Hey, everyone. Burn Notice just entered its fifth season, and it still is not mine. But I was super happy last night when Michael called Fiona his girlfriend, so thats where this oneshot came from. Anyway, I hope you guys like it.


I'm not really sure when I stopped correcting people who call Fi my girlfriend. When I first got burned and arrived in Miami, I was always pretty clear that she was not my girlfriend. I remember when Bly referred to her that way, my response was laughter, followed by a very serious, emphatic, "She's not my girlfriend," and a shake of my head.

But lately, I haven't bothered to correct people's assumptions. Like when she was kidnapped, and my mom told me to go find my girlfriend, I didn't argue. I was too preoccupied with worry to correct her, and besides, my mom believes what she wants to believe. I could correct her, and remind her that Fi and I aren't together, but she won't listen, so I don't bother saying anything, even though she's not my girlfriend.

Then, after the showdown with Vaughn, Jesse refers to her as my girlfriend, too. "You're girlfriend is crazy about you," he says, and for some reason, I don't correct him either. Instead, I take the flash drive from him with a smile, and don't acknowledge his use of the g-word. Even though he's not my mom, and I really should correct him, especially since Fi is standing right there, and we haven't had that conversation yet, and I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about our relationship. Because, really, she's not my girlfriend.

And then, six months later, I haven't even seen Fi since that night, but I still don't correct my old boss. He calls her my girlfriend in an incredulous voice, and once again I don't bother correcting him. Instead I say, "Yeah, my girlfriend," and that's the end of the conversation. Even though she isn't technically my girlfriend. Honestly.

But when I finally get back to Miami, and I see her for the first time, and we destroy the loft with our reunion, I realize something. Maybe she is my girlfriend. Because even though I haven't actually admitted it to myself since back when we were in Ireland, for all intents and purposes, Fiona Glenanne is my girlfriend. And for the first time, I kind of like the sound of that. My crazy, violent, beautiful, gun-loving, bomb-making, trigger-happy girlfriend.