Title: Keep holding on, Mi Amour.

Rating: R (eventually NC-17)

Pairing: Brittana, Faberry

Summary: Its been hard for Quinn, Santana and Brittany since they left the Cheerios. Slushies, being pushed into lockers and ridiculed daily. All that doesn't bother them but when Santana's home life gets out of hand- how will they be able to fix it? Over time Quinn realizes that Rachel is the girl for her, but with her best friend in trouble – can she work on getting the girl of her dreams and help protect her friend?

The last day of junior year and the last ever gym class, what a great feeling. Quinn and Santana had the same class and it was nice to have someone to talk to, even if it was each other. As they talked and chatted and changed into their street clothes, Jada Colin had walked in with Cheerios in toe. Santana and Quin knew their was no reason for them to be in here, the cheerios had their own locker room.

"If it isn't Quinn and Santana, how the mighty have fallen." Jada and the Cheerio's circled in.

"What do you want Jada?" Quinn looked apprehensive, their was no sign of hostility or fear on her face. But, Santana knew something was coming and she felt a slight nervous ping in the pit of her stomach. Her fist clenched as Jada made a swift move forward and laughed as Santana flinched, Quinn did not.

"Calm down Santana, I'm not going to hurt you."

"As if you could, I've been kicking you ass since third grade. I can take you but I can't take all of you, what do you want?"

"Simple, payback for all the times you humiliated us. Its different when Coach does it but you, our captain and co-captain. Humiliated to the bottom of the pyramid and finally with you losers gone, well I was put where I should have been all along. Now only if Brittany was here, well it would be a party."

"You touch her and I'll make sure you eat through a straw for the rest of your life." Santana went to charge forward but Quinn stopped her.

"Such a loyal friend," a light thud was heard a few lockers away. Santana and Quinn looked around and listened again and after the third time they heard it. They ran to a locker and lucky for Santana she knew the combination, when she opened it Brittany fell into a heap on the floor – crying.


"I don't like small spaces, don't like them."

"How long was she in there?"

"Somewhere between lunch and now, can't remember." Jada laughed, "So, whose next?" Santana had given a few black eyes but she was overpowered and stuffed into her own locker. Quinn yelled for help but she too was overpowered and stuffed into her own next to Santana. "Re-stuff the airhead into her locker, we'll call the police in a few hours to get them out. Think of this as partial payback for everything you've done to us – losers."

"What the heck is going on in here, you cheerios aren't suppose to be in here." They all turned to see Coach Beiste, and just as Jada was about to say something smart – Quinn banged on her locker door. "What in the world, whose in there?"

"Its Quinn Fabray," She gave her the locker combination and coach opened it with little problem. Quinn quickly opened Santana's and she ran to unlock Brittany.

"My office now, all you Cheerios! Last day of school and you pull this shit, go now!"

"No need Coach Beiste, all forms of punishment is up to coach Sylvester. Come on girls,"

"I don't care, get to my office now – don't make me angry." Some quivered in fear but Jada just smiled.

"Fine, have it your way. Come on girls, Bye Quinn, Santana, bye Brittany." She gave a little wave before pulling out her cell phone and calling coach Sylvester.

"Are you okay?" Santana nodded her head and held onto Brittany. "I'll walk you to your next class if you'd like?"

"Coach Beiste," Quinn stood up and took a breath. "The Cheerios will get out of this, if I know Coach Sylvester she'll make it as if they were playing with us. She'll say that no harm came out of it and Figgins will let it slide – like always."

"I wish I could do something, you didn't deserve this."

"Yes we did," Santana sighed and helped Brittany to her feet. "trust us they could have done worse and we deserve it."

"All of you should know by now, no one deserves to be humiliated." Coach Beiste walked the girls to the door and sighed, watching as the three former cheerios walked off down the hall. Two linking pinkies as they went.

The slushies in the face was the big send off for the day, all three ex-Cheerios had gotten blue right in the face.

Carefully Rachel had made her way down the hallways, avoiding everyone in a Letterman jacket's. Several Glee kids had gotten slushies in the face and it was only a matter of time before she got one herself. As she came around the corner she ducked one coming at her face, "Ha, not this year Holland! Rachel Berry will remain slushie free," and that's when the red slush hit her right in the face.

"Oh you look good in red Snozberry." Jada laughed and walked off as Rachel ran into the bathroom and started to rinse the red out of her hair. It didn't take long for the three former cheerios to find their way to the bathroom with her.

"I'm sorry," Rachel said as she scraped the ice bits from her face. "I'll move."

