A/N This is a lot of plot. Just warning you. It's my first attempt at this so be nice.

Kurogane approached his middle class suburban house coming home from his day maintaining the family business. His family had run the top fighting academy in Nihon for nearly 4 generations. Nihon was a small suburb 50 miles away from nearest major city though in comparison to the small farming towns surrounding Nihon it was Tokyo. It had a small downtown area that ended in a modest boardwalk along the beach. The downtown area consisted of nicer restaurants and family owned clothing stores along with Kurogane's family dojo, Suwa Center it might not have sounded like much but a great fighting academy didn't need a flashy name. The city itself was hilly and instead of building through the land the city followed the grassy hills and curvy landscape. Fanning from the downtown area were community shopping centers which gave way to housing communities from the towns glory days and eventually present and modern housing. Kurogane lived in the later with his wife Yuuko and son Mori. He turned off his sedan and leaned back against the leather interior lidding his red eyes and exhaling deeply.

"My house: the prison," Kurogane said in a depressed chuckle. It wasn't that he didn't love Yuuko, but he never expected to marry her. To put it simply he thought that after high school he would go away to college where he could finally be himself and he wouldn't need to cover of his and Yuuko's relationship. But fate has a funny way of twisting things and when Kurogane's father fell ill the spring of his senior year he had no choice but to fulfill his father's dying wish. He had called Kurogane to his bedside in his final few days. It had killed Kurogane to see his father like that, weak and in death's grasp. To see the man he aspired to be and had looked up to his entire childhood needing to be taken care of. Even in his sadness he felt a small amount of disgust well within himself.

"Kurogane, my son, my only son," his father said with an outstretched decrepit hand. Kurogane took his hand while kneeling by his father's be side. "I have a request of you."

"Anything Father." Kurogane said with a tone of obligation.

"Yuuko: I want you to marry her." Kurogane's face dropped at his father request as he thought about how even in death his father would have him suppress parts of himself. "You have been with her for 3 years now Kurogane, I want to know that before I die there will eventually be an heir to carry on our name and family's fighting style." Kurogane loved and respected his father but there was no denying that he had had a strict upbringing, one in which he was taught to be stoic and callous. Three months later Kurogane and Yuuko wed following graduation. It wasn't that Kurogane didn't love Yuuko because he did very much but it wasn't the love typically associated with male female romance. It was instead better classified as a love for a best friend. Deep down he was sure Yuuko knew that he was in fact a homosexual but she was far to caring in her own way to say so. She had been the only girl who had didn't take Kurogane's cold exterior and aloof nature as rude she herself had qualities about her that scared people off and somehow she had found solace in their similarities.

Kurogane opened his eyes and glanced at his house to see his son plastered against the large living room window staring at his father. Seeing he had been given recognition he pushed away from the window and reemerged through the front door seconds later bounding up to his fathers car. His son threw open the driver door and jumped into his father lap. "Hi Daddy," Mori said with the vigor expected of a 3 year old child as his ear length hair scattered on his forehead. He immediately jumped into a story about his day and how Mommy was trying to make him eat his vegetables. Kurogane half smirked at his son's contorted face as he explained how disgusting asparagus was.

"Mori," Kurogane said suddenly stern, "if you don't eat your vegetables all the children in the toddlers class will kick your ass when we spar tomorrow." A look of horror crossed Mori's face before becoming determined and hopping off his dad saying he had to eat all of his vegetables before they got cold. Mori was a good mix between his parents genetics though being so young it could go either way once he started to fill out. He had his father's blood colored eyes but Yuuko's soft face rather than Kurogane's sharp one. From his mother he also had fair skin that neither of his parents were sure would tan once he was older and spending more time outside. Kurogane made a move to get out of his car finally, turning toward the door to see Yuuko standing there in one of his large shirts she had made her own by cutting the neck out so it hung off her right shoulder and a pair of torn shorts with her hair long black hair held up messily with a clip. Her arms were crossed across her chest as she leaned against the doors frame.

"Hey you brute!," she called half smirking as she knew the insult would bother Kurogane. "Can you explain why Mori is talking about having his ass kicked unless he eats his asparagus? I was sure we had agreed not to hit our child."

