Chapter Three
The next morning found Harry and Daniel making their way to Number Four Privet Drive to gather the rest of his things. Earlier that morning Harry had asked Leslie if he could bring everything he owned over because he was afraid his uncle might burn them- if he hadn't already. Leslie was all too eager to agree and sent Harry off with his son to retrieve the items. Harry was glad it was Daniel coming to help him, since he had told him everything (even, reluctantly, about the Dursleys) the night before, and he could use this chance to prove he was a wizard.
His aunt met him at the door, ushering the two in and unlocking the cupboard under the stairs. Daniel hauled out the trunk while Harry rushed upstairs to Dudley's second bedroom for the rest of his things. Daniel appeared in his doorway as Hedwig took off through the window, a letter tied to her leg.
"Wow," Daniel whispered in awe. "That's Hedwig, right? She's beautiful. Er... What are you doing?"
Harry crawled out from underneath his bed, goods in his arm. "This is my stash of important items," he replied, stuffing the objects into the bag his aunt had given him last night. He then grabbed the rest of his clothes, stuffing those into the bag as well- or, as best as he could- as he explained what each item was used for and how they worked.
"That's it?" Daniel asked, glancing around the room once the bag was packed. "That's all you have? Just a trunk and a pack?"
Now that Harry thought about it- he sure was thinking a lot more this summer- it was rather depressing that he could fit his whole life into a trunk and a knapsack. Harry glared back at Daniel's pitying look. "It's all I need," Harry replied tersely. "Let's go."
The two made their way back down the stairs. Harry's aunt was in the kitchen, obviously ignoring their existence as she busied herself with cleaning up after Dudley. Taking that as their indication to leave, Daniel grabbed Harry's trunk and they left the house without a backwards glance.
The way back was slow going, each boy in no hurry to get back to Daniel's house. They walked in a companionable silence for several minutes, just enjoying the warm June air and each other's company. Harry brushed Daniel's hand several times and glanced over at the older boy, smiling shyly when Daniel looked back. After thinking it over the previous night Harry wasn't opposed to dating a boy, but he would still have to ask Hermione about it if he ever met up with her.
"Have you ever fancied a bloke before?" Daniel asked suddenly, startling Harry.
"Er... Truthfully, I've never thought about it," Harry replied. He had been expecting the question. "I was just expected to fancy girls, so I dated a girl." Harry shrugged, shifting the bag to settle more comfortably on his back. "Thing is, I'm not all that against dating another guy. I still stand by what I said last night- it's similar to pure-bloods falling in love with muggle-borns or muggles. It shouldn't really matter."
"I don't want to be your experiment," Daniel growled. Harry was surprised at his sudden anger. Daniel stopped them, several houses from his own, and leveled Harry with a glare. "I don't want to just be some fling."
Harry nodded slowly, understanding where Daniel was coming from and what he was getting at. "I... don't think you're an experiment," Harry replied softly, looking up at Daniel who was at least half a head taller than him. "I don't like the idea of a fling, either. But... I just need to talk with my friend, Hermione. She's good at helping me see things." He took Daniel's hand in his own, glancing down at their hands for only a brief moment before he turned his gaze back to Daniel's warm, albeit they were heated by anger, dark brown eyes. Butterflies flittered through his stomach. "I do like you, Daniel. I think you're sweet, and funny, and a wonderful person. I've only known you two days, yet...I've never felt this way about anyone, really- I didn't even have this much a reaction with Cho. I want to get to know you better- a lot better- and I want to spend more time with you. But I'm afraid that if I do, I won't want to go back to school in September. I like you because you don't know me because of my fame, or because I was the Boy-Who-Lived."
Daniel was silent for several moments, his gaze concentrated on their linked hands. "You're afraid I'll be a target if we do get together, though."
"It was a thought," Harry confessed. "But you're already a target for being my friend. Just let me talk to Hermione and I'll give you an answer by tonight?"
Daniel's mouth quirked into a bemused smile. "I wasn't aware I had asked you a question." He wasn't angry anymore, just confused and hopeful. Harry could see the anticipation shining in his eyes, and he hoped he wouldn't crush his new friend.