"Why, get this shit out why you can."

"Its okay Rach, we'll share the other two sinks." Quinn placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled, "Santana's right, this stuff stains." They missed last period to clean the slushie out of their hair, they still needed a change of clothes. Which meant they had to head back to the locker rooms. Brittany wouldn't go in, "Britt, we have to get our clothes."

"No, I won't go back in there." Rachel looked at them confused, she saw Brittany close to tears.

"What happened?"

"We were stuff into lockers earlier, Brittany was in there since lunch." Santana's eyes softened as Brittany shook her head and slid down the wall.

"Hey Brittany," Rachel knelt down next to her and reached out a hand. "Santana and Quinn will hold your hands and I'll even go in first, I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe. Okay?" She could see Brittany thinking about it, a small smile on her face.


"Yes, I won't let anyone hurt you. Come on," She held out her hand for Brittany to take and lifted her to her feet. Santana and Quinn taking her hands and waiting for Rachel to give the okay to go in. "All clear," They quickly changed and headed for the parking lot, finding their cars were untouched. "I hope your summer turns out okay, see you next year?"

"Rachel," She turned and looked to see Quinn smiling. "Thanks for helping us, we should hang out this summer."

"Really, like as in watching movies and going bowling and stuff?"

"Yeah Berry, are you surprised?" Santana smirked and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "You helped Britt and that's a mark in my book. We should have a party this weekend or something, yeah?"

"Sure my dad's are celebrating their twenty anniversary. They asked me to come along but I told them I didn't want to intrude. They'll be away for a whole month, so I'm going to be alone a lot this summer."

"No you won't," Brittany leaned over and gave Rachel a hug, "Thank you."

Santana avoided home as much as possible during the summer, she hated her house and her father. She would call Quinn and Brittany and they'd go to the park or sometimes just hang at Brittany's house. Her parents were always nice and didn't make a big deal about noise or breathing to loud. Santana's home life had always been lacking, her father always working at the hospital and her mother always socializing.

Quinn's home life was better now that Mr. Fabray was out of the picture, her mother was still adjusting to the divorce. Sometimes Quinn would hear her mother cry at night, she wanted to go to her – but she couldn't bring herself to. When Quinn told Santana how helpless she felt, how much her mother was hurting, Santana had an idea. "Cook out, I'll grill and we can have some hamburgers or whatever. It might make her feel better?" The next day Quinn told her mother Santana and Brittany were coming over for a Barbeque and she was welcome to join them. Judy just nodded her head and kissed Quinn's cheek.

"Hi Mrs. Fabray," Santana gave her a hug and Brittany was quick to follow. "Ready for some good ole fashion BBQ?"

"You can grill?" Judy smiled and led the girls out back.

"Yeah, I use to watch my dad and uncles."

"Thanks for having us over Mrs. Fabray," Brittany said a little to late but Judy smiled and kiss Brittany's cheek.

"Well thank you for this Barbeque, it was nice of you to include me. Not all teenagers like to hang out with their mothers and call me Judy"

"Just figured you could use the company," Santana lite the grill and in no time she had hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken cooking.

"Santana, how is your mother doing?" Santana froze and took a deep breath

"Um, she's studying to be a nurse. I think its because she wants to see dad more, I don't know why." Santana said dryly and checked the chicken. "I think she's lonely, dad's always working."

"Sometimes marriage can be, balancing being a mother and a nurse is impressive thou."

"I'm old enough to cook and clean, Dad's working all the time so its just me most of the time." she smiled and sipped her water, "How are you doing?"

"Some days are harder than others, but now that Quinnie is home I feel better. I felt horrible when- never mind." She looked at Quinn and let some of her tears fall.

"You okay mom?" Quinn sat down next to her and sighed.

"No, but I will be." She kissed Quinn's cheek, "don't you have a party at the Berry's house tonight?"

"Yeah, around eight." Quinn smiled.

"You know, you shouldn't be alone tonight" Santana stood up and took out her cell phone, "I'm gonna call mom, you two haven't talked in ages and I know she misses you."

"Your mother was the best Cheerio I had ever seen, she was amazing at the backhand springs and dismounts."

"I didn't know mom was a cheerio, she never told me."

"Not just any cheerio but she was captain, but when she hurt her knee our junior year I was given the top spot. She was never able to pose on top of the pyramid with her leg, her routines had been shaky after the accident. So I was given the title and your mother was so proud of me, she stole some wine from her mother and we drank behind her house."

"Mom!" Quinn laughed.

