Chapter 2

Johnny, Phineas & Ferb were done building the go-kart track. It covered most of the backyard, it had a traffic light at the starting line and safety barriers around the edges to prevent anyone from going off track.

"Man, that looks cool!" Johnny exclaimed as he stared at the go-kart track in amazement. "You guys do good work."

Several delivery men were carrying large crates into the backyard. Ferb opened one of the crates and found go-kart parts in it. One of the men walked over to Phineas.

"Can one of you sign this building permit?" the man asked as he handed a form to Phineas.

"Sure," Phineas said. He signed the form and handed it back to the man. "There you go."

"Thanks. By the way, aren't you kids a little young to be building a go-kart track?"

"Yes. Yes, we are,"

"Alright," the man said as he walked off.

Isabella, Buford & Baljeet entered the backyard.

"Hey, Phineas," Isabella greeted. "Whatcha doin'?"

"We're building a go-kart track," Phineas replied.

"Who's the new kid?" Buford asked.

"This is Johnny. He's our new friend from Porkbelly," Phineas introduced. "Johnny, these are our friends, Isabella, Buford & Baljeet."

"Hey," Johnny greeted.

"Hello," Baljeet greeted.

"Nice to meet you," Isabella said.

"Cool hairdo," Buford complimented.

"Thanks," Johnny replied.

"We're gonna build some go-karts and ride the track," Phineas informed. "Do you guys wanna join us?"

"Sure," Isabella agreed.

"Of course," Baljeet agreed.

"Count me in," Buford agreed.

Susan, Mary & Candace were in the house, planning to bust Johnny, Phineas & Ferb.

"So, what's the plan to bust our brothers?" Candace asked.

"Well, we were thinking we could film the go-kart track," Susan suggested as she pulled out a video camera that she and Mary had brought from their lab.

"That way, we'll have evidence of it even if it disappears," Mary explained.

"Excellent," Candace said. "Let's get to work."

Johnny, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford & Baljeet were working on their go-karts when they saw Susan, Mary & Candace entering the backyard through the sliding door with a video camera.

"Who are those girls next to Candace?" Isabella asked.

"They're Johnny's sisters," Phineas answered.

"They look even nerdier than you, Baljeet," Buford commented.

"Buford, that's not nice," Baljeet complained, offended by what Buford said.

Johnny remembered Candace threatening to bust Phineas, Ferb & himself earlier. Suspicious, he walked over to Susan, Mary & Candace.

"What's with the video camera?" Johnny asked.

"We're gonna film the go-kart track so I can show it to Mom when she gets home," Candace explained.

"Then, we're gonna show it to Dad when we get home," Mary added.

"So, you're tryin' to get me, Phineas & Ferb busted?" Johnny questioned.

"Exactly," Candace confirmed. "You three are goin' down."

"Why are you two helping her?" Johnny asked the twins.

"Why shouldn't we?" Susan argued. "You always get us in trouble when you break into the lab and misuse our inventions so it's only fair."

"That's cold," Johnny said in disapproval before rejoining Phineas and Ferb.

"Whatever," Susan, Mary & Candace replied in unison.

"Hey, Candace," Stacy greeted as she entered the backyard through the gate. "I came by to see what your brothers built."

"They built a go-kart track," Candace informed.

"Cool," Stacy said. She noticed Johnny. "Who's that kid with the flaming hairdo?"

"He's our brother," Susan answered.

"And who are these two?" Stacy asked, noticing Susan and Mary.

"This is Susan and Mary. They're from Porkbelly," Candace introduced. "Susan, Mary, this is my friend, Stacy."

"Nice to meet you," Mary said.

"Thanks, you too," Stacy replied.

Dukey and Perry were still trapped in the syrup and molasses cube in Doofenshmirtz's lair. They tried to fight their way out but they were too sticky to move.

"There's gotta be some way outta this trap," Dukey said. He suddenly realized something. "Wait. It's made out of syrup and molasses, right? We can just eat our way out."

