A/N: First of all, I can't believe that I'm writing a sequel for my story entitled "The Feeling Called Love" so if you haven't read it till now, you should because it will have some kind of background for this story... I don't know where will this story go but I think that this story will portray the things that will happen to the world of Rito if someone had confessed to him. In this story, Yui had confessed to him (In the prequel) and they already shared a kiss. The story will take place just right after the last line of my OneShot. Enough babbling, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own To Love-Ru... and I'll never will...

"You are not dreaming... Yuuki Rito!"

She stared at them in awe complete awe as she started to tear up. She doesn't know what did came into her senses that she is crying right in front of her beloved friends. She can't believe that she had this side of hers. The ones that is so soft and sensitive. The ones that is easily crushed when someone had hit her hard.

Our alien princess, Lala DeviLuke had witnessed every single moment that had passed just this day. She saw the interactions between Yui and Rito. She can't believe that Yui has that kind of attitude. She had helped her and Rito to go in the Yuuki residence. She went out to get something to drink and left Rito and Yui alone. Now, that she is back in front of the door. She can't believe what she saw.

"Rito…" Lala whispered. She thought that it would be fun if Rito loved everyone. But it's not. She can't even believe that she have this kind of feeling. The feeling of…


Upside Down

Chapter 1


The sound of the rain pouring hard was the only thing that the residence of the Yuuki household can hear. Every drop of the rain that is seen that is just like it will never end. Lala Deviluke, who was watching outside the room was still in awe. She can't believe that her beloved Rito and the class president were in a situation like this. She let out a gulp as she continue to watch the two people interact. Lots of thoughts flooded her mind.

Lala just pushed the thought away. She knew that she should be happy for the two love birds. But she thought that she might be misunderstanding the little situation. It felt real for her. But there is a chance that the fact that is going in her head is false. She can't understand the new feeling that is taking over her. She knows that she is a happy person and this little situation won't break her down.

But her body said otherwise.

Her feelings took over her as she continued to watch the little show. She don't know what is she thinking, but seeing Rito with another girl is somehow hurting deep inside her. She thought that it would be fun if everyone loves Rito. But somehow, the feeling of jealousy just slipped in the possible results on her mind.

She concluded that she will just go for the run. She can't take it anymore. Even though she can just go in and talk to them normally, a strange feeling was trying to prevent her to do so. Which was owning because our alien princess is now running outside the residence where her beloved Yuuki Rito resides. She alerted the two people who are talking inside the room because she made a cracking sound right after Lala's stance. Rito quickly stood, bid farewell to Yui and ran after her.

Lala is running just like an athlete in the streets. She can't stop even if her legs won't carry her anymore. She can't believe that she can do that, but the thing that she wanted to do right now is go away from the cold world. She can feel the presence of someone behind her. It's Rito who is screaming her name in top of his lungs. He can't sink in his mind that Lala saw everything. He is so dead…

"Lala! Lala! Wait for me!"

Rito is also running just like he is in both sugar and adrenaline rush. The both of them were running through the streets. It seems so endless, fatigue is not in the dictionary of the two as they continue to run and push themselves. No one seems to give up easily. Rito continued to run after the alien princess, extending his arm trying to reach her back but to no avail. Our male protagonist is now tired of running, but his legs are still working on sync. Rito kept on calling Lala's name as she came into a sudden stop. Making Rito pass her and slam himself in a lamp post nearby.

"Oww…" Rito quickly stood up, rubbing the red part which was swelling on his face. He was really psyched to follow our alien princess until she executed the sudden stop. He immediately remember that he is chasing after Lala. He looked around the rainy streets, which was still wet and almost in a zero-visibility status.
He quickly found Lala even if the streets are somehow foggy. She was down on her knees, soaked in the rain. Just like him.

Lala is on her knees, crying, the unlucky bastard doesn't notice it because the rain was mixing with her own tears. Lala still can't understand what does the girl like her feeling all of a sudden. Her whole body is soaked in the rain, she doesn't care if Rito can see through her dress. She will love him after all and doesn't care if Rito can see her naked. Lala left Peke behind so she is on her normal human clothes, no advises from the little robot so she just looked down the ground. Pretending that she can talk with it. She did all that she can just to avoid eye contact with Rito.

Rito moved himself closer to the alien princess, he held her shoulders which made her look up to him slowly. She quickly shook her head portraying that she is not loving the things that are currently happening. The rain continued to soak the two people. Their little conversation was just getting started...

"I don't know… Why I'm running." Lala said in a soft voice. She stood up slowly, helped by Rito by giving her a helping hand. She gave him a reassured smile, which is fake. She was signaling that he shouldn't be worried about herself. Rito quickly remembered something, does she ran because of Yui? Did she ran because she spotted us kissing? Rito's face heated up in the middle of the rainy streets as he held Lala's shoulders again.

"Lala, why did you ran?" Rito asked, shaking her shoulders gently, not trying to startle her even more. Lala just shook herself off him and looked the other way around, avoiding eye contact with the unlucky guy.