"I wasn't always a good girl, I had my rebellious streak. It was of course your mothers fault, she was a bad influence on me. But we were the best of friends, stuck together and helped each other through high school. We met your fathers and had dates together, seems like a lifetime ago. I miss her too," Mrs. Fabray patted Santana's shoulder and smiled.

"I'll call her, maybe she'd like to join us."

"No I'll call while I make some cookies." Santana watched Mrs. Fabray go and looked back at Quinn.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming. Wonder why our mom's stopped talking?"

"Probably something stupid, probably runs in the family." Quinn smirked and reached for the lemonade, "I hope they can work it out." Mrs. Fabray came out with cookies a half an hour later, a smile on her face. "Mom?"

"Carmen said she'd come tomorrow morning, we'll catch up and share a bottle of wine."

"Try and not to get drunk before noon." Quinn smiled and kissed her mother cheek.

"No promises, Quinnie."

Around six the girls started to get ready for the party, clothes, make-up and plans to make friends with Rachel Berry. "I can't believe we're doing this, being friends with Rachel Berry."

"Everyone need a friend," Brittany smiled.

"And she helped Brittany," Santana finished her make-up and started on her hair.

"I'm not saying I don't want to, its just I can't believe it." Quinn sat down on her bed and played with the hem of her skirt. She looked up as Santana's cell phone went off, she saw her friend's face drop and frantically grab for it.

"Hola Papi," Santana sprinted towards the bathroom and listened to him, she felt her throat tighten at his words. "Si papi," She hung up the phone and took a few calming breaths before she walked out of the bathroom and cleared her throat. "I can't go tonight, dad's coming home and wants to talk with me."

"Will you be alright?" Brittany pulled the short brunette to her.

"I'll be fine, you two have fun. If I can I'll try and make it,"

"Santana, text if something happens." Brittany pulled her in closer and kissed her lips, "Mi amour." so much for not crying, she kissed her lips and dabbed at her make-up before grabbing her keys and heading home.

"What was that all about, I know her dad can be strict but I've never seen her so scared before." Quinn looked at Brittany as the taller girl stared out the window.

"Her father hurts her sometimes, hits her."

"I didn't know,"

"Hits Carmen too, Quinn we have to be ready to get her. The last time he talked with her, he almost put her in the hospital."

Santana pulled into the driveway and took a few deep breaths, walking into the front door she dropped her keys onto the table and walked into the living room. Her mother was sitting down reading and enjoying a glass of wine, "Papi's coming home." Carmen looked up from her glass of wine and sighed.

"I know, do you know why?" Santana sat down next to her mother and sighed along with her, resting her head on her shoulder.


"I heard you're going to see Mrs. Fabray tomorrow, she needs a friend. Why did you two stop talking?"

"Mostly because Mr. Fabray and Papi couldn't get along. They were always arguing and eventually we stopped talking. We let our mothers voices tell us; stand by your man. Are you alright mi hija,You seem upset."

"I'm fine."

"I'm scared too," she kissed Santana's temple and extended her glass of wine to her. "a few sips." Santana smirked and downed the whole things. "Santana," she swatted at her daughter but laughed. "I know I've been busy but I promise things will get better. Once I graduate school-"

"He won't let you go, somewhere in his sick twisted mind he loves you. He won't just let you go,"

"That's not his decision." Santana sat up and looked into her mothers face, she could see she was on the verge of tears.

"I won't let him to hurt you again, I won't let him." Santana cuddle back into her mothers arms and held her close. She felt the tears build up but she refused to let them slid down her face. "I'll be in my room- gonna call Brittany." She gave her mom a kiss on the cheek and headed upstairs. Brittany answered right away and Santana spilled her guts. "Family talks never go well in my favor, I'm scared – mom looked scared."

"Everything will be alright sweetie," They talked for another ten minutes before Carmen knocked on her door.

"I have to go, you always make me feel better. I love you," Santana whispered the last part into the phone, her chest tightening.

"I love you too," Santana jumped up and unlocked her door, her mother was on the other side. Without words she followed her mother downstairs and into the living room. She stood in front of his recliner as her mom stood by his side.

"Papi, whats going on?"

"I'm going to make this quick mi hija, I know about Brittany." She felt bile rise in her throat, stomach clenching as her fathers eyes bore into her. "I caught you kissing yesterday at the park, among other things. You don't even try and hide it, your unholy relationship. In the eyes of the lord it is a moral sin and you will burn, you need to be purged."