"Oh! Shut up you hag. I told him the kids at class would kick his ass if he didn't eat his asparagus." Kurogane usually didn't have trouble restraining his profanities in front of Mori but as luck would have it the one time he slipped Mori would repeat it, in this way perhaps he was more like his mother jumping at every opportunity to embarrass him or get him on trouble with Yuuko. This was considered normal conversation for the fake couple ever since the first day they had met. Yuuko had walked up to him at lunch and though Kurogane was in many sports he didn't seem to have many friends. He had looked up when he noticed a looming shadow to see her and though gay couldn't help but be shocked by her beauty. Yuuko at this time hadn't full blossomed and was still turning the heads of the younger student teachers with her soft face, porcelain skin, eyes that reminded Kurogane of a doe, budding womanly figure, and long hair who's raven color matched his own. Something about the friendship that budded after that day worked regardless of how much scheming she did and yelling he did in retaliation. People began assuming after a couple months that the two were an item they never denied the claims and in reality neither ever brought up the subject. It wasn't until a year later when Kurogane had come upon Yuuko one day after school being harassed by some senior boys that he took action. Yuuko was spitting in the leaders face letting out creative strings of profanity when Kurogane grabbed said boy by the collar and decked him square in the face. He put Yuuko behind him and said with venom in his voice "Leave my fucking girlfriend alone." From that day forward there had been no arguing or hushed whispers, they were a couple.


Kurogane rubbed his eyes silently cursing the alarm clock that read 5 am, he had gotten to bed later than usual as it was his night to put Mori to bed and his son wasn't being entirely cooperative. He was sure that Yuuko had slipped him extra desert thus inducing a sugar high to get back at him for jeopardizing Mori's innocence. Yuuko stirred turning to look at him from her side of the bed which was large enough that they each had a respective side. This, Kurogane always thought, was another of many signs he was sure his wife knew his secret. She never tried to cuddle or be close to him physically though they were very close in other ways that people saw in their mannerisms towards the other.

"Kurogane, do you want help with Mori this morning," Yuuko asked as he got into the shower.

"Only if you want to and only if this doesn't cost me anything," he yelled back into the bedroom. He had learned early in their relationship that favors never came with out a price.

"I want eggs but there's none in the fridge," she replied already getting out of bed. Kurogane thought a moment He didn't have to be to the dojo till 6:30 and even if he was late then Syaoran could open up with his spare key and start the preparations for the days classes.

"Fine," he grunted back in half irritation. Once clean he put him self in his usual work attire a black gi which was held together by a black and red obi indicating Kurogane's overall authority within his dojo. He left to the store returning minutes later to find Yuuko and Mori sitting on the floor playing with Mori's favorite toy which his wife had named Mokona. He personally thought it looked like a pork bun. Ten minutes later Kurogane called his family to the table for breakfast in a gruff voice trying his best not to be late regardless of whether or not the kid, Syaoran, could get in or not.

Mori finally finished his eggs and the father and son pair could leave Yuuko kissed her son goodbye and waved them off. Kurogane thought while belting his son in that the lack of kisses which most couples found ritualistic was yet another indication that Yuuko knew. Regardless he had somewhere to be.


Kurogane arrived promptly at 6:30 as usual unlocking the dojo and carrying Mori inside. Though it wouldn't have been a big deal if he had arrived a little late he was glad he hadn't. He set Mori down and began to clean the dojo. Syaoran came in carrying equipment from the storage shed in the alley that would be used for the toddlers class that promptly began at 7:30. The class was taught by Syaoran who had suggested it after becoming Kurogane's apprentice at 18. Kurogane himself was nearing 23 and his 5th year or marriage. Kurogane had taught Syaoran in the highest skilled class after his dad passed. All masters at the dojo had been trained at the dojo in the Suwa fighting technique that had developed over generations. The other instructors would be along shortly each teaching a different class and assisting in others.

The toddlers class started and Kurogane supervised as Syaoran attempted to teach them about meditating. While excellent with Mori, Kurogane didn't like most small children and most didn't like him. Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a girl out of breath in a pink gi, not normal attire. Kurogane eyed her questioningly as she sat herself next to Syaoran. Together they were able to command the attention of the children apart they had no such luck. Syaoran looked at the girl and gasped at the pink before regaining his composure in front of the influential students. The two worked there way through meditation and moved on to basic exercises before dressing the 10 or so children aging from 3 to 5 in large padding that really reminded the three masters of marshmallows before setting them in pairs to begin sparring.

Kurogane watched his son seeing that he in fact was remembering the lessons he was being taught by both his masters and father. Seeing this he felt a sense of pride for the little boy who had become his life.

Class ended and the children joined their waiting parents outside the dojo hugging their instructors as they went. After the class had dispersed Yuuko waltzed in and up to her son who greeted his mother with a kiss to the leg. "Sakura," Syaoran yelled after the last child left, "What happened to your gi?"