Dukey and Perry started eating the syrup and molasses. Soon, they were free but their fur was still sticky.

"Ugh, I'm gonna need a bath after this," Dukey complained. "Oh, well. Let's stop Doofenshmirtz."

Doofenshmirtz was still on his balcony, waiting for the Sticky-inator to finish charging up. He looked at the display screen and it said the inator was only halfway charged.

"Ugh, this is gonna take a while," Doofenshmirtz complained. Suddenly, he was kicked from behind and knocked down to the ground. He stood up and saw Dukey and Perry. "Perry the Platypus and your dog friend? How did you two escape from your trap?"

Dukey burped. Doofenshmirtz smelled the burp and figured out how they escaped.

"So, you ate your way out," Doofenshmirtz realized. Dukey and Perry prepared to fight him, causing him to panic and back away from them. "Wait, wait, wait! You're both gonna fight me? That's two against one! That's not fair!"

Dukey and Perry ran towards Doofenshmirtz, who screamed and ran away from them.

"Norm, I could use some help here!" Doofenshmirtz shouted in fear.

Dukey and Perry chased Doofenshmirtz back into his lair. The chase continued until the former two were grabbed by Norm.

"Hi, I'm Norm," Norm greeted.

Doofenshmirtz turned around and saw that Norm had captured Dukey and Perry. He was holding Dukey in one hand and Perry in the other hand.

"Ha! You two are no match for my giant robot man," Doofenshmirtz bragged. "Nice work, Norm. Don't let Perry the Platypus or his dog friend escape until after I fire my inator."

"Yes, sir," Norm replied as Doofenshmirtz headed back to the balcony.

The go-karts were now finished. There were eight of them and each one was painted a different color. They also had powerups for increasing speed and weapons for slowing down opponents.

"Okay, we're all set," Phineas announced. "You guys ready to race?"

Johnny, Isabella, Buford & Baljeet cheered while Ferb gave a thumbs-up. Susan, Mary, Candace & Stacy watched the group of six prepare for the race.

"Enjoy your go-karts while you can," Candace said evilly as she turned on the video camera and started filming. "When Mom gets home, you guys are gonna get it."

Six go-karts were at the starting line. Johnny, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford & Baljeet climbed into the go-karts. The countdown began and when the traffic light turned green, they immediately took off and a song about go-kart racing played in the background.

Dukey and Perry were still being held captive by Norm. They tried to break free but his hands were too strong.

"Would you mind letting us go, Norm?" Dukey asked in annoyance. "We got a mission to finish."

"Sorry, but I must follow orders. Dr. D said not to release either of you until after he fires his inator," Norm said. Dukey and Perry spat in Norm's eyes, causing him to release them. "Hey, you just spit in my eyes."

Norm wiped the spit from his eyes while Dukey and Perry headed back to the balcony.

Doofenshmirtz was still waiting for the Sticky-inator to charge up when it suddenly beeped. He looked at the display screen again and this time, it said the inator was fully charged.

"Yes! My Sticky-inator is ready to fire!" Doofenshmirtz exclaimed. "Prepare yourself, Roger, for a very sticky situation."

Doofenshmirtz laughed evilly until he was tackled to the ground by Perry.

"Perry the Platypus, you escaped again? I told Norm not to let you escape. Stupid robot," Doofenshmirtz grumbled. He noticed Dukey was missing. "Wait. Where is your dog friend?"

Doofenshmirtz looked around for Dukey and found him near the Sticky-inator.

"Hey, get away from my inator!" Doofenshmirtz ordered angrily. He pushed Perry off of him and rushed over to the Sticky-inator. Before he could reach it though, Dukey rotated the inator and aimed it at Doofenshmirtz, causing him to panic and back away. "No! Don't fire it at me!"

Dukey fired the Sticky-inator. After getting zapped, Doofenshmirtz was completely covered in syrup and molasses.

"Not again," Doofenshmirtz groaned.

