Okay, so I've decided to re-write my earlier chapter before going to the ninth one. Dpn't worry, the story itself won't change. I'm basically just adding more detail and fixing up a few mistakes I made. But other then that it's gonna be the same (well hopefully). Anyway, without further delay, here's the prolouge!

Disclaimer: I barely had enough money for headphones, what's makes you think I could buy out Bleach from Tite Kubo?

It was the same, when she thought about it. It was just like any other battle she had to fight in before. There was the clanging of the swords as enemies would bounce off each other, only to spring back into the same deadlock again. There was the sounds of people's cries as they shouted incantations of Kido spells or shouting at one another. There was still the smell of blood and death as her friends and foes alike lost their lives to the ruthlessness of their opponents. But there was one difference; the side in which she and her allies were facing against, for it was something they had never even dreamed of facing.

They were defending themsevles against Hell and all of its demons

But in truth, that was not what she was thinking about right then. No, she was thinking about the person in front of her, the person in which she had thought was gone forever.

For that person was Toshiro Hitsugaya, the executed captain of the tenth division.

She stared him down, looking straight into his cold teal eyes once filled with a kindness reserved for her, now filled with a hatred so deep it shocked her to her core.

Momo Hinamori tightened her grip on her faithful zanpactou, preparing herself for the fight she didn't want to face. But before she could, she had to know one thing.

"Why?" she said, her voice slightly shaking, "Why are you doing this?"

She watched as his mouth curved upwards by the smallest amount before his answer came out:

"I'm doing this so I can get my revenge!"

However, before we delve deeper into this story, let us go back before this happened, before anything had really happened.

Let us go back one hundred years.

Author's Notes:

Yep, changed it a bit, and changed the amount of years a full eighty years. Yikes, that's quite a bit, ain't it o.o

Well, hopefully you all don't hate this, becuase I'm going back and changing at least a little bit of each chapter. And, I'm going to see if while doing this I'll be able to get the next chapter in as well.

Hope you enjoyed the change! And if you didn't, oops.