Title: I need a Doctor
Summary: Glee/Doctor who crossover. You don't need to watch Doctor who to read the fic…everything will be explained (but if there's anything you want to know feel free to ask and I'll answer). An unexpected guest shows up at McKinley High. What happens when he meets Santana Lopez and finds out that the very fabric of reality has been altered? The title (and the lyrics) are from the song 'I need a doctor' by Dr Dre ft Eminem and Skylar Grey.
Pairing(s): Brittany/Santana, Quinn/Rachel, Rose/Ten, Santana/Ten friendship, Brittany/Santana/Quinn friendship, Brittany/Rachel friendship.
Rating: R/15

A/N: Reuploaded due to formatting error.

I'm about to lose my mind
you've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
to bring me back to life

Chapter 1
Santana Lopez peeked around the corner, her eyes instantly finding the person she was looking for. Brittany was standing at the end of the corridor, looking somewhat lost and confused. That coupled with the way she was clutching at the straps on her backpack made Santana think of a younger Brittany, on their first day of school together. When they had first met…only hours after which Brittany had declared them BFF's. Santana sighed sadly at the thought and whirled around, fully intending to stalk back down the corridor she had come from. As soon as she had spun around however, she collided with somebody's chest. She jumped back in shock, having been unaware of anyone walking up behind her "Hey! Watch it!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she heard a male voice with a distinctively British accent cheerfully exclaim "I didn't mean to startle you."

Santana rubbed her slightly sore forehead with the palm of her hand and took a moment to study the man in front of her. He was tall with dark hair which was spiked up in a way that seemed impossible and was dressed in a pinstripe suit, over which he was wearing a tan ankle length coat. Santana glanced down and noticed he was wearing red converse on his feet.

"Are you scanning me?"

"What?" Santana looked up to see the strange man was eyeing her suspiciously.

"Nevermind." The man waved his hand dismissively. He rubbed his head and glanced around before refocusing on Santana "It seems that my ship has crash landed here. Interesting."

"What?" Santana repeated, looking rather confused.

"My ship." The man gestured over his shoulder to where a blue police box stood in the middle of the corridor. Santana blinked at the large blue box, wondering how she had missed it when she had walked down the corridor only a few minutes before "I was in the midst of battle with a family of outlawed Raxacoricofallapatorians. Typically they were planning to annihilate the human race yet again and I was trying to put a stop to it when there was some kind of explosion and I was hurled back into the TARDIS…I almost ended up in the swimming pool…Would have done if I hadn't hung onto the central controls." He rubbed the back of his head as if he was injured "You didn't happen to call for me, did you?"

"What?" Santana asked again sounding completely confused by the Doctor's statement.

"Oh…I do that sometimes." The man grinned randomly "The repetition of 'what' three times…Rose finds it somewhat annoying." Seemingly noticing Santana's stunned expression, he continued quickly "Oh…Where are my manners?" He held out his hand "I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?" Santana asked, tentatively shaking the offered hand.

"Just the Doctor."

"You don't have a name?" Santana frowned perplexedly.

"Yes, it's the Doctor."

"Are you a sub or something?" Santana tilted her head to the side in contemplation.

"If you want me to be." The Doctor grinned.

"Are you hitting on me?"

"No!" The man shook his head quickly "You're human."

"You say that like you're not human." Santana stated thoughtfully "Like there's something I could be otherthan human."

"Oh, I like you." The Doctor smiled warmly, seeming rather pleased at Santana's insight "I'm sorry…I didn't catch your name...?"

"Santana." Santana answered instantly "Santana Lopez."

"Brilliant name!" the Doctor exclaimed happily. Santana briefly wondered if he was so hyper and cheerful all of the time "Now Santana Lopez…Would you mind telling me my location and the exact date?"

Santana was a bit confused but the request seemed harmless enough so she answered without hesitation "Well you're in Lima, Ohio and the date is…the 28th of November 2011."

"Of course…" the Doctor slapped his forehead as if he had forgotten something "I'm in America. We received a call from here a while ago but I assumed it wasn't important…Certainly not important enough for somebody to physically drag us here through time and space." He paused, his expression troubled "That shouldn't even be physically possible…Nobody should be able to control the TARDIS but me."

"What are you going on about?" Santana asked cluelessly "What the hell is a TARDIS?"

"That's my TARDIS." The Doctor motioned to the blue box "Time And Relative Dimensions In Space."

