Chapter 28 Scabior the father: Roses

Three Months Later

"Is this all of you who intend to participate in my little game?" Scabior questions, looking around the great hall at the few dozen students gathered there. He was standing on top of the staff table in order to get their attention. When no one answered, he jumped down from the table and started walking among them. "Alright then, listen up, you lot. This is 'ow it's going to work. We 'ave guests today. There are seven of them. I want you to hunt them down. You'll divide up into six groups, with no more than four or five students per team. Each team will 'ave one leader and one guest to track down. Whichever team captures the seventh target will receive ten 'ouse points. Form your groups now and choose a leader."

He stood back and watched, tapping his foot impatiently, as they organized themselves and chose a leader. Arguing from his right caught his attention and he approached the group of bickering students.

"Teams that argue amongst themselves don't do as well," He tells them sternly, "What's the problem 'ere?"

"We can't decide who should be leader," Amy Winchester, a third year Ravenclaw girl with long, straight blond hair and hazel eyes, tells him.

"And who do you think should be team leader for your group?" Scabior asks her.

"You're the professor. You pick one." She retorts.

Scabior studies her calculatingly for a moment before replying, "We are looking for someone with dominant leadership skills, aren't we?" He points out, "Someone brave, focused, and daring. Someone who can take control and think on their feet. It is my goal that, by the time you graduate you will all 'ave the potential for leadership positions. 'Owever, a good leader also knows when to back down from the position and let someone more qualified make decisions for the team. Miss Winchester will be your team leader. If you're smart, you will stop arguing among yourselves and follow er instructions. Miss Winchester, five points to your 'ouse for being daring enough to tall me to pick one. Ten points from your 'ouse for back talking a professor."

He continues around the room, moving on to tell them about the game they had shown up to play. "Each team will be given a piece of parchment with the basic information concerning your target. Do not waste time chasing after someone else's target. Catching a target that's not yours will get you disqualified from the game. There will also be an eighth target that all of you may attempt to track and capture. Me."

He fell silent, watching in amusement as the students immediately began whispering to each other. After a moment, he jumps back up onto the staff table and starts talking over them to catch their attention again. "Make no mistake, I will still be watching you, but not openly. You will still 'ave to look for me. The 'eadmaster 'as agreed to grant each student from the team who catches me… if I am caught, a single wish of their own choosing. The wish must be approved by all the professors that are chaperoning you today, including me. Professors Wynter, Hayes, Hagrid, Flitwick, and Snape, along with myself and 'eadmaster Snape, will all be monitoring your progress. A portion of the forbidden forest 'as been cleared and open for our little game, and you will all be given protection charms so that we may keep track of you if you choose to search there. At least…at least one of the seven targets 'ave 'idden themselves in the forbidden forest. The targets are permitted to move around, run, and duel you. If you lose to them, you're out of the game. The charms are green. If they turn red, it means you've lost and one of our chaperones will fetch you to bring you back 'ere." He hesitates before turning to the Headmaster, "Is there anything I've forgotten?"

"You all have the run of Hogwarts for today only. After the game is over, the forbidden forest returns to being forbidden. I expect you to use your common sense throughout this experience. Do not get yourselves killed. I don't want to have to do the paperwork required in those situations. The targets will be given out randomly. Team leaders approach Professor Snape and draw a name from her hat, then go to Hagrid for the corresponding papers. No doubt some of you will recognize some of the names. I expect you to be unbiased today. They may be your targets, but they are also my guests. Do not expect them to go easy on you. We want to make this as realistic as possible, but, unlike targets you will track as an auror, you are expected to treat my guests with respect. They will tell me if you have played unfairly or given them anything unreasonable to complain about. However, they do know what to expect from you. Be resourceful. Use everything in your arsenal to bring them under your control." The Headmaster tells them.

Scabior turns back to the students, glancing from team to team. "Well? What are you all waiting for? The sooner you get your papers the sooner we can begin."

"You will be given five minutes to look the profiles over and strategize before the game begins." Jenna tells them.

Scabior jumps back off the table and starts for the door of the great hall but pauses as he reaches Kaila.

"Be careful," She requests quietly.

He smiles, touching her enlarged stomach on his way past her. "I will. You 'ave nothing to worry about, pet. Love you."

"Love you," She smiles, watching him leave.

Scabior moved easily through the forbidden forest following a team of two fifth year Gryffindors and two sixth year Hufflepuffs. The Gryffindors were twins Allison and Abigail Phay. One Hufflepuff he recognized as Jetty Crowell, and the leader was Kaleb Arbuckle. They were following the magical signature of Hermione Granger. They were making it easy on her. He had stumbled across them by following the sound of their footsteps on the forest floor and their chatter. They stood no chance against him here. Not that they stood a chance against him anywhere else, but this was his element.

He watches as Crowell crosses an invisible boundary and is all of a sudden levitated upside down into the air. Scabior takes the invisibility charm off of him and leans against a nearby tree, folding his arms across his chest.

"Walked right into that one, didn't you?" He laughs. He quickly blocks a spell that one of the Gryffindor girls sent at him. "Breaking the rules, Miss Phay? You haven't caught Miss Granger yet. That is your target, isn't it? Let me see your papers."

"Kaleb has them," Abigail answers hesitantly.