Sakura turned light brown hair swishing about her chin as she did. "I, uh, washed it with something red on accident," she said blushing a bit at her blunder.

Yuuko smirked at the two young adults with a knowing glance as Syaoran inquired as to what it had been before situating her son on her hip and strolling towards Kurogane. She planted a light kiss on his forehead while Mori chimed in his opinion of 'eww'. She only ever kissed Kurogane in the presence of others, probably for show. "Hey, I was thinking of going to my mothers for the weekend. She called after you left and said she hadn't been feeling well. I just want to check on her and make sure she doesn't over exert herself," Yuuko said in a way a wife asks permission of her husband which wasn't the norm for her in private.

"Will you be taking Mori," Kurogane asked already knowing the answer.

"I was hoping. You haven't had any time for yourself lately and I wanted you to be able to have a weekend to do your manly things." She said with a knowing smirk. Kurogane's face didn't even falter she had been making these kinds of implications since they were in high school. "Like drinking with the guys, of course."

"Fine. When will you be back?" Kurogane was a man of little words until angered.

Yuuko thought a moment, "Well I was thinking Monday night but I can come back Sunday if you want." God, how both of them hated this game of typical husband and wife.

"Monday is fine. Call when you get there," he said standing up from the chair he had been seated in to kiss both his son goodbye and his wife of their foreheads. "Drinking" Kurogane thought, "I could use a drink."


Though Kurogane had friends he had never enjoyed drinking in a group. He didn't have the patience for people who couldn't handle their alcohol. He walked the downtown area expecting to go to his usual place but walking down one of the back allies he noticed a sign hanging over a door way. The sign was a glowing neon pink and shaped as a cat and said Cat's Eye where the face should have been. It sounded promising and it was closer to Suwa Center than Mully's, his usual drinking spot. He pushed the door open and stepped into the bar to find it was rather busy. It was lighted in low lights and the walls were paneled wood creating the look and feel of a tavern. He took a seat at the bar farthest from the entrance waiting to be served. It wasn't long before the bar tender spotted him and stopped his chit chat with some younger ladies at the opposite end. The blonde made his way over wearing a button down white shirt and affordable black slacks. Kurogane himself had since went home and changed into a confortable plain black shirt and dark jeans, prepared for a low key evening.

"What can I get for you, you manly man," the blonde asked with a 100 watt smile leaning in close to Kurogane as if expecting him to whisper his order.

"What did you just call me," Kurogane asked trying to maintain his composure at the quickly dubbed annoying bartender. "My name is Kurogane," he said with a hint of warning in his voice.

The blonde's smile grew in to a teasing smirk, "Well what else did you want me to call you? It's not like I'm a mind reader Kuro-meanie! So what is it you wanted," he asked completely disregarding the look of murder in Kurogane's eyes.

"Do you treat all your customers that way, idiot," Kurogane demanded in a harsh tone. Something about this idiot really made him livid.

"Wah! Kuro-chan is so mean calling me an idiot. My name is Fai! Fai D. Flourite," the idiot exclaimed thrusting his hand out like he was oblivious to the rage swelling around the two. "Sake. You look like a sake person Kuro-pii."

"Stop with the nicknames already you moron," seethed the now thoroughly annoyed Kurogane. "I just wanted a fucking drink."

Fai spun around to deliver the sake to Kurogane nearly tripping on air. "To answer your question Kuro-kun, only the good looking ones," Fai said with a wink before bounding off to another customer.

"What question is the idiot talking about," Kurogane thought for a moment before a slight blush rose to his cheeks. That bartender had just hit on him. The realization dawned on him as he sipped his sake. While, yes, Kurogane was good looking and well built he hadn't been approached my many men in the past probably because it was hard to believe he was gay. He shook the blush from his cheeks and continued to sip his sake.

Still he couldn't help but notice the morons physically appealing attributes. He was tall and thin almost womanly yet Kurogane found this attractive. His blonde hair fell on his shoulders in a crazy mess some hair falling around his face and others springing out. It was the skin though that really got Kurogane, Fai was most definitely a foreigner he had pale ivory skin that Kurogane imagined was soft to the touch. Fai turned on his heel and headed back to Kurogane who looked away trying to look as if he hadn't been secretly checking Fai out.

Fai smiled, "Everything okay over here Kuro-drunk?"

Kurogane looked at the bartender indignantly declaring "I am not drunk you idiot!" One look at Fai's smirk and Kurogane knew he had fallen into a trap.

