Okay. So long, so so so sorry! This chapter proved hard to write. Good news is, I should be able to update again soon. Bad news, I'm still new at writing duels. Please review after the story, thank you! :) I own nothing
Rescue Mission
Chapter six: The Duel
Ahsoka's dark tone pierced the air, and sent chills down Anakin's spine. It reminded him all too much of Mortis. Rex had an unbelievable look of shock printed across his face. Anakin wasn't sure if it was from the Sith, Ahsoka's evil voice, or the cage suddenly being dropped on him, but he was certain Rex wasn't going to snap out of it any time soon.
Ahsoka thrust her emerald and yellow-ish blades at Darth Ortrayus' middle. The Sith blocked them and violently kicked Ahsoka in the head. She staggered backwards, holding her head and deactivated lightsabers.
Anakin caught a glimpse of a large, red and purple bruise forming on Ahsoka's forehead, before she charged at Ortrayus. He could feel Ahsoka pulling the Force towards her, using all mental strength she had.
Ahsoka's vision was blurred, making it hard to see what Ortrayus was doing. She felt dizzy, lost and her head was throbbing. She weakly swung her lightsabers, but hit Ortrayus'.
The Togruta Padawan Force pushed the Older woman back. Ortrayus jumped at Ahsoka, hitting her in the stomach.
Ahsoka collapsed right there. A painful groan escaped her mouth, barely keeping from vomiting.
Ortrayus deactivated her lightsabers and put a hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. "You don't have to do this."
"What?" Ahsoka questioned, quickly looking up at Ortrayus.
"Just come with me. I'll help you. I can stop your nightmares." Ortrayus' voice was now kinder then before.
"Really?" Ahsoka had no clue what she was saying any longer.
"Ahsoka, don't do it!" Anakin yelled, reaching out a hand past the red glowing bars of the cage.
Ortrayus sent a round of Force lightening at Anakin. He tumbled to the floor in a heap, strings of electricity flowing around him.
Rex, finally snapping out it, bent down. "You alright, sir?" He asked.
Anakin nodded, as Rex pulled him to his feet.
Ahsoka was angry now. Infuriated. She rose to her feet, as Ortrayus turned around. Ahsoka collected the Force. She was a lighting rod, drawing it toward her.
Anakin was speechless, and Ortrayus was clearly surprised.
In a blast of energy, Ahsoka Force pushed the Sith into an opening in the floor. The lasers that made up the cage vanished.
Cetter, who had been silent the whole time, ran over to the hole in the ground and looked down.
Ahsoka fell to the ground, dizziness flooding her. Anakin flew to her side.
"Are you okay?" Anakin asked.
Ahsoka didn't answer. A contusion was on her forehead where Ortrayus had kicked her, and she took deep, heaving breaths.
"Can... we get out of here?" Ahsoka asked, pulling any strength she had to rise to her feet. Her vision was starting to clear, but her head continued to pound loudly.
Anakin supported Ahsoka with one arm. She needs to be helped, he thought.
"Maybe we can get a ship from that hanger." Ahsoka pointed to an opening on one wall, her hand shaking slightly.
"We can try. Are you up to piloting?" Anakin asked, as the group moved towards a silver freighter.
"Yes, Master, I'm fine." Ahsoka insisted, pulling away from his grip.
Rex walked over to Cetter, who was still looking down the gap in the floor. "Cetter, will you come on?"
Cetter seemingly skipped back to his place behind Knawl and fell in step.
Rex slid into his spot, Anakin in front of him.
Ahsoka strolled up to the ship and quickly inspected it. "Looks flyable... Don't know for how long." She walked up the ramp. It had several seats, one a pilot seat, the other a co-pilot seat.
Ahsoka sat herself in the pilot's seat. "I need a co-pilot."
"I can handle that." Anakin said, finding a way into the co-pilot seat.
Ahsoka flipped the ignition switch with one hand, the other on the steering system.
Ahsoka launched the ship upward through the roof.
"Snips! Watch where your going!" Anakin scolded.
"There's no exit, and you would do the same." Ahsoka replied, straitening her course.
"She's got a point, General." Cetter said, leaning forward. Rex and the others waited for Anakin's reaction. Anakin gave Cetter a glare and ignored him.
"What are those?" Rex inquired gazing at the round object approaching them.
"Uh-oh. Strap yourselves in!" Ahsoka lurched to the left to avoid a collision with a asteroid. Cetter bumped into Jake with a thud. "Ugh! Asteroids! I. Don't. like. Asteroids." She mumbled under her breath.
Ahsoka spun out of the way of another asteroid, losing control in the process. She flew off her chair and skidded across the floor, leaping up in time to seize the steering.
"Oh, no." Ahsoka's eyes widened. "The controls have been hit!"
End of Chapter. :) At least it's posted. ;D PLEASE review! :D Oh, and try to guess what the reply to Ahsoka's statement is. I've got to see what you think. Review, review, review! ;)