I wanted to finish this by the end of the summer but I start school tomorrow so I don't think that's going to happen. Oh well, that just means I get to keep writing this for longer. Also, sorry about being late with my update.

Thanks for the reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis, if I did then there would definitely be a spin- off with the newbies because I actually think that would be pretty cute.

House of Girls

"Let the sibuna girl mission commence!" cried Amber and the other girls shushed her quickly because it was midnight and she could've woken someone up.

Nina said, "Let's go, quietly."

Not all the sibuna girls were there, just the English ones: Amber, Joy, Nina and Patricia.

Patricia grinned. "At least we don't have to worry about Victor catching us anymore, I do sort of miss him though."

"I don't!" hissed Joy, "He was the main reason they imprisoned me for so long, he was so worried about Rufus still being alive and he didn't want to take any chances."

"He was trying to protect you," pointed out Amber.

Joy said, "I know but it was still for selfish reasons."

Nina nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad he's gone but I do feel bad that he's going to die soon."

The other girls silently agreed and they proceeded to quietly make their way to the kitchen.

Nina pulled out her locket and opened the secret passage to the cellar.

In the kitchen Amber said, "I'm scared, I bet there's even more rats down there than before because it's been empty for so long."

"Don't worry Amber." Nina took her hand and squeezed it. "We've got each other and ours flashlights, we'll be fine."

"Torches." Amber corrected, still looking nervous.

Joy said, "Just think of something happy… like your date with Logan today."

Amber smiled. "It was a pretty awesome date."

"What did you guys do?" asked Joy. The talking helped to keep both her and Amber calm, Joy had never entered the cellar this way before so she was scared too. Amber was always scared about going down to the cellar but she always managed to do it.

"We went for a walk and we went to this park, it was so cute," she answered with a smile on her face. Memories of that day taking her away from the dark cellar and back to the park with Logan.

Joy grinned. "Sounds fun."

She tried not to think about how much she wanted a relationship like that or who she wanted that with. Joy repeated to herself inside her head. "New Joy. New Joy. New Joy…."

Amber nodded. "It was."

Ever since Joy came back she'd been weary of her but today she was being really nice. No one could blame Amber for not being Joy's best friend after she'd been so awful to Nina and then had tried to steal Fabian from her. Amber hadn't felt guilty about taking Nina's side, her and Joy had never really been that close before, certainly not as close as Amber was with Nina, but she'd never had a problem with Joy before Nina.

"Shush," snapped Patricia's before she followed Nina through the secret passage into the cellar.

Amber and Joy grinned at each other.

"Sibuna." Amber did the thing.

"Sibuna." Joy hadn't felt happier than in that moment.

They entered the cellar.

"So, clocks," said Nina once they were all down there. She shined her torch, or as she called it her flashlight, at a pile in the corner of the cellar. "We need to find a clock."

It was more difficult to search through the pile of junk than they'd thought it would be mostly because they had to try to be quiet while searching. The lifting and quiet placing down of the objects was time consuming.

"Found anything?" hissed Amber.

The others shook their heads.

"Maybe it's not hear," suggested Patricia.

Nina sighed. "Where else could it be?"

Nobody had an answer.

"Let's just keep searching," said Joy, breaking the silence.

She broke away from the pile and started to look at different parts of the cellar, shining her torch at the corner she found some more stuff on the table.


The others turned to her.

Amber grinned. "I didn't notice the stuff on the table."

Joy went and picked up a clock that was positioned on the middle of the table in plain sight.

"Me neither, nice one Joy," grinned Nina.

"I just turned around." She shrugged but still returned Nina's smile.

Things were definitely improving between them.

"Time holds many secrets." Nina repeated the clue whilst staring at the clock, Joy turned to face her, holding the clock in the space between them. "Any ideas?"

Blank stares answered her question.

"Can I?" asked Nina and Joy nodded, handing her the clock.

After staring at it for a few moments, Nina shook the clock, turned it around in her hands, shook it again, stared at it some more and then opened it. The inside of the clock contained the ordinary bits and pieces like chains and pendulums. Nothing seemed unusual inside but the clock definitely wasn't an ordinary clock. As Nina held the clock Joy ran her hands over the markings on the back of it. Her fingertips tracing the Egyptian symbols.

"There's the symbol of Ra here guys, and the eye of Horus, and there's Isis… we should definitely take this to Fabian to have a look at."

