Okay so…erm…hi? I'm sorry! I never intended to abandon this (and technically I haven't since I'm updating) however I completely fell out of love with it and focused on other projects. Now however I have found my love for this again and I fully intend on finishing this. I hope you can forgive me.

Disclaimer: I own nothing which is probably a good thing if you think about it…


By McVities22

Leah POV:

My entire body aches as I come to on the cold cement floor.

What the hell happened?

For a moment my mind comes up completely blank and panic rises within me. Where am I? How did I get here? Gazing round the room two things become apparent:

Firstly I have no idea where this is. The small, dark room is completely devoid of anything save for me. Looking round I can make out a few features in the pitch dark. There's a small door in the far corner which I instantly make for only to find something holding me down. The thick iron chain wrapped around my ankle is keeping me firmly in place. Pulling against it is absolutely no use and it stays firmly in place. Maybe if my entire body didn't feel like it was made of jello and I wasn't shaking like a leaf – damn its cold in here – I'd be able to fight my way out. On the opposite side of the room there are several scratch marks that look like they were made from something big. Something wolf sized perhaps…

The second thing that becomes apparent is that I'm not alone. Spinning round I find myself staring into the darkness at a figure that seems so familiar. It takes a few moments before my eyes adjust enough to sight and I realise why it seems so familiar.

"Gil…" I'd intended for it to sound mad, angry but all it sounded was confused and scared.

"Good morning, or should I say evening now." Evening? How long was I out? "I would imagine you're a little confused."

"Where am I?" What have you done? That's what I want to ask but I'm afraid of what the answer might be.

"You don't need to worry about that just yet. Or ever." He stalks forward a little and towers over me from my position on the floor. His scent…

Memories come flooding back and all of a sudden everything clicks together.

"You…you're the ones who've been attacking us!" How the hell didn't I sense it? How many times have I been near him, talking to him…held his hand! How didn't I know?

"Ding, ding, ding! Give the lady a prize she finally figured it out." His voice is full of laughter and scorn, all is does is anger me further. "Really I didn't think you'd be so easily fooled."

"How?" How is this possible?

"It's actually something I stumbled across by accident. You see over the years I've come across many people and a few years ago I came across a pack." Another pack? "They'd been blighted by vampires over the years and had developed a family secret to hide themselves from them."

"How?" I have to know, maybe if I can find out I can get back to the others.

"A particular mix of flowers and herbs crafted together which mask the scent of wolf. It took them years to come up with the recipe and strangely enough only a few weeks before they gave it to me. Of course they weren't imagining that I'd use their same trick to kill them all. Fools." The way he says it seems so carefree that it actually sends a shiver up my spine. What kind of monster is he?

"Why us? Why here? Why are you doing this!?" My voice comes out as more of a growl and I can't help pulling against the chain holding me in place. The pain that shoots through my ankle at the action makes me wince, an action that doesn't go unnoticed by Gill.

"Oh Leah my darling. Of all the questions you could have asked I would have thought a different one would have come up by now." What? What is he talking about? "I'd have thought the first question from your mouth would have about your brother."

A chill sets through me that I know has nothing to do with the coldness of the room. Somewhere in the back of my mind I can hear Seths voice calling out to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I can feel his presence but it's weak. It's weak and it's fading faster than I can imagine.

"What did you do?" I finally manage to whisper out. "What did you do to my brother?"

All he does in response to my question, my demand, is laugh. Walking out of the room my heart drops to the floor.


Silence greets my words.

Jake POV:

"No sign?" Sam says as I help my dad out of the truck.

"No sign at the house. We did manage to catch both of their scents fading away from there though. We didn't want to follow them just the two of us." Paul explains.

Everyone's worried by now and no one could blame us. We're down two members, two family members. Leah and Seth have completely disappeared, no ones seen or heard from them for hours now. They could be injured, lost or even…even dead for all we know.

"If you're right about them hiding out in Forks then that's where they'll be." My dad says from my side. Of course that's what we were all worried about. As soon as Sue had said they were missing our thoughts had instantly gone to the other wolves. We know it had something to do with them, we just knew. We'd been hoping differently but so far there was no sign of them.

"Damnit! God damnit!" None of us react to the words that explode from our alpha but we're all thinking the same. We really thought that we finally had the upper hand on them. We really thought that. For just a second we were on top. Now they have us on the backfoot again.

"We've got to find them fast." Embry's voice is laced with something I can't quite place but from the look in his eyes there's something there.

"Alright lets head back to the house and follow those tracks. Let's go." We all make to leave with them when something pops into my mind.

"Wait a second. This could by what they want." My words earn me a glare from the entire pack, except Paul who tilts his head at my words.

"What do you mean?" He's instantly by my side with a hand on my waist.

"Those other wolves…maybe they're trying to lure us out. Maybe they want us to go after them. This whole thing could be a trap." I don't know why I think it but from the look on everyones faces I'm glad I did.

"Jake is right. They're have the upper hand whilst you don't know their whereabouts." Sam growls as Old Quil speaks but we all know it's true. "You will need to be careful when going out there."

"The leeches." Eyes snap to Jared as he speaks. "If Paul's right and those wolves really are hiding out in forks then finding them is as much their business as ours."

"Alright so we need to call them. Get them to search their own territory and see what they come up with. In the meantime we search ours for Seth and Leah starting with the scents you picked up at the house." Despite the situation pride flows through me as I realise just how important Paul's revelation really was.

We still have something on them.

They don't know that we've figured this out.

"Dad you still have Carlisle's number right? From what I was attacked?" Carlisle had insisted on giving dad his number after I got hurt. That way he'd be able to come over quickly if something went wrong. Once dad nods Sam already back to alpha mode.

"Right Jake you call the…vampires…and get them on board. Quil stay with him, join us when you're done." Ordinarily Sam would be the one doing this but he's got more on his mind. Right now it's more important that he find Leah and Seth, that's the only thing that matters.

"Please be careful." I whisper to Paul. He responds with a small kiss to my lips and a reassurance that he'll be fine. As they walk out of sight I can't help the dread settling in my stomach. Everything is coming to a head and soon this will be over.

One way or another it'll be done.

Seth POV:

My entire body is raging with pain as I hover on the boarder of darkness. I can feel the rain beginning to patter down and I'd sigh if I could. If it didn't cause me incredible amounts of pain that is. Rain will just make it harder for them to find me.

I tried moving but I can't.

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

I don't know where Leah.

Maybe I could move if I phased but even the thought of phasing makes the darkness grow.

As the edges of my vision go black I send up a prayer.

Please keep her safe…

Okay so I hope that makes up for keeping you waiting for all this time. Poor Seth is badly injured (again) only this time he's alone and now he unconscious. Leah is being kept heaven only knows where and isn't exactly in a fit state herself. The others are desperately searching but so far have found nothing.

Will everything work out?

Bye Bye x