Harry just squeezed his hand in reply, let it go, and moved back to continue to his temporary home. Sarah and Leslie had already left for the bookstore and Karen was arranging the trinkets and other items in her room. Daniel went up to his room to put Harry's trunk there for the time being and Harry moved over to the phone next to the stairway.
Hermione picked up on the fourth ring. "Granger residence, Hermione speaking."
"You sound so professional," Harry teased, leaning against the wall.
"Harry!" If Hermione could hug him through the phone, Harry suspected she would have done so. "Oh, I'm so glad to hear you! We were so worried, and Professor Dumbledore didn't want us to send any letters in case they got tracked-"
"So that wasn't you who owled me yesterday?" Harry asked quietly, confused. "Or Ron?"
Harry quickly (and quietly, in case Karen overheard) explained his situation and how he was staying at the Scotts' for a little while after she had told him that, no, they hadn't owled him, but they really wanted to. He then asked her to meet him in London, if she could, because he needed to talk to her about matters that could not merely just be discussed over the phone.
"We really shouldn't," Hermione said, and Harry could imagine her worrying her bottom lip. "We could be seen, and we're still underage..."
"Most wizards don't go to Muggle London, do they?" he whispered, glancing up the stairs. He could hear Daniel keeping his sister busy. "We'll just meet at a café. I'll even buy you lunch."
"Do you even have muggle money?"
No, he did not. "Er..."
"Didn't think so." He could hear the smile in her voice. "I'll pay for us. When do you want to meet?"
"Can we meet now?" Harry asked, glancing back up the stairs. Daniel stood at the top, watching him curiously. "It's really important," he added, turning away with a light blush. He heard Karen snicker above him.
"Are you in London now?"
"No," Harry replied, lowering his voice as Daniel and Karen walked down the stairs. "But I can take the Knight Bus and I'll get there in less than five minutes."
Hermione gave him the name of the café they should meet at before wishing him well and hanging up. Harry set the phone back down on its cradle. He turned and smiled at the siblings at the foot of the stairs. "I need to get to London," he told the two. "I'm meeting a friend, there, but I don't know when I'll be back." He shot Daniel a look he hoped the older boy would interpret correctly.
Daniel nodded knowingly. "Alright. Do you need a lift?"
Harry shook his head. "It's alright. I can take a bus." He hurried upstairs to grab a few coins for the fare and to set his bag down. He turned and nearly ran into Daniel, who had stopped directly behind him.
"Be careful," Daniel whispered, worry openly displayed on his face and in his posture as he towered over Harry.
Harry liked the worried tone he heard from the other boy, even though he felt it unnecessary. "Yeah," he whispered back. "I will. We're going to stay in Muggle London. Wizards wouldn't dare enter there unless strictly necessary." Harry grinned up at Daniel, gave him a quick hug, then rushed off, embarrassed. On the way out the door he ruffled Karen's hair, shouting a goodbye and that he'd be back later.
At the park just down the street from the Scotts', Harry held out his wand. The Knight Bus appeared within moments and he got on without much hassle. He sat towards the back, out of the eyesight of anyone who might recognize him. They arrived at the café within minutes and Harry got off with a genuine thank you.
Hermione was already seated outside with two cups of tea. She smiled up at him as he approached. "Good morning, Harry."
"Morning, 'Mione," Harry replied as he sat. "How long have you been here?"
"Not long," she answered, sipping at her tea. "Now, what's bothering you?"
Whispering, Harry told her about Daniel, and what he had told him, and all his worries. He asked her if he was going to get in trouble to which she replied that the Ministry couldn't really do much about it unless Daniel went and blabbed his mouth in a crowd. Harry felt much better after her answer and he visibly loosened. Hermione's smile widened- almost Slytherin-like, Harry thought- and she waited for Harry to say more now that he wasn't as tense and upset.
"What?" he asked, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Her stare was making him uneasy.
"Nothing, nothing," Hermione replied indifferently.
He couldn't take it any longer. "I think I'm gay," he blurted, covering his mouth and widening his eyes quite comically, in Hermione's professional opinion, at his outburst.
