"AYERA!" prince Zuko called out. I sighed as I got up from my resting place and went to where he was waiting for me.

"Yes?" I asked irritated that he interrupted my thoughts.

"I am going to be in an agnikia, I'll win no doubt."

"And what does this have to do with me?" I interrupted him frustrated that he bothered me for this.

he sighed" I want you to train with me, and father wishes to see you"

I nodded and walked off without saying good bye or bowing, things between me and Zuko are pretty casual. Except in public of course, if I disrespected him in public I would be punished greatly, so I keep my manners. Oh I almost forgot to tell you. My name is Ayera; pronounced eye-er-a, (obviously) and I am an Avatar. I grew up with ang and trained with him at the air temples, but unlike him I didn't get tattoos. And I also stayed when the fire nation invaded. Now I bet your wondering how I could be an avatar while ang is alive. The answer is simple. There have always been two avatars. One will be recognized and the other will give their life and protect the recognized one. I am around 100 years old, yet again how is this possible? I am the unrecognized avatar, the 'protector' so I will live as long as they do, but if they die I would take over the responsibilities of being Avatar. Pretty complex system, but as I was saying. When the fire nation raided ang had already left, and I was fighting along with my companions, we were all pushed to a room and surrounded. Then out of nowhere the fire lord came in, he had decided to take three slaves one for each of his kids and one for himself. We were lined up and inspected. I was chosen for his only son, the rest of them were killed before our eyes and a warning was issued. The other chosen ones weren't the smartest and tried to run ending in a quick death, but I stayed. It wasn't hard and Zuko was still a baby, so I was to watch over him and play with him. Soon the fire lord noticed that I didn't age, and asked me about it, and eventually found out that I'm an avatar. He sent me everywhere and had me trained in all elements. By the time Zuko was 13 he was entrusted with this secret and I was his birthday present. Ever scence then I had been serving the young prince and training him. I was interrupted from my thoughts by looking up and being at the fire lord's chamber. I knocked and he told me to enter. I walked in and bowed "sir?" I asked

"Ah finally Ayera, my son has disrespected me and will battle me, and will be banished. I want you to stay and work for me, you could be part of my elite guards, or you can go with prince Zuko. I will give you time to think, but you need to have an answer by tomorrow night. That's all" he said dismissively.

I walked out and went back to the gardens. I can't believe he would do that to his own son! I sighed as I tried to decide. My freedom and working for the fire lord, or staying with Zuko. My head was starting to hurt when someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and turned around.

"Oh my, princess azula don't scare me like that!" I said

"What are you thinking about? Is it zu zu?" she asked

"That's none of your buiesness princess."

"Well, are you?"

"Yes, now if you'll excuse me I must go change and meet prince Zuko by the training field."

"Ok, bye Ayera"

I stood and hustled to my room, it was a good size scence they found out I was an avatar they treated me well. I changed and hurried to where I am supposed to meet the prince. Thinking hard about my next move.