Perry walked over to the Sticky-inator and pressed the 'self-destruct' button. Then, he and Dukey walked off and the inator exploded.

"CURSE YOU, PERRY THE PLATYPUS, AND YOUR DOG FRIEND TOO!" Doofenshmirtz shouted in defeat.

The go-kart race had just ended and Candace was done filming it.

"That was awesome!" Johnny exclaimed.

"Yes!" Candace cheered. "I have all the proof I need in order to bust you guys. I'm gonna win this time."

"What do you mean you're gonna win? Mary and I helped too, you know," Susan reminded.

"Sorry, I meant 'we'. Anyway, I'm calling Mom and telling her about the go-kart track," Candace said before running inside the house.

"Is she always like that?" Mary asked.

"Most of the time," Stacy answered. "You get used to it after a while."

Johnny didn't like the fact that Candace was trying to bust Phineas, Ferb & himself. He wanted to thwart her plans somehow and he quickly thought of a way to do so.

"Anyone up for another race?" Phineas asked. Susan, Mary, Isabella, Stacy, Buford & Baljeet expressed their interest in another race.

"I'm gonna take a break," Johnny said. "You guys go ahead."

While Susan, Mary, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Stacy, Buford & Baljeet were having another race, Candace entered the living room and put the video camera on the couch. Then, she took out her cell phone and dialed Linda's number. Meanwhile, Johnny snuck into the living room and saw that Candace had left the video camera on the couch. Luckily for him, she had her back turned and didn't notice him. Johnny snuck over to the couch and proceeded to remove the disc from the video camera.

"Hi, Candace," Linda greeted when she answered the phone. "What took you so long?"

"Mom, you and Dad need to get home as soon as you can. Phineas and Ferb built a go-kart track in the backyard and this time, I have evidence," Candace informed.

Not anymore, Johnny thought. He placed the disc inside his pants pocket and rushed out of the room.

When Johnny reentered the backyard, he saw Susan and Mary standing by the sliding door and staring at him in suspicion.

"What were you doing inside?" Susan asked.

"I was...looking for Dukey," Johnny lied.

"Did you find him?" Mary asked.

"Nope. I guess he's still wherever Perry is,"

Johnny, Susan & Mary walked over to Phineas and Ferb, who were conversing with Isabella, Stacy, Buford & Baljeet.

"You and Ferb did great on that go-kart track, Phineas," Isabella complimented.

"I cannot wait for tomorrow's project," Baljeet commented.

"Whatever it is, it better be good," Buford said.

"Candace hasn't ridden the track yet," Phineas mentioned. "I wonder if she wants a turn."

"I doubt it," Stacy replied. "She's too busy trying to get your parents to come home."

"Speaking of home, it is almost time for me to go," Baljeet said.

"Same here," Buford added.

"See you guys tomorrow," Isabella said.

"Tell Candace to call me later," Stacy said.

Johnny, Susan, Mary, Phineas & Ferb said goodbye to Isabella, Stacy, Buford & Baljeet as the latter group left the backyard through the gate entrance. After they left, Candace entered through the sliding door.

"Phineas, Ferb, Mom and Dad are on their way home. I'll be in the front yard, waiting on them. Susan, Mary, keep an eye on that go-kart track. It's almost busting time," Candace said before going back inside the house.

"Do we have time for one more race before we head home?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, we can squeeze one in," Phineas replied. "Do you wanna stay a little longer and meet our parents?"

"Sure. We can't leave without Dukey anyway. When do you think he'll come back?"

"Well, Perry always wanders off at some point in the day and comes back a few hours later. Chances are they'll be back around the time Mom and Dad get home,"

Dukey and Perry had just left Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated and were riding the hovercar back to the Flynn-Fletcher house to rejoin their owners.

"Well, I have to admit that was fun, Perry. Thanks for taking me on the mission," Dukey said. Perry gave him a thumbs-up, meaning 'you're welcome'.

