The heavens opened up. They sheltered under a large oak tree but soon the leaves were unable to hold all the raindrops and the hunters were getting wet.
In the distance, they saw a rock face, maybe there were caves in which to shelter. They moved from tree to tree but upon arrival found very few crevasses large enough to keep them dry.
Gawaine called from their left, "I found something!" They both turned in his direction, Merlin laden down with bedrolls and Arthur carrying a saddle bag. They were disappointed to find that the something was a large overhang. It was wide enough but not that deep or high. It would however, shelter them as the ground inside was dry.
They crawled in Arthur first then Gawaine and finally Merlin, who tried to hand the bedrolls back to Arthur unsuccessfully as he bumped his head even when he was kneeling. It was definitely not a spacious abode but it was dry even though it smelled of foxes. To pass the time, they ate what they had with them, no sense trying to build a fire.
The storm had no intention of abating, it was now late and they realised that they were captives at the mercy of Mother Nature and decided to stay put for the night. Arthur handed out the bedrolls and settled himself furthest from the opening wedged comfortably against a dirt bank.
Gawaine with much complaining and difficulty settled at an appropriate distance from the Prince. Merlin last man in, scrunched, himself in the little dry area next to Gawaine. His back was very close to the opening and he wasn't a happy camper!
No one fell deeply asleep, Arthur being kept awake by Merlin complaining of the cold, shivering and he swore, he could actually hear his teeth chattering. They were all cold but Merlin was obviously not going to suffer in silence. Finally in desperation, Arthur told Merlin, he could crawl between him and Gawaine but not so close that he was sharing his bedroll with him!
No sooner said, than done. Gawaine complained as Merlin with little thought, clambered over him dragging a damp bedroll. With much pushing and shoving he slid into the space, lying on his side. 'Oh well,' thought Gawaine, 'I'll be chilly on one side but warm on the other.'
Merlin decided now that he was snugly installed between his two friends, he wanted to talk. That didn't fly with Arthur, who said, "I said that you could sleep next to me, not bother me. Merlin, shut up 'n' go to sleep."
Merlin snuggled in, not the least offended, though he did think that it would be justice if a drip of water started to fall on Arthur's face.
Arthur heard the birds awaking. They sang for a short time to announce false dawn, that light which appears, prior to daylight.
He was conscious of Merlin's breathing beside him and realised that the weight he felt across his chest was an arm. Not his, as he could feel his. He smiled, whether that arm was protective or possessive, he didn't know and he had not intention of waking its owner to find out.
It was all quiet again, he slowly closed his eyes.
When he next awoke, sunlight was creeping into the overhang. He was warm and realized that Merlin was so close to him they were practically sharing his bed roll. He didn't wake him. He watched him. Merlin was on his side, facing Arthur, his hair over his eyes, one handed curled under his chin and the other still over Arthur.
Arthur looked at him smiling, he really was cute when he was asleep. No trouble, quiet and peaceful. Beyond him, he could see Gawaine.
As Merlin breathed out, his breath ruffled the hair on his forehead. Arthur so wanted to blow in his face but that might have awakened him and he would have become Merlin, his servant. He must have been dreaming as his eyelids quivered frequently. Every so often, he pursed his lips like a baby. Arthur had never studied any one asleep before. That would have been strange, yet watching Merlin, was nice, if anything in a warm comforting way.
Arthur realised that Merlin's sleeping position in these cramped quarters was the best, as he had two bodies to keep him warm and cosy. He was in no hurry to get up so he lay there, dreaming of the man beside him. Remembering all the times when he had been instrumental in saving his life; his undying faithfulness to him and his joy in just being alive. Wishing that he had known him when he was younger, he imagined all the hi-jinks they could have had growing up.
He decided more people should have the chance to have such a good friend...
Not leaving well enough alone, he gently blew at Merlin's hair. The reaction was comical, he scrunched up his nose and rubbed a hand across his face. He relaxed again, sighing. Still, fast asleep, so Arthur slowly reached out and tousled his hair, Merlin put his hand to his head catching Arthur's hand. Arthur froze. Merlin kept hold of his hand and pulled it under his chin. No wonder he had such difficulties getting up in the mornings.
Arthur realised that if Merlin woke up with one arm over him and his hand clasping his, there would be embarrassment on both sides. Merlin was a very private person. That privacy enabled them to live in each other's space comfortably. He was so lucky to have Merlin in his life.
He heard Gawaine moving and thought he really should get up. He carefully slid Merlin's arm back to his own bedroll and regretfully slipped his hand out of his grasp, letting it linger a few moments on Merlin's cheek. "Thank you for being you, Merlin," he whispered, before turning to Gawaine and calling, "Sleep well?"
Gawaine answered, "Great, but not as well as my sleeping companion. My back was chilly, so next time, I'm going to complain more so that I get to stay in the middle. Thank goodness he didn't thrash around though, because he was so tightly cuddled to you, you would have been up half the night."
Arthur blushed and thought, 'I was!"
He then crawled over Merlin without waking him.
Both he and Gawaine were up and Merlin was still sleeping. Gawiane was outside rolling up two of the bedrolls and Arthur went back into the little space, crawling to Merlin. He was beginning to realise that this man had a strange affect on him. He softly ran his hand over his head and down to his neck. "Wake up Sleeping Beauty!" he whispered in his ear and then gave him a good natured poke.
Merlin's eyes slowly opened wide, he stretched contentedly, giving Arthur a big smile. He laughed telling him that he'd slept so well, feeling safe and warm and he'd even had a lovely dream.
"You know, Arthur, we should do this again. It was really nice. I hadn't realised how nice it could be sleeping in a cave.
Arthur, swallowed, hoping that he wasn't blushing and said, "Me neither, Merlin!"