If possible, her smile widened even further, as well as more Slytherin-like. "I know," she said conversationally. "I've been waiting for you to find out yourself." Harry tried to protest, asking how she knew, to which she replied: "Since you described the kiss with Cho as 'wet'." She giggled at his incredulous look. Harry was instantly wary; Hermione did not giggle; this did not bode well for Harry, he could feel it. "Oh, this is great! Now I can talk to you about blokes and-"
"What? No! Hermione!" he whined, pouting at his friend. "That's so unfair! I just found out last night."
"Last night?" Hermione perked up a bit at this, if that was possible. "What happened last night?"
Harry blushed and looked down at his quickly cooling tea. He told her how Daniel had confessed to him about liking other guys, and how it had got him to thinking about his own sexuality, and how he really wouldn't mind dating Daniel instead of just being his friend. Hermione listened patiently throughout his tirade, her smile only softening. He told her about earlier that morning and the butterflies in his stomach. He told her that he felt eager at the idea of being with Daniel- romantically, at that- but he wasn't sure if it was just because Daniel was different, 'forbidden', and everyone knew that teenagers only liked the 'forbidden'.
"Oh, Harry," she said softly, covering his hand with her own. "I think you should do it. You're a Gryffindor, aren't you?"
"Well, yeah," he said, confused. "But-"
"No buts!" she demanded, pulling him up since their tea had gone cold and their food had been eaten. "Repeat after me: I, Harry James Potter."
Bemused, he did as he was told, though hesitant. He did not like the scheming gleam in her eye. "I, Harry James Potter."
"Shall henceforth."
"Shall henceforth."
"Believe in myself."
"Believe in myself- Hermione, where is this going?"
"Hush," she admonished. "Shall henceforth believe in myself, collect my courage-"
He stared at her with narrowed eyes. "Collect my courage..."
"And kiss Daniel Scott full on the mouth when I see him next."
"And kiss Daniel Scott- Hermione!" He spluttered in indignation when he realized what she had said- and what she had been getting at. "I can't just... just do that!"
"And why not?"
Harry glared at her smug, superior look. However, he knew just how to trump her. "Then you take your own advice and just kiss Ron already. I mean, Merlin, Hermione. I'm tired of you two dancing around each other. Just kiss already!"
Hermione blushed prettily. "I can't just do that, Harry!" The other patrons shot them both amused and annoyed looks. Hermione pulled him away from the café so they could talk privately. It was several blocks before she spoke up again. Harry was patient all the while, knowing she needed to think. "I don't think he even likes me like that."
"Trust me, he does," Harry told her with a grimace.
Hermione spun around to turn to him. "Have you told anyone else? About you being gay?" she whispered, glancing around to make sure no one overheard. She knew how vicious some muggles could be.
"You're the only one." Harry took her hand and kissed her knuckles. He loved her even more in this moment than he had before. She was always so accepting of him, so understanding. If he could have a sister, he would have picked her a thousand times over. He told her this, then asked; "You're really fine about... me?"
"Of course, Harry." She pulled him into a hug. Before he could ask, she said, "And I did research- oh, shut up!- after the Cho fiasco. Oh, you know it's true." She grinned as she pulled back, effectively cutting off his protests. "It's... a little better accepted in our world, just like with the blood purity junk." She then answered the next question on the tip of his tongue. "I don't think Ron will really mind... He might be confused at first, and a little hurt you didn't tell him before me. He really loves you," she added softly. "You're his best friend."
Harry pulled her close. "Thanks, Hermione."
Hermione hugged him tight. "You're welcome, Harry. Now..." She pulled back with another grin. "I assume you want to stay in Little Whinging with Daniel for the rest of the summer?"
Harry blushed brilliantly. "W-Well, I do get to see you guys every day during the school year, and I'll only have this summer and the next to see him, assuming we last that long-"
"What about Christmas?"
"What about it?"
She pulled him out of the way of a large group of people bowling down the sidewalk. She huffed after they had passed. "How rude! Anyway, are you coming back here for Christmas?"
Harry didn't know, and he told her that as well as the fact that it was still July, and they still had clear up until December to decide. That is, if he managed to get away with owling the boy during the school year. Truthfully, he hadn't really thought about his Christmas plans. He had always stayed at Hogwarts, with the exception of last year. That brought up another painful thought which Hermione caught.
