A/N: Sorry, folks. I couldn't resist. To be continued.

Disclaimer: I don't own CSI: Miami and all characters belong to CBS. Please don't sue me. I don't have any money.

Why did she have to die?
He sighed. He had asked himself that question so many times, but he never made sense of it. It wasn't right, he knew that. But he couldn't change it now.
Everyone make mistakes. He knew they did the best they could. But why did it have to be that day?
The only solution he could think of was that, well, there wasn't one. There was no rhyme or reason to what happened any day of the week; nothing was planned, therefore nothing was avoidable. Accidents happen, murderers kill, and all anyone has is that moment.
Most people forget. Most people don't take advantage of what they have until its too late, and nothing can be done for them.
He looked out at the water. It was beautiful here, especially now, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the last rays of light splaying colors across the sky. Someone laughed. The air was clear, and he breathed it in slowly. It was times like these that he missed her the most.
You would have loved this, Marisol.
He exhaled and blinked back the tears that wouldn't come. He had never let himself cry. She wouldn't have wanted that.
Shaking his head at his own foolishness - he tried not to think about what Memmo had done - he stood, making his way back inside, busying himself with mindless paperwork. Anything to distract him. Anything to ease the pain that had never gone away.

A/N: I plan on this being several chapter. I'd also like to write one about the Season Nine finale. Tell me what you think!