Author's Notes:

Hello everyone, this is my second Naruto-fic. It will be an eight chapter's story. Each chapter would be long enough =). Thanks for clicking here.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, for if I did, Yaoi-love will control the Ninja world! =D And no one shall ever die, except the villains, that is.

~::Chapter One::~

~:::The beginning:::~.

The atmosphere was thick and heavy; one could actually cut through the silence with a sword. Hazy blue eyes looked with a blank expression at the girl glided in black before them; her face had a troubled, confused air around it. Making it clear to anyone who saw that the news she held was making her greatly uncomfortable. She had hoped for this day to come but also, feared it the most. Taking a deep breath, she unclenched her hands from her dress; she had gone with a different choice of clothes. A black knee-length dress, black wasn't her first choice or her favorite color, but after looking in her closet for something appropriate to wear and finding only cheerful colors, she decided that black was neutral and good enough. To explain her feelings that is.

She dared to raise jade eyes at her long time friend, watching him stare at her with half sleepy eyes, Sakura felt somewhat sorry for waking him up. Especially after she knew he had recently come back from an A-ranked mission and was in no condition to walk, let alone talk. But when she knocked, he had opened; she saw his mouth start to open to whine. But when he took a look at her face and eccentric choice of clothes. He shut it, invited her silently in and sat, waiting for her to speak.

Over the years spent together, she had developed a good connection with Naruto; they could almost read each other's emotions. She guessed that sharing the same passion for their missing comrade did that to them. Sakura had to bite her lip when thinking of Sasuke. She shook her head seconds later and focused, this wasn't the time to dwell on how she was taking it. She had to tell Naruto, and they had to figure a solution for it.

"Naruto," She knew she had his attention without addressing his name, but she had to at least get some words right, before she starts crying, for the pain squeezing at her heart. "You have to listen to me carefully."

The blond nodded at her. Sakura took a deep breath; she looked around and nodded for him to close the window. Naruto shook his head.

"No need, I already preformed a Silencing Jutsu, figured you didn't want people to hear. Not that they'll care, anyway."

She smiled, seeing the work of their connection. "Alright. Yesterday's evening, I got a message from The Hokage,"


"Yes, Naruto, I don't know how to ease this on you, I had tried to think of a good way for you to know, but the only way I know how is by coming right out and say it, because we are on a clock right now, and it's ticking away! Time is not on our side," She eased her throbbing heart and returned her hold on her dress.

Naruto frowned at her, his lax expression gone. He waved his hands to clam her, noticing that she had started to lose her composure. With difficulty, she did.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Sasuke, they caught him! And they already sentenced him to death, Naruto! We have to save him!" Her tears didn't agree with her anymore and flowed down her pale cheeks. She hick-upped and drew a napkin out of her pocket. Knowing that her tears will fail her, she came prepared.

"….What do you mean? W-When did this happen?" Naruto's face was very calm, but his shaking voice told Sakura the opposite.

"The day before yesterday, they caught him when he was severely injured. We don't really know the details of what had taken place, but it looks like he fought someone or something and got himself injured really badly. His internal organs are all twisted, and bones were broken; it's too much, so his chakra is unable to fix the huge amount of damage. The ANBU had no trouble capturing him since he was unconscious." She took a breath, then continued. "This news is supposed to lay in dormant. I was only contacted because The Hokage thought I would be best to treat him. Naruto, they don't want to give him any trail. He was sentenced to death just like that!"

The blond's face twisted into a scowl. "That can't be right, Sakura-chan, they won't just kill him."

"They will! They picked the date and everything is being prepared!"

"When is it?"

Sakura wiped the remaining tears away from her eyes and said. "The day after tomorrow, inside the Grand Prison, he will be executed before his strength returns and he breaks free. They're all afraid of him Naruto, they want to get rid of him as soon as possible, saying he is too dangerous, and they can't trust that he won't flip-out on them again. Naruto, we can't let this happen!"

She abandoned her seat and came to sit beside her friend; grabbing his hands in hers and making him know that they felt the same. Naruto gave her a small smile and squeezed her hands in silent comfort.

"And we won't! Where is he now? In the Grand Prison?"

Sakura shook her head. "He was severely wounded, so, before his sentence comes to pass, they decided to give him a good treatment, ironic, ha? Patching him up just to lead him into the slaughter."

"Didn't Baa-san do anything? How can she just let this happen!"

"But it was Tsunade-sama who stood up for him! She tried everything for him, but nothing worked. In the end, the only thing she was able to do was give him some rest before they slay him. You know, they were planning on killing him on the spot, but she refused that."

Naruto sighed; he bit the inside of his jaw and said. "Good. That can give us a time to do something. Can you take me to see him?"

Sakura looked at their joint hands thinking. "It would be hard, but I'll try, I'm sure if we asked Tsunade-sama, she would help us. But just know that he is strictly and powerfully guarded. You probably won't have that much time, and we will have to sneak you in and out fast."

"I understand."

She released his hand with that, quickly excusing herself to get the consent of The Hokage, she knew she will be punished for revealing that Sasuke Uchiha was within Konoha, but she was ready for the punishment. She had received the information with the Top Secret stamp. But she had ignored it, there was no one who worked as hard as Naruto did to get their teammate back, she knew that under different circumstances, they would have made the perfect ANBU, climbing the power ladder together, and also, the bestest of friends. But destiny refused them that little happiness, Sakura had to hold her tears again not to weep at her friends' hard and sad destiny.

Naruto watched his door close, just when he knew Sakura's chakra was out of range, did he let his anger, frustration, and happiness, overwhelm him. He panged his hands on the bathroom door as he passed it to freshen up his sleepy features. As cold water met his face, he couldn't help the smile to creep on his lips. Sasuke had finally returned to Konoha. The smile died down when he remembered Sakura's words, they will have no chance to catch up, chat together, do silly and serious missions together, be happy together. Since his best friend will disappear from the entire world in one day's time.

They had their differences, and Naruto forced himself to cope with the fact that they won't be enjoying ninja life together or be in the same room chatting without Sasuke running after a power-hunger filled mission. Nevertheless, he took comfort knowing they still walked the same earth, breathing the same air. But now, as what was happening came clear to his brain, he knew he wouldn't be able to cope if that little knowledge was taken away from him.

"Remember Naruto, I'll pass them a sleeping pill in their drinks, you'll wait for me to give you the sign then move, alright?"

He nodded at her with serious eyes. "What will your sign be?"

Sakura smiled at him, drew her hand across her pink locks and said. "You'll know."

With that she took the four glasses for juice and walked away, ANBU might be resistant against attacks, but they can't win over a woman. They will let their guard down, fearing nothing from a frail Medical Nin with sexy ass who was walking up to them holding cold juice to freshen up their parched throats. That what Sakura was relaying on anyways. Sex appeal and stupid male hormones.

Waiting hidden was something that Naruto found much difficult in doing, especially when his heart was thumping every two minutes directing him to just run and open that room. He reached a state that his legs were physically shaking from the burden on his heart and emotions, his brain said something, while the rest of his body and soul said another. Using what little willpower he had, he prayed for Sakura to hurry.

Minutes later, a Sakura petal floated to his hidden hands, he blinked and grinned. Trust Sakura to send something like this, he hoped he wasn't wrong as he flew up the stairs. Avoiding anyone who might know of his face, or have any experience in using charka control to a Genin level.

He sighed in relief when he saw Sakura standing beside a door with a golden handle, and with the bodies of four ANBU sprayed before her on the ground. As soon as she laid eyes on him, she urged him to come. He ran, stopping beside her, she said checking her watch.

"You have five minutes exactly, fifteen if you want to be busted and spend the night in jail. So, take the safe five and step out!"

Naruto nodded, his hand already reaching for the golden handle, before he could turn it. Sakura's pale hand stopped him. "…..One more thing, Naruto,"

Upon the distress in her tone, his heart stopped beating, fearing the worst. "What?"

"Sasuke, he….when he was brought here, he was brutally wounded. His face is half smashed and you might have a hard time recognizing him,"

"I will!" He aimed clear cerulean eyes at her; she looked surprised for a second, then smiled back.

"Of course you will."

"Is that all?"

"No….he lost use of his…." She took a deep breath, reminding herself of the little time they had, and that crying now wasn't the best thing to do. "His right leg, it's useless, good as gone."

The blond had to control his feelings but his hands shook in spite of him, it took all of his might not to crush the handle, when Sakura squeezed his hand, he woke up. Clearing his throat and turning the handle, he walked inside, not wanting to hear any more news. Sakura understood and let her friend go, watching him walk with unsteady steps, she closed the door and placed a Silencing Jutsu. Then moved to wait a few meters away. Keeping watch for anyone who might interfere with Naruto's safe five minutes, or if one of the ANBU decided on waking up a bit early.

Inside, Naruto told himself not to take too long to slide the curtains open, but his hands shook. Sakura had said he'd lost use, was it still there? Was it shattered? What exactly happened to Sasuke to be in such a state, was he even awake? Naruto stopped his train of thoughts and remembered his time. He gathered his courage, knowing that all of his training was for this moment, the moment where he will be able to gaze at those onyx orbs again, to fight peacefully with those pale hands, and in all, to get his best friend back.

His throat hitched at the sight in front of him, Sasuke's messy black hair was even taller than the last time he had seen it, but it was still a chicken's butt at the back, which made him smile. His pale face had different degrees of colors, descending from blue, green to red. The pale features were gone, and his whole face was swollen. His neck wasn't better off, as bandages covered the slender throat. Naruto drew the blanket hiding the injured body to reveal what disaster had happened to his friend. His eyes quickly went to the leg. Finding it wrapped in bandages but still bleeding here and there, he sighed to know it was still safe. They didn't cut it off.

His other leg was good, it had wounds, cuts and several burn marks, but it was still there. Getting to the abdomen, there was a big bandage in the stomach across the chest and around the back, Naruto smiled in agony over his teammate, he tried to grab a chair and sit, but standing just seemed to pull on him, and he couldn't move his legs, nor was he able to look away, avert his eyes and puke, for that what he felt like doing. This was the worst case that either of them had ever gone through.

Suddenly, a flashback from their combined childhood about the state Sasuke was in after he took the hit for him -when Haku attacked them- came flying up to him; he could remember his heart stopping when there was no response from Sasuke's body to indicate he was still alive, making him think that he lost a dear friend. Something that he had gone mad after, his hand shook but he ignored it, he knew that there will be more of those as the time passes. He put it gently over Sasuke's head, feeling the soft silky hairs underneath.

Naruto froze when a hand grabbed his, steadying it from moving. According to Sakura, Sasuke should be in a coma and will not be able to wake up until a period of at least two weeks, exceeding the execution day. Even though Tsunade-baa-san had applied that Konoha's Elders await the ninja's awakening to trail him, her pleas were on deaf ears, as The Elders' couldn't wait to get rid of one of the two remaining Uchiha.


Unexpectedly, Naruto felt his eyes grow moist; God only knows how long he has been waiting to hear this voice. He stopped the tears at a halt and spoke. In a soft and soothing tone meant to relax his friend into oblivion once more, so he wouldn't have to face his destiny, not that Naruto will allow such destiny to befall them.

"In a hospital, shush now, everything's alright, go back to sleep."

A half glare from those eyes that he missed so much was directed at him, Naruto found himself smiling despite being glared with death at.

"I'm…not a …chi…ld!"

"I know."

The tight hold on his hand stopped and the person who was glaring at him fell into sleep again, Naruto blinked the fogginess, then frowned, thinking inside himself about what had just happened. Was he dreaming again? But he was sure that Sasuke spoke. Not wanting to think about the thing too much, and knowing that he had exceeded the five minutes. Naruto slipped through the door quietly, mingling with the darkness and walking downstairs unnoticed. When he reached the backdoor, he found Sakura waiting for him, Medical Ninjas clothes out of her body and the same black dress that he saw presented on her body that morning was in their place, he suddenly felt like he understood why she wore it. Knowing that he also will change his choice of clothes very soon.

