The end of the story is upon us. I would like to thank everybody who has read and reviewed the story it means a lot to me, I hope you all enjoyed it :)

Dear Diary,

Paul and I spent the afternoon with his family and now we're back at his, I'm exhausted but it was a really fun day. His family are amazing, they're all so close and it is obvious why he is the person that he is.

I really think I'm falling harder for him and would even go as far as to say I think I love him, I'm too scared to tell him that though because it's still new and I don't want to put my heart out there and for him to stomp on it. I know he wouldn't intentionally but if I was to put it out there and he didn't say it back I don't know that I could take it.

I've got to go as he'll back in in a minute with dinner.

Steph xx

Placing her phone back on the table she jumped when Paul said, "you weren't doing work were you?"

Spinning around in her seat with a hand on her chest she shook her head, "no work for me, my Dad would kill me."

Laughing softly he walked closer handing her a plate, "you don't have to answer this but you were writing in your diary weren't you?"

Taking her plate of food she nodded her head slowly, "yeah I was, I just want to remember today."

As he sat down next to her he couldn't help but laugh a little, "that bad huh?"

"Actually it was that good."

Hearing her say it was good he couldn't help the smile the passed his lips, "you really thought so?"

Gathering together a forkful of food as she contemplated how much to say to him about it she waited as long as she felt she could make him wait, "I really thought it. Your family are amazing, so warm and so kind and you are exactly like them. Paul I have had the best time these past two days."

Leaning across he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, "I'm so glad you have had a good time, just think we'll be seeing my family even more over the next two days so you may get as sick of them as I will."

Rolling her eyes playfully at him she shook her head, "you don't mean that and both you and I know it. Changing subjects slightly, I've got all of the photographs for the frames in my purse, what would you like me to do with them after dinner?"

"Maybe put them on the dresser for the minute and I'll find somewhere else to put them later whilst we wait for the frames to be finished."

Nodding her head in acknowledgement they both silently focussed on eating their dinners.

Once they had both finished their dinners they put their plates on the coffee table in front of them and Stephanie cuddled up to Paul's side as he changed the channel on the TV looking for something to watch.

After an hour of just relaxing together on the couch he decided it was about time he sorted the dishes out so he gently moved Stephanie from leaning on him and leant forward to pick the plates up. Before she had time to protest he said, "I will just sort these plates out and put them in the dishwasher and then we can cuddle for as long as you want."

Standing up he turned around with the plates in his hands before he leant forward and kissed her softly and then walked out of the room.

As she watched him walk out of the room she had a desire to be close to him so standing up she walked out of the lounge and called out, "I'm just going to sort the photos out before I forget."

With that said she headed to the stairs picking up her purse from the bottom of the stairs before she headed up them.

Reaching his bedroom she walked over to the dresser and took the photos out of her bag and placing them on the dresser in a neat pile before she dropped her bag out of the way beside the dresser. With the photographs safely on the dresser she turned around and walked into his closet looking through his clothes.

Having heard Stephanie say she was going to go and put the photographs away Paul finished with the dishes before he went back into the lounge and turned the TV off and turned the stereo on putting on a random RnB CD he was given by Joanie for his birthday that he hated but seemed more Stephanie's cup of tea and relaxed on the couch waiting for her to return.

Going through his closet all she saw was t-shirts, jeans and more t-shirts and jeans but tucked away right at the back of the closet she found the perfect thing and pulled it out and placed it on the bed before she turned around and started to go through her suitcase.

Once she had found what she was looking for in her suitcase she took it out and placed it on the bed alongside what she had gotten out of Paul's closet and then slowly started to strip off of her clothes piece by piece until she was completely naked. Once she was naked she started to pull on the clothes that were laid out on the bed adding the item she took from his wardrobe on top for a nice touch.

Walking over to his dresser she picked up her brush and started to brush through her hair until it was totally knot free and looked silky smooth. She was going to add make up but then as she lifted the eye shadow to put some on she put it back down again, tonight was about her showing Paul how much she cared about him and not about the person she used to be.

Stepping back from the dresser she looked at herself in the mirror quickly running her fingers through her hair giving it a little volume and adjusting the buttons on her top so there wasn't as many done up before she turned and walked out of the door.

As he looked at his watch he wondered what was keeping her, he was sure it would only take her a minute to walk up the stairs, put the photographs down and then come back down the stairs but she had to have been up there for ten minutes or more now and he was starting to get worried.

Pushing himself up from the couch he went to walk out of the room to go and find her but he heard her footsteps walking along the landing and then starting to descend the stairs so he just sat back down to wait for her.

Gulping as she slowly walked down the stairs one by one her heart was in her throat and she kind of felt like she was going to be sick, she didn't want him to turn her down. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs she took a deep breath before she turned and walked towards the lounge.

Not bothering to turn his head when he heard and felt her enter the room he simply said, "at last, I was beginning to think you had gotten lost up there."

Seeing that he wasn't looking at her she decided to play with him a little, "well technically I did get a little lost but only in your closet."

Turning his head to the side with one raised eyebrow he was about to ask what she was doing in his closet and then he saw her stood there in what appeared to be just some lingerie and one of his shirts. As he stared at her he lost the ability to form a coherent sentence as she looked so beautiful.

Blushing a deep shade of red at his intense gaze she slowly walked in front of him, "do you like?"

His eyes followed every move she made until she came to a standstill in front of him. His eyes roamed her body again from the tips of her toes slowly trailing his gaze up her toned legs to her stomach that was currently being hidden by the shirt she was wearing, as his eyes travelled up to her breasts he groaned as they played peek-a-boo with him behind the shirt, his gaze finally reached her face and he smiled seeing her looking so nervous, "you know my shirt has never looked so good."

Laughing softly she shrugged her shoulders teasingly showing him a little more leg, "well considering it was sat at the back of your closet I would say it has never seen daylight so that wouldn't be hard."

Shaking his head he couldn't help but laugh a little, "oh you little . . ." He reached and grabbed her hands tugging her closer to him and the couch, "so what did I do to deserve this little show?"

Keeping hold of his hands she played with his fingers, "is it too much? If it is I'll go and change?"

Groaning lowly he kept a tight grip on her hands, "don't you dare, you look amazing and I just want to rip the shirt off of you and have my way with you."

Biting down on her lip she could see the lust in his eyes and it turned her on even more. She removed her hands from his before she gently pushed him to sit back on the couch before she slowly climbed on top of him straddling his legs, "who said that wasn't the idea?"

Paul kept his hands planted firmly on the couch either side of her so he didn't rip the shirt off just yet as he wanted to know more about what brought this on, "so . . . umm, why?"

Leaning closer to him she pressed a soft kiss to his lips before she pulled back again to look him deep in the eyes, "do you remember those walls I built up? Baby you're sending them crumbling down."

He didn't want to get his hopes up as to what this could mean but his hands moved to her bare legs rubbing them gently, "is that a good thing?"

Chuckling she had to admire his restraint right now, "it's a very good thing. You're like my angel, every rule that I made you've been breaking, it's a risk I've taken but I'm never going to shut you out."

Leaning forward again she captured his lips in a passionate kiss resting her hands on his chest rubbing it gently feeling the muscles beneath her hands before she moved her hands to cover his and as they continued to kiss she moved his hands to the buttons on the shirt allowing him the opportunity to undo the buttons.

Moaning into her mouth as he felt her hands teasing his chest before she moved his hands to the buttons of his shirt. Not needing to be invited twice he slowly started to undo the few buttons that were done up before he ran his hands up her chest and then pushed the shirt off her shoulders so he could get a good view of her body.

Pulling away from the kiss so she could removed the shirt from her wrists she didn't see his hands move until she felt them covering her breasts and she jumped a mile, "holy shit Paul."

Biting down on his lip he moved his hands, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to touch them."

Taking his hands she put them back on her breasts, "I never said you had to stop, I was just surprised."

Moving her hands she slid them beneath his shirt to touch the muscles of his stomach, "you're my saving grace."

Leaning forward again she started to kiss and suck gently on his neck as she continued to tease his stomach with her fingertips before slipped her hands higher continuing the torture on his chest.

Sliding his hands down her stomach gently he gasped as she sucked on his spot, he was desperate to feel skin on skin so he slipped his hands around her waist before he slid them back up her back until he reached the clasp of her bra undoing it so he could get rid of the offending object.

Pulling back from kissing his neck she discarded her bra before she slid his shirt up his chest as he lifted his arms allowing her to remove it completely.

Once they were both topless he pulled her tight against his chest and started to kiss her neck returning the favour as his fingers trailed up and down her back.

Gasping at the pure torture his hands and mouth were putting her through she tried to pull away, "we should go upstairs."

Keeping a tight grip on her he didn't want to move so mumbled against her neck, "no, stay here."

Blushing she moved her lips to his ear and whispered, "I've never done it on a couch before."

Laughing and groaning against her skin he couldn't believe she was having this effect on him, "me either so it's a first for us both. No more talking though."

His hands moved to play with her breasts as her hands moved to undo his jeans.

Laying on the couch covered in sweat but with satisfied smiles on their faces she cuddled impossibly closer to him, "I promised myself I would never fall again but I don't feel like I am falling." Sliding her hands beneath his shoulders she held onto him, "I don't want this feeling to fade, I don't want to lose you."

Lifting his head he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, "you won't lose me, I'm here always and forever."

Looking up at him she bit her lip nervously, "promise?"

Nodding his head he smiled happily, "I promise. I would pinky promise but I am kind of enjoying holding you like this right now."

Laughing softly she laid her head back down cuddling back into him, "I love you."

Both of their eyes widened when they realised what she had said and she immediately started panicking, "oh shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

Paul didn't know how to respond, "didn't mean to say it as in you don't mean it or didn't mean to say it because you think it's too soon?"

Taking a deep breath as she thought about it she exhaled slowly as she realised the truth, "I didn't mean to say it as it's so soon, I didn't realise I felt it until it just came out and you don't have to say it back or anything."

She turned her head away to hide the tears that were welling up in her eyes as her stomach got tight at the thought that it was just one sided.

Not really wanting to leave her declaration hanging out there with him having said nothing he almost reluctantly moved his one hand from her back to her chin slowly and gently turning her head back to face him feeling like shit as he saw the tears in her eyes, "I love you too. I told my Mom earlier that I loved you but I didn't want to say it and make you feel like you needed to say it back, I was going to wait until I felt you might take it better."

Her eyes widened at his declaration, "you mean it?"

Realising he had slightly rambled through his declaration of love he nodded his head slowly, "Stephanie Marie McMahon, I love you."

Smiling brightly she leaned closer to his face, "I love you too."

Closing the gap between their faces she captured his lips in a passionate kiss as his hand slipped back to her back holding her against him tightly again. It may have still been early days but they loved each other and that's all that they both needed.