"Oh…Okay, sure." Santana muttered "Well…Um…I have to go to Glee club now. I'm late."

"Glee club?" The Doctor echoed questioningly.

"Yeah…It's a choir kind of thing." Santana answered sheepishly as she started to back away.

"Oh, I always loved a good sing along!" The Doctor grinned excitedly "Mind if I join you?"

Santana looked sceptical for a moment before she shrugged in response. Despite the fact that the man seemed rather nuts, there was something strangely trustworthy about him. "Sure, I guess…"

"Great!" he exclaimed, moving to walk at her side "I find it fascinating to watch the behaviours of different species and cultures, though I must admit it seems that I spend more time around humans than I do any other species. Perhaps because your behaviour intrigues me in a way that not many other life forms do. You're all so unique and…"

"God, you sound like Berry." Santana muttered, rolling her eyes at the man.

"A fruit?" the Doctor questioned "I sound like a talking fruit? Hmmm…I've only encountered a couple of cases of talking fruit and both times unnatural forces were involved. Never Berries though."

"You're really weird." Santana observed.

"Thank you!"

Santana rolled her eyes at the Doctor's admittedly rather endearing grin "You said 'us' before…what did you mean?"
"My companion was rendered unconscious by the explosion." The Doctor explained, glancing in her direction "She's fine but I decided to let her sleep it off in the TARDIS. I left her a note in case she wakes up before I return."

"Huh." Santana nodded as she walked through the door into the choir room.

"Santana, you're late again." Mr Schue said in his best attempt at a stern tone.

"Yeah, well be grateful I came." Santana scowled before looking around for Brittany. She found her, sitting next to Quinn near the back and quickly looked away.

"And you are…?" Mr Schue moved warily over to Santana and the Doctor.

"The Doctor!" the Doctor exclaimed, holding his hand out for Mr Schuester to shake "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Um…Likewise." Mr Schue awkwardly shook the man's hand "I'm sorry…Was there something you needed?"

"I work for the GCI." The Doctor replied, pulling what looked like a black leather ID holder out of his pocket and flipping it open "I came to inspect your Glee club if that's okay. Unofficial visit…nothing serious."

"Oh. Well…yes, of course."

"Thank you." The Doctor grinned before turning to whisper to Santana "Mind if I sit with you? Your fellow students seem to be gawping at me and I'm afraid if I sit near any of them they may have a heart attack."

Santana shot the Doctor a small smile and nodded "Sure, follow me." She proceeded to turn on the spot and walked to the two empty seats next to Quinn and Brittany. She sat down next to Quinn, vaguely aware of the Doctor taking a seat next to her.

"Hello." The Doctor grinned as he leaned forward slightly in his seat to look at the two blonde's "I'm the Doctor."

"Quinn Fabray." Quinn nodded in the Doctor's direction.

"Hi!" Brittany exclaimed brightly as she offered a small wave "I'm Brittany."

"Brittany…" the Doctor mused quietly "Sounds familiar…Brittany spelt with two T's and an A?"

"Yeah." Brittany nodded in response "Not like Britney spears…That is my name though. Brittany …Brittany Spierce."

"New boyfriend of the week or something?" Quinn whispered in Santana's ear as the Doctor nodded along, seeming genuinely interested by Brittany's comment "He looks a bit old for you San."

Santana shoved Quinn away with a scowl "No! I just met him on my way here. He asked if he could tag along and I said yes."

"If you say so." Quinn muttered before sinking back into her seat, not really focusing on whatever Mr Schue was talking about. She glanced over at the strange man and found he wasn't really paying much attention to the teacher at the front either. Instead he was glancing around the room as if searching for something. Quinn quickly shrugged the thought off and looked back towards the front of the class, silently wishing that the minutes would tick by faster.
When the bell finally rang, everybody with the exception of Quinn and Brittany who were waiting for Santana (Who was for some reason waiting for the Doctor) and Rachel and Finn walked out.

Rachel stood up and turned around to beam at the newcomer "Hello, I'm Rachel Berry, the lead female vocalist of the Glee club. This…" she tugged Finn to his feet "Is Finn Hudson, my boyfriend and the lead male vocalist."

"Rachel Berry…" the Doctor mulled over the name carefully as if trying to remember where he had heard it before "Rachel Berry, Rachel Berry, Rachel…Oh!" his eyes widened in realisation and he quickly stood up, practically bouncing down the steps to meet the suddenly stunned looking brunette "Rachel Berry, Broadway extraordinaire…" he grasped Rachel's hand and shook it firmly "It's such a pleasure to meet you."

