"Wake Up In The Morning Fillin' like P. DIDDY, Hey What Up Girl?"

"Ugh…Can't I Sleep In One More Minute?" I asked my Alarm clock.

"Before I Leave Brush My Teeth With A Bottle Of Jack"

I groaned before I turned over &pushed my snooze button on my alarm. I turned over to enjoy those precious moments I had before it went off again…3, 2, 1..

"Im Talkin' 'Bout Pedicure On Are Toes, Toes, Tryin' On All Are Clothes, Clothes, Boys Blowin' Up Are Phones, Phones"

I Snapped, "WHY DON'T YOU SHUT UP KE$HA BEFORE I HIT YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH A BASEBALL BAT!" Then, my mom walked in. "CeCe, darling, what on earth are you doing? You sound like a crazy person!" Said my mom in concern. See, my mom had retired from being a cop. She's WAY beyond her years. I'm 19. Actually, Tomorrow is my birthday. But, I have to go to work today.

I work at a veterinarians' office. I've always wanted to be a vet. But, I'm currently waking up at 4:30 A.M to go be a assistant for the summer. I'm making sure that this is what I want to be before I make my decision. Today is my first day. I still work at Shake It Up! Chicago but, they moved the time to 5 P.M. so, I have just enough time to get to the set at 4:47 and get ready for Shake It Up. Gunther , Tinka , me, and Rocky all still work there. We train the 13 year olds to dance. They perform with us on Shake It Up! So, we have to train them good so, we don't make a fool out of areselfs. We all practice on Saturdays, Sundays, &Fridays while we have the actual SHOW on Mondays, Tuesdays, And Wednesdays. Thursday is are day off.

I get dressed. I put on a pair of pink skinnys, a white tanktop, a gold blazer, and I put on my Hi-Tops. I may be 19 but, I've always dressed like this. Age isn't a number to me. So, I'm not going to change my style for a stupid number. But, I did notice I had to get bigger tops..If you know what I mean.

I haven't been dating anyone..But, I've had my eye on this one kid. Rocky is dating Gunther and Tinka is dating Ty. I know what all y'all are thinking. Those are some weird pairings. I can explain.. Hell, I was just as shocked as you are. I can't explain!

"CECE! SOMEONES AT THE DOOR! GET IT!" I heard my mom yell. I yelled right back, "MOM! IM UPSTAIRES! YOU'RE THE ONE THAT CAN TAKE 3 STEPS &GET THERE!". My mom was quiet. That's never a good sign. Right then, I regretted what I had said. Because, her next response was what every teen fears, "EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY? " She started lowering her tone..i knew she was going up the stairs.."I can take that phone a way young missy." I stared at my purple case covered iphone. I started tearing up, "Mommy! I'm so sorry!" and I hugged her. "Oh..it's ok hunny. Just don't do it again!" she said while going down the stairs. "Ha! Works every time!" I mumbled to myself . I had totally forgotten about the door and I went back into my room. I had just finished putting on makeup when I went and got my purse. Suddenly, I felt hands on my hips and I held my breath. I turned around to see-

A/N- this was supposed to be a cliff hanger. But, you all probably know who it is anyway. -_-