A/N: You guys are taking this story seriously by sticking by me and I will start doing the same as a writer. Thank you for your patience and I will try to go back and fix some of the flaws that I know I made and get everything in order. Again Arigato and enjoy...


Leave it to Naraku to pick the creepiest place in Japan to meet at night. Sure, the park is beautiful from dawn to dusk but like all lovely things, in particular, like Kikyo, there is a dark side that would scare anyone it was to be revealed to.

In the very center of the park, standing in the even darker shadow of a giant oak tree, Naraku waited impatiently for Kikyo to show up. The information that he was entirely too good not to share. However, because of that information and the repercussions it would cause, his price would once again raise. It would be near impossible to get to the wench without her guard dog... But that was Naraku's specialty. The impossible.

The sound of heels hitting pavement alerted Naraku to the arrival of someone else. Everyone seemed to be freaked out by the thought of the the park at night so who else could it be but the lovely Kikyo herself. Stepping out of the darkness, she looked like an angel. Pale, flawless skin, shimmering onyx hair that would put any raven's feathers to shame. A body that would rival any of the American Victoria Secret models and eyes as cold as ice with a heart to match. Yes, she was indeed the perfect speciman.

"What did you need Naraku? I know you're here."

There was a tingle that shot up his spine. Kikyo's powers were starting to surge. It was a complete and utter turn on for him. His eyes glowed crimson as he stepped forward into the light as well. He chuckled knowing that it bothered her when he found humor in anything.

" You really should ask nicely my dear. I AM the one doing all the hard work."

Naraku walked around her, like a lion stalking its prey. He lifted up a lock of her hair and took a like whiff.

"You wouldn't want anyone finding out about why you hired me and what you want me to do."

Kikyo glared and pulled her hair away from him. She didn't have time for this. She need to get back to Inuyasha. She sighed and turned to face him.

"Get to the point, Naraku," she spoke. "Inuyasha need me."

Frowning at the lost of this teasing pleasure, Naraku moved away from her and began his explanation...

"Little Miss Used and Abused is merging the company with someone. She announced it to the paps that were waiting for her..."

"She's doing what," Kikyo interrupted. "That good for nothing wannabe priestess. That's Inuyasha's company and she's destroying it."

Naraku was having an unbelievable amount of fun and enjoy watching the emotions cross the usually emotionless face. Her expression would only become more animated with the more information she received.

"That's not the best part. The dinner she had tonight was with none other than the Taiyoukai of the West. Sesshomaru Taisho."

Kikyo stood stiff as a board. All the color drain from her face as she connected the dots in her head.

" You mean to tell me that twat managed to convince the most power demon in Japan to merge his company, the thing he loves most in the this world with Inuyasha's? The brother he hates beyond reason."

"Wrong my sweet," Naraku corrected. "It is Kagome's company. Shikon Enterprises if I heard the name correctly."

"It is not that bitch's company," she yelled at the top of her lungs. "It is Inuyasha's and he will get it back. I promise you that."

Naraku was amused to no end but this conversation was growing old. It was time to get to the real reason of why he was here.

"Enough. I don't care who's company it is. I just want the money that is owed to me when the job is done. The price has been tripled. Big bad beastie will never leave her side now, which will made it near impossible for me to get to her. I'm taking all the risk and I will get my due pay. Now..."

"I don't care how much it cost, just make sure Kagome Higurashi is a none factor. I want her dead Naraku. At all cost."

Kikyo walked away, making her way back to the penthouse where Inuyasha was resting.

"As you wish..." Naraku spoke to empty space and merged back into the shadows.


*The Next Day*


Inuyasha laid in bed staring at nothing in particular. How in the hell had his life been turned so upside down in a short time. Its not like he did anything wrong. All her did was put HIS bitch in her place and she had to go get her panties in a bunch and now look what happened! He lost his company, his wife, and home. Hell, he even lost his demon blood temporarily. He picked up a lock of his hair which was transitioning back to its white glory...

"Feh, stupid wench. I'll show her. As soon as I'm back to myself, I'll show her."

Movement from the living room caught his attention. Lifting his nose to the air, though only a notch above the human ability, his sense of smell was improving with each day and he knew who was in the penthouse with him.

"Inuyasha, are you awake?"

"If I was, I ain't now wench..."

Kikyo walked in the room with a slight smile on her face. She didn't know what it was about this man that made her love him so much but she did. She sat down on the bed and stroked his hair. There was a rumble in his chest that remind her of a purr and her smile broadened.

The few wheels that he had in his head were turning turning. Kikyo was never this gentle. Something had to be wrong. Inuyasha grabbed her had and looked into her eyes.