"Um…" for once Rachel found herself rendered utterly speechless "Likewise. Mr…?"

"Doctor." The Doctor smiled "Just the Doctor."

"You said Broadway extraordinaire." Rachel informed him thoughtfully "Though I have no doubts that someday I will not only make it but excel on Broadway I'm slightly confused as to how you seem so sure that that's what I'm going to do…?"

"Ooops." The Doctor grimaced sheepishly "Spoilers."

"This guy is a fruit loop." Quinn muttered under her breath "Where the heck did you find him, San?"

Santana shrugged, too focused on the interaction playing out in front of them to pay much attention.

"Spoilers?" Rachel echoed "What does that mean?"

"It means we can't carry on this line of conversation." The man answered "However I believe a discussion on the topic of musicals would be rather intriguing."

"You want to talk about musicals?" Rachel asked her eyes wide in surprise. None of her boyfriends or friends with the exception of Kurt had ever willingly talked about musicals with her. Finn put up with the occasional discussion but Rachel got the feeling he wasn't at all interested in what she was actually saying and just listened because he felt obliged to "With me?"

"Certainly." The Doctor nodded "But first I have…" he paused for a moment as his gaze lingered on Finn "Wait…Did you say this is your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I am." Finn wrapped an arm possessively around Rachel's shoulders and gave the Doctor a back off look.
"Interesting." The Doctor muttered to himself as he glanced to Quinn then back at Finn "Finn…Quinn. Quinn…Finn. The names sound similar but they're significantly different. I'm sure I remember reading…yes, this isn't right."

"He's nuts." Quinn informed Santana "Why was he saying my name like that?"

Santana shrugged "I kind of like him."

The Doctor pulled something out of his pocket and pointed it at Finn. He pressed a button and a high pitched sound emanated along with a blue light, causing Finn to take a step back.

"What is that?"

"Sonic screwdriver." The Doctor answered, tapping the side of the device as if it wasn't working properly "It says you're human but that's just not possible. You're not meant to be here."

"What?" Finn exclaimed, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"If you'll excuse me I have to go and deal with some business now." The Doctor stated, his gaze fixed thoughtfully on Rachel and Finn. He spun around and walked to the door but when he reached it he stopped and turned back to the room "Would you care to join me Santana Lopez?"

"Um…" Santana glanced at Quinn who frowned at her and Brittany who stared at her hopefully "Sure."

"Santana!" Quinn hissed, grabbing her friends wrist "Are you crazy? This guy could be a serial killer or something."
Santana rolled her eyes and shook off Quinn's hand "He's not a serial killer." She glanced at Brittany and felt her heart plummet upon noticing the blondes' disappointed expression "I'll see you guys later."

"Santana!" Quinn called after the girl but to no avail as she was already jogging over to the Doctor and a moment later, walking out of the room with him "She neverlistens."

"Who was that?" Finn frowned, staring at the door Santana and the Doctor had walked out of "And what's his deal with Santana?"

"He seems nice." Rachel offered with a shrug of her argyle clad shoulders "And he clearly recognises talent when he sees it."

Quinn glanced at Brittany to see the usually bubbly girl was staring at the doorway with a downtrodden expression on her face "Hey Britt, do you want to get out of here? We could get a milkshake or something."

Brittany visibly brightened at the suggestion "Sure! Hey Rachel, do you want to come along? Q, you don't mind if Rachel comes with us, do you?"

Quinn gritted her teeth but shook her head.

"I'm not sure I can Brittany." Rachel held onto Finn's arm a little bit tighter "Finn and I have a thing…Don't we Finn?"
Quinn rolled her eyes at Rachel's obvious lie "Berry, if you don't want to come just say so. It's not like I want to sit through one of your Barbra Streisand rants anyway."

"It's not that I don't want to." Rachel responded quickly "It's just that it would be rather rude of me to leave Finn by himself."

"Um…Rach?" Finn spoke up nervously "I have a guy thing with Sam and Puck tonight so I'm not going to be around."

"A guy thing?" Rachel questioned "Why didn't you saying anything before?"

"Just playing COD." Finn answered, removing his arm from around Rachel's shoulders "I forgot about it until…"

Quinn exhaled impatiently and grabbed Brittany's hand, pulling her lightly towards the door "We don't have all day. Are you coming or not Berry?"

