And now- some bloopers

1) The Doctor looked at the TARDIS control panel, an angry look at his face. He pointed down the hallway. "I asked for somewhere I'd like! But no! You gave me baggage!" (Brought to you by "Last of the Loneliness, her comment on the Doctor's situation)

2) The Master drew his knees up to his chest and clutched them there. The Doctor sat in from of him. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before the Master began tapping a beat.

"Master." he said, softly. "Don't do that. It's only making you worse." The Master shook his head.

"You can't… You won't…" He began to shake violently, springing forward. He tackled the Doctor and pressed the Doctor's wrists against his sides. The Master put their foreheads together, letting the ringing tones running through his head finally be heard. The Doctor gasped and moved away as best as he could.

"But that noise! It never existed!" he cried. The Master nodded.

"The noise repeating." The Doctor paused.

"I am so sorry."

"It's a small world after all! It's a small world after all! It's a small world after all! It's a small, small world!" the Master sang out the tune of his torment. "It's always been that song, Doctor! Chasing me!"

"I can see why you went insane. That song's already stuck in my head." The Doctor began to hum it as the Master's hands shot towards the younger Time-Lord's throat.

"OH, I'M SORRY!" he yelled sarcastically. "IT'S BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR 900 YEARS!"

(Brought to you by Mousetalon and Last of the Loneliness. A bit of a joke about the most hated song in the universe.)

3) The Doctor looked at the fruit in his hands. The banana- He was cut off from his thoughts by a teenage girl standing in the doorway. She brushed her curly, dark brown hair out of her face and straightened her glasses.

"Hello, Doctor." she said, briskly. She walked over and ripped the yellow fruit out of his hands. She lifted it to the sky. "WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH BANANAS?" she demanded to the sky. The Doctor raised an eyebrow and reached out a hand to take the banana back.

"May I have that back? I was going to eat that banana." She whipped around, a scowl on her face.

"Never say that word again."

"Was there a reason that you were shouting to the roof of my TARDIS?" The girl scoffed and threw the banana violently against the wall.

"Yes. I was yelling at your author. For some stupid reason, she seems to be obsessed with bananas!" The Doctor opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. "And they're in just about every eating scene there is in this fanfiction! Get a life, Kira. And a new fruit fetish."

A voice whined from the speakers of the TARDIS, "They're not fetishes!"

"You're just in denial, fruit-fetishist!"

"NO!" the voice in the TARDIS begged. "I'm not listening!" she cried before it clicked off. The black haired girl looked back at the Doctor and then at the banana on the floor.

"I think I've made my point. Go back to eating the object of your author's fetish." The Doctor looked at the suddenly unappetising fruit.

"It's not a fetish!" the speakers said once more.

"Denial!" the black-haired girl said, sauntering out of the kitchen. (And again, brought to you by Last of the Loneliness, who is positive that I have a fruit fetish after reading this fanfiction… I DON'T! I SWEAR!)