Instinctively Nina pulled the clock away from Joy when she mentioned Fabian's name.

Joy looked shocked, Patricia and Amber pretended to be oblivious. After realising what she'd done Nina's face turned an unusual shade of red. She had to learn to be less jealous.

"Yeah good idea." She gave Joy a rather forced smile. "He'd know what all the other markings are."

"And maybe that would help us figure out how to get the next scroll because I have no idea what we're meant to do with this clock." Amber looked and sounded like she was missing her bed.

The others nodded in silent agreement but were reluctant to move, their eyes lingering on the clock and knowing it must hold the answer somehow. Did the markings really matter? Was it something simpler than that?

Out of habit Nina's hand went to her locket.

She fiddled with it, holding it in one hand whilst she held the clock in the other.


Everyone seemed to understand what she was getting at by that one word. It was obvious really, the locket had worked for almost everything else.

At first she held it up to the face but nothing happened, she almost scanned the clock with the locket to see if there was any reaction. There wasn't.

Patricia said, "You could hold it up to the symbol on the back."

Nina turned the clock round and looked at the eye of Horus symbol. Running her fingers over it she noticed how that symbol was carved deeper into the wood than some of the other symbols on the back, except the symbol of Ra. She sighed but still continued to press her locket to the back.

The ground started shaking and, because they knew what usually happened, the girls closed their eyes but no flash of blinding light followed.

"I think we need Catty's locket too." She pointed to the symbol of Ra on the back of the clock.

"Of course we do." Amber didn't look happy.

Patricia didn't either. "Let's just go back to bed, at least we have the clock now."

They nodded, feeling like tired failures, and then they headed back up the passage and to bed. The girls said their goodnights and Patricia and Joy entered their room. Amber grabbed Nina's arm before she opened their bedroom door.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Nina was tired and didn't really understand what Amber was getting at. "Of course."

Amber rolled her eyes at her. "I mean about Joy."

"Oh yeah, yeah, I am, I mean it's weird but when she isn't chasing after Fabian she's actually not a horrible person."

"Well…" Amber began and Nina gave her a look. "Sorry, you're right, she's fine, not really my cup of tea but the only reason I really didn't like her was because she was trying to steal Fabian from you, if she's stopped that then she's fine."

"It was a bit annoying that whole trying to steal my boyfriend thing."

Amber laughed. "Yeah, just a little bit."

After some giggling they decided it was time to go to bed.

Joy and Patricia had a similarly hushed conversation as they tried not to wake Josie and Catty. Since they were both Sibunas it wouldn't be a disaster if they woke up, they were just being considerate.

"Things are still weird between us though." Joy and Patricia were talking about Nina. "But at least she's trying."

"And you're trying too, aren't you?"

Joy sighed. "Yes, I am, I am trying to not be attracted to Nina's boyfriend and am resisting the urge to hate her because she has him and I don't."

"Well as long as you're trying." Patricia grinned teasingly and despite herself, Joy smiled too.


There was something about Sundays that Nina loved. Amber didn't get it, Saturdays were her day; those long stretched out days that promised a late start and a late night. But Nina still loved Sundays, despite whatever Amber said about that. Those Sunday mornings seemed to drag forever and she never felt happier than when she spent a long, lazy, Sunday morning in bed.

Nina had been awake for almost an hour but she was still lying in bed, not doing anything at all. And she knew that she shouldn't be because she had to get the next scroll, but she was happy where she was. If she'd got out of bed she'd have to think serious thoughts about her possible death if things went wrong and even if they did figure the next scroll straight after there'd be another scroll to figure out. Her life depended on thin scraps of paper and she couldn't do a thing about it except follow the rules and go with it.

So yeah, Nina didn't really want to get out of bed that morning.

Amber sat in front of the mirror going through her morning beauty routine, Alyson was in her bed flipping through a fashion magazine and Danielle was in her bed on Tumblr.

It wasn't long till breakfast. The other three girls soon busied themselves by getting changed and ready.

Danielle poked Nina. "You coming too breakfast?"

Nina shook her head. "I think I'm going to skip it and lie here forever."

"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world," sang Danielle.

The girls both started laughing.

"Beautiful," complimented Nina.

Danielle shrugged. "I'm tired and hungry." That was her excuse for her random singing. "I'll tell Fabian you're sleeping in."

