why would you defy me?"She pulled K up and stared into her eyes. A shiver went down K's spine as she stared back into Rose's dark eyes.

"Why would you disobey me?" She moved her hand to K's neck, ignoring K as she squirmed."Haven't you learnt?"She bought her face close to K's, sending more shivers down the girl's spine.

"I. Own. You." She threw K across the room. K landed with a crash against the corner of her room. Rose started to walk out. Just before she closed the door she turned and grinned at the now bleeding K.

"And don't forget it..."