"I don't… know… I thought I would be happy if I see you and Haruna or any other girl together… I think my feelings are taking over…" Lala said in a soft voice, she is not doing this recently because she is a cheery and ditzy girl. But now, she can't believe that she can feel the feeling that only others she can only hear the others are saying this to her...

"I…" Rito can't speak, he is now trapped in between. He didn't know what had happened to his life. He thought that everything will be alright if he got someone by his side.

Little did he know that everyone wants him by their side…

That almost every girl around him wants to be together with him...

He is so dense that he didn't realize everything...

"Let's just go home..." Lala said, trying to forget everything that had happened. Rito, who still had the patch of red on his face, shaped like a lamp post, obeyed the princess's command. They slowly walked home, not caring about the rain. No one also talked because they can still remember everything that had happened the past hours.

On Rito's side, he doesn't seemed to regret that Yui and him had already shared something together. Yes, he appreciated the things that had happened between the two of them. The problem is, Lala is getting weird around her just after that moment. She also witnessed eveything... Well, not everything, just a little. But even if that was just a little, it still means a lot for the three of them...

On Lala's side, she still can't control her feelings, she know that someday, Rito might leave her in the corner crying, did Rito said that he loved her? Not really... he just said that he liked her. Like is completely different with love.

Both of them are looking at the opposite direction. Still not minding the rain which had settled down a little, but still continuing to pour its wrath down the earth, making the scene more tense. Both of them haven't said a word in the whole trip towards home.

As they reached the Yuuki residence, the rain had already stopped so the both of them was the only wet persons around. Their clothes had already dried a little. Rito escorted Lala through the door. As they enter the Yuuki residence, they was surprised by Mikan looking at them with a confused look on her eyes. Rito just let out a nervous laugh as he tried to go through this little situation...

"We just played in the rain a little..." Rito lied, scratching the back of his head. Lala gave him a serious look, she noticed the lying that Rito had made. She only ignored the boy's show as she ran upstairs and resided on her room, quickly locked it and settled down to bed.

"I will just go to sleep... Hope that it would help me clean my mind..." With that, she quickly lost consciousness, she didn't even bother to change clothes before she fell asleep. She had just ignored the wetness of her clothing.

Rito was left there standing when Lala ran upstairs. Mikan quickly noticed the confused look on Rito's face. She quickly brought up a topic for them to talk about.

"What did Yui-san did here Rito?" Mikan asked, making Rito snapp out of his little dream. As he heard the name of Yui, he quickly blushed at the thought of all the happenings today between the two of them. He just gave Mikan a fake smile and said:

"Nothing... What are you talking about?" Rito lied again, making Mikan look at him with a suspicious look. She also know that Rito and Yui had done something together. She just didn't brought the topic up because she might also break down just like what her Lala-san did. She can resist the thought of Rito being together with another girl but jealousy can always find a way in...

"I'll just go and take a shower..." Rito said as he walked away leaving Mikan, still in her little wonderland of thoughts.

Rito dipped in the tub just right after he prepared the hot water. At last, he can relax for another moment. All that he wanted to do is retrieve a book from the school and now this? He is between two girls and he might get destroyed in only one wrong move!

Little did he know that he is in the middle of everyone...

That everyone will be hurt if he chose only

He smiled as he finished his little bath, taking in a new set of clothes was his last goal before retiring for the night. Eating is not in schedule for him today. He didn't feel like it, he felt like his body was full of food even if his last food intake was on lunch time. He finished putting in the new set of clothes as he walked towards his room. He can't quite understand what is happening all of the sudden to him. He settled in his bed as his mind fly by itself.

'This feeling, I think I can't understand it, I think I can't take it when people went this. Everyone will change if I chose someone right? But I can't do that... Even though Yui had already done something..."

"GYAAH!" Rito screamed on top of his lungs. That is what he needed. He needs to release everything that he held for the day. After that scream, he can feel himself getting softer as the seconds pass by. He rested his head on the floor as his consciousness became lost... His last thoughts was about everyone fighting over him.

The quite night in the Yuuki household... Lala and Rito was already asleep. Momo and Nana was just in the sala talking with Mikan about Rito's trouble. No, not about the thing with Yui. She can't tell them about that... Rito would be dead if Nana heard that he became a beast... At her point of view at least.

This is going to be a long high school life for Rito...

How will Rito control everything? How would he interact with everyone? Especially Yui? Will he able have the guts to continue his high school life? His frustrating life was just getting started. Stay tuned to find out what will happen next!

A/N: Now, sorry if this wouldn't fit your taste. I know that the person who requested the sequel wants a Rito/Yui, but it won't happen in a rapid face. Let's deal first with Rito's problem if he chose a girl in his huge collection. Please do review and tell me what you think about this story, I'm sorry about the delay of Unexpected Landing! I don't know if I'm going to update this weekend. Sorry if I wouldn't!