"Kikyo, what's wrong?"

She sighed and began explaining...

"You see, Inuyasha, there's..."

She was interrupted by the television blaring Breaking News.

'Shit. Why didn't I notice that before," she thought. Kikyo rushed to grab the remote when Inuyasha stopped her.

"Wait. What the hell is she doing?"

On the TV was Kagome..

"Inuyasha calm down."

Kagome started to speak to the press.

"As I announced last nigh, Shikon Enterprises is heading in a new direction..."

"Shikon Enterprises? She changed MY company's name? What the fuck?"

"As the new CEO, It is my responsibility and my job to make the best decision for the company and the employees who work for me. So I have decided on a merger..."

"Inuyasha please.."Kikyo pleaded. She reached for the remote only to receive a snarl in return.

"A merger? That bitch! I built that company myself without anyone's help. Too stupid to do it on her own? I knew she was an idiot but this is a whole new level.."

Kikyo saw Inuyasha's hair flash back to the brilliant white that she was used to seeing. The higher his irritation and anger level, the faster his demon features returned. It was a guarantee that by the end of this interview, he would be back to his half-demon self. Kikyo moved off the bed and crept closer to the door.

'Who am I kidding? He'll be a full demon when it's done. I need to get out of here quickly when that happens.'

The word merger was now in play and the cameras flashed and the questions came rapid succession. Kagome shined her hundred watt smile and raised her hand causing a cease of chaos.

"The owner of the company I merged with is here today and he will be speaking

a few words of his own"

Both Kikyo and Inuyasha's full attention flew to the television.

'I wonder who's stupid enough to do business with that stupid wench...," he thought.

'Oh no. Here it comes...," she thought

From the side of the stage, there was a movement of long, silver hair that caught the light as the figure moved closer.

'No. NO! IT CAN'T BE...," Inuyasha screamed in his head. It could not be who he thought it was.

"I am sure you all know of this person but if you do not..."

Kagome looked straight into the camera. It was almost as if she was looking directly looking at him. She smirked as if saying, "Game over, Bastard."

"...He is the owner of the number one electronic company in the Easter Hemisphere and the Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, Sesshomaru Taisho."

For the first time, a press conference was completely and utterly silent. No one took a breath as Sesshomaru made his was to the stage to sit next to his business partner. The usual regal air that he held around him grew exponentially through the cameras. Also, for the first time since he took his first breath from the womb, Inuyasha was quiet.

"The merger between Shikon Enterprises and myself holds nothing but

profitable conclusions."

The flashing lights were frenzied as the different reporters and their photographers were taking pictures of the now leaving youkai. Kagome was shaking her head and spoke again...

"This concludes the press conference. Thank you all for coming and

have a nice day."

Kagome stood as well and left the room. Inuyasha remained silent.

'He's not saying anything.' Kikyo's thoughts races. 'This is not good.'

"Inuyasha? Say something please."

Inuyasha bowed his head and cliched his fist. Suddenly, his repressed demon blood flew forth in all directions knocking Kikyo down. Out of instinct, she created a barrier around herself. She was struggling to hold it together. The immense aura coming from him was nothing she had felt before. From where she laid on the floor, Kikyo could see the holes pierced through the sheets where his claws cliched. She could see the jagged lines on his wrist, the fangs poking through his lips, and his glowing red aura.

"Inuyasha, please. Calm down."

He moved off the end and stood at his full height. Did he grow a few inches. He stalked around the room, towards the door. Passing her, Inuyasha stared at Kikyo with violet and crimson eyes.

"I will kill them both..."

"Wait, Inuyasha. I already have someone working towards that."

That stopped him in his tracks. Inuyasha turned back around and glared at her. She knew she had his attention. Kikyo grasp for breath as the wear of trying to keep the barrier up, started to catch up with her. Inuyasha, growing ever impatient, roared loudly.


"Naraku. I hired him to kill Kagome."

Inuyasha move towards her, destroying her barrier easily, picking her up by the collar of her shirt.

"You will bring him to me. Now."

The scent of fear was coming heavily from her and he was enjoying it.

"Okay, okay fine. I'll call him."

Satisfied, Inuyasha dropped her waiting on the arrival of his new best friend.

A/N*Wipes brow* that took a lot out of me. I was listening a song while wrote this "Afraid- The Neighbourhood" in case you wanted to know what mindset I was in. SOOOOO...Like it? Hate it? Tell me about it in a review. So REVIEWWWWWWWWWWWW...I'm going to go crash now. ^_^