Randy waited patiently as John looked away from him for a brief second. Randy's hand was still tightly holding onto Mickie's. He couldn't bare the thought of letting her hand go, for the fear that -even though he knew she was safe- that he could loose her.

"Im scared because I don't want her to be hated Randy…" John sighed, he had never expressed his feelings towards Beth, or towards any of his 'family'. He may have briefly told Mickie and the others that he didn't want to change Beth yet, because he wanted her to enjoy life for a bit longer. "She could have a great life Randy, a better life than this…"

Randy sighed, he understood where John was coming from, seeing as he never wanted to be this, but he was going to pull through, for Mickie. He would be with her forever, and he will cherish that.

"I understand that John, but Beth, she wants this, so much" Randy said, stealing a glance at Johns' face. John was in deep thought, and Randy was wondering what he was thinking.

"I don't want her to regret this decision Randy. I don't want her to end up despising me. She thinks we should be treated the exact same as humans, normal humans, but we are not, we are far more than that. We are so dangerous Randy, and all I want is for her to be safe"

"But if she's just safe J, she wont be happy." Randy sighed and remembered a conversation he and Beth once had. "I remember, before I was turned, Beth and I, we had a talk. She asked me why I didn't want to become a Vampire, and I just merely answered, 'Because I don't want to dissappoint my family' but I lied. I never wanted to become a vampire, because I didn't have any idea what will happen to me, yeah, a part of me didn't want my family to be upset with me, but most of it was because I was scared.."

John looked up at Randy and nodded, he understood where his friend was coming from, and he had a feeling he knew how the rest of his and Beths conversation went.

"When I asked Beth why she was so willing to become a vampire, she said it was because of her love for you and her love for this family. She doesn't like her life John, you are the only thing good in her life. You are only a few of the people that she trusts. She thinks that what we are, is amazing. She has always helped you, since you first told her about everything. She wants to be happy John, and she is positive she will be happy as one of us."

"She told you this?" John asked, as curiosity peaked inside of him, he thought that he was the only one she shared this with. Obviously not.

"Yeah, she did. Just a little over a week ago.." Randy sighed "She wants this John. Don't be scared to change her… because she could be changed differently, and more dangerously"

"Youre talking about Rosa's group arent you?" John sneered Rosa's name. Randy just nodded and John continued "I wont let that bitch change her. Never in a million years!"

"I know you wont." Randy said "You have to do it soon J"

"I know I do…" John sighed "I will talk to Beth about it… do you think you will be alright to stay here with Mickie? She should wake up in an hour or so…"

"Of course" Randy whispered before watching John walk out the door.

Randy laid his head on the bed next to Mickie. He thought of what had happened before Mickie had been stabbed, and after, anger then welled in his body, before he started calming down again. He would try his best to come to terms with this new life of his. He knew it would be hard, but for now, he was going to focus on Mickie.


John wandered out to the yard, where he saw Beth sitting silently on the swing chair that was hanging from the tree. He shoved his hands in his pocket and moved closer to her, until he was standing directly in front of her. He knelt down, removed his hands from his pocket, and took her hands in his.

"Babe…" he whispered. He saw her smile, and he let a smile grace his lips.

"Hey.." she smiled "Im glad you are ok. How is Mickie? And Randy?"

"Mickie is good, she should be awake in an hour, as for Randy, he is just being strong.." John smiled "I need to talk to you."

"Oh yeah?" Beth smiled, patting the spare seat next to her. John gladly obliged and sat next to her. Beth crossed her legs and turned to face him. The swing chair was swaying softly. "What about?"

"Your change…" John replied.

"Oh. What about it?" Beth asked. She was suddenly becoming frightened, did he not want her to be one of them?

"I have to be honest with you. I keep telling you that I was always okay with you becoming one of us. But truth is, I was scared. I don't want you to end up despising us because of what we are. We arent exactly the 'nice' people you think we are. We are monsters Beth."

"Stop right there.." Beth stated firmly, she gripped on to the ice cold hand of her boyfriend and intertwined their fingers "You arent monsters. You are all far from it. There is only one monster I have seen from your kind, and that is Rosa and her gang. So don't you dare say you are monsters John."

John smiled at the faith and passion that his girlfriend had for his kind "But its what we are. We crave blood, we have anger problems, we arent normal"

"And you think I care?" Beth whispered "Because I don't. I want to be with you forever. I have no family John. My family have gone, and the one's that I have left, they want nothing to do with me. But you, I found you, and I found your family, and you want to know something, I actually found a place where I belong, where I fit in. I found somewhere where I feel wanted."

"Are you sure you want this though Beth?" John asked, resting his head against Beths.

"More than anything baby" Beth smiled, leaning forward and placing a kiss on his lips. John took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, to which Beth happily obliged. But after a while, they pulled away.

"Then I will do it.." John smiled.

Beth could not contain her excitement. She wrapped her arms around John's neck and continued to hug him. "Thankyou! I love you! So much!"

"I love you too."


Mickie felt a pain shoot through her lower back, and she winced in pain. She started squirming and screaming in pain. That was until she felt someone grip her hand.

She opened her eyes, but the glare from the lighting in the room proved to be too harsh for her to do so. She closed her eyes before slowly opening them, letting her eyes adjust to the harshness of the light.