They had thought keenly, about a way to get Sasuke out of Konoha, knowing that two people couldn't actually fight and win against The Elders. Naruto called backup; he went to his teacher, Iruka, getting Kakashi in, too. Whilst Sakura told Lee, she made use of the fact that he won't refuse her a thing. Also Ino, knowing her friend –although holding a grudge against Sasuke for a while, will not want his death and so will help. Ino dragged Shikamaru who felt uncomfortable about the whole thing, but agreed as not to get yelled at or have Ino sing nonstop at his ear for a whole month. Naruto thought about giving Gaara a call, but Kakashi told him that doing so will resolve in The Elders finding out about their little plan, which will probably lead to a war between the two villages.

They had gathered, all putting in mind that they are risking something big in doing so, but despite their grudges against Sasuke for what he have done. They cherished his remaining teammates to do this favor for them, knowing that they did countless of favors for them at one point or another and it was time to repay. Naruto had wanted Hinata to participate but Sakura told him that the girl was too delicate for this. And will not be of much help anyways, recognizing she was right, he agreed.

Now, the group was in Iruka's place, sitting inside his hidden room that he built solely to disappear from Kakashi's constant tries to violate him. And from the smirk that he felt coming his way every two fucking seconds from a certain Nin, he knew he will have to build another, and fast!

"So, everyone's here?"

"Everyone that you've called." Replied Ino.

"Great, now, the plan. It's very simple," Naruto took out a map. "This is the hospital that Sasuke is being held at, this is his room, as you see, it's not a part of the original design. I'm positive that they made it out of chakra or something,"

Kakashi hummed in agreement.

"Now, what we have to do is secure it enough that Naruto and I can snatch Sasuke out, we'll have to transport him to here," Sakura took the lead pointing to a rundown cottage in the borders of Konoha. "There, Iruka-sensei and Lee will be present, waiting with the needed medical equipment that I'll make a list of and we'll have to get later for this to work."

"Wait, how will we be able to take a grown person out of a hospital without anyone noticing? And yeah, said person is heavenly guarded by the ANBU." Asked Shikamaru with an annoyed look at the answer to come.

"Here comes Kakashi-sensei's role, he will produce a diversion of some sort along with you, Shikamaru, and if something went wrong, I and Naruto will be there to help in fighting."

Shikamaru frowned. "But if you fought with the ANBU, you'll defiantly end up severely wounded, as well."

Sakura nodded with a smile. "I already put that possibility in check; Ino will be there to help if anything is to happen, right?"

Ino twirled her silky hair in her fingers and nodded. "You can count on me, Hun."

"Alright, now that everyone knows the plan, time to know your positions, this must go down tonight, or we'll have no time since they plan on finishing him off tomorrow!" Naruto announced. The bitterness visible in his tone, it caught everyone in a surprises, the always cheerful blond was spitting venom now?

Iruka put a hand over his pupil's shoulder, urging him silently to relax, which Naruto did.

"There is just one question in this perfect plan, Naruto." Kakashi turned his masked face to the blond.


"What will happen after? You don't expect the ANBU not to know that Sasuke is right under their noses, now do you? You'll have at least one or two days before you'll have to find yourselves another location."

Naruto smiled sadly. "I know, I already thought about that, we'll wait two days in that hut, then I will take him and we'll get out of Konoha."

The porn-addicted teacher arched a brow. "Then?"

"Nothing, we'll find ourselves a nice place to stay in until things get quiet again, or The Elders change their minds about Sasuke. Then we'll return."

Iruka slammed his hands on the table, angered by what Naruto was saying. "Naruto, are you hearing yourself? Imagine that the situation never gets quiet and The Elders still want Sasuke's head, will you go on the run with him for the rest of your life?"

Naruto nodded. "If I have to."

"That can't happen, what if they put you on the black list as a Missing Nin? You'll have to deal with all of the other Ninjas coming for your life; can you live in the run, Naruto?"

The blond put a gentle hand over his sensei's to cool him, returning the earlier favor. "I will, Iruka-sensei, I know you want me to stay safe here. But if Sasuke has no place here, then so am I, I wish you can understand this."

"But that is Naruto, I don't. I know that he is your best friend and all, but you can't elope with him, this isn't that kind of situation, here you will throw your life as you know it. You will have no home, no friends, no one to speak with except him! And looking back at your joint history you will end up killing each other! Plus, you'll have to keep taking care of him because of his leg until he recovers, if he recovers! You have no idea how long that will take!"

"Neither do you, but I can't abandon him, Iruka-sensei, I have been training all of my life for this moment. Please, understand."

Iruka knotted his brows, a frown already taking place. "How about your dream? Are you just going to throw being a Hokage away, too? Don't you own it to yourself after getting this far to –at least- try and finish?"

"Even if I become a Hokage, there is no assurance that the villagers won't fear me anymore and respect me, or that their attitude towards me will change. Also, I'll always be hunted by feelings of guilt because I couldn't help my most important friend when he needed me the most. I can't live like that. I can't betray him,"

"He betrayed you!"

"But I can't betray him! You don't know Sasuke as well as I do, and I would like to believe in him another time!"

Iruka gritted his teeth. "You believed enough, and he let you down every time. What makes you think that this one won't be like those other times?"

Naruto smiled softly. "Nothing, but this is what my heart and mind and telling me to do, I can't not do this. Sasuke, although he might not want anything to do with me or will not hesitate into running away from me when we get out of here and he is safe, I still will not give up on him, I'll chase him down again, will follow him to the deepest hell, and I will convince him to come back. We then will discuss everything with The Elders and if they still want to kill him, then, we'll run again."


"Let me finish, although most of the people here except Sakura and Kakashi-sensei think that I might be doing a big mistake in helping my friend, I just would like them to put themselves in my shoes, if your best friend in the whole world was in need of your help, and you were in a position to offer that help, would anyone of you say no?"

Naruto looked at the faces of everyone in the room, feeling understanding settling in their souls, he grinned joyfully at them. "I thought so. Now, let's proceed with the plan."

"But Naruto!"

"Let him be, Iruka. The boy had made up his mind and I don't think there is anything that you can say that will change it. So just, let him be." Came Kakashi behind Iruka and placed a warm hand on the teacher's shoulder, making the other lean behind him on the strong chest, not noticed by the rest of their students. He sighed inside his heart and gave Naruto a smile, knowing that he'll have to lean more on the gray haired Jōnin when this dynamic plan ends.

"Alright Naruto, although I don't completely agree with your way of thinking, or how you do things, or how you eat too much Ramen and don't do you laundry on daily bases, I will help you out with this. But make sure that you stay safe. I won't forgive you if you were to die without my consent!"

Naruto gave his teacher a look that meant all the thanks in the world. "I'll do, Iruka-Sensei."

Everyone stationed in their positions, Naruto waited by the back exist whilst Sakura miles ahead of him, they all took the time that they should to do the task seriously, and were highly punctual. The first sign came from Kakashi as he succeeded into breaking through one of the guards, leaving three behind. Shikamaru battled his share and with a help of Kakashi got through the second. There were two more left, and a high security in Sasuke's room consisting of a new evolved Jutsu. In the midst, Kakashi asked Naruto to call Gai-sensei. That they needed him for this sort of situation. He after all, had the most experience with this field.

Contacting Lee, and asking him to call his teacher, in merely minutes, the optimistic teacher was there. He got a summary of the situation quickly from Sakura and headed in a puff of air to where he was needed. Minutes after the old man went, Naruto and Sakura got the signal to dash in, that there was only one guard and Kakashi and Gai will take care of him.

When the two arrived they saw Shikamaru hulled in a corner with wounds on his body, he thumbed them up that he was okay and with a grateful smile they dashed through, hiding their chakra as best as they could. They arrived watching Gai-sensei prepare a Jutsu as Kakashi-sensei was dulling with the last ANBU member.

They slipped thought the many Jutsu prepared for intruders, and finally got to Sasuke safely….enough. Sakura kept her cool, moving her hands as fast as she could to perform the transport Jutsu along with Naruto; they planned on using it when they stepped outside, into more neutral grounds. But Lee informed them that more ANBU members were on their way, seeing that some Medical Nin reported a disturbance in Sasuke's wing. Her eyes were focused on Naruto's so that they can work together and her heart won't waver in the state her teammate was in then they'll have to explain to everyone why one part of Sasuke was in the agreed place whilst the other whereabouts was unknown.

Naruto finished in the same second Sakura did, they put one hand on either sides of Sasuke's body whilst the other hand linked with the other's. Closing their eyes and focusing on their destination, they completed the Jutsu. Three minutes later, they opened their eyes, arriving at the place where they meant to be. Naruto started rolling the bed inside the hut since they arrived outside it with a few meters give and take.

Getting inside, Sakura quickly took her place as a Medical Nin and started giving everybody orders to do this and that, Naruto stood watching in awe as in merely minutes, Sasuke's stage returned to how it was in the hospital, and the little flush that was on his face when they stopped all the Jutsu that was placed on him, had disappeared. He smiled and sat in a chair as Sakura started stabilizing the condition of their patient.

"Finished, successfully. We just have to see what will come of him now."

Naruto nodded at her, they all stayed watching him for a while, getting freaked out by how much damage was done to their old friend. Gai called after a while saying that they needed to get back to their homes or the ANBU who were questioning them will get a taste of the truth, Sakura sent Lee and Iruka-sensei with a promise to come later away. She stayed for a while then Ino told her she needed to come back, excluding Naruto who refused to budge knowing that his friend needed to be watched.

Sakura tried to convince him in taking turns, but he refused all of her attempts, telling her that staying with Sasuke was best for him, besides, she needed all the rest she could get. She knew that he was more tired than her and only said that so she could go and sleep. So, Sakura stopped arguing and bid him and Sasuke farewell with a gentle smile.

Naruto brought his chair a bit closer to Sasuke's bed and released a Warning Jutsu beside the shed to alert him if any intruder decided to crash in. knowing they will be safe for now, Naruto took the crushed and bruised pale hand in his, caressing it a little then brought it to his lips and planted a soft kiss on it, hoping to get the other out of his sleep.

He smiled, feeling happiness that was robbed form him ages ago return, he started remembering the soft smooth nights and happy days that he spent with Sasuke. Like magic, all the good times were flowing in him, like there was a switch and he pressed it. That night, Naruto fell asleep on the chair, holding that hand and dreaming of days he thought were erased from his memory forever.

Dark black eyes opened in the middle of the night, they took a look around them, the owner couldn't feel anything in his body, like there was nothing attached to him, the darkness and fogginess were getting hard on his eyes, he blinked multiple times to clear his vision but failed. Finally he used his left hand to rub at them, since his right one was occupied with something. Gaining control over his sight, he looked at his right hand, trying to see what it was holding, or more accurately, what was holding it.

His eyes widened slightly when he found tan fingers curled into his and a face that was hunting all of his dreams and nightmares, sleeping beside him. He tried to study his surroundings before thinking of a way to escape or get free, then, it hit him. There was no reason for him to fight or run or anything. The target for his life, the reason why he wanted to get stronger was finished, in the end, his brother still thought of him as a dear younger brother. He remember the fight, how warm the fingers that hit his forehead –when he thought were going for his eyes- were, the trail of blood on them, and the limp body of his brother.

Memories of when they were young flowed into him, and he wondered, why? Why when his brother -only remaining relative- was about to die that he remembered the happy times that they shared? When all of his life, he could only think about that horrible night, when all was taken. He had hoped, to get an explanation, that Itachi tells him that the one who did all of the killing was someone else, not him. Then he could live a different life, the pain was so hard to bear. Sometimes he couldn't stand it. And there were many nights that he'd hoped, prayed that time returns itself and he gets blind before seeing his brother slaughter their only home.