Candace was standing in her front yard, waiting for Linda and Lawrence to return home. A car pulled up into the driveway. Then, Linda and Lawrence exited the car.

"Mom, Dad!" Candace shouted as she rushed over to them. "You gotta see what Phineas and Ferb did! C'mon!"

Doofenshmirtz was walking around on his balcony and was still covered in syrup and molasses.

"I gotta get this stuff off me," Doofenshmirtz said to himself. He accidentally tripped over a cord and ran into his old Shrink-inator. His hand got stuck to a button that caused the inator to fire. "My old Shrink-inator! Why do I keep forgetting to unplug this thing?"

Doofenshmirtz tried to get his hand unstuck from the button but it was too sticky and he ended up firing the Shrink-inator multiple times.

Back in the Flynn-Fletcher backyard, everyone was done riding the go-kart track.

"Well, we have to admit you two are very smart for your age," Mary complimented Phineas and Ferb.

"What are we gonna do with the go-kart track?" Johnny asked.

As if on cue, several beams from the Shrink-inator hit the go-karts and the track, causing them to shrink down to the size of toys. The group of five stared in shock.

"Looks like it instantaneously miniaturized itself," Phineas pointed out.

"Didn't see that coming," Susan admitted.

"Mom, Dad, hurry before it disappears!" Candace shouted as she entered the backyard with Linda and Lawrence following her.

"Oh, you were right, Candace," Linda said. "Phineas and Ferb did build a model go-kart track."

"See? I told you. Wait. Model go-kart track?" Candace was shocked to see the shrunken go-kart track. "No, you missed it! It was the size of the backyard, I swear! I even filmed it!" Candace ran inside the house to get the video camera.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad," Phineas greeted.

"Hello, boys," Lawrence greeted. "Who are your new friends?"

"This is Johnny, Susan & Mary. They're from Porkbelly,"

"Nice to meet you all. I must say that's a nice hairdo you've got there, Johnny,"

"Thanks. I get that a lot," Johnny replied.

"Mom, look! I recorded the go-kart race on a disc," Candace said, reentering the backyard with the video camera. She pressed the 'eject' button and was shocked to discover that the disc was missing. "What's gone? But...I thought we had it!"

"You can't record a video without a disc, Candace," Linda reminded, causing Candace to groan in frustration.

"She's right about the go-kart track. It really was the size of the backyard," Susan explained.

"It got hit by a shrink ray right before you arrived," Mary added.

"You kids and your active imaginations," Linda commented. "How would you all like some snacks?"

Johnny, Susan, Mary, Phineas & Ferb expressed their interest in having snacks. Then, Dukey and Perry entered the backyard. Dukey barked and Perry chattered.

"Oh, there you are, Dukey," Johnny said.

"Oh, there you are, Perry," Phineas said.

"Looks like Perry made a new friend too," Lawrence commented.

A short while later, Johnny, Susan, Mary, Phineas & Ferb were sitting under the tree, eating some cookies that Linda had baked for them. Dukey and Perry were laying on the grass beside them.

"It's hard to believe your parents never see your projects," Susan commented.

"Yeah, it would be cool if they saw at least one of 'em," Phineas admitted.

"Do you make them disappear?" Mary asked.

"No, they do that on their own,"

"Where do they go?"

"We're not sure what happens to 'em but it does help with cleanup,"

"It's scientifically impossible," Susan pointed out. "It must be luck or coincidence."

"Yeah, you must never get in trouble. I wish we had that kinda luck at home," Johnny commented.

After having snacks, Johnny, Dukey, Susan & Mary prepared to leave. They along with Phineas, Ferb, Candace & Perry were in the front yard.

"Well, we'd better get home before Dad finds out we're gone," Susan said.

"We enjoyed our stay though and we'll plan on revisiting sometime," Mary said.

"Yeah, and if you want, you can visit Porkbelly sometime," Johnny offered.

"That would be great," Phineas replied.