"Mickie. Youre okay" She heard. She turned her head slowly to see Randy standing up and he took her hand in his. He couldn't break the eye contact he had with her.

Mickie smiled "Im okay.." she tried to sit up, but the wolf blood still lingered within her, and it hurt her to do so.

"Don't move" Randy said, he leaned his head down and captured his lips with hers. "Thankyou"

"For?" Mickie asked, using her arms to urge him on.

"For saving me. That should be my job" Randy smirked when he saw her slightly giggle, but his smirk faltered every time she winced in pain.

"You cant protect me all the time. I can protect you too you know" Mickie smiled.

"Yeah, but now, with my awesome strength, im going to protect you even more now.." he smiled. He reached over and moved her hair that was covering her eyes. He then leaned down and captured his lips with hers once again.

"Oh great" Mickie muttered against his lips "An over protective vampire boyfriend"

"Yeah, you best believe it" Randy mumbled before kissing her once more.


Justin paced back and forth of the room her was sharing with is girlfriend Layla El. Layla stiffled a laugh as she watched her boyfriend litterally burning a hole in the carpet.

"Babe. Whats wrong?" she asked, she moved up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Causing him to stop moving and smile.

"Im just thinking, Randys parents didn't get what they want. Are they still going to come after us, after him? After Mickie?" Justin wondered, he turned around to wrap his arms around his girlfriends petite frame.

"In all honestly, I have no idea. I think they might, but we never know.." Layla whispered, she heard the faint sound of giggling coming from downstairs. The giggle was familiar, and so was the laugh. Layla smiled to herself and she looked up at her significant other.

"Mickie's awake"


Natalya stalked the empty alleyway, her boyfriend Heath Slater was at the other end. Natalya smirked as she saw him walking back from the night club. He was drunk, beyond drunk to be honest. She was getting payback for being assaulted by this man. She was getting payback for getting stabbed by this man. She was getting payback, because she wanted him to feel the pain she had felt, when he had left her that night. That night he thought she was dead.

"He's here" Natalya whispered. Heath turned his head and nodded. He walked up to the man and striked up a, not too friendly conversation.

"What the hell do you want?" sneered the man. He reeked of alcohol, and this made Heaths pupils dilate. He smelt the faint smell of blood and he realized that the man had a fresh cut evident on his arm. But Heath knew to leave this one for Natalya.

Natalya snuck up behind the man. She had come to know that his name was Jake, Jake Stephens.

"Do I look familiar to you?" Natalya sneered. She gripped the mans upper arm and dragged him under a light, so he could see her more clearly, and when he did, he began to feel frightened.

"N-No.. its not possible…" he shook his head violently, it was almost as if all the alcohol he had consumed before, was having no affect on him now.

'Oh yes sweetie.. Its possible" Natalya sneered, she dragged the man into the alley way, and alleyway that was all too familiar to her. She motioned for Heath to come forward, and he happily obliged. Heath gripped the mans throat, he wasn't using all his strength, just enough strength to let the man suffer and choke for a bit.

"You see… you left me here to die. I had done NOTHING to you, and yet, you followed me. Didn't you?" When he didn't answer, Nattie glared and continued "You left me here, here to die. But I was found, I was found by Heath. The man who is currently choking you right now"

"Hey" Heath said sarcastically.

"He saved me, and now.. Im going to make you feel the pain I felt, just ten times worse !" and in one quick motion, Natlaya's fangs were exposed, and she was sucking the blood out of Jake's veins. Jake let out a cry of pain before everything started turning black.

Natalya pulled away and gripped one of Jake's limbs. She then tore it completely off his body and pulled out a lighter. Yeah, she would have liked to cause him more pain, but she was thirsty.

Heath smirked and pulled her in for a kiss. Now that they had gotten revenge for Natalya, and they had already got revenge for Heath, it was time to go back and move in with Mickie and the others. It was time to help Mickie get revenge, whenever Mickie was ready to do so.

Heath grabbed the lighter off Nattie, lit it, and then threw it on the, now very dead, man before them. He grabbed Natalyas hand, and within a few seconds, they had disappeared in a mist of smoke, and they were now standing at the front door, of an all too famliar house. They smiled at each other and walked through the front door.


"I want you Becky, to go and find Randy, and kill him" Sneered Elaine Orton. Bob Orotn nodded his head in agreement. To say Becky was shocked, well, that would be an understatement.

"You want me to kill him?" Becky choked out.

"Yes! Kill him!" Bob's voice boomed "and you will be taking your cousins Jay and Jimmy with you. Just to be sure"

Becky nodded "C-Can I go tomorrow? Im a bit tired right now"

Elanie and Bob nodded "But first thing in the morning, before the break of dawn, you will gather up your hunting gear, and go after the man you once called your brother" and with that Elaine moved upstairs with her husband. But Bob stopped and glanced at his daughter…

"Oh, and Becky, if you dis obey us, and don't follow our orders. You will regeret it. Goodnight" and he was gone.

Becky contemplated the thought of actually killing her brother, and she didn't like it. She ran to her room and lay on her bed. She couldn't hurt Randy. She just couldn't.

Well, there was the next chapter, and I hope you all liked it.

Next time: Randy gets a visit, and we get an insight to Mackie's 'turn'

Review please they are really appreciated.