Every so often, it surprised him how stupid he can get, in hopes and dreams. But knowing that staying with Naruto probably caused it. That he was becoming soft and relaying on useless things that didn't make him stronger, he had to go, get stronger in order to kill his brother, his idol, his only family. He had to get stronger, enough to kill. But now, he did it, he had killed Itachi, what now? The last thing he remembered was being caught by the ANBU, but he couldn't care, he had achieved the purpose that he betrayed his friends and home for. There was no need for him to live. Even the idea of getting together with a woman and rebuilt his clan was becoming like a nice memory, a dream that he didn't want to fulfill. Like a duty smothering what's left of him.

A mumble of his name followed by a squeeze to his hand, brought Sasuke's attention to the blond sleeping beside him again, he didn't know what kind of expression he should show, judging by the place they were in, he knew that the blond pulled out something stupid again. He would guess that The Elders decided on finishing him off-something that he was sure they'd do being the scaredy-cats they were-, and being the idiot he was, the Dobe fled with him. Sasuke suspected a help from Sakura and some other people including Kakashi. After all, Naruto wasn't as smart as to pull an escape like that, and by the Medical chakra around. Sakura defiantly had a hand in this.

Calculating that they were in the run now, Sasuke couldn't help but feel disgusted then angered. How could the Dobe just throw his life and stand up for him? Was it that stupid friendship that he valued so much? Then he had thrown that and stepped on it! Why couldn't Naruto do the same? Was it because he had no friends? That was absolutely a lie. For since the blond grew up, he seemed to blend in with the crowds just fine and get a couple of friends along the way. Saying he considered Sasuke a childhood friend would obviously be a lie. Since when they were little, they avoided each other like the plague, they knew they both had no family. But none tried to talk to the other. Sasuke knew that even if the other tried, in that state he was in, he would've only shunned him out.

The body before him stirred then shivered. Making Sasuke notice that the weather was getting colder and the only blankets that were visible on his sight were the ones he was covered in. Again, he gritted his teeth, in anger, feeling like a baby being nursed by a helpless Ninja. He mustered his chakra and focused on healing his hand to at least be able to yank right.

It took a few minutes more than he liked to believe, he didn't know how many since he lost count of them, but his right hand was good to use. At least up to his shoulder. He tugged at first, but Naruto only mumbled and drew closer to the heat which was his body, feeling the hairs on his back stand up in anger, he tugged harder, but the reaction he got was the same.

A memory of the far past floated to his mind, a time when he was still the innocent child who wasn't thirsty for power and just had good times in training with the team that he stopped loathing. He and Naruto were still training and got so absurd in their fights that they didn't pay attention to the time. They ended up sleeping against each other's backs to keep warm, but Sasuke woke up the next morning, finding Naruto sprayed on top of him with his smaller body curled into his. He had wondered at night about why suddenly the air didn't seem so cold. He'd slipped from the blond's grasp lightly without waking him, and didn't speak of it to Naruto. Keeping that sweet memory to himself.

Sasuke coughed the strange memory and yanked the hand very hard, this time Naruto woke up with alert, his hand jolted from Sasuke's and he stood at the door, Kunai in hand, Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Sure, now you wake up, after getting fucking hauled!"

Naruto slowly turned to him, with surprised blue eyes he looked, finding that hazy eyes that greeted him the day before gone, totally gone, without a trace. And a clear, determent –a little angered- eyes instead. He walked with stable steps towards the man in the bed, fearing that this was a dream of his and he'll wake up any second realizing that he was still dreaming then fall back to the hurtful reality again.

But though approaching, this dream didn't vanish like the rest, he sat on the chair that he jolted to the floor –after getting it up-, and stared at Sasuke. He didn't know what to do but stare, afraid that this dream was the kind to vanish by words, not by walking towards the main object of it.

"Haven't you been taught that staring is rude!" Sasuke flipped after being stared at for ten holy minutes without anything else.

"…..oh, you can talk…alright."

"I healed the inside of my jaw, idiot."


They returned to silence again, Naruto not knowing what to do, and Sasuke getting irritated by every minute that passed.

"What happened?"

Sasuke looked at the other who was not looking at him but finding it interesting to play with his fingers, he could feel the tension that radiated from Naruto, and if it was someone other than himself, they would surely have tried to sooth the blond and tell him that there was no need to be so nervous in the presence of an old friend. Sasuke smirked at himself, and old friend who tried to kill you that is.

"What are you talking about, Dobe? That should be my line."

Naruto lifted his face, making his spiky hair sway with the movement. "I'm asking about what caused you to be like this, who were you fighting with that was this strong? Don't tell me you and The Akatsuki…" He trailed off not knowing how to complete.

Seeing the uncertainty in Naruto's face, Sasuke looked at the ceiling, already playing what had happened.

"I found Itachi, we fought. I won, end of story."

Sasuke took a while to himself then looked at the person beside him, there was nothing coming from Naruto and there was a moment where he considered repeating himself, his old friend was a bit hard on the uptake sometimes. But before he could decide if he should or not, Naruto spoke.

"What now? What are you going to do now?"

Sasuke didn't answer; he averted his sight as well. It wasn't that he wanted to be rude or insult Naruto -although he felt like doing just that- or anything, but, he just didn't know the answer. Because, it was something that he never took a time to think about, figuring that he'd be dead with Itachi.

"What? You don't know, right?"

"That's none of your business."

Naruto rolled his eyes at him. "That line is getting old, Teme. Just get it through your thick pride that it is! And that sentence doesn't apply to me anymore."

Sasuke arched a brow. "And why is that?"

"Because I FUCKING spent four years perusing your ass!"

"No one told you to,"

Gritting his teeth Naruto had to settle not to smash the already smashed face before him to pieces. "I don't need someone to tell me, I am your friend!"

"You're the only one who thinks that, for me, I severed all ties with you, useless, at the Valley of the End. When I spared your life."

Naruto angrily released a hallow laugh. "You know what? Sometimes I wish you hadn't done that. Then you'd have saved me a lot of fucking trouble! You think you did me a favor by keeping me alive? Well a flashback to you buddy, you didn't! You just gave me a rope and held the other end, a rope that makes me want to bring you back, I can't continue with my life until I do!"

Sasuke looked passively at him, then said after a period of time in which Naruto caught his breath. "You've became more annoying than ever, Dobe."

Naruto glared at him. "You're not the pleasant eye for me as well, bastard! At times, I don't know why I bothered feeling sorry for you and making up excuses to cover your stinking ass! You obviously don't need it!"

Sasuke glared heatedly at him, feeling those small words hit a spot deep inside his darkness filled heart, that shouldn't be touched.

"I don't need your pity, keep it fucking to yourself!"

Naruto's temper started to flare again. Being near Sasuke always brought the worst in him; still, he didn't know why, but he felt a need to stick to the other, a need that will be the downfall of him, he knew.

"All of these years, and you still think it's pity. Well, let me tell you something Mr. Dump My Friend When I Want To, pity doesn't get you up four o'clock in the morning to train! Pity doesn't tell you that you should work harder even when every bone in your body wants to crush; pity doesn't make you feel that you're not alone even when you're because there is someone out there with the same pain. Pity doesn't make you try for four fucking years to get the one person you care about home and safe, pity doesn't let you feel torn every time you fail in returning that person. Just know this Uchiha, pity just doesn't cut it!"

"Naru-" Sasuke interrupted.

"No, I tried so hard! You don't even care, do you? You've spent all your life chasing Itachi, and now you've got him. What now? What do you plan to do? Getting back and producing little Uchiha? Tough luck doing that since The Elders wants you out! They were going to kill you tomorrow! I fucking rescued you!"

Calmly Sasuke retreaded. "I didn't ask you to. I prepared myself for death; I've nothing to live for anymore. I did my dos."

Naruto's eyes turned from surprise at the suicidal sentence to anger in merely seconds, he put his hands on Sasuke's collar, growling furiously at him.

"Then guess what Uchiha! You have another thing to live for, you have to repay me! For the times I tried so hard to get you back, you'll make it up to me for the years I spent looking for you, you will repay me! And you will stay alive to repay me!"

Sasuke glared and released himself from Naruto's grip. "You can't tell me what to do, Dobe!"

"I can fucking do! You have no idea about your situation do you?"

Something cringed inside Sasuke and his glare hardened. An evil smirk lay on Naruto's lips; he knew he wasn't acting right, that he needed to offer the news in a different method, a way that won't have Sasuke feel like he will live like a hostage for what's left his life. But, the horrible things that his old teammate was saying were just hitting many sensitive nerves to be let down; he just didn't see any other choice. He wanted Sasuke to step-down the high horse for a while and see the things like what they really were; after all, the world hadn't ended with killing Itachi!

"Your right leg, it's useless, you can't use it, no chakra, healing power, or Jutsu will heal it. You will have to live without it for your entire life. The only reason why it's still there is because the circulation is flowing through it, but you won't be using it!"

Sasuke's eyes widened slightly, then the next minute, they returned to their natural glare. "I still have another one, idiot. I'll use it to get away, if I want to. You need another thing to threaten with."

"Food, you will need food to survive and I'll be the only one to bring it to you in your current state."

"Starving to death. Another way to end my worthless life, besides, I highly think that Sakura will let you be in charge of something like that."

Naruto puffed his cheeks, crossed his hands, and sat on the chair. He let his head cool down a little, then said gently. "Your life is not worthless, at least not to me."

Sasuke felt something tingle inside his heart through the darkness in which it lay, considering it something trivial, he didn't pay it any thought. He frowned at Naruto's words though; it was obvious that the person beside him wasn't the one whom he knew four years ago, he'd changed, both physically and mentally. But Sasuke knew, deep inside, he was the same agonized child he always was. The raven bit the inside of his jaw, there was a desperate look on Naruto's face, it told him that saying any harsh words right now would devastate his old friend more than he already is.

Sasuke settled for the one question that came to his mind at that moment. "Why would you think that?"

Naruto shrugged, relaxing his nerves to a normal conversation, well, as normal as they could get. "I just don't want to think that the life I fought so hard to save is worthless…. no not that, I know that the life I fought so hard for is not worthless!"

"You're still the same idiot you always were."

The blond felt his face scowl at the remark, but the relaxed expression that Sasuke's face had after it, made him perk up, out of his scowl. "Does that mean you'll stay with me?"

Sasuke looked at those blue orbs again; he couldn't feel anything inside his body to indicate that he will acknowledge the other and therefore stay by his side like the blond had wished, but there was desperation, he located a deep desperation hover inside the blue depth. The same kind he showed his brother after he had massacred their family. Sasuke lowered his gaze towards his hands, something from his past memory made him understand how it would feel like if he were to say no right now. He'd experienced how cruel it is, and Naruto, in his opinion, had suffered enough….they both have.

"I don't care anymore; you can do as you wish."

There was a trigger of happiness inside those words. It took Naruto a while to absorb the hidden meaning though, as the mouse inside his brain started cycling, he grinned. So hard that Sasuke had second thoughts about his decision.

"I will!"

He stated. Taking a deep breath and putting his head on the mattress again, relieved, he gazed at Sasuke. It lasted for a few minutes before the raven grew irritated with the happy look that he smacked Naruto across the shoulder, the only place his hand was able to reach in his current condition.

With aggravated tone, he snapped. "What now?"

"Nothing, nothing," Naruto held his hands defensively, and rubbed his shoulder as the smack did more damage than it should have, he didn't know if it was intentional or not, but he hoped not. "I just, I haven't seen you for a while, but yesterday your face looked all puffy and swollen, your right eye was totally gone, I mean, I couldn't even see your iris. But now, you look….fine."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, irked. "You aren't the only one who heals fast, Dobe."

Naruto sniggered and returned his head once again to the bed.

"In spite of how angry I should be for you calling me that, you have no idea how happy hearing it makes me. I feel like we got back to our childhood, you know, the old happy days."

"Except that we didn't."

The dark tone got Naruto out of his happy world; he moved his head out of the mattress and nodded.

"Yea…we didn't."

A gust of cold air passed, making Naruto shiver. Swiftly, he searched through the things that Sakura had brought for something to shelter under, but there was nothing, no blankets to cover with, no curtains, coats, or anything that he could use. The blue-eyed teen stood like a stray cat not knowing what to do, he heard a rustle nearby and turned to find Sasuke making room on his bed, beside his back. He knotted his brows in question, but no words were exchanged, as Sasuke pointed to the space behind him. Naruto wanted to complain about how crowded it would get, and that Sasuke was still in recovery from his hard injuries.

But the next wind that blew had him run straight ahead to the warmth. They avoided eye contact and any chance to look at each other, not knowing why. But they did, Naruto felt himself too happy to wake up if this really turned up to be a dream, he could die content at that moment, knowing that this was the closest he has gotten to Sasuke in a very, very long time.

Before closing his eyes, Naruto whispered soft words that seemed like thanks, but Sasuke had no idea if it was directed at him, the Gods in the heavens, or anyone else.

That morning when Sakura opened the door, she wasn't prepared for what she saw. Her eyes had widened in surprise. Her two teammates were on the bed, and however she looked at what they were doing, she couldn't find another word – she knew she will be killed if Naruto were to ever hear her put that adjective on the two of them combined-, but she really couldn't find another word. For that was what they were doing, cuddling warmly. Sakura smiled at herself, then closed the door. A few seconds later there was a chakra, a chakra that she was very familiar with, although it was much darker than how it used to be, she wouldn't mistake it for any other. Sakura opened the door as the said chakra was calling her inside, this time their position had changed, the hand that was circled around Naruto's shoulder was now removing the hairs out of his eyes.

Sakura coughed to get the raven's attention, but he only brought a finger to his lips. "You'll wake him. Although I don't really care whether you see us like this or not, he does. So, can you get back after he wakes up? I'll tell him to fetch you later."

The girl had to try for a while to get her ear to function; this wasn't the reaction that she thought she will get; she had prepared herself for the spite, the unwanted comments, the venom and death threats. But speaking to her in a calm collected voice, with a face that was pure of any energy while his hand was playing with their teammate's hair wasn't what was on her mind when she had woken up that morning. Still, speaking to her as if she was a maid of his was something she felt she would punch Sasuke for. Cooling her flaming nerves, she spoke with gritted teeth.

"I'll be back."

She nodded at him and before she closed the door, Sakura forced her uneasiness to alleviate and said with a genuine smile. "I'm really glad you came back." Then vanished, leaving Sasuke to wonder what came over him to do such a thing, it wasn't like he was now in a place where he could tell others what to do, or even have them respect him. He was a betrayal, a sell-out and an avenger who would do anything to get his goal. And selling his soul to the devil wasn't a problem for him.

Looking at the man in his bed, he couldn't help a frown coloring his features, was he suppose to live for Naruto now. How can one do that exactly? Live for another? He had no idea, should that mean he must be nice to him? Treat him like when they were still children? That just didn't seem right to Sasuke, they both had been forced to grow, at that rainy night when he cut all ties and spared Naruto's life. He pulled the trigger on them ever being friends again.

He'd lost hope in that aspect and inside his soul, deep hidden from the darkness; he wished Naruto to give up. This doomed friendship that Naruto risked so much for, was just that, doomed. It paid Naruto nothing except torment; he was just suffering more and more. And Sasuke couldn't understand why, why would the other not want to let something that brought him harm go? The raven knew that asking himself was the wrong way, for he had thrown all of those sentiments away, and it would be very long until he comes to feel them again.

Nevertheless, no answer was provided inside his head about living for Naruto. As he started to echo this matter again, he felt a headache forming. Figuring that stopping thinking about his and Naruto's future was the best choice, Sasuke stopped, switching to a blank page inside his brain.

Naruto stirred beside him and one cerulean eye opened, Sasuke looked at him blankly and said what he thought was appropriate at that time.

"You have been pressuring my arm's blood circulation to an extent that I know I'll have to cut it off if you don't lift your head, right about now."

The blond quickly got out of the bed, stumbled through his steps until he got them eventually right; Sasuke just rolled his eyes at the silliness.

"I didn't actually say to get out the bed, just raise your head so that I can return the blood circulation."

It took Naruto a minute to identify that his eyes and ears weren't playing with him, and when he did, his tan cheeks colored with a hint of red. Making The Uchiha on the bed quirk a brow.

"N-No need, I already slept enough….ummm…" Naruto looked around him frantically, his voice hinted with a shake."S-Sakura-chan should be coming here any minute now, and she shouldn't see us l-like that."

Keeping the eyebrow raised, Sasuke asked. "Like what exactly?"

Naruto waved his hands hysterically in the air, trying to dismiss the attention from his still increasing blush, and by the look he was getting, it didn't work. "You know…like that."

"What's that?"

"L-Like….we are.…you know,"

"I don't know; that's why I'm asking."

Naruto shook his head to get his thoughts straight. "Like we….."


"Aghhh Sasuke! Can't you take a hint?"

The raven felt the urge to throw something at the other; a Kunai was very tempting at that moment. "You didn't give me any hint to go by, stupid!"

"Just forget it!" Naruto said in frustration.

"No, I won't, it's like you're stressing out about your girlfriend finding out you were cheating on her with me!"

Naruto looked at him with wide eyes; his face heated up at the suggestion and he shook his head. "No, no, no, Sasuke! She isn't my girlfriend! And I can't believe you just said that!"

"Then….there is no problem."

"Yes there is, no grownup men should be sleeping in the same bed! And a tiny one that can barely hold one of them!"

"Dobe, we had to, it was a necessity. Not like I wanted to share with you and get all cramped and circulation-cut, but we had to, so suck it up."

Naruto mumbled something under his breath and crossed his arms, looking at the other side with a pout on his face.

Sasuke looked at him unblinking, then said. "You know what, you're right, let's forget it, and she did come, I sent her away."

That caught Naruto's attention and he looked at the other again. "You did what? Why?"

"You were sleeping; I thought that was good enough,"

Naruto scowled. "You can't drive people away just because I was sleeping!"

"Yes I can, and your recent blow-up was a good proof of why I had to. Furthermore, I don't think she would have liked to see us like that even,"

Naruto wrinkled his nose, asking. "We weren't that bad, right?"

"You were sleeping on my arm, with my second arm over you; we were in a state of cuddling, would you really want to wake up having her see us in such a situation?"

The faint pink on Naruto's cheeks got darker; he averted his eyes not knowing if he could dare look at those onyx orbs just yet. "F-fine. When did she say she was coming back?'

"She didn't, I told her you'll go get her,"

"You did what again? Sasuke, I can't leave you alone, the ANBU are after us, and we're still in Konoha, I need to stay here until we figure out a place to go to. Plus, she needs to check on you and your wounds. You really shouldn't have sent her away, even if she did catch us in a questioning position."

"Did you even hear me? We were snuggling, Dobe!"

"I heard you! Loud and clear, but your health is far more important than that!"

"You weren't saying that two minutes ago!"

Ignoring the bad habit that his old teammate had of looking at the flaws in people's words, Naruto proceeded in thinking out loud. "Now, how do we get out of this mess?"

"Just go get her, or wait until she gets here herself. Being the quick thinker she is, she'll catch on fast. Just stay here."

"I don't have any other choice, even if I want to go, I can't."

"It's settled then. And try not to fuss so much about my wounds, you'll only give me a headache."

"Jeopardizing the chances of infuriating you, I will have to fuss over your wounds. For in case you haven't noticed, they are very dangerous!"

"My charka will heal them in one week."

Naruto crossed his arms. "Might be, but we don't have a week, we must start moving tonight, the ANBU are already on the move."

"Then you should get Sakura to help more,"

The blond puffed his cheeks and was about to send his pink haired teammate a message when the door slide open. Revealing the object of their conversation, she gave them a friendly smile while her hands were occupied with boxes.

"Hullo, I believe you had a goodnight's sleep?" She smirked at Sasuke who just 'Hn'ed at her causing Naruto to raise a questioning brow between the two.

"….We did as a matter of fact, but-"

"Great, we don't have much time to waste on pity chat!"

Her smirk switched to a serious look in mere seconds. She closed the door quickly with her foot as she put the two boxes in a corner. Sakura stepped towards Sasuke and started checking his wounds, looking for any new bleedings, scratches or anything that she had missed to detect in the darkness of the previous night. The raven stayed silent and did as she requested every time she wanted to apply an examination, or use a healing Jutsu on something.

"Sakura, what's wrong?" Naruto came from behind her with an anxious look on his face. Matching hers.

"We have been caught! Kakashi-sensei informed me that they started searching inside Konoha, going by the theory that we wouldn't get far with Sasuke's condition. They inspected the Medical Stores and pharmacies, they found out about what we took, and questioned Iruka-sensei since he was the one to purchase them." Sakura bit her lower lip, feeling guilt at making their former sensei go through all that trouble. "Kakashi-sensei said that Iruka-sensei won't last long, he will try to stall them for a while, but in the end, they will get the information out of him. And he also said this, to get Sasuke out before they start torturing Iruka-sensei or he'll march in and spill everything before they touch a hair in his head. Now, Naruto, you have five hours at most. Think of a place you can go to outside of Konoha,"

Naruto slammed his hands on the rundown wall, making Sakura jolt. She thanked God for it not crashing down on their heads and sent a silent glare to Naruto, who was too busy thinking to notice her glare.

"It's too soon Sakura; I didn't have that part figured out just yet! We need more time!"

"We don't have it! They will be here to take him back if we don't act quickly."

Sasuke watched as his former comrades' heads filled with agony and distress, he closed his eyes and sighed inside his heart, what he was about to do was a taboo that he shouldn't perform, a line that he shouldn't cross, but, being the last one of his clan, there was no one to judge his actions, and he knew, Naruto will be as discreet as he is. This time he coughed, drawing the attention to him.

"I have a place. It's a bit far outside the borders of Konoha, the run there will be about three hours. But due to these circumstances, I guess we will be needing seven."

Sakura stopped her work on providing Sasuke's body with chakra meant to increase his healing ability over its max and asked. "Where is it?"

"It's a hidden place, normal people won't be able to enter it or see it, even skilled ninjas will have a hard time locating it. It was designed for Uchiha only, and the entrance will not open unless you have an Uchiha with you. It has something to do with the bloodline."

Millions of questions twirled inside Naruto's brain, he wanted to ask but sensing that Sasuke probably didn't wish to discuss the subject about his family's hideout right now, made him shut his trap.

"So, you know the way?" Sakura continued inquiring.


"Fantastic! I know how you must feel about having that take care of you," She eyed Naruto, smirking. "But don't be afraid, I'll prepare you so that you can at least use your left leg. That would make your journey much easier."

"Hey!" Naruto protested. "I've a name you know!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Ramen-San,"

Naruto pouted in the corner and stepped out to sulk some more, while Sakura chuckled to herself. She saw the look Sasuke was giving her and smiled."Don't worry, he is just blowing steam."

"I didn't say anything."

"But your eyes did,"


Sakura let them have a moment of silence as she gathered her courage; she finished renewing the bandages around his hurt leg and then said – courage at its utmost.

"Sasuke, there is something about him that you don't know," She didn't wait for the 'what' and proceeded, knowing he was all ears. "Naruto, he tried desperately to being you back. At first, I thought it was because he made a promise with me, but then I librated him of his words. But still, he went and tried to bring you back. There were times that he refused to believe the terrible things that people around the village said about you, or that you did. And he fought with other people. Many of the fights were started just to defend you. I couldn't do anything but admire him for what he did, and finally -although you might think that this will only burden you and you would most likely rather die than be stuck in the same place as him. Try to be nice, he suffered enough, and I can't help but feel that this is a gift from God for him. He bid his share of troubles, and it's time to relax, help him relax."

The raven turned at her with serious eyes.

"We will be wanted, different ninjas from different villages will come looking for us, he won't have the easy life that he wants if he comes with me, it's easier to just leave me here."

Sakura chuckled causing Sasuke to knot his brow. "Iruka-sensei said that same thing last night, you know. But Naruto gave him a good answer in my opinion; do you want to know what Naruto said?"


Smiling that her old crush was still interested, she continued. "He told him that if he let you die, then his life will be filled with guilt, he will feel that he betrayed his best friend. And even if he did get to be a Hokage, he will not lead a peaceful life for he will feel like a walking dead every single day of his guilt filled life."

Sasuke felt a tug at his heart but tried not to let the slip of his mask show before Sakura. It would be hard to explain to her why a part of him felt guilty over every word she was saying. Getting to the end of their little conversation, Sasuke felt like he was obligated to at least assure her that he'll take care of their idiotic friend, but he just didn't know how.

"He'll live; I'll make sure of that."

She was a bit startled about hearing his husky voice after a long time of silence that she doubted he'd even heard her speak in but she smiled, and nodded causing her pangs to stick to her forehead due to sweat. Sakura knew what Sasuke's words meant, and felt really happy to hear them, a silent promise, between them. She realized that she was working so hard that her body felt more exhausted than her brain. So, Sakura finished up her work quickly and stepped away.

"This would do for now, I hadn't expected that, but your body is really healing fast. Faster than expected even."

"It should, after all I've done."

Sakura had no idea what her runaway friend meant, but she didn't question, only nodded her understanding, although she didn't. She bent beside one of the boxes she brought and opened it, just in toe with Naruto stepping inside all cleaned up, she smirked, knowing that he'd found the little stream of water that was beside the small rundown hut. Over all the times that she saw Naruto's hair, she always preferred it moistly, having pangs fall here and there on the blond's face, made him really look cool, different from the pure-good-hearted idiot that they all knew and loved.

"What do you have in there, Sakura-chan?"

The subject of her observation asked, she looked at the box and her smirk switched into a lovely smile.


Sasuke couldn't stop himself from feeling tingly all over, every time he made eye contact with the blond and saw the sparkling blue eyes, he would tingle. It reached to a stage where he thought there was something seriously wrong with his system and the thought to tell Sakura just floated to his inner mind, urging him to at least take notice before it escalated. But if so, what would he tell her? That his whole body felt strange after looking at Naruto? He wasn't a Medical Nin, nor was he an expert in rare Ninja diseases, but he knew that this was not an illness where simple treatment would do. It was something inside him, and he should be the one to figure it out, still a little piece of advice won't hurt.

He looked around him, finding Sakura telling Naruto about what he should do and how to contact her if things went bad or they got into troubles, or in worst case scenario, Sasuke's case worsens. He saw his idiotic friend nod at the right places, and urge Sakura to continue her final recommendations. Sasuke leaned further into the rundown wall, his body ached and his left leg was barely able to hold his weight. But, he refused to be on a bed all of his life, in his sight, his body was recovering just fine and he wasn't a child that needed to be nursed. Even though his former teammates thought he was just being a stubborn ass, he disagreed. Not wanting to be some helpless Ninja that couldn't even heal his own body. And was so desperate as to ask help and relay on other people.

"Hey, Teme, we are leaving now!" Naruto shouted at him, although there was really no need for it, causing Sasuke to roll his eyes at the never changing brainless idiot.

"I can hear you."

Naruto grinned childishly and walked towards him, he stretched his right hand for Sasuke to use. The raven's only movement was raising his brow at the extended hand, resulting in Naruto rolling his eyes.

"I know you said you don't need any help in moving, but just, think about your health a little, give me your hand, you can lean on me. Let me be your right leg!"

"I can function fine without it."

As to make his point across, Sasuke started walking towards the forest, where they will make their exist. His whole body ached and the healing chakra that Sakura had provided for his right leg was decreasing every second, he tried not to show the pain he felt stretch on the muscles of his face, but his walking that turned to limping before he reached the start of the forest made Sakura sigh. She walked over to him and cut him midway.

"Sasuke, listen! As a Medical Nin, I can tell you this, you will have to suck up that useless pride of yours and accept the help that God knows you need or get the idea of ever being able to walk out of your head! Right now, you need help, even his help. No, especially his help, Sasuke, Naruto's chakra might be the solution to getting your dead leg back to life. I don't know how but I did a little research and consulted with Tsunade-sama, we concluded that maybe the Kyuubi's chakra have the power to save your leg. We don't know the method for using it just yet, but we'll look it up and get back to you as soon as possible, but for now, you need to work together with Naruto in order to reach that place you talked about!"

Sasuke knotted his brows and glared at her. "No! It will take a while but I can do it by myself, he can follow me."

"Sasuke, that won't do. You have the elite of the elites of the elites of the ANBU on your tails, you'll need every help you can get not to fall! Believe me in this condition you won't be able to climb a single tree, let alone run all the way there!"

"Even if you say that, I can do it."

"It's not a case of whether you can do it or not, you were limping just now for God's sake, Sasuke!"

The glare that was directed at her hardened and Sasuke pulled his lips into a thin line. "I made it this far, didn't I? Now step outta my way!"

"You only walked seven steps and you're already sweating!"

"I said, Out. Of. My. Way!" Sasuke spat the words out for her.

Sakura knew that if that same glare was given to her when she was eleven or so when she was deeply in love with him then she would shun away from the world and cry for ages. But not now, not today, and defiantly not tomorrow. She had grown strong. Stronger than ever, to be able to live and support Naruto, and right now, she didn't feel a thing for that stupid glare, it won't kill her if she was hated by Sasuke now, no it wouldn't. Because she had another person who meant the world to her more than this pride-stuck-up-asshole whom she had idolized forever.

"No! There is no stepping away until you let Naruto help you, God help me Sasuke, I can punch the life outta you right now! You better take the help willingly, I know with that weak injured body you have, you don't stand a chance against my punch, so just accept it before anything gets worse, or I end up breaking your bones!"

Naruto sweat dropped, he knew when Sakura was being serious about something, he had witnessed a fight she had with one of her patients that refused to stay put. His concern increased when a flashback about the hard condition the patient went in after her punch came floating into his brain. He looked around him and saw a tree branch. Smiling, he used his kunai to cut it just the right size. Before the fight between the two heated any further, he presented the log to them.


Sasuke looked from the stick to Naruto then raised a brow. "What the hell is this?"

"A cane, to help you walk."

"I don't need it."

"Look, if you don't want my assistance, and don't want Sakura to pour a hole inside your stomach and crush your bones to dust, take it. You wouldn't have to use the help of people since you hate it so much. And we won't be worried sick about you, plus, it would make our trip much easier!"

Sakura sighed from beside Naruto and put a hand on the blond's shoulder. With clear jade eyes, she addressed Sasuke. "I think this will be a good idea, for all of us!"

Naruto huffed after holding the cane for a while and getting no reaction to take it from the other man. "Sasuke you're being ridicules!"


Sakura sighed, she looked at the sky in agony, yelling right now and losing her clam due to Sasuke behaving like a six years old child won't be the best solution. A drop of water hit her nose; she blinked and took a good look at the heavens, finding heavy clouds gathering. A troubled look crossed here mind.

"Ok Naruto, step back! We don't have time for this, he needs some sense to be knocked into him!"

Naruto's eyes widened, he held his hands for Sakura's hand motion to stop but it was too late. Sasuke didn't even know what hit him.

Sasuke opened his eyes, his first reaction was shock. Shocked at being punched by Sakura and actually faint from the punch. Then disgusted, that he actually fainted after being punched by a girl, –no matter what the circumstances were. Finally, his emotions settled on anger, he couldn't move, and the fucking world kept on spinning around and around and around and around! He felt his stomach turn and do flip-flops.

"Just fucking stop moving!"

He yelled at whatever object was causing him to stir so much. Suddenly, the movement stopped and he took a good look at where he actually was, and when he did, he wished he didn't.

"Sorry there…you awake now?"

Sasuke snorted at the blond. "Put me down!"

"No can do," Naruto pointed to the fact that they were about thirty meters above the ground. "Even if you say you want to get down, it would be a while before we accomplish that task, besides,"

The nervous tone that Naruto's voice took made something inside Sasuke panic. "What?"

"Err…well, Sakura kinda…."

"What? What did she do?"

"Ummm….She dislocated you Joints, so you won't be able to move,"


Naruto winced at the scream that echoed inside his eardrums; he shook his head and placed his right hand on his right ear, letting his hold on Sasuke's thigh go. "Please! Refrain from making a hole through my ear!"

Sasuke growled. "Then let me fucking down!"

"I can't, and I won't return your Joints to their normal place until we reach that hidden place of yours, currently, you can bitch on my back all you want or….we can act like the adults that we are, and you start telling me about the right directions cause I've been in this rain long enough to develop a freaking hypothermia and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going!"

The raven glared. "Fine! But I will kick your ass once we get there!"

Naruto sighed then smiled, shaking his head to get rid of the raindrops, he had freaked out outta his mind when Sakura had hit Sasuke with all her might, causing him to faint. She had given him a number of serious instructions about Sasuke, and bid him farewell with a tight hug. Remembering her face while it squeezed in pain over their departure, he assured her with another hug, that he'll come back with Sasuke and they will all live together in a quiet and peaceful environment, one that didn't have every individual after Sasuke's head.

Sakura had nodded and smiled back, wiped the unshed tears before they start flowing and encouraged him to go on. She had suggested an umbrella, but they both knew that with him carrying Sasuke on his back and using both of his hands to support the guy not to fall, while his legs kept on running and jumping from one branch to the other, with the cane he made tied into his side, that the chances of holding an umbrella were close to zero.


The blond stopped moving and screamed back. "Haven't I told you not to yell in my ears?"

"I was freaking calling you for the past hour and your hearing was in another fucking planet!"

Sighing again, he asked. "Alright, my bad, what do you want?"

"You're taking the wrong turn. I said clearly turn left after the big Oak tree that looks like a foot hanging from the air,"

"No you didn't!"

"I fucking did, but you were not listening!"

Naruto grunted. "Do ease on the cursing if you can! My ears are dirty as it is with all this mud and stupid rain!"

"The only stupid thing here is you, Dobe."

"If you want me to throw you out here and have whatever beast munch the life out of you say that again, Teme. 'Cause for the love of me I will!"

"That was my wish from the damn start! But someone with zip intelligence won't fucking listen!"

"I told you not to curse!"

"And I did, what are you going to do about it?"

"Okay! That's it, Uchiha!"

Suddenly Naruto gritted his teeth and let his grip on Sasuke's leg go, causing the raven to slip from his back, and since his Joints were dislocated his hands were in no condition to grab into anything. Sasuke glared at Naruto, he wished to die, but not in this condition! The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was the angry -and with a hint of pain- face of Naruto.

Sasuke got every cell in his body to get ready for the crash, and hopefully, his departure to the other side won't be as painful as his life was, he had enough of the pain, and wanted a chance to breath and rest in peace. Naruto watched as his former teammate fell from his back, he crossed his arms. But as a part of him told him to sit back and watch the bastard get what he deserved, a larger part said to dive in and help. Just before Sasuke's head made peace with the ground, his body was being carried away; the raven opened his eyes to see Naruto holding him bridle style then change to a piggyback, he glared.

"What? I thought you were going to leave me to the beasts to munch on my flesh."

Naruto rolled his eyes and frowned. "Shut up, Teme. Just lead the way!"


They reached their destination in three hours after their little fight, Naruto stood rising a brow at the huge mountain in front of his face, looking at the raven in his back, the frown that was painted on his face, deepened.

"What the hell is this?"

"The hideout."

"How the hell should we get in? Draw a freaking hole!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "No, idiot, just let me down. And for heaven's sake return my Joints to their right position!"

Naruto raised a brow and looked at the other tentatively, then dropped him off his shoulders and into the muddy ground. "Imagine I did that, you'll hit me!"

"No I wouldn't,"

"Yes you would! You said you would!"

"I was joking; now, return them to their place."

"You don't joke! I know you'll hit me as soon as you get use of your hands!"

"Naruto, stop being a paranoid idiot and return them! If you don't then the door will not open! And we'll have to sleep out here, with larger chances of the ANBU arriving and having me back. I don't care if they catch me as I said millions of times before, but you obviously do. Now, return my Joints to their freaking original place!" Sasuke all but screamed.

Naruto knotted his brows and put one hand on Sasuke's right shoulder. "But you won't hit me, promise?"

"Naruto!" The other threatened.

"Say you won't hit me,"

"I won't hit you."

"That was too fast for me to believe you!"

"Naruto, I will not hit you, but keep this up and I'll skin you alive!" Sasuke said gritting his teeth.

Naruto grinned and started returning the Joints to their respective places; he stood a bit away from Sasuke and admired his work, watching Sasuke clench his hands to check their mobility. The raven used the tree behind him to support his weight and stand up, and when he did, he limped straight to Naruto and smacked him hard on the head.

"Hey! You promised!"

"I promised not to hit you for not doing your job when I told you to, but I didn't promise not to hit you for being an ass."

Naruto felt a single tear slip out of his left eye duo to the slight pain; he fisted his hands and glared at Sasuke's back. "That's not fair!"

"Sue me then."

"You cheated me!"

"Says you, now stop whining and help me find the damn spot!"

"What spot?"

Sasuke started feeling the mountain with his hands, he closed his eyes and focused on a single place, then moved his hands up and down in motions that Naruto had never seen, and was drawn to. Abruptly, Sasuke's face lit up and he pushed on a rock near the left side.

"This spot."

The rock went inside and swiftly, a group of other rocks moved forming a door, a big Golden-Aura door shined at them, Naruto watched in awe as Sasuke made his way inside, after a while in awe-ing he figured that following Sasuke would be better than standing with his mouth gaped like a fish out of water.

Inside the door there was a deep forest; Naruto had no idea where to go as not to get lost in it. But, gradually as he started making his way further inside, the lost look was getting visible on his face. He started searching for Sasuke but his eyes couldn't find him anywhere. Naruto started to panic when the trees around him seemed to get higher and the ground slipper. With no trace of Sasuke anywhere.

"Sasuke! Where are you?"

He started calling but no one was answering and really, the ground was getting slipper by the minute! What was going on? Naruto used his chakra to locate the chakra of his former friend, to his surprise; it seemed to be near him, as if Sasuke was walking right beside him. He freaked out when he moved his hands to where Sasuke should be but nothing was there, only thin air. Getting officially alarmed, Naruto prepared himself for a fight, maybe the hideout was nothing but a big scam, a plan that Sasuke had prepared to run away from him and now he was facing a strange Jutsu, God knows he fought enough to recognize an odd one when it starts to play with his mind!

He sent an energy ball to a tree, trying to start a fire; most of the mind-playing Jutsu had no real ability once you start a fire. But nothing happened; the energy ball pounced off the tree and to the other until it reached the sky then vanished. Gritting his teeth at the eccentric opponent, Naruto jumped to a tree, deciding that a vision from the air would be most pleasant to examine his surroundings, but he failed. For the tree he used to jump bent and sent him back to the ground which turned into quick sand, it sucked the blond right in. Naruto reached his hand inside the back box he placed things for emergencies in, and pulled out a rope. He used his chakra to have it stick to a tree branch.

When the tree literally pulled the robe from its branch, Naruto's eyes widened and he knew he was out of normality. "You gotta be kidding me!"

The sand started swallowing his legs, moving to his stomach and chest next, Naruto had no idea what to do but scream, if Sasuke was really near as the charka signaled, then even if he wanted to escape, he wouldn't want Naruto to die like this, right? After being nearly killed several times by Sasuke, a big part in Naruto was seriously questioning that.

"Sasuke! Teme! Where the hell are you? You want to kill me here? Oh God help me, I'll become a fucking ghost and hunt you down, and if you died after me I'll follow you to hell and make sure every day is a living hell for you down there! I will not forgive you for leaving me in this fucking shithole!"

"What the hell are you blubbering about, Dobe?"

A calm voice reached out to him, and Naruto blinked his eyes, finding himself struggling on the ground like a kid swimming in a pool with no water, his body was safe and the ground was still the ground. He looked at the trees beside him and threw a stone at one of them. It pounced to the ground -not the sky- with a sound. Knotting his brows at what had happened to him, he said with all honesty.

"I….don't know."

After being pulled by the hand, Naruto realized that Sasuke's hand was now linked with his, he blushed a little and wanted to question the deal because even after his little freak out-session, Sasuke's hand hadn't let go.

"W-What exactly had happened there? I swear the earth and the trees were acting up!"

Sasuke sighed. "That's a defense mechanism, I told you not to let go my hand, but you foolishly ignored my words and walked behind me without any protection, this place, as I said earlier -but I'll have to repeat myself because you don't listen- is designed to help Uchiha, those with blood that is foreign or don't have any contact with an Uchiha, will be attacked. It starts mentally, but if you died in your head, you die in reality. Thank God I realized that you had no contact with me before you were a goner."

"What do you mean a goner? It was only for a minute or two."

Sasuke stopped walking; he looked Naruto straight in the eyes. "It's made to kill in three."

The blond sweat dropped and tried to avert his eyes from the long stare. "Three hours….?"

"Three minutes."

Naruto gulped. "Oh,"

Sasuke started walking again, this time feeling the hold on his hand tighten, he smirked. "Afraid, are we?"

Naruto flushed and was about to jerk his hand away but Sasuke's grip was strong, reminding him of what will happen.

"Not really."


Looking around, he could see the long trees come to an end, and a line of daisies come to view. The smell of them lingered in the air and he took a sniff, already feeling his body lighten up, the daises extended to a road, he could see numbers of houses combined there, all with the Uchiha symbol on them, the Red and White Fan. A breeze came and blew past them; Naruto shivered a little judging by the fact that he was drenched to the bone.

"Sasuke, can't we find shelter in some place?"

"Yes, we will arrive shortly,"

There was a grim tone on Sasuke's voice and Naruto realized just now how hard this must be for his friend, getting to a place where his slaughtered family used for protection was something that no one should go through, especially after killing the only relative in the world that you know of. Naruto watched Sasuke's face with the corner of his eyes, searching for anything that might help him with the raven, with his pain. But the stoic mask was still on. The only thing that told Naruto that Sasuke actually felt something- regardless of what it was- and wasn't a prick of ice, were his hands, they turned colder than ever, and then squeezed his every now and then. Naruto considered that saying anything will be a big mistake right now. He just smiled softly and let his friend lead the way.

They arrived at a big house, made of wood with The Fan painted on the front door. Sasuke stepped in dragging Naruto with him; he walked –with slow steps using the cane- until he reached a staircase, they started climbing up. Sasuke led Naruto to a room on the far right side of the staircase, with The Fan also drawn on the door. Naruto wanted to roll his eyes at all the Uchiha. Can they get any obsessed with their symbol if possible? It was on everything! The doors, the houses, their clothes, their food, and Naruto suspected he'd find The Fan engraved on their bodies as well! Obsession had it limits, but the Uchiha closed a door on that rule.

"You'll stay here, I'll be over there," Sasuke pointed to a door behind the stairs, Naruto snorted. "Like hell I will, let me just point out the many wrong things about this," He used his right hand to count since his other was still busy intertwining with Sasuke's. "First, yours is closers to the stairs, you could run away from me any time. Second, if the ANBU come to get you they'll get to you faster, since again, yours is closers to the stairs,"

"They need an Uchiha to step inside."

"Assume that they'd figured out a way around that mind-playing-Jutsu."

"Fine, then, what do you want to do? Switch with me?"

"Won't work, because of number three, you said in order to live, I have to keep contact with you, and having a seven meters distance between us will surely kill me before you run away or the ANBU get here!"

Sasuke sighed. "There is something I didn't say, you were in danger in the Dark Forest. Once we entered the Daisy Field, there was nothing that can hurt you, the danger was out. You can let go of my hand and still be here."

Naruto's face relaxed when he understood. "Soooo…. if I let go now, I'll still live?"

"I promise."

The blond groaned. "The last time I believed that, I was smacked on the head!"

Sasuke smirked. "That was an invalid one, this is the real deal. So, which room?"

Choosing to ignore the subject about the hands for now, Naruto sighed. "Isn't there a room where I can keep an eye on you? Like a two bed room or something? We can share."

"I don't need to be kept an eye on!"

"Sakura disagrees!"

"She isn't here, now is she?"

"No, but I'm and I will not have you die on my watch especially after all I went through!"

Sighing at not being able to win the stupid fight, Sasuke nodded. "There is one, but there is only one bed, king sized though, it will hold us both,"

"Great! Take me there then!"

"Didn't you throw a tantrum earlier about sleeping together with a male?"

Naruto flushed faintly. "Well, that was because the bed was small, and you needed your rest."

"Aha, and Sakura had nothing to do with it? Nor the way you acted like a cheating husband?"

"What? No! No! Sakura and I aren't like that, I told you!"

"Then why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous! Just frustrated with your thick head!"

Sasuke ignored the frantic blond beside him and started walking, dragging Naruto along with their joint hands.


Looking at the great big room that they were in, Naruto couldn't hide his delight. The ground was perfectly polished but a bit dusty, nothing a good cleaning won't fix though. A blue fan was on the ceiling, matching well with the decorated blue and green flowers on it. He switched his eyes to the walls; they were painted with a deep sea and a wave like paint, giving the room a calmness that could only come with that particular degree of color. At different places, different ornaments lay here and there thriving in the room a sense of style. Finally, Naruto's eyes laid on the bed, the queen sized beautiful bed, with two brown nightstands decorated with two matching lamps.

Naruto smiled feeling that he'd be really happy with his bed, still one big problem caused his brows to knot. The whole place was dusty, the sheets held dust and spider webs were forming on the corners of the room, he doubted that the electricity still worked and noted to check on it soon, also the water, and the food. They were all things that he'd have to look for if he intended to live with Sasuke in this rundown deserted ghost like hideout. But, even if it all was looking gloomy and dark and no hope was on the horizon, Naruto was determent to make these the best years of his and Sasuke's lives!

"The bathroom is over there, I checked the water and it's running,"

Sasuke sat on the small couch that was placed in the room for the sole purpose of ornamentation, he sighed to release the pain that was aching on his muscles. Naruto noticed the pain radiate from the other and came sitting beside Sasuke, folding his hands together.

"Great. Say Sasuke?"


"How is your body feeling? Truthfully."

Sasuke looked at him then heaved another sigh, twirling the long cane that Naruto forced him to use in his hands. "I hurt in places; the gash across my back is still healing. As the one on my stomach, sometimes they hurt a lot, but they are healing well. I'm fine, I'm not unconscious anymore and my chakra is returning slowly, I shall be in good health after one month, you don't need to concern yourself with me, look at yourself more,"

Naruto knotted his brows. "Me? What about me? I'm good and healthy,"

"That may be true, but you just left the village that you lived in for your whole life to live on the run with the friend who had betrayed you for power and was trying to kill you every time you've met. You just threw away every chance you had of becoming a Hokage because you've helped me. Try to rethink this decision of yours, because I don't see it benefiting you with anything."

