Okay guys, after those lightyears, i updated this short chapter ^^;;;; It's actually two little stories, and i would love to say that yes, the second one is REALLY important.


Gajeel thought about his routines. It was weird that they changed so quickly. Really.

After joining he would sleep as much as he wanted. Then wake up, go to kitchen and eat something metal, because metal didn't smell and rot, and every non-metal edible thing in his dirty, messy house would do that eventually. Then he would come back to his bedroom and lay there being bored. And then take a mission at the guild.

Mission, guild where nobody liked him, boredom. Mission, guild, boredom. Mission, mission, boredom, mission, guild. Brain death.

When his cat joined the world was like… In a new light. His house was clean. He was going to the guild to eat breakfast. Warm food. Good food. Talking. He could hug his cat when he wanted.

His routine changed.

Mission with his cat, guild and his cat, his cat. Mission, cat, guild, cat, cat, cat.

Pantherlily really had the patience of a saint. Maybe because he was a general.

After the S-class Levy changed too. They sometimes talked. Talked. Talked more. Fought in a bar fight together. Won. Talked, talked, walked around, actually went on a mission. Went on another mission. And one more, with his cat.

Took longer missions, with his cat. Then without him. Not like he didn't want him around, but Lily enjoyed freedom as much as his company. And he could see his Queen.

Cat, Levy, Cat, Levy, Levy, Guild, Cat, Levy, Levy and cat. Mission with Levy. Missions with Levy and Lily. Levy.

And then her. Tetsuko. The best kid he met in his life. His kid. His daughter.

Now his house was sparkling. He ate home. Metal and warm food. Good food. Levy came. Whenever he needed her, and when he did not, she was there. Laughed. Smiled. Not like she didn't do it before, but now she was only smiling and laughing.

No fear. No hate.

He loved her. He loved the kid. She loved the kid. And Lily. The cat was proud of him. Helped him. He loved the cat. He loved the guild too.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love…

People say love makes you happy.

He was the happiest person in the whole goddamn world, then.


Tetsuko sat on the stairs to her house with her amazing pet on her lap, sleeping in the warm sunlight.

Her ears were hanging down to the dirty stairs, so the girl gently lifted them up and placed neatly at the sides of the Mon's body.

Then she counted her stripes, tracing her fingers over them. They were black and noticeably warmer than the rest of Kyo's body.

Then she stared. First around, at the colorful world around. Then at her pet and her belly lifting up with small breaths. Then at her toes. She woke up her pet and cheerfully decided that they'll go on a walk.

Walking around barefoot was fun. The sun was out in all its glory, and there were small white clouds around it; the perfect weather. The grass was soft and walking tough it was somewhat refreshing. Kyofu let out a small "Kyuun" and followed the seven-year-old in short bounces, her tail raised high to prevent getting all green. Soon, the two were racing to a tree.

It was a perfect tree. It was big, old, and had a hole in it. It's leaves and flowers smelled really pretty, and there were colorful butterflies around it in the early summer.

Sadly, it wasn't early summer anymore. There were no more butterflies, but… Perhaps she could check it out. Maybe one, small, blue butterfly didn't left to colder areas yet. Maybe it thought that it was cold enough here, in the shadow of the hole?

She had to check it out. She changed directions and hummed happily to herself, when a horrible idea struck her like a thunder.

Maybe the butterfly was thinking about leaving right now?

Her red hair flared in the sun as she broke into the fastest run she could manage. There was no time to lose! If it did, she would not catch it in time!

Kyofu was left behind, letting out a "Kyuun" and following the girl on her own slow peace. She would catch up eventually.

The redhead stopped running when she reached the tree. With the last of her remaining strength she looked up… And found nothing.

The butterfly left.

Tears started leaking from her eyes as she sobbed pathetically. It wasn't fair! She was running as fast as she could! Wasn't it fast enough?

The butterfly was mean. It must have been it. It watched her, and then laughed and flied away. More tears appeared – she didn't like being laughed at. It made her remember all those mean people back then, on the streets. They laughed at her fate.

And all those people were now that mean butterfly. And there was no Gajeel to scare them or beat them to a pulp. She was alone.

Anger flared up in her whole being and stopped the tears. If there was no Gajeel here, she would do this herself. Like with the dog.

"Show yourself!" She shouted to the tree. It didn't had any effect – not even one leaf moved. Taking a deep breath, she felt something. So she opened her mouth.

"SHOW YOURSELF!" She roared. Kyofu, who made her way to the tree fell on her back and stared at her.

And then, the mean butterfly showed itself.

It walked to her from the hole, and then flied up in direction of a clearing, it's wings reflecting in the sunlight.

She chased it. It didn't responded, randomly flying up and down above her head, running away from her grasp when she tried to catch it. It pissed her off.

It lasted this way for few minutes. Tetsuko soon grew too angry and too tired to chase it anymore. It really, horribly tired her, and it was weird. The butterfly then started to fly higher and higher, and higher, and higher, and her head spinned and Kyofu's "Kyuun" came to her ears funny.

In the last attempt she pointed her finger at the spark above her head and yelled:

"Come back here!"

And then she fell on her butt with spinning eyes. Somewhere beside her an object fell to the ground with a metallic 'cling' and everything went blank.



The air was cold. When she opened her eyes she saw two really concerned faces and the violet sky.

"Tetsuko!" Levy gently sat down next to her and lifted the seven-year-old on her knees. "Are you alright?"

"I am… just… tired." Redhead muttered, rubbing her eyes. What happened? She didn't remember anything…

Kyofu sat on her lap and stared at her before letting out a "Kyuun". Gajeel sighed and sat with his back against Levy's.

"You were tired and passed out, huh? When we came back Kyo was sitting at the stairs. She didn't launch itself on us, just started walking here, and it was weird. So we followed her and found you here on the ground."

Levy smiled. "She is really smart."

"Of course she is." Muttered Tetsuko sleepily. She had a weird dream. Dragons danced with butterflies.

"What happened to you? How did you ended up like this?"

"I can't remember."

Gajeel looked at the Redhead. Her yellow eyes were emptied from its usual shine. Something was off about her.

And she smelled different. But it must have been an effect of sleeping for six hours by this disgustingly sweet tree.

"You look tired." Levy whispered softly. "Let's go home, so you'll rest, okay?"


The group stood up and started walking. Gajeel sighed and stretched – he had a hard day on a mission with bookworm, so he was going to happily rest, too – when something crushed under his foot. He cursed and crouched to rip a piece of metal from his shoe, and looked at it briefly before throwing behind him.

Fucking metal butterfly hairpin.

...aaand this is it. I hope you like it. ^^;;;;

I think i'm slowly going fluffy, compared to the first chapters, but i think people like fluff alot. Plus, if writing spree will catch me there may be some really good chapters (no fluff, too, i guess.). I actually planned them.

Also, for those who think Tetsu is a little weird, i must say she's 7. And she have a habit of jumping to strange conclusions, but i like her that way.

And she'll eventually snap out of it.

I BEG for reviews, guys. Seriously, nobody except undisi (I really thank him for that) reviews this thing, and i get lazy and don't write. Meh.