"What's the matter, Harry?"
"I feel bad for being so happy when Sirius is dead," he murmured.
Hermione clutched his hand and led them down the sidewalk. "You shouldn't feel bad," she said, gently squeezing his hand. "He would want you to be happy."
Harry felt immensely better at her words. They walked in silence for several minutes, hand in hand, each with their own thoughts. An idea crossed his mind, but he wasn't sure if he should follow up with it or not. He didn't feel right to just spring Hermione upon Daniel, but Hermione was muggle-born and knew how to handle muggles. He trusted her to behave, and not get all girlish on him. What he couldn't trust her to do, however, was not ask the boy any questions, embarrassing or otherwise.
"Would you like to meet him?" The words were out before he could stop them.
Hermione hesitated for several minutes, and Harry could see she was weighing the outcomes. She sighed, tightening her grip on his hand. "Ron would be so angry he was not told of this."
"You can tell him when you go to the Weasleys'," Harry told her. "In fact, you can tell them all why I couldn't come to the Burrow- I don't mind."
Hermione was not all that convinced. She did not think it was fair for her to spring the news on the Weasley family. It was almost cowardly to have someone else relay the information, in her opinion, and very un-Gryffindor-like, but she understood his circumstance. He was not allowed to owl anyone and he wouldn't want to have someone come pick him up when he was not ready to leave Little Whinging.
But Hermione knew Harry. He would want his love life private, no matter what brave face he was showing her today. She knew he didn't really want them to know about his newly discovered sexuality- he hadn't even wanted Hermione to know, yet he had only told her because he didn't know what to do. Hermione liked that she was the one he went to when he was confused, and she, too, loved Harry dearly. If she could have picked a brother, she would have picked him as well. That was what Hermione liked about Harry; there was no sexual tension between them, even after their fourth year with Rita Skeeter. They were siblings in all but blood and name.
If Harry wanted her to meet his possible new boyfriend, then she would agree because he was trusting her, something he could not do easily.
Hermione smiled down at him (she was just slightly taller, something Harry hated) and squeezed his hand tighter in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. "Of course, Harry. I'll meet Daniel if you really want me to."
Harry's smile completely transformed him, and Hermione was surprised at how incredibly happy he was just from her agreeing to meeting someone (who would become in short time) important to him. "Brilliant! Let's go right now!"
The hand holding his pulled him back before he could pull his wand out to call for the Knight Bus. Hermione gave him another sly grin. "You, Mr. Potter, have to do something for me first."
Harry's smile dropped. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. That feeling was always, always right: something terrible was in store for him. "Oh, yeah? What would that be?"
Hermione's grin only widened.
The two walked at a leisurely pace back from the park just down the street from the Scotts'. Each carried several shopping bags from the numerous stores Hermione had made Harry go to, even though Harry had protested the idea. Hermione told him that it was his early birthday and Christmas present and to hush before she purposefully caused a scene specifically to embarrass him; needless to say, Harry complied with her wishes quickly. He was even wearing one of his new outfits, now, his old rags thrown into the trash before they had boarded the Knight Bus. In fact, the trip hadn't been all that bad. Harry thought it felt quite nice to wear something new for once (and robes didn't count) that was completely his own without someone else wearing it first.
But now that he had had time to think about it more, Harry was very nervous to have Hermione meet Daniel. He knew how she could be- overwhelming at best and downright impossible at worst- with her insane need for knowledge of any kind, be it for a class or just of people.
However, he had no other choice.
Because they were there.
Harry knocked on the door, trying to hide his nerves despite shifting from foot to foot. Hermione graciously said nothing about his jitteriness, instead commenting on how nice the neighborhood was. Harry snorted and told her she was being stupid- nothing was nice about this neighborhood- completely forgetting to be nervous.
Hermione hid a grin, her mission accomplished.
Karen was the one who answered the door. Her smile brightened as she saw Harry. "Harry!" she cried out, tackling him even though they were only two feet apart. Again, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he dropped his bags to hold on to her. "You shouldn't run off like that! Bad kitty!"