"Well…Okay." Rachel nodded and leaned up to kiss Finn's cheek "I'll see you tomorrow Finn."

"I'll call you later!" Finn called as he watched Rachel walk out of the room with Brittany and Quinn.


Santana glanced at the grinning man she was walking next to and shook her head "I must be crazy." She muttered to herself.

"Why is that?" The Doctor asked curiously.

Santana raised an eyebrow, having expected the Doctor to miss her mutter due to the low level of her voice "I don't even know you yet here I am trailing after you like a lost puppy." She shook her head in disgust "That's not something I do. Ever. And Quinn's right…you could be a serial killer for all I know."

"I'm definitely not a serial killer."

Santana scoffed, though she couldn't help but believe what he said.

"And if it helps…" the Doctor added as they continued to walk down the corridor "I think I have some idea as to why you're 'trailing after me like a lost puppy' as you put it."

Santana was about to question him when they turned the corner and she caught sight of the large blue box from earlier "Why are we back here?"

"I figured Rose would be getting worried." The Doctor answered as they approached the police box. He stopped just next to it, his hand on the door "I suggest that you prepare yourself."

Santana frowned at the statement as she watched him push open the door and step inside. She quickly shrugged it off and trustingly followed him into what she presumed would be an uncomfortably enclosed space. That most definitely wasn't the case however and her eyes widened as she took in the sight in front of her. The interior of the supposedly small box was huge but the first thing Santana noticed was the flashing control area in the middle of the dome shaped room. She glanced at the walls and noticed dozens of doors lined along them.

"Doctor!" a female voice exclaimed, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. Santana turned just in time to see a blonde practically fly into the Doctor, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. A moment later the said blonde pulled away and slapped his arm "Are you mental? How could you just go off like that and leave me with a stupid note to explain where you were?" she held up a note, an obviously annoyed expression on her face "Anything could've happened!"

"Ow." The Doctor rubbed his arm and smiled fondly at his companion "Sorry. I thought you might want to sleep after the crash." He placed his fingers under her chin and gently tilted her head to the side to assess the small cut he knew to be on the side of her head.

The blonde huffed but seemed calmed by the reassuring touch.

"Fuck…" Santana muttered, shaking her head and blinking as if to take away what she was seeing "This is…it's…"

"Bigger on the inside!" The Doctor exclaimed with a grin as he turned to face the young Latina "I did tell you to prepare yourself."

Santana nodded numbly and glanced around at the impossible space.

"Oh!" The Doctor exclaimed as if remembering something "Santana Lopez...meet Rose."

Santana looked back to the blonde, offering a shaky smile "Hey."

"Hello." Rose returned the smile, though she looked somewhat befuddled by Santana's presence "Erm…Doctor? Can I speak to you over here for a minute?" she motioned towards the control panel in the middle of the TARDIS.

"Yep!" the Doctor nodded and followed Rose to where she had been pointing. He blinked innocently when she turned and gave him a look "What?"

"Why is she in the TARDIS?" Rose asked, sparing Santana a quick glance before looking back to the Doctor "Is she in danger? Did I miss something?"

The Doctor smiled and shook his head "She's not in danger but we've crash landed in a…high school. I believe that's the correct term in America."

"We're in America?" Rose visibly brightened at the statement "Like…New New York?"

"Sadly just 'old America'...Ohio apparently." The Doctor answered "According to Santana Lopez over there, it's 2011 right now."

"Only a couple of years in the future." Rose surmised thoughtfully.

"I'm assuming that this is where the call for help came from." The Doctor stepped towards the TARDIS and pressed a couple of buttons on the control panel "If I can find the exact coordinates and match them up to the apparent date today, I should be able to…" he paused and pressed a key, his brow furrowed in concentration "Yes, the distress call definitely came from here. It was made a few months ago according to this." He pointed at the monitor and tutted at himself "I'm always late…"

"So what's with the girl?" Rose asked cautiously.

"I have a feeling that she's the one who made the call, though it may have been completely unintentional…She certainly seems like she needs some kind of help."

Rose turned to study the teenager who was standing in the doorway of the TARDIS, alternating between taking steps in and steps out. She watched as with a shake of her head, the Latina stepped back inside and closed the door "So what do you think?"

Santana looked around for a moment before settling on an answer "It's definitely bigger on the inside."
TBC? :/