"Well are you sure you aren't because Kuro-manly wouldn't be checking out a man otherwise, would he?" Fai leaned in seductively batting his lashes that encircled his sapphire orbs that Kurogane had failed to notice until now.

Kurogane blushed trying to hide it behind a toothy scowl and saying evenly, "I'm not gay." he really wished this guy would leave him alone yet he strangely fond himself enjoying the company of a male who found him attractive.

"Of course you aren't Kuro-chan," Fai said with a wink. A sligtly unsetteling scilence fell only to be interuppted by the bar tender. "Let's play a game Kuro-sour," Fai said suddenly very excited.

The taller man of the two put his cup down on the bar asking in an exasperated voice "What is it Flourite?" Seeing that it would probably be easier to just accept than anything he played along. Fai jumped over the bar landing next to the annoyed customer and grabbing him by his bicep nearly pulled him off his stool, unphased he dragged Kurogane to the arcade games towards the back. "Shouldn't you be working," he asked when Fai stopped triumphantly in front of a shooting game.

"Perhaps," Fai smiled answering the slightly rhetorical question while digging in his pocket for spare change. His hand finally emerged with four coins he put two in his side and motioned for Kurogane to hold out his own hand which he did reluctantly so he could receive the coins from the idiot. Under normal circumstances he would have refused to let the idiot pay for his game but he wasn't carrying any change on him. The game was a zombie game and for Fai it ended quickly because he didn't know how to reload. Kurogane on the other hand lasted 5 round by himself working well under pressure and alternating the zombies he was shooting. He could have lasted longer in the game if he hadn't been to the idiots incessant yammering of "kill the scary monster Kuro-pon" or some other ridiculous version of his name.

"Oi! Idiot you made me die! Tch." Kurogane was peeved to say the least.

"Let's play again Kurgy!"Fai said smiling like a giddy child.

"No! And stop with those goddamn nicknames before I break your skull!" Could this idiot get anymore annoying?

Fai thought a moment, "What if we bet?"

Kurogane not one to turn down a bet considering his ego wouldn't let him. "What are the conditions idiot?"

Fai's smile dimmed a little as he thought. He suddenly lit up slightly startling Kurogane "If I beat you at this game," he said pointing back to the zombies machine "then you have to come back and visit me tomorrow at the same time.

Kurogane mulled this over, so far the conditions seemed fair. "And if I win," he inquired.

"Well that's simple Kuro-silly! I'll stop with the nicknames." It seemed so easy there was no way this idiot could beat him. So with that reassurance he accepted the terms. It might not really matter anyway since he planned on returning to Mully's after this annoying evening but at least he would have beat the dammed bartender. Fai slipped four more coins into the machine and the familiar video started and soon it was on. Fai was playing the game like an expert saving Kurogane a number of times after level 8 and Kurogane was getting nervous, he was going to lose. Then as his character died on level 11 he came to a realization this bastard had tricked him!

After Kurogane had died Fai set down his gun and let his own character die no longer seeing a point in playing. A childish smile played on his face as Kurogane screamed, "You bastard!" Fai dodged a punch and began running around the slowly emptying bar pushing chair's into Kurogane's way as he chased the fully ecstatic Fai. Eventually Fai ran himself into a corner and Kurogane loomed over him murder in his eyes. "Did you trick me you idiot bartender?"

Fai's smile widened "Of course not Kuro-pii, I always forget how to reload the first time," Fai said touching Kurogane's nose. Kurogane screamed in aggravation and walked towards the door heading to the dojo where he planned to sleep for the night. Fai ran after him in to the alley way where he stood waving at Kurogane screaming at the top of his lungs "Bye, Kuro-woofy! See you tomorrow!"

It took everything the homicidal man had not to turn around and kill that blonde. That perfectly attractive blonde.

A/N So, um what did you think? I don't really write but I was inspired this morning waking up from a nap to do this and hours later here it is. It's my first so no flamming please! Unless you really want to. I really wamt to make this a multichapter if people like it. I'm sorry the chracters are probably extremly OOC. But GAH! This is hard. I give props to all the amazing writers out there. By the way if you've ever been to Santa Cruz, Ca that is kind of how I imagined Nihon though I'm not exactly sure if they are in Japan of not. Regardless the Gi, I really thought it Kuro would wear a Karate uniform but I really have no martial arts knowledge and thus am looking for a word other than Gi, if anyone can help. I'm sorry if there are mistakes, guys.