Nina nodded and the girls left, she grabbed her iPod and put on the playlist Fabian had made for her too apologise for something she couldn't quite remember in her tired state. She listened, feeling happy and in love and not in any immediate danger. It felt good.

After half an hour Nina was brought out of her half asleep state by someone knocking on her door. She assumed it was Fabian.

"Come in."

Catty walked through the door.

Nina must have looked surprised. "Were you expecting lover boy?"


Catty giggled at her. "Amber filled me in on last night and I thought now might be the time to test out your theory about using both our lockets with the clock."

They talked a bit more about last night and the clock as Nina reached under her bed to grab the clock she'd stashed there after that night's expedition to the attic. Nina placed her locket against the eye of Horus symbol. Catty followed suit, placing her locket against the symbol of Ra.

Neither was that surprised when the shaking started and a flash of blinding light followed. It was all getting a bit tedious. Nina sighed when she heard the oh so familiar sound of a scroll hitting the floor.

Catty picked it up and Nina gestured for her to open it, too tired of everything to bother to use words.

"It says 'Seek the antechamber'"

"The what?"

"The antechamber."

The cousins looked at each other, both equally confused.

Nina didn't look happy. "We're going to have to ask Fabian I think."

Catty agreed and said she'd call Sally to see if she knew anything and to update her on the new scroll. "I forgot, Sally had a date with Jason yesterday, I need to hear about that."

"That's so cute."

They talked about Sason a bit and then Catty left Nina to her thoughts.

Now she was awake and they'd gotten to the next scroll Nina couldn't stop herself thinking about the danger she was in and the danger she put everyone else in when they got involved in these stupid quests. She knew it was their own decision and that really, they wouldn't have it any other way but it still sucked.

Once quite a bit more time had passed Fabian decided it was time to go visit his girlfriend. Nina had finally changed out of her pyjamas but was still sitting in bed, she'd only left the room once that day to use the bathroom.

"Knock knock."

For some reason Fabian always said that instead of knocking on Nina's door, she thought it was pretty cute.

"Come in."

Since he hadn't seen her all morning Fabian stood in the doorway for a moment, just looking at his girlfriend and admiring how beautiful she was.

"Stop looking at me like that." He was kind of scaring her.

Fabian blushed. "Sorry." He closed the door and went to sit next to her. "Are you okay?"

She nodded even though she wasn't really. "Yeah, did Catty tell you about the new scroll?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter right now Nina." He took her hands and repeated. "Are you okay?"

It wasn't really possible for her to lie to him again so she answered, "Not really."

He didn't want to push her into speaking so he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her, because he knew she needed his support more than she needed him demanding answers.

After a moment Nina continued, "I'm tired, of this quest, of the scrolls, of the danger I'm in and that I put everyone else in. I'm so tired Fabian."

He squeezed her hands. "I know you are but you can't stop Nina because you need to save everyone again, I know that's not what you want to hear but it's what you need to hear."

"You're annoying." She grinned. "You're right too, of course, but still, I don't want to be the chosen one anymore."

"Of course you don't," he said, "But you are because that's what the world needs you to be."

Nina sighed. "The worlds sucks."

He chuckled at her. "I know."

"Why can't I just be Nina?" she demanded, "Why can't I just let the world burn?"

"You really don't sound like yourself at all right now."

She snapped, "Why? Because I don't sound like the chosen one?"

Fabian looked hurt. "Nina."

"Sorry." It wasn't really fair to take her anger out on Fabian. "I'm sorry, you're perfect and I'm just messing things up because I'm an ungrateful idiot who just needs to man up and handle this shit."

"You aren't messing things up Nina, you could never mess things up," he looked straight into her eyes with a shy grin on his face, "You're the one."

She frowned. "Yeah, the chosen one."

"No stupid." He grinned at her. "You're my chosen one."

Nina giggled, thinking that was pretty smooth, and then kissed him because it was also pretty sweet.

I may have stole that ending from the season 2 finale of House of Anubis but it's adorable and I was stuck on how to end it.

That was a very Nina influenced chapter and it was very for the girls so I hope you liked it. I miss Nina. I wish there could be another series with Nina in it. It all got quite dramatic at the end there with Nina moping about her sad life but Fabian was there too make her happy again. Oh Fabina.

Well I hope you liked it and I'll try not to make you wait as long for the next update.

Thanks for reading and please review.