"Sorry about your evidence, Candace. We have no idea what happened to the disc," Susan explained.

"Technically, your parents did see the go-kart track. They just saw it at the wrong time," Mary added.

"That's okay. I guess I'm used to it. Thanks for your help anyway," Candace said.

Susan took the portal gun out of her labcoat pocket and activated it, causing a portal to appear. The Test and Flynn-Fletcher kids said their goodbyes. Then, Johnny, Susan & Mary jumped into the portal.

Dukey leaned close to Perry and whispered, "See you later, Perry. Hope you can visit Porkbelly sometime." Perry smiled at Dukey and watched him jump into the portal, which disappeared after Dukey entered it.

"That was fun. Johnny's flaming hairdo is cool," Phineas commented.

"And unique," Ferb added.

In Porkbelly, a portal appeared in Susan and Mary's lab. Johnny, Dukey, Susan & Mary jumped out of the portal and then, it disappeared.

"That was awesome!" Johnny exclaimed.

"You said it!" Dukey agreed.

"Johnny! Girls!" a voice from outside shouted. Hugh came into the lab. "What's going on in here?"

"Hey, Dad," Johnny greeted. "I was just helping them test one of their inventions."

"We invented a portal to help cure rainy day boredom," Susan explained.

"And we used it to visit a place where it was sunny outside," Mary added.

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you kids found something to do. Dinner's in an hour," Hugh said before leaving the lab.

"That was close," Dukey commented. "Where should we go next?"

"We're not going anywhere else," Mary replied sternly. "You two have had enough fun for one day."

"Next time you want to use the portal, wait until we give you permission," Susan ordered. "Now, get out of our lab!"

"Fine," Johnny groaned. "C'mon, Dukey."

Johnny and Dukey left the lab.

"Well, that was fun," Mary admitted. "I guess we'll never know where that shrink ray came from or what happened to the evidence. I thought for sure we had a disc in that video camera."

"I know we had one in there," Susan confirmed. She suddenly realized something. "Wait a minute. Didn't Johnny go inside the house at one point?"

"Yeah, it was after Candace filmed the go-kart track. He said he was looking for Dukey though,"

"How do you know he wasn't lying? What if he stole the disc while Candace was calling her mom?"

"It would make sense," Mary pointed out. "He disapproved of us helping her. Chances are he still has the disc."

"Maybe, we haven't lost yet then. I say we steal the disc back from Johnny and return it to Candace," Susan suggested. "What do you think?"

"Actually, I think we should let it slide. We have nothing against her brothers and if we show Dad the go-kart track, he'll just think we constructed it,"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. There's one more thing that confuses me though. It may just be a coincidence but I wonder if Perry's absence has something to do with that shrink ray hitting the go-kart track,"

Johnny and Dukey entered the former's bedroom.

"Man, you missed it. I helped Phineas and Ferb build a go-kart track and then, we rode on it," Johnny informed. "Where did you and Perry go?"

"I found out he's a secret agent and we fought an evil pharmacist," Dukey explained.

"Cool. I have a video of the go-kart track. Do you wanna watch it?"


Johnny reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the disc he stole from Candace earlier. Johnny inserted the disc into his computer. Then, he and Dukey watched the video. After watching the video, Dukey was amazed by the go-kart track.

"Wow, that was really cool, Johnny," Dukey commented. "I bet Phineas and Ferb are geniuses like Susan and Mary."

"You got that right," Johnny agreed. "I hope they visit Porkbelly one day."

"If they do, I hope they bring Perry so we can go on another mission," Dukey said. He looked out the window and noticed it was sunny outside. "Hey, it's not raining anymore. We can go play outside now."

"Hang on. Let me do one thing first,"

Johnny erased the video from the disc so that way, Susan and Mary wouldn't find it. He knew if they did, they'd show it to Hugh and Candace, which would result in Phineas, Ferb & himself getting busted.

"Okay," Johnny said once the video was gone. "Let's go."