"Accio papers!" He says, waving his wand at Crowell lazily. Three different pieces of parchment flew out of her pocket. The smaller one was the name he had drawn out of the hat and another was one he recognized as the target profile. He had filled those out himself. His students weren't yet capable of tracking based on name alone, but he didn't want to make it too easy for them. The students had the name of their target, a simple description, and a hint about how to locate their magical signature. They didn't have a photo or any information about what to expect from them. It was more than he'd ever had tracking muggleborns. The third piece of parchment was unfamiliar to him. He noticed a heart drawn on the outside and smirked. "Look 'ere! Is it a love letter?" He asks, looking up at them.

"Don't! That's private!" Kaleb objects, running towards him.

"Is it?" Scabior asks, quickly turning his wand on him. Kaleb was one of his best students and he took pride in teaching him lessons Scabior had learned the hard way. "In this game, nothing is private. A real criminal would take advantage of you in any way possible. Don't make it easy for them. If you want something to stay private, keep it somewhere safer than your pocket."

He turns his attention back to the piece of parchment and unfolds it. His eyes grow wide as he scans the page curiously.

"To Professor Kaila Wynter," He reads out loud, his eyes flashing angrily. "I know 'ow you feel about me, and I want you to know that I feel the same way about you. I know student teacher relationships are forbidden, but we could be so good together. I'm younger than your 'usband and I could please you better than 'e ever could, but if you don't want 'im to know about us, I promise that 'e will never 'ear anything about it. I, on the other 'and will leave my girlfriend the second you admit your feelings for me. When I'm with 'er, all I can think about is you. Just say the word and I will make you mine. Love, Sincerely, Kaleb Arbuckle."

Scabior hesitates as he finishes, struggling to keep control of his temper. "You thought you'd write a love letter to my wife and I wouldn't find out?"

"Look, Professor, I'm sorry…but what's between me and Kaila is special. I love her." Kaleb answers nervously, "And she loves me. I can see it in her eyes when she looks at me. That's why she's been eating more and gaining weight. She's upset because it's against the rules for us to be together."

Scabior laughs, "No, Arbuckle. She's been eating more and gaining weight because she's pregnant with my child. It 'as nothing to do with you. You don't understand what love is. If you did, you wouldn't be trying to interfere with 'er marriage, especially while you're still in a relationship yourself…but don't worry. I will make sure she gets your letter."

He flicks his wand at the boy and places him in the levitation trap instead of Jetty. Jetty falls to the ground and quickly gets to her feet.

"Thanks," She sighs in relief.

"Don't thank me, thank 'im." Scabior tells her, handing her the target identification papers. "Don't try to get 'im down. 'E's mine. You still 'ave a chance to win one of the prizes. Leave."

"Yes, professor," Jetty answers, quickly taking the papers. She turns to the twins and motions for them to follow her off into the woods.

Once they're out of sight, Hermione steps out form behind a tree, studying him suspiciously. "What are you going to do with him?"

"This," Scabior answers simply, flicking his wand towards Kaleb. The green protection charm on his wrist turns red and a moment later Severus flies down from above the tree line, landing a safe distance away.

"Scabior. Miss Granger." Severus greets them, "A clever trap. Who set it up?"

"I did," Hermione answers, "I caught a different member of the team that was after me, but Scabior replaced her with him."

Severus lifts an eyebrow, "Why?"

Scabior points his wand at the paper and magically writes a short explanation to Kaila. He hands the parchment to Severus before answering, "Do me a favor? Keep 'im away from my wife and give this to 'er?"

Severus glances down at the parchment and smirks as he realizes what it is, "It would be my pleasure,"

Hermione releases the trap and Kaleb falls to the ground. Severus grabs him by the back of his robes and pulls him to his feet. "He did break the rules by attempting to initiate a relationship with a professor. Detention with you?"

"For a month?" Scabior suggests.

"Twice a week, two hours a night, for a month," Severus agrees, "I'll let you work out the details later."

"Thank you, Severus," Scabior nods.

Taking the boy's arm instead of his robes and making sure he had a good grip on him, Severus flies him up, back out of the forest.

"You've changed," Hermione points out casually.

"'Ave I. beau'iful?" Scabior asks, folding his arms back over his chest.

"You've hexed people for less than that before." Hermione replies.

"Oh, so you were expecting me to do something violent? Attack one of my students? Is that why you waited around?" Scabior questions curiously.

"Yes," Hermione confirms boldly. "It's just a game. No one should get hurt."

"You know, I don't think I ever apologized to you." Scabior muses.

"You didn't," Hermione replies in surprise.

"Good luck, Granger," He grins before turning on his heel and heading back into the forest.

"You think you're clever?" Scabior asks mockingly, flexing his wrists against the green vines that were wrapped around his wrists, "Where's your target? You 'ave to 'ave 'im first."

"Ron was easy to catch. He's not very sneaky." Angus Brodell, a seventh year Slytherin with spiky blond hair and dark brown eyes answers smugly. "He's waiting for us in the Great Hall. Just cooperate with us and we'll try not to make this too embarrassing for you, professor."

Scabior's eyes darted towards his wand, lying a few feet out of his reach, and suddenly wished he had spent more time trying to learn wandless magic.

"Don't even think about it," A dark haired Slytherin girl laughs, picking his wand up.

Scabior smirks as he catches sight of Lucius quietly moving up behind them. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Lucius grabs the girl and pulls her back against him, pressing his wand to her throat. "Let him go," He demands, "Or the girl gets it."

"He won't do anything to me. It's just a game. They're not allowed to actually hurt us." She tells the others.

"I was a deatheater. What won't I do?" Lucius points out.

"Your name was cleared. Headmaster Snape wouldn't have let you come if you were dangerous." She counters before addressing her team again, "He won't hurt me. Take Professor Scabior in."

"You want to bet on that?" