Since, I am one of the worst writers on here, making some of my readers wait nearly two years for a new chapter, I am going to repost the chapters all fixed up and hopefully better. Please bear with me, I promise you all that the new chapters will reflect a better written piece that you can hopefully enjoy and read with more clarity. Because as I reread this, I kind of want to smack myself in the face, there are some issues that I'd rather not have published on one of my favorite cites for you guys to read…so once I'm done the chapters should be hopefully tons better. I love you guys! And I'm truly sorry for abandoning this story for so long. :/

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own The Darkest Powers, that right belongs to Kelly Armstrong.

Chapter One.

It wasn't a very good day for Chloe Saunders.

Out of everything in her life, she thought that she wouldn't have to worry about who her parents were, or who had to take care of her. But now that not having her mother wasn't enough and having to be adopted by her aunt, because her father couldn't seem to handle raising her, she now had to endure the revelation of something she didn't expect in the least.

She was told for the first time in her life, of just turning sixteen, that who she had used to think was her father, wasn't. Chloe was utterly distraught and dumbfounded. Steve Saunders wasn't her father?


Everything in her mind was screaming, no way, no way could that even be possible. It didn't in any sort of way cooperate with her thinking, with her ingrained mindset that Steve Saunders was her father, forever and always, it was one of those things that just couldn't be changed.

Except it seemed she was wrong. It was a lie that she had been fed to, told that these people who raised her, were the one and only people who brought her into the world. But now, with a truth she never thought she would have to hear, swirling through her heavily confused mind, she was left to terrorize herself with this inescapable pull of questions that her mind forcefully brought. There was no other way to describe her aunt's actions in leaving her to this knowledge than that she was a coward.

She wouldn't go any further into details that Chloe could only describe as crucial information that she just had to know by any and all means. How could someone leave a person in shock like this and not give any answers or reasons as to why? Her aunt Lauren had just left the room, shutting the door behind her without so much as a word of clarity that could be brought to Chloe's mind if she had only answers to this craziness. The only sign of caring that she had shown Chloe was the trace of silent tears streaming down her face mirroring her own.

Chloe wasn't usually violent, if ever, but at the moment she felt the need to break something, shatter it to pieces like the way she felt.

Breathing deeply in and out didn't help calm her like she originally thought it would, it actually made her want to feel even more angry and upset than she already was. She picked up the picture of who she thought was her father and her dead mother and threw it into the wall across from the room with a small cry and sank to the floor.

It wasn't his fault, it wasn't anyone's if she were being reasonable. Yet, at the moment, she wasn't so it didn't matter. Her first night of moving in and she was crying on the floor. How grand, she thought and rubbed her eyes as she let the tears fall and sleep enfold its thick arms around her and pull her in.

"Chloe, you need to get up. You have school today." Feeling a hand grip and shake her shoulder lightly, Chloe slowly opened her aching and undoubtedly puffy eyes.

Her head was pounding and she felt like there was a weight on her head, pulling her down. There was no way that she was going to make it through school let alone the morning like this.

Her aunt Lauren held out a bottle of water and a few pills in her hand. "Here, it's for your head. I figured you'd need them."

Taking them wordlessly and swallowing the pills with a small drink of water, she stood up and stretched. She went to her one of her suitcases filled with her clothes and took out what she needed. As she changed she tried to stop herself from thinking about the night before, from thinking about how awkward and angry she felt around the one person she really had left.

She looked down at her necklace hanging from her chain around her neck and took it off. At least just for the day, she thought. Chloe couldn't handle seeing it at the moment in her state of mind, she didn't want to be reminded of something her mother had lied to her about.

Chloe put it in her suitcase and ignored it, despite the feeling of loss as it sat there untouched. Walking into the bathroom to brush her hair, she gazed into the mirror and sighed.

Not only did she feel like crap, but she looked the part too. Her eyes were still somewhat red and it was noticeable that she was extremely tired with the dark bags under eyes shadowing the sleep she needed.

After getting ready she grabbed an apple and sucked in a small breath as she went to Lauren. "I'm ready." Her words were emotionless and dry as they came out. She wouldn't, couldn't let herself give in to the bitterness she felt.

Her aunt nodded mutely and grabbed her keys and purse. They made their way toward the car and sat quietly as her aunt drove. Chloe wanted to say so much, but she didn't feel that anything she would say would end up coming out right.

The school came into view soon enough and Chloe was forced out of her thoughts. Lauren glanced over at her, "I've already got you registered, so all you have to do is get your schedule."

Chloe took a deep breath and nodded as her reply and got out of the car. There were plenty of people outside and as soon as she stepped out of the car a couple people looked her way. In a way it was almost a good thing she felt so void of herself, otherwise she would have felt more nervous.

But she couldn't really find it in herself to feel that way. The repercussions of learning about her "real father" had been a slap in the face. But it didn't matter, she decided, at least not at the moment. But who cared, she didn't need a father anyways. They ended up leaving her, so what did it matter? It didn't.

Heading toward what looked to be the office, Chloe made an effort to be more decent. To just blend in as best as possible even though she looked more like a little middle school kid then a high school student.

She was about to open the door when a guy, around her age she guessed, opened the door for her with a smile. He had blonde hair and had distinct Asian features. By looking at him for that quick moment she had that small thought that drifted through her mind as did normally that he was pretty cute.

It was just a quick analysis, something she'd look for in a movie and try to decide what character they played, so maybe he would be the hero, or the heroine's sidekick best friend.

"Thank you." She murmured, smiling shyly at him as she walked past him to one of the office staff.

The woman sitting at the desk looked up and smiled warmly, "How can I help you?"

Chloe took a deep breath, hoping her stutter wouldn't come out too horribly. "Yes, I just enrolled here and I need my s-schedule."

Glancing over at the name plate on the woman's desk it read: Mrs. Fawn. Mrs. Fawn smiled and looked up at her as she met her eyes, "What's your name, Dear?"

"Chloe Saunders." She almost winced at her last name, thinking of her dad, but brushed it off.

It took a few seconds until Chloe heard the sound of the printer, "Now let me just get that printed out for you and you'll be on your way."

Chloe stepped off to the side and looked behind her for the first time. There were three teenagers, including the guy who had nicely opened the door for her. The other two, were a girl and a guy.

The girl had short spiked hair. She looked a bit similar to the guy who had opened the door for her in a way. Chloe guessed they were either siblings or related in some way like cousins. Then there was the really tall guy, standing near the cute Asian.

He had black hair that hung in his eyes just a little bit and had a rather large figure. She wasn't sure if he was fat or really muscular from his baggy clothes. His face wasn't too bad, she thought he was kind of cute in a weird sort of way if she were being honest, he seemed like one of those guys that you thought was nice looking in elementary school, but didn't really pay attention to. She raised her gaze up further and was met with emerald green eyes. She looked away finally feeling embarrassed and almost blushed in fear of being caught.

Mrs. Fawn stood up and went over to the printer and handed her, her schedule with a smile. "Here you go and oh, here's your locker number also. Now do you think you'll be fine finding your way around?"

Chloe nodded politely, "I'll be fine, thank you."

With a short, curious glance back at the other teens, she left the office and looked down at her schedule. She had first period Geometry. How fun, she thought.

Before going to her class, she looked for her locker number and put her stuff away leaving the books she'd need in her bag and putting the others away.

Finding her way to the class was easy enough considering it was right around the corner from her locker. So as soon as she walked in she sat in the back of the room hardly noticeable as the room starting filling up.

She took another look at her schedule and smiled slightly when she saw that she had fifth period theater arts. Scanning through the paper she frowned seeing that she had third lunch.

It wasn't great, but it would work just fine. Chloe sighed and leaned back in her seat. She glanced over at the door as the teacher walked in and a little ways behind him was the guy from before with the blonde hair.

He saw her and smiled like he had before and then walked over toward her. He stopped at the seat next to her, "Mind if I sit here?"

She shook her head and watched him sit down next to her quietly, he held out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Simon."

Chloe took his hand and replied, "Chloe."

Simon grinned at her, "Nice name. So how did you find your class so fast? I got lost already."

"My locker's right around the corner." She said lightly, running a hand through her hair as the head ache spiked for a moment.

He nodded in understanding, "Oh okay, hey do you mind if I see your schedule?"

Chloe shook her head and took out the paper from her bag. "Let me see yours too." she murmured and took the partly crumpled piece of paper.

They both looked them through quietly. Simon raised his head and glanced at her, "We have two classes together and you have I think, three classes and study hall with my brother and two classes with my sister, Tori."

"Wait, that one guy from earlier that was with you, is your b-brother?" Chloe asked him, feeling slightly confused.

Simon chuckled as if he got the reaction all the time, "Yeah, Derek's my foster brother."

Chloe sent him a half hearted smile, "Oh alright, that makes sense."

"Yep, so where did you move from?" He inquired suddenly, shoving his schedule back in his pocket. "I moved from Albany."

"Pennsylvania, but I used to live near here a while ago." She replied taking out her journal and pen as the teacher quieted the class.

Simon glanced over at her, "You move a lot too?"

"All the time," She answered and leaned her chin on her hand.

The teacher looking down at his laptop glanced up at the class. "It seems we have two new students today, Chloe Saunders and Simon Bae."

The class turned to look at them and Chloe couldn't help but blush with everyone's eyes set on her, while Simon smiled smoothly. He was definitely the outgoing one between the both of them.

By the end of the class and hardly understanding a word the teacher was saying, Chloe was ready for it to end. This was her worst subject and even Simon could tell by the last five minutes.

He shook his head with a small chuckle "And I thought I was bad at math."

Chloe giggled quietly and then rolled her eyes, "I'm horrible at math, I'm much better at English."

"I bet you are. I would get Derek to tutor you or something, but he'd have to be willing." Simon said looking down at his paper as he started another problem on his worksheet.

She watched him curiously and paused at working on the problems he was on. "What do you mean by that? Is he more the silent, I-don't-really-like-people type or something?"

"Yeah, that's Derek for you, but he's cool when you get to know him."

The bell rang loudly signaling the end of class. Chloe sighed in relief, "Finally."

Simon grabbed his stuff and walked over with her toward the door. "You wanna walk together to class? Us newbie's gotta stick together." He smiled brightly at her.

"Sure," Chloe replied as she shifted her bag to her other shoulder. She looked up and almost screamed at the sight of a little boy who appeared to be soaking wet, pale with a gash across his throat, blood soaking his clothes.

It was happening again.

She thought it had stopped before, hoped it wouldn't come back, that maybe if she ignored the smaller things it wouldn't get bad. Not like this.

She looked away before the little boy could say a word to her. Simon laid a comforting hand on her shoulder and asked somewhat worriedly, "Are you okay Chloe?"

Chloe tried to smile, but failed and sighed, "I'm fine, really."

He nodded, "Sorry just looked like you saw a ghost or something."

Her heart felt to have frozen. She took a deep breath and counted to three in her head. It was just a figure of speech, she told herself. It wasn't meant to be taken literally.

"Yeah sorry, anyways, let's get to class I don't want to be late." She waved him along. The day hadn't been going that bad so far; except for the fact that she saw what she thought was a ghost.


But, other than that, everything was going fine so far. She had made a friend and was getting by okay, at least for the time being. But, she knew it wouldn't last long.

Entering the classroom, Chloe went to a table that the teacher proposed and Simon followed luckily. Today she didn't feel like interacting with a bunch of people. She wanted to leave that for tomorrow when she felt like she was in a better mood.

The next couple classes were easy, P.E. and then English. Chloe had met both Derek and Tori or well saw them from afar and put their faces together with their names.

She realized that Derek really was the silent and kept to himself type. Tori on the other hand wasn't the nicest, but she wasn't mean or anything either, at least so far towards her.

As she headed over to lunch, she didn't feel all that hungry. She thought about the little boy again and almost cringed at the way he looked. It was so sad and just horrifying. But, she really hoped that she wouldn't see anymore ghosts, or whatever she thought she was seeing.

There was a table, with no one sitting at it luckily, so she went over and sat down. She took out her notebook, deciding to add more thoughts and notes to her last movie idea she had.

It was always funny to her how she could see and write the heroine's view so well, but she couldn't seem to apply the same attributes that the character would have to herself.

Chloe read over what she had last written and smiled. It started more ideas to flow and was then jotted down onto the page. Looking up for a moment, she saw Simon looking around for a place to sit, and then he saw her and came over.

"Hey, you mind?" he asked, when she shook her head, he set his tray down. Derek came seconds later behind him and sat down next to him silently.

Chloe glanced up at him from her work. Being somewhat braver than she had been earlier, she greeted him, not really expecting an answer back. "Hi."

Derek's green eyes flicked up to meet hers for a moment. "Hey." Then he looked away indifferently and took a bite out of his sandwich.

Simon took a gulp from his water bottle and asked, "So what's that for?"

"Oh this?" Chloe asked, gesturing toward her notebook, "Oh it's nothing really, just uh storyline ideas."

"That's pretty cool." He said, biting into a similar sandwich that Derek had.

A girl came over with long blonde hair, Chloe wasn't sure exactly what her name was, but she thought it might be Liz. The girl stood to the side of where Chloe was sitting, "You guys mind if I sit here?"

When Simon and Chloe shook their heads, she sat down happily. "I'm Liz by the way."

Simon smiled in a way that Chloe would probably tag as flirtatiously. "I'm Simon, this is Derek and that's Chloe."

For a few minutes they talked or well Liz and Simon were and Chloe listened. Derek had left as soon as they all started talking and Chloe was getting to the point of a head ache again. It wasn't because of their talking, but because she couldn't help but wonder who her father was and the thing with the ghost, it wasn't good when she was left alone to her pestering thoughts.

She stood up and apologized, "I'm gonna go to the library guys, sorry I've got a head ache. I'll see you later though."

Simon frowned, but nodded and waved, as Liz did and even gave her a small side hug that Chloe wasn't in the least expecting. Chloe sighed as she walked through the hall toward the library. She had seen it on her way to lunch and knew that it had to be close by.

Turning a corner, she found it and pushed open the door. There weren't many people around luckily, so she went to the back and found a corner table. Glancing at her phone, she had no more than fifteen minutes left or so, but it didn't matter much since she had study hall in the library anyways.

Leaning her head on the cool table, she let her thoughts wonder. It made her so angry that her aunt had waited this long to tell her. It was probably one of the reasons why her father or thought to be father had left her to her aunt.

The thought of that, even if she really wasn't his daughter made her sad. It only went to show that he never really did love her. And she wished that she had her real Dad, whoever he was. Maybe he had the burden she had, the kind that made her feel like she was a freak. The kind that made her want to hide.

"Chloe," Someone murmured in her ear. "Chloe, listen."

She jumped and looked around wildly. There was no one there. But then a book was sent flying and smacked her in the back of her head.

She gasped in surprise and fright, holding the back of her head as it ached in pain. Closing her eyes she hoped it would stop but then another book came flying up and thumped her on the back of her hand where she held her head. Chloe peaked up from her arm right as another book came flying at her.

Chloe got up quickly and went to leave, but a person or more like a ghost moved in front of her. She staggered back against the table.

"Stay." It said. It was a guy maybe her age or older. He had dark hair and dark eyes. She told herself to stay strong, not to break down or freak out.

The teen smiled, "Good, now sit."

Chloe sat down slowly in the chair, her heart accelerating as he moved closer to her face. He leaned down on one knee to reach her height; his hand passed through the table as he looked to be leaning against it. "Now Necro, I don't care if you don't want to listen, but you're going to have to."

Inside, Chloe was screaming, but at the same time she wondered what he had called her. What was a Necro?


I have been wandering around for long enough and I need him back. You are going to help me."

She was beyond confused and tried to push this away, push him away. She wanted to think that this was just an illusion, something in her mind messing with her, because of stress or something. Yet, she had that uncanny feeling that it wasn't something she had created in her mind, but something that was really happening.

He growled in anger and raised another book, "I wouldn't do that, Necro."

Ignoring him, she took small breathes and tried to picture herself alone, everything away from her, all pushed away in a box somewhere far away.

"You little-" he was cut off as he disappeared, the book falling to the ground.

Breathing heavily and leaning back in her chair, she couldn't let herself think she was crazy anymore. This was proof that they were real, she could feel a small welt on the back of her head and she could see the books that were scattered everywhere.

There was no way that she could've been able to do that to herself, or would she in the first place. Remembering the strange word he called her she quietly picked up the thrown books and then took her things to find a computer.

Sitting down at an empty computer by itself, she looked around and pulled up Google. Biting her lip, she typed in the word "Necro." But as she typed it in there was another word to look at, it was "Necromancer."

Clicking on the word, images and websites popped up. She saw pictures of one person, looking to be raising the dead. She cringed seeing the drawings of dead bodies coming to life.

She also saw things for games and sighed. Then she went to finding the words definition, but it redirected her to the word Necromancy.

Necromancy is a form of magic in which the practitioner seeks to summon the spirit of a deceased person, either as an apparition or ghost, or to raise them bodily, for the purpose of divination.

Tearing her gaze away from the screen she looked down. Was this what she was, what she did? She hadn't ever raised anything, but she had talked to ghosts. It seemed like a bunch of crap, but in the pit of her stomach she felt the truth of it.

She was different and if she really was a Necromancer then she'd have to deal with it. Feeling the presence of someone behind her she turned and almost jumped.

"Uh, h-hi." she stammered, standing up to block the screen from Derek's view. She didn't want anyone seeing what she was looking up, it was disturbing.

He stared at her a second longer, then asked her almost suspiciously, but she couldn't quite tell. "Why are you looking that up?"

She looked away from him biting the inside of her cheek anxiously to find something to say. "For u-um, personal reasons,"

Derek scrutinized her, seeming to figure out his next choice of words. "Why Necromancy?"

"I, uh, just um, c-curiosity," Chloe replied, fidgeting under his gaze. Something occurred to her, why would he care?

Derek raised a brow, with a look of concentration. "So just for curiosities sake, no other reason, like thinking you're one?" He had no trace of amusement or teasing in his tone or expression. He looked completely serious.

"What?" she asked, trying to calm the panic that rose as she stared into his analyzing eyes

He sighed irritably, "You heard me, Chloe."

She was shocked that he had even known her name, let alone remembered it. Quickly deciding to turn this around she said, "Of course I don't think I'm o-one. My f-friend told me to look it up for a g-game. Why do you want to know anyways, why does it matter?"

Chloe glanced up at him for a few more moments and added, "Do you think they're real or s-something?"

Derek shook his head, his eyes darkening a little bit. "Forget it." He turned and left. Chloe watched him walk over to a table at the other side of the area. She looked away and sat back at the computer, closing the tab and erasing the history off of the computer.

Getting up, she steered clear of the table she had been at before and found one a couple tables behind Derek.

The rest of the day had been easy, simple. There were no more interruptions with ghosts yet, which was a plus. But it was strange to her how they could be gone for a while and be back so quickly that it almost felt like she would never get a break from them.

Getting home, she was by herself. She had easily walked the distance and opened her front door, heading to her room to unpack some more of her things.

Chloe worked through all the boxes and bags and put them in the places she thought was best. She put on some music and hummed as she carried one of her boxes to the other side of the room.

Hearing the sound of her aunt knock on her door, Chloe turned the music down and opened the door. "Yes?" she asked.

Lauren held a pained expression as she leaned toward Chloe and wrapped her arms around her suddenly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you the way I did."

Chloe nodded and hugged her silently and pulled back as she digested her aunt's sudden apology. "I want you to tell me everything."

"Okay." She answered somewhat hesitantly, as they both sat down on Chloe's bed.

Lauren sighed, taking Chloe's hand in her own. "It started out with your mother falling in love with someone else, while engaged to Steve. She wanted to cancel the engagement, but I told her not to, including others of us. We didn't want her to throw her life away for what we thought was a fling.

"Steven knew that she was in love with someone else, but he didn't want to let her go and when he found out that she was pregnant, he wanted to know if it was his. Your mother was going to tell him the truth, but Caleb wouldn't let her. He wanted what was best for her and made her tell Steven that the baby was his. They fought and one night she found an envelope addressed to her with your necklace in it. He had left and told her that he loved you both, and that the reason he was leaving was that it was for the best."

Chloe's eyes watered, "So this Caleb person was my father." she stated and held her head in her hands.

Lauren put an arm around Chloe's back as she cried, "He was, and he was a great person, but life would have been difficult if your parents stayed together."

By her tone, Chloe could tell Lauren was hiding something else. As if there was another reason. She didn't push for an answer, but said instead passionately. "I don't care, life would have felt more real, like I-I wasn't always being lied to or left alone."

"You aren't alone Chloe, I'm here for you." She said, softly.

Chloe ignored her and asked the question that had been prickling in her mind, "Do… do you know where h-he is?"

Lauren shook her head, looking away. "I have no idea where he is. I'm sorry."

She nodded slowly and wiped her face. If there was any chance to actually meet and see a parent who had heartbreakingly was willing to give her up for her and her mother's benefit she wanted to know him. Who he was and what kind of person he was and if he was what she feared herself to be.

A freak.

Let me know what you think, please review!
