A/N: Like I said previously, I'm not sure how much my writing standard has dropped since I last updated, but bear with me!

Sometimes it's hard to decide what's worse, a lie that causes a smile or a truth that draws a tear.

"Defigo" Tom whispered, waving his wand at the portrait door three times. "There." He said, turning to face an anxious Hermione who was sitting on the couch. "Now, no one can come in and you can't run away." He smirked as he sat opposite Hermione, on the smaller sofa.
Hermione scowled at him. He knew her too well; Plan A was to make a bolt for the door as soon as Tom had turned his back.
"Some people would consider this kidnapping, trappingme in your dorm."

Tom shook his head, "Not when you offered to come in the first place." He smiled triumphantly as Hermione struggled to retort.
Hermione sighed. picking at a loose thread on the couch material. I guess I'm stuck with the interrogation then...It's okay though - I just have to deny everything. And -uh, lie well.

Hermione looked up at the silent boy, who's smugness had completely swiped away now, leaving his face etched with serious lines.
"Tell me what happened, Stonem."
Hermione kicked herself for looking up. Eye-contact with Tom was one of the things that put her in her most vulnerable state. The way the black orbs bore in to her. She nearly shuddered. She licked her lips, "I-I already told you. I fell." Tom raised a single, unimpressed eyebrow.
"In all seriousness Hermione, you are completely useless under pressure." Hermione narrowed her eyes, about to protest before Tom continued, holding up a long, pale finger. "And you're not leaving here until I know who hurt you."

Hermione's head snapped up. "W-who?" She stammered, eyes bulging. She tried her hardest to pull the corners of her mouth up, in an attempt at putting humor in her tone, "Are you trying to say someone did this to me?" She cracked. But Tom's frown lines didn't budge, in fact that grew deeper, black eyes calculating.

"Hermione, it's not like Rosier cursed you to propose a friendship-"

"Tom." Hermione cut in, feeling her confidence in the lie build with every word. "This is going to go absolutely nowhere okay? It's a waste of time. I fell over, is that so hard to comprehend? Not every single thing has to have a dark side to it!" Hermione huffed at the end of her short speech, her eyes hopeful as she looked at the Head Boy.
Tom sighed, shaking his head. "Fine." He stated.
Hermione bit on the inside of her lip, waiting. Tom fiddled with his wand for a moment.
He looked up, and Hermione sat up in the seat when she saw that his expression had evidently softened. Does that mean he believes me...Oh thank bloody Merlin.
"I believe you." Tom's lips pulled up in to a small, lopsided smile. And Hermione's throat grew thick. He believed her, and she was lying to his face. "And I'm glad you're okay."
He trusted her, and she was betraying him. Hermione suddenly felt extremely small, and infuriated with herself. She really outdid her own heartlessness sometimes.
Hermione smiled back, sadly.
They looked at each other for a minute. Apprehensive eyes searching trusting ones. Something in Hermione's stomach tugged.

And then all of a sudden, the eyes she was staring into started becoming bigger and Hermione realized that Tom was edging closer to her, leaning off his couch and putting his face nearer and nearer to her. Instinctively, she drew back from him.
"Uhm...Tom?" She asked with uncertainty, trying to block out the musky scent that always drew her in.

"Sshhhh." Tom hissed, never letting their connection break away as he drew closer. Hermione's mouth fell open slightly as Tom stopped moving. Her breath hitched. This wasn't good. This was not good at all.
The tips of their noses touched. Hermione's heart completely spluttered. Her next breath was a small gasp and she breathed in the intoxication that was the heir of Slytherin as he tipped his head to the side, blowing sweet air in to Hermione's open lips. Hermione wasn't in control of her actions anymore. Her eyes fluttered shut, waiting for lips to brush together.
Something pressed to her lips, but it wasn't the familiar softness of Tom. Hermione's eyes snapped open as she felt the cold glass touch her bottom lip and before she could even register what was put to her mouth, a thin liquid was running down her throat. She hacked, coughing against the fluid that was forced upon her. It tasted 10 times worse than anything Madame Pomfrey had made her endure.
After she had recovered from the coughing fit, Hermione stood up, hand in angry fists as she stared daggers profusely into the boy who had just slipped her a potion.
"WHAT the actual HELL?" Hermione demanded, looking around Tom's hands for what he had given her.

