AN: Hello people! ^_^ this is my very first D Gray man story. So please no flames. I am still an amateur in writing stories but I'm trying to develop it. SO please forgive me if there is any wrong words or typos! Rating may go up, only for Gore, and Language. Please enjoy.

Prologue: Wind through time


Silent shadows, unmoving

Silent whispers, unheard

Silent figures, unseen

Silent darkness, untouched


A white figure ran past trees. Sounds of footsteps echoing through the forest, sounds of twigs breaking as it passed through. Gracefully running through the forest before stopping when it reached a lake, where the waters glittered under the light of the moon.


~Allen's POV~

I ran through the forest as quickly as I can. The Noahs have tracked me down an hour ago. My legs threatened to fall limp since I've been running none stop. If I stop, The Noahs might catch up and try to turn me into a vampire! I gulped at the thought of drinking blood also trying to ignore the painful protest of my legs. I came to a stop when I reached a big lake. The sight was amazing; the water glittered under the light of the moon, the surrounding tress gave an eerie glow. Overall area looked like a place in the fairytales. The sight was so breathtaking that I forgot I was running away from the Noahs.

"I would love to stay here and admire the sights. But, I'll do it later soon. I just have to get away from them." I thought. Once again I began to run to the forest, but I was stopped abruptly when something grabbed me in the collar of my shirt. I gasped as it pulled me back violently causing me to fall back, instead of the ground; I felt an arm, restraining my hands in my back as the other tilted my head in the right. I tried to pry away from the person but his grip was too hard.

"Resisting is futile, Allen" A voice said, I looked at the corner of my eye and saw a person I hate.

"Tyki Mikk…" I whispered, betraying the hint of anger in my voice. He chuckled evilly

"It's time Allen Walker. Time for your true self awaken." He whispered before leaning to my neck. I shuddered when I felt his fangs in my skin. I shook my head trying to avoid his fangs. But, instead he gripped my head harder. Until he completely sunk his fangs into my neck. I yelped in pain. I could feel my blood being sucked, something inside was awakening. I could feel the poison going through my veins. My eyelids were growing heavy but my eyes widened when dozens of memories flashed before my eyes.

A boy with silver hair with a man with wavy hair, golden eyes and gray skin. Laughing in a room full of books

A house burning down, Screams of agony and pain can be heard. And someone saying something about a pureblood.

A man with red hair and a mask in his right side of his face, bringing his glowing fingers in the forehead of the child.

A tear went down my cheeks. The memories… the memories I long have forgotten, have long been sealed, have once again resurfaced from the deep dark corners of my mind.

I am not a human. I am a vampire, one of the rarest races right now. A pureblood.

The arms that was restraining me withdraw and fell in the ground in pain. Hearing a clash of a sword and a whisper

"Do you remember now? Allen Walker?"

Yeah, Cliffhanger. I tend to that these days. Hehehehe. For now, I'll post the prologue. Next time the 1st chapter! School is always getting in the way. I'm going to write the following chapter in paper and once I am allowed to use the computer, I'll type it in MS word then post it in .

Please Review, critiques are welcomed. Flames? Well, maybe just as long you'll be gentle.

Sorry for typos, I'm typing it hurriedly. Okay! 'Till next time!