"But it does," Naruto smiled at him. "And you will learn how soon, now! There is so much work to be done, you just sit here -of course- and rest, I'll get something to clean this dust with and then we can get you rest in this comfortable big bed instead!"

Sasuke sighed. "You know that I don't need all this rest, I was carried on your back the whole time."

The blond winked at him. "I know, but humor me, okay?"


"That's more like it!"

And with that Naruto went inside the bathroom to find anything that he could use to clean the house with or at least their bedroom until they get some rest from the long travel.

Three hours later found them both laying on the bed, Naruto all clean and dressed in black, he took the left side since Sasuke's injured leg needed to recover and having it in Naruto's range of vision would be a disaster in itself. So, with that rule in mind, Sasuke was given the right side. They lay there, unmoving with their hearts beating with rhythm, and the air around them turning cool since the window was closed.


"What?" Answered the other already surrendering to sleep.

"Thank you."


Naruto shook his head, smiling to himself. "Just, thank you." Then he turned over and gave Sasuke his front, closing his eyes when he saw the other doing it. Slowly, Naruto let his body get consumed into the land of dreams, with his dear treasure by his side.

The next days that followed had Naruto run like crazy all over the place, he wanted to make sure that there was a source of water, so Sasuke took him to the river where they got their water from. And then, he started hunting food, only to discover that The Uchiha had frozen meat, chicken, fish, green beans, fruits, vegetables and many objects in the house. Finally, the electricity, he asked Sasuke about it before running down the power line, the raven told him that they have a special generator, and if it broke, they have thirty others. Relieved that his food, rest place, water and electricity were provided, Naruto took the rest of the day revising the instructions that Sakura had given him about Sasuke's condition and how the Kyuubi inside him could help with the chakra.

Thinking of Sakura and her words too much gave him a headache, so, he decided to take a walk, inside the hideout, to get to know his surroundings, without telling Sasuke. Some part of him said that the other will not behave lightly to someone invading the privacy of his dead clan and search through their stuff. So, after making triple sure that Sasuke was in deep sleep, Naruto started exploring.

Naruto started from the first line of houses, he stepped inside one house, praying silently for the souls of the people who used to live in it or use it, to rest in peace. The same dust greeted him and he found the water and electricity, also food there. Getting to the other house and the next then the next. Naruto confirmed one thing; The Uchiha placed the same things that were in the house they were using in all houses. Sometimes, Naruto felt uneasy to think of the house he was sharing with Sasuke as their house, they weren't kids anymore, and certainly weren't married. Then what were they?

He started walking with this question in mind, what was he to Sasuke? A friend? A former friend? Or someone precious to him? Did Sasuke think of the things that he did for him as worthless and have no use or the opposite, actually thinking highly of them? Does he appreciate Naruto more? Acknowledge his power? Naruto snorted, they never had a difficulty in acknowledging each other's power. It was something else between them, Naruto knew, if he started opening up to Sasuke, he'll never stop, and that scared him. Because then he won't be able to live if he couldn't talk to him, and that required them being always together, something that he knew from an early age, wasn't possible.

He remembered when Sakura yelled at him to stop trying to bring Sasuke back, that she doesn't love him anymore. And years later, that she fell for Thick Eyebrows in all honesty. But even so, his heart couldn't stop searching, and every time they've confronted, he hoped dearly, for Sasuke to rethink his decision and return with him. He had many times and lots of opportunities to flee, and not think about Sasuke. No one would have blamed him, but he will blame himself. That he knew, and that was his drive every time he went to fetch Sasuke.

He arrived at a meadow, a dark meadow, where the grass had already dried out and died, making it lose its vivid green to a deathly gray. But there were still some new seeds that were making their way up in different directions. Naruto chose a spot that had a better view of the growing side, and started looking at the sky. The clouds were still there, it was as if they were trying to help them and shed a little darkness on them to hide. He liked to think that way anyways; it was better than thinking that cloudy weather meant bad luck for them.


The weather was cold, Naruto zipped his jacket to his face, and sat, drawing his legs to his chest, he gazed at the faraway clouds and land, trying to take peace in the nice setting before him.

"What are you doing here?"

Naruto was jolted from his thoughts by a calm voice that came from his behind, he turned around. Coming face to face with Sasuke, Naruto smiled and waved Sasuke to come near him, the other slowly made his way beside Naruto, he didn't take an invitation to sit down, a bit far in Naruto's prospective though.

"I was taking a stroll and ended up here, you?"

"Nothing much,"

"And 'nothing much' refers to…?"

"To nothing much, I was just walking."




Naruto nodded to himself with a calm smile on his face while the wind blew at his hair. Staying at this place wasn't so bad, he kept thinking as the silence stretched between them.

"It was all here."

Naruto looked at Sasuke with confused eyes, he found him gazing at a faraway tree with that blank look that always hunted those dark irises. After a while of stillness, Naruto knew the other will not make himself clear unless he asked to, so he urged.

"Excuse me?"

"Trees, green-wide field that extended from here to that tree," He nodded with his head at a tree lying in the northern side of where they sat. "My clan, this was their home."

Naruto knotted his brows. "I thought this was a hideout that was made for emergencies."

"It is, but it's our home. This place was made after the original place we lived in, these empty houses; they are of the same design as the ones back in Konoha, the same layout. It was made like this to make the life of the ones who will use it easier and not have people fighting over where they should stay."

"Oh," Naruto's brain started working, adding two to two, his eyes widened and a look of sadness flowed into them when he realized something. "The house that we are in now, is it yours?"

"Made after it, haven't you wondered why I knew my way around it so well?"

"I did wonder, but didn't really put any thoughts into it, had more important things in mind."

"The first room I pointed at was mine, and I gave you Itachi's."

"Then the one we are in now?"

It took Sasuke a while to state, but he did. "…It's my parents'. Was."

"I didn't know, umm…are you sure it's okay to stay there?"

"If it wasn't alright, I wouldn't have let you in."

They returned to the silence once more. This time Naruto not knowing what to answer, so, he took his time to inspect Sasuke's attire. The raven's body was lidded in black, a raised collar black shirt open at his torso, with black pants. The blue cloth and the robe that held his sword were nowhere to be seen. Naruto knew that the ANBU must have – most likely – taken everything that Sasuke had when they captured him and his old clothes as well; the thing that he just couldn't understand is why they changed him into black. The first time he visited, Sasuke was dressed in the normal white gown used for patients with severe injuries. But on the day of their little kidnapping plan, he found his friend's clothes totally different, it was something unimportant. Therefore, he didn't inquire Sakura or any other person about it.

But now, his curiosity was munching on him. He sighed, and continued his checking. Sasuke's hair had defiantly gotten longer, it was the same though, decorating his cheeks roughly, Naruto could see how the girls would call him handsome, his skin was fairly pale, and if you looked hard enough, you can actually see the blood bump inside the veins. But it went perfectly with his flowing hair, Naruto felt a chill run down his spine; he shook his head and looked at his fingers. He noticed the blood run down from the tips, signaling how cold he was getting. He huffed on them to warm them up, not wanting to get back just yet.

"I had a dream,"

Blue orbs went to the voice, this time; Naruto found Sasuke looking back at him and the question he wanted to ask flew away from his lips.

"We were sitting on the ocean, you, Sakura and me. We had just finished a D-ranked mission, Kakashi was there reading one of his books. Sakura had ran off making us something to eat, while you sat on the ocean just smiling stupidly at the waves and the moon,"

"What were you doing?" Naruto interrupted with a soft tone as not to totally interrupt the mood.

"I was watching, I stood on a faraway rock watching you all, Sakura was calling for me but I couldn't move, you scowled at me and called me but I couldn't move, as well. Kakashi tried, and the same result came true."

Naruto placed a hand on Sasuke's shoulder making him return his sight to the semi-dead field.

"What happened next?"

"Nothing, the dream just faded away."

"When did you have it?"

Sasuke looked at the sky before answering. "…..A few days before my fight with Itachi."

Naruto didn't know what to do except tighten his hold on Sasuke's shoulder, he had been suffering with words to say lately. For the sudden way they've met, didn't leave him any time to prepare a speech for the other. The air blew on them but none felt it, they were inside their own worlds, with Naruto biting the inside of his jaw for not getting to Sasuke on time, that he should have worked a bit harder to try bringing him before he did something like this, killing his only relative. Even if Sasuke refused to admit it, Naruto knew, killing Itachi was the hardest thing he had to do, the problem was, he didn't know what to say to Sasuke, if he said he understood the pain that resulted in killing Itachi, Sasuke would surely get angry that he didn't. And if he sided that killing Itachi was for the best, Sasuke will still get angry that Itachi was his only brother, after all.

Finally, Naruto had something to say that won't get the other to flip out on him.

"Sasuke, you know that I have no family, right?"

The raven nodded.

"I always hated my birthday, to me; it was the day that hell broke loose, villagers would actually get very violent with me, blaming me for the death of their family. I know it was my fault, so that's why I don't blame them for anything but, there was this time, Iruka-sensei had knocked on my door and gave me a sunflower. I didn't really know why, but it cheered me up somehow. He told me that day not to sulk, brood or get angry. To celebrate my birthday, as smoky as that day got because of the incense made for the dead to rest in peace got higher and higher. My spirit seemed to fly with it, I didn't know why, but just the mere thought that someone out there, asked me to celebrate my birthday was enough."

Sasuke eyed him for a while and Naruto started to think that he might have in fact chose the wrong thing after all, he was ready for any bursts that might come from Sasuke, but the other only kept looking with onyx eyes that didn't give Naruto any clue as to what their master was feeling.

"The weather is getting grim, we should head back."

Naruto sighed relieved from the prison Sasuke's eyes placed on him, then smiled softly and stood up, dusting himself. "Yeah, we should."

It was obvious that standing up was something hard for Sasuke to perform, with the same smile, Naruto stretched his hands, when Sasuke made it clear that he had no intension of taking it, Naruto said.

"Sakura isn't here; no one is here, except me. I know you are strong, I don't think you're weak, I wouldn't think you're weak if you took my hand either, people can get strong while accepting help, too Sasuke. I'm not judging you, I just want to be there for you, I want you to be able to relax in front of me, we are the same. I know you; you can lean on me from time to time. I will not judge you."

Sasuke looked at the hand and then his cane. "We aren't the same, I've taken lives, you haven't."

Naruto winced at that part, then he shook his head. "We are the same, I took double of the lives you've taken. I have a thing inside me that will kill without a second thought f I allowed it, I'm taking and bearing all the blood for those who he have killed. So Sasuke, we are the same!"

Sasuke looked Naruto in the eyes; he had to blink the brightness away, a brightness that always seemed to glow naturally from Naruto, it was a thing that forever brought him amazement since a child. Not blinking a lash, he seized the tan hand into his, Naruto grinned and lifted him up, even when up. The hold he had on the blond's hand didn't waver, and Naruto couldn't be happier by that fact. Minutes later, they reached the house, faster than both of them had anticipated.

Naruto helped Sasuke sit on the wooden chair in the dining room, as he rushed with calm steps to the kitchen, to make something.

"What are you doing?"

Naruto poked his head from the kitchen's door and grinned, showing his bright smile again. "Making us food let me warn you though, I don't know much about heating meat, but I'll try."

"What do you know?"

"Is that sarcasm or a real question, Uchiha?"

"Take it as you like,"

"Then it's a real question, not many dishes, but I'll try doing a chicken soup, Sakura said it's very good for your condition, she did give me a recipe though and if everything went right, I'll get it done perfectly!"

"Chicken soup and?"

"What do you mean and? Isn't the chicken soup good enough?"

"When someone is recovering, the meal should be balanced, Dobe. You should make me some salad with lots of tomatoes, a fresh juice and something sweet."