Hermione couldn't help the laugh that escaped. She nearly doubled over in laughter at the sight of a bewildered Harry holding the ten-year-old almost as big as himself. That, and that the girl had called him a cat.
She was never going to let him live that down and would even have Ron help her.
"Karen!" a voice shouted from inside. "Let the poor boy inside."
Harry grumbled something about being a 'poor boy my ass' and 'he should take a look at my vault' which only Hermione caught as Karen slipped off Harry and grabbed his bags. Once they were in hand she dashed off inside the house, a bounce in her step.
A boy their age replaced her at the door, a quirked, amused smile on his lips. "Hi, Harry," he just about whispered, his eyes softening when he saw Harry.
Harry couldn't keep the smile off his face even if he tried. "Hullo, Daniel," he replied almost as quietly.
Hermione nudged Harry with her elbow. He glared back at her, rubbing the sore spot. Hermione nodded her head towards the other boy and mouthed, "Kiss him already!"
Harry's eyes grew wide in horror. "Not with you watching!" he hissed back, blushing furiously.
Hermione closed her eyes. "There, better?"
"No." He glared at his friend, pushing her through the door as she laughed. "Terribly sorry, Daniel," he muttered as they walked past. "This is Hermione. The insufferable girl who doesn't know when to leave well enough alone."
"Oh, hush, Harry," she laughed, letting him push her up the stairs. "You know you love me."
"Sometimes I wonder," Harry replied with a roll of his eyes.
Daniel followed them to his room, watching them with an amused smile. Karen had already placed the bags by Harry's trunk and had left the room to... somewhere. Daniel wasn't sure what had distracted her this time. He watched the two friends as they smiled at each other, as if sharing a secret. Daniel felt uneasy, but pushed the feeling away because he knew he shouldn't feel hurt or troubled just by a shared look between friends.
"Daniel, Hermione," Harry suddenly said, smiling nervously at Daniel. "Hermione, Daniel. I hope you don't mind me bringing her here, but I uh... wanted her to meet you."
"Pleased to meet you, Hermione," Daniel said, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. "Harry told me so much about you."
Hermione giggled over at Harry. "Ooh, a gentleman, Harry! I wish there were more of you in the world," she said to Daniel.
Harry's blush, which had finally gone away, came back, though not as ferociously as before. It sprinkled over his cheekbones prettily, but Daniel wasn't about to say that. Instead, he said, "What about Ron? I thought he was your friend, too," he added when he saw Hermione blanch. He hid a grin and winked at Harry.
The other boy struggled to hide his own grin. "Ron doesn't know about you, yet, and I don't have any way to get in contact with him. Hermione-"
"Of course," she interrupted, waving his unasked question away. "I was planning on telling him, you know. It's only fair, and I'll explain everything."
The four spent the rest of the afternoon putting things away. Unpacking went much faster now that there were two extra people to help. Harry thought it would have gone even quicker if they were allowed to use magic, but said nothing because Karen was always nearby. They managed to completely unpack and put away items in Daniel and Karen's bedrooms, Harry helping Daniel and Hermione helping Karen by the time Hermione had to leave to get home in time for dinner. Harry had wanted to walk her down to the park so she could have a little privacy when she summoned the Knight Bus, but Hermione shook her head, smiled, gave him a hug, and told him she would be alright.
Before she left she pulled Daniel aside. Harry couldn't hear their whispered conversation, so he assumed Hermione was warning him about hurting Harry, and whatever else his friend might say to his possibly new boyfriend. He thought he saw Hermione slip a piece of paper into Daniel's hand, but shook off the idea as a trick of the light and perhaps slight paranoia. Why would she need to slip him a piece of paper?
But then she left, waving to him as she walked down the sidewalk. Her smile broadened into a grin when Daniel put an arm around Harry's waist. Harry, of course, blushed at the attention.
"Are you guys together, now?" Karen asked from behind them. Both turned around, Harry to stare wide-eyed at her and Daniel to narrow his eyes in warning. Karen just backed up, hands raised innocently. "It's just a question! But if you are... Finally!" She rolled her eyes and stalked off to the kitchen, muttering 'Boys!' under her breath.