Tom got off his sofa, palms up, "Like I said before, you're utterly useless under pressure. And there is only one way I'm going to get the truth out of you." He lifted a small, empty glass flask to show Hermione. Hermione stared at it, Tom's words clicking in her head. Her eyes were the size of saucers by the time she found the ability to peak.
No way. No fucking way.
"Y-you didn't." Hermione said desperately, shaking her head. And when her response was silence, she felt her blood boil. "You gave me Veritaserum?" She exclaimed, incredulous eyes never leaving the small bottle in his hand.
Hermione frantically shook her head again, as if that would erase the fact Tom had slipped her the truth serum. She was so screwed.

"It was my only choice." Tom said simply, with a light shrug.

"How-I-I...you-" Hermione stamemered helplessly, slowly falling back on to the couch, the situation dawning on her. If Tom asked her, she would have to tell the truth about 'falling over'...about Draco.

"If you were telling the truth, then you have nothing to worry about," Tom smirked as he resumed his own seat.

"So you don't trust me then?" Hermione accused, buying time with procrastination.
Tom sighed, "I want to. I mean - I do - but not when you're continuously lying. I know that that's fair on my part."
"I'm not lyi-" Hermione hiccuped as her sentence faltered, she tried again, but it was like something slacked her mouth everytime she wanted to speak.

"I guess that means it's working." Tom said with a nod.
Hermione began to panic. She frantically looked around her. There had to be someway out of this-
"How did you get hurt, Hermione?"

Hermione bit down harshly on her tongue, as the word 'Draco' immediately bubbled to her lips. The words pushed against her closed mouth.
She knew she couldn't fight it. So, Hermione grabbed one of the small couch pillows, pressing it tightly to her face.
"Dago hi-ee." The truth muffled against the cushion's texture and Hermione sighed. She didn't even understand the words.
But she should've guessed her pathetic tactic wasn't going to last as the cushion was pulled from her grip and she saw Tom pointing at it with his wand tip. He flicked his wrist and it flew across the room, hitting the back wall.
Hermione put her face into her open palms, groaning. This couldn't be happening.

"Did someone do this to you?"

Hermione looked up at Tom. She fought the words in her mouth as her eyes brimmed with salty water. But it was a lost battle. "Yes." She choked out, past the lump in her throat.
Tom's grip on his wand tightened. And If Hermione had foocused on his hands carefully, she wouldn't seen them trembling. His eyes glinted, nostrils flaring. Hermione almost shrunk back at this, suddenly becoming aware once again of Tom's dark, dangerous side.

"Who." Tom managed to say, though the word sounded strangled.
The moisture in Hermione's eyes pooled over as she shook her head, "Please Tom!" She strained, begging. He couldn't make her do this. She wouldn't do this.
But Tom didn't budge. "Who hurt you, Hermione?" He practically seethed, his expression hooded with anger.

Hermione clenched her watery eyes shut, "Draco" She said through her teeth.
Tom was on his feet. And his face had long since passed angry now. Hermione looked up and was sincerely terrifed. Tom hardly looked human. His face was contorted.
"Tom?" Hermione stood up, "Tom are you-"

"I'll kill him."
Hermione gasped, reaching for Tom's arm. "What?" She exclaimed, "Tom listen to me I-"
She stopped as Tom looked down at her. His eyes were completely glazed over. Void of all their previous softness.

"Please." Hermione whispered. "Please don't do anything, I-If you do Draco- he-"

"Will get exactly what he deserves." Tom said darkly. His tone was so very grave, Hermione had to take a moment to stop herself from shuddering.

"Okay, so what do you propose we do, then?"

Draco smirked as he looked at Rosier. "I've got something special in mind.."
Rosier crosed his arms together, "Just spit it out if you want my help, Travers."
Draco's smirk became completely sinister as he stared in to the crackling flames of the fireplace. "We are going to rid him of the one thing he cares for."

Draco turned to look at his soon-to-be accomplice, grey eyes flashing with excitement, "We are going to take away all of Tom Riddle's power."

A/N: It was short I know, but I just wanted to update so badly ! I hope it was okay :/