Hey guys again.. ive decided to continue with Jayfeathers facebook page because many people like it! im sorry i havnt updated it in a LOOOONG time but ive been on vaca where apparently technology hasnt been invented yet i am also going to be makeing a new story! its like warriors but in HUNGER GAMES version! lol so anywayz ill be putting up my own charries and if i need help ill put up a create a cat where you can makez your own ! it might be fudgin at first but remember im not good at wrighting no bad commentes PLZES! so uhmm thats pretty much it so uhh enjoy~!

Jayfeather woke up from his nest slightly light headed after the party.(lol)
kicking away coome of the empty cans of soda he failingly trampled to his comuter desk, sat down and started spinning around in his chair shouting 'WEEEEEEEEE" then got on facebook...

blah blah blah He had 4 status updates and one 1 friend request while noone was online he saw (il put saw and looked in here while hes blind ok just forget about it when your going to put it in your reveiw T.T) that Halfmoon had not accepted his reqest saying that he was a creepy stalker.

he shrugged and looked at the friend request from Hello Kitty he was a little creeped out by this then looked at their pictures it showed a cat with brouad shoulders and black stripes riding a unicorn he recogneized the cat at once


he sighed and said no then wrote Tigerstar a message

" tigerstar its not that i dont want to be your friend its that i dont want to be your friend virtually,phisicly,mentally,or even verbally hope you understand!

he looked over his shoulder and saw leafpool he stared at her as she read his message then said in an odd toms voice " Thats cold". he rolled his eyes and stared in her direction as she padded out flicking her looked back at his screenthen remembered his other updates seeing that Firestar had commented on his status.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Jayfeather:Am i the only one who was born blind?

Firestar:In my awesomely awesome over extenced leadership time, yes, yes you are

Leafpool:Well of course you are have you seen anyone else blind?


Longtail:Being blind isnt a bad thing it means starclan thought you could survive without sight.

Jayfeather rolled his eyes at all the crappy coments seeing that the rest of his updates were replies to his status an ear peircing yowl echoed from the clearing he quickly logged off Facebook and Ran towards the Heart of the sound.

thank you for reading just click right| there and leave a good comment if you please!