"I love her," she found herself saying before she could stop herself. He started going off in Spanish about the same things, how she would burn in hell and how she needed to be purged. "Papi, I'm still me." His fists clenched against the leather seat and she took a step back.

"Juan," Carmen placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him. "their just kids, we-"

"A sin is a sin Carmen,"

"I know that but she won't do it again, we can take her to church and get her cleansed and-" That seemed to calm him down some and he nodded his head.

"Very well, you are to stop dating Brittany but you may remain friends. I won't take that way from you but do not take advantage of that girl. You'll quit Glee club and go back to the cheerios, where you were making better choices and-" Than it all made perfect sense and Santana snapped, facing her father for the first time in her life.

"One, Brittany isn't handicapped. Two, I am not taking advantage of her and would never make her do something she doesn't want to. Three, I'm happy in Glee club and will not quit. Their my friends and treat me better than any of the cheerio girls ever did. I'm happy for the first time in my life, why can't you accept that? I won't stop seeing Brittany, I love her. And encase you didn't hear me, I love her! Love love love love love her and will not stop kissing her." Mr. Lopez pulled away from his wife and struck Santana across the face.

"Juan no,"

"Shut it," The hard slap had Carmen falling a few inches, hitting her head on the coffee table.

"Mom," Santana found the strength to stand up to her father, arm pulling back and landing a hard blow to his cheek. It hardly phased him and she scrambled frantically and grabbed the fireplace poker from the holder. "Don't-don't come near me, you're not going to touch me or mom. Go upstairs until you cool off," She could see her mother stirring on the floor as her father took a few steps back, he sneered and walked up stairs. Santana only moved when the sound of a door closed, she dropped the poker and ran to her mom. "We have to go, we have to get out of here."

"No," Carmen slowly sat up with Santana's help."go to your room and lock the door." Santana was about to argue but Mrs. Lopez pulled her down and into her arms, "Mi hija, you'll be safe in your room. You can't be seen like this right now, we can't be seen like this." Santana nodded her head, they would be the talk of the town if anyone saw them like this. She couldn't do that to her mother, to herself.

"I'm sorry," she helped her mother up from the ground and sat down with her on the couch. She could hear her father up stairs, his shadow now loomed over the staircase. He yelled down for her mother and slowly she stood on her feet, "Mama, no."

"If something happens mi hija, call Brittany." She watched as her mother straightened up and walked up the stairs gracefully. A few minutes later their bedroom door slammed and after that nothing. Santana slowly made her way up the stairs and stopped at the door, listening. Her parents both speaking in hushed Spanish, her mothers sobs and her fathers apologetic tone. She did however make out the anger management part and nodded her head, at least he was sorry about that. She heard her name and more arguing and something about disappointed and how he was not going to stand for that kind of life style. She headed for her bedroom, her legs felt heavy and her chest tight from what just took place.

When her parents bedroom door opened she froze. "You are not welcome in this house, collect your things and leave. Unless you plan on following my rules," She turned to face her father, standing tall and looking him right in the eyes as he neared.

"I'll be out by morning."

"Collect your clothes and get out now."

"Fine, Juan." She cried out as he hit her hard.

"Whether or not you're living in this house – you will not address me by my first name."

"Why do you care, you're the one kicking me out. I'm not going to call you sir and curtsey or Mr. Lopez. I don't show respect to woman beaters," She scrambled away from him and into her room, locking the door as he banged on it. "Leave me alone!" She slid down the door and cried, he was yelling more things in Spanish, hurtful and hateful things.

"You have twenty minutes to be out of my house or I'm calling someone to come and get you. I don't want to see you," She picked up her cell phone and text Brittany- hands shaking.

You: come get me.

Britt: what happened?

You: Just be here in twenty

Britt: I'll be there, in five.

Santana hadn't bothered to cover up her face and was outside the second Quinn's car came into view. Carmen was by her side in a second and begging her not to go, "I can't stay here mom, I need to be myself. Come with me, this is our chance."

"I can't, i'll call you."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too, take care of my baby girls." Quinn neared Carmen and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"My mom is still expecting you, I'm going to tell her what happened. Mr. Lopez will be back at work tomorrow morning, you should go see her."

"I will, once he's gone."

"Carmen, venir aquí!" Carmen ran back into the house and closed the door and within a second Santana was in the backseat with Brittany.

"Mi amour,"

"Get me out of here, please."

"Where do you want to go?" Quinn looked back at her in shock, her face was swollen.

"Let's do what we planned to do, party."

"But everyone will see."

"Its only the glee club, I don't care."