Naruto came out of the kitchen frowning. "Hey! Sakura didn't mention anything about a balanced meal! I don't know how to make all those stuff!"

"You have a recipe for the chicken soup, right? And to make it easier for you, you can wash the salad and I'll be the one to chop it, we'll make a green salad, with lots of tomatoes. Fresh juice, you just have to cut the fruit then add water to it with sugar in the blender, then pour it and bring it to me. About something sweet, I hate sweets, so, we won't be making anything sweet, I'll eat an apple a day, should be enough."

Naruto looked with sparkling eyes at the man in front of him. "Wow Sasuke! How did you know all that?"

"I did live on my own for a while, I had to make myself nutrient food not some Ramen like some people,"

Naruto felt a vein pop in his forehead. "Ramen is very good thank you very much; you just don't know what's good if it was shoved up your ass, Uchiha!"

"Suit yourself."

"I will!"

"Just don't forget to get me lots of tomatoes!"

"Yeah, yeah, you tomato-obsessed-freak!"

Somewhere in their dinner time, Naruto had started talking about how many matches they will do when Sasuke heals up, how they will go to the ANBU and ask to have Sasuke back, even after all that he did. Across their talk, Naruto had grown angry; a small phrase that Sasuke said had set the fire.

"I know that my leave did something good for you, you've grown stronger."

Naruto's face grimed, he looked with serious eyes at Sasuke.

"No it didn't, I missed you, Sakura missed you, and everyone missed you. I couldn't take not having you around; everyday was like a challenge to me, to get along with people, to try hard. You, who didn't need me to try hard was not there, you just belted out and left. Without even saying a word to me. Do you know how much time it took for Sakura to smile the way she used to after you were gone? How many nights Ino would come crying to me because Sakura had a breakdown after remembering your last words to her?"

Sasuke let his sight fall from Naruto's eyes to the food on the table, then back at them.

"No, I don't. And I wasn't the one who asked her to fall in love with me, I didn't ask anyone to do that. I had my goal, Naruto. I put that goal in my sight since I was seven; I couldn't throw what I worked so hard to get just because of some girl! A girl that I didn't even love. There was no reason for me to bother about how she felt."

Naruto couldn't help but fist his hands; this was their friend that he was talking about. "She was your teammate, the one who relayed on you, to help and protect! Have you forgotten?"

"No, but I threw that away when I left, remember? I had no obligation towards her," Sasuke dropped his spoon and gave all his attention to Naruto. "Nor to you. But you still ran after me, I threatened to kill you if we met again, but you still ran to get me. And now, you're changing your whole future to help me, no matter how many times I think about this, I can't get an answer. Why exactly are you doing this, Naruto?"

The blond bit his lower lip and drew back from their contacted eyes, knowing that he still had no answers to Sasuke's questions, and right now, he felt as confused as the latter did. So, having no official reply ready at hand, Naruto closed his eyes and stood.

"I'm going to bed."

He didn't wait for Sasuke to stop him or tell him to give an answer right away, he just started walking with steps that he liked to think of as confident and when he knew he was out of Sasuke's range of vision, he ran swiftly up the stairs, to the room that he now knew to belong to Sasuke's dead parents.

Sasuke took his time finishing up his dinner, then he helped himself one step at a time and finally was able to get to the second floor, he had hidden it well from Naruto. But moving was a difficulty, let alone walking on stairs. He stood facing the door of their room, he could feel that Naruto was not ready for his questions, and so, most likely will fake asleep when he opens the door. If the blond had no mood to speak and explain, then he'll wait for him, he knew they had all the time in the world for that.

"It took you long enough!" Naruto sat on the bed with both his hands crossed. "Eating shouldn't really take that long, are you sure you're alright down there?"

Sasuke looked piffled at him. "…..I'm fine."

"How can I be sure of that?"

The blond walked over and kneeled beside him, he began feeling the injured leg examining it; Sasuke leaned on the wall behind him and stopped Naruto's movement by holding his head.

"Naruto," the blond looked up at him, his cobalt eyes shining in the dim lit room. "I'm fine."

Naruto smiled and let the leg go, instead of returning to the bed though; he sat in his place on the floor, cross-legged, then started playing with his fingers, and refused to meet Sasuke's eyes.

"I don't know."

Sasuke sighed. "What don't you know?"

"Just now, you asked about why I did all these things, I don't know. But, they just felt right, when you left, the whole world changed, and not to the better. A time had come when your name was a taboo in front of me and Sakura. I couldn't sleep nor eat and Sakura's condition wasn't far better than mine. We supported each other in hope that you'll come back, there was a void that your absence created and no matter who was assigned in our team to replace you, we just couldn't get along well together on the inside, because your place was reserved. Sai had to do a lot of work to get me and Sakura to acknowledge him seriously, even if we looked like friends on the outside, inside, I thought of him as an intruder, he shouldn't have been there, you were!"

Naruto took a deep breath then continued. "I worked hard to get you back and fill that void, every day was a living hell, and we had all these assignments to work on without you, besides, everyone seemed to talk bad behind your back! All those hypocrite people that acted like they admired you, they couldn't wait for a second then start to speak ill about you. And you weren't there; you couldn't defend your name. The name that they hung with bad reputation, even if Sakura and the other called me stupid for hitting them, I would do it a second time if I have to!"

Naruto tightened his hold on his pants as the memories started flowing inside of him, he prayed the tears that were threatening to fall stay at bay, he didn't want to get all emotional in front of Sasuke, not knowing where it will lead them.

"I…..I tried…."

Sasuke let himself slide down, still leaning on the wall, he crawled the small distance between them and sat in front of Naruto, with his right hand, he removed the pangs from Naruto's face to get a good look at his expression.

"You know you didn't have to go through with it," His black orbs poured inside Naruto's blue ones. "I was going to return in the end, after killing Itachi."

"But there was no guarantee that you'll live to kill him! Itachi was too strong! And there were also the Akatsuki, and that snake wanted your body and you were willing to offer it! How do you think I could deal with that?"

Sasuke knotted his brows in puzzlement. "I wasn't thinking of you at that time, Naruto. I had a purpose, I couldn't just let the person who killed my whole family go just like that and live with all of you happily. I owned it to them! To bring a closure! Even if the whole world turned on me, even if I was alone in the end, even if my life was on the line, I owned it to them. You should understand."

"I understand, but you could've gotten power in other ways, why did you have to get involved with Orochimaru?"

Sasuke bit his lip. "I needed power, and needed it fast, Itachi was getting stronger by the second and I was….nothing. He just had all the answers to my questions, and provided the amount of power I needed."

"That's not enough!"

"It was to me."

Naruto punched the floor with his right hand, frustrated beyond his mind. "Dammit! It's all your brother's fault! We couldn't have a normal friendship because of him. Why did he have to go mad and slaughter everyone?"

"I ask myself that every morning."

The sad tone brought Naruto out of his little aggravation fit, and he looked with worried eyes at the man before him.

"Sasuke," Naruto reached his hands to touch Sasuke's cheek but the raven stood up abruptly, making the hand hit thin air, Naruto withdrew it hesitantly with a somewhat hurt expression on his face, but he cleared it before Sasuke could see anything.

"I think we should go to sleep now."

Sasuke drew the blankets away, put his cane near the stand and crawled inside, closing the light that was beside him. He closed his eyes but his ears picked up on everything Naruto did. The somewhat hushed rustle of sheets and the warmth that followed singling that Naruto was beside him, he felt him sitting.

"I know you're awake,"


"Sasuke, there is one last thing I hadn't told you," Naruto sighed into the darkness, hoping for it to hide his secrets as he took every second to collect his courage. "You were my first and last best friend. That's something that will not change any time soon."

Naruto drew the sheets over his head and hurriedly fell asleep, which was a bit hard 'cause, his face kept on heating and his body's heat kept on rising. Another reason was the absence of his sleeping hat, at his first night; he cursed his luck and mind for forgetting it. He whined for a while to Sasuke about how he couldn't sleep without it, but then when he put his head on the mattress and felt the warmth of the being beside him knowing that he was Sasuke, he slept good, and with a smile on his face.

Still, he always made sure to wake up first, his body would just sometimes jolt to consciousness and take a peek to see if the raven was still there, one crazy night, he opened his eyes and Sasuke wasn't there. He started to sweat, then heard the bathroom flush. He relaxed then, knowing that Sasuke hadn't run out on him. After that night, he gained a little trust in Sasuke, but not to the extent of letting him wake up first.

That night Sasuke had a lot to think about, which made sleep fly out the window. His relationship with Naruto, he revised it from the first time they've met, and how he heard from other children about Naruto's situation, at first, he didn't pay much attention to him, but after his family was killed, he started to relate to him, they would take glances at each other sometimes and would get comfort in the fact that they weren't alone, but that was it. Naruto never came close to him and he didn't either. As they grew up, each one took a certain quality and was known for; he remembered always hearing how troublesome Naruto was, or how he liked to tease The Hokage and many others. In his sight, he saw Naruto only seeking attention, because part of him wanted to do the things that Naruto was doing and release the air of loneliness away.

But, he had a goal, unlike Naruto, he had a clear goal. To kill the villain who ruined his family. So, that made him distant from other boys, he didn't try to befriend anyone who wanted like Naruto did, no, he used his free time to train, get stronger and achieve his goal. Sure, it killed in the cold nights to get back to empty doors or when he saw children with their parents and he was all alone, but, the training always kept his mind busy from thinking about all of these unnecessary things. When he was placed in team seven, alongside Sakura and Naruto, he felt annoyed. The most irritating stalker and the clown of the village were his only teammates.

He felt like their team was a joke especially when the perverted Kakashi was in charge of them, at that point, Sasuke seriously thought about asking someone to switch teams with him. But, as things started to evolve and they started to get into adventures, he felt a bond between them starts to grow. Sometimes, he wouldn't pay attention to the fact that he was alone, because Naruto was there. And they made a secret-silent pact to train when one of them didn't feel like wanting to get home just yet, they never asked Sakura to participate because they considered it their alone time. Time that they could be their real selves in front of someone who went through similar pain.

Looking back, Sasuke remembered the big fight he had with Naruto when he first left the village, at the Valley of the End, he had won. But both of them got out with heavy injuries, Naruto's were worse though. He remembered kneeling before Naruto's face and looking, the blue eyes that meant to shine up to him were closed, and there was no movement except the slow rhythmic beats that assured him that Naruto was still alive, he felt a strange feeling at that time, something pulling him to get closer, to help Naruto and to go back together. But he caught himself, feeling like if he did, he wouldn't be able to leave, so, he pulled back, squeezed his injured arm and left. Assured after sensing Kakashi's chakra come closer to the place he was in that Naruto will be carefully taken care of.

Although Itachi had told him that in order to get the Mangekyou Sharingan, he needed to kill his best friend, like he did, Sasuke couldn't stomach it. Naruto was too treasured inside of him to kill in cold blood. He had come to that conclusion after a deep night's thinking, more like this. He did think of Naruto as his best friend, the closest person to understand him. Sasuke looked at the person beside him and uncontrollably, his hand brushed the golden locks, to remove them from Naruto's face. Every time his hands would touch, he'd feel a tingle in it. And just when he was beginning to dote on every little feeling he was getting, did he feel a headache forming. He released his hand away from Naruto's hair and looked at the window, finding the moon his only witness.

As Sasuke tried to sleep that night, he just kept thinking of one thing, and continued to curse his bad luck.

I really should've taken that advice from Sakura!

So everyone, how much do you like it? R & R. I'll be waiting for your honest reviews. Yeah, another thing I forgot to mention is that I kinda pulled their meeting after four years from the first Shippuuden meeting; also, Itachi will take all the blame –sorry for all Itachi lovers out there- just to make the flow of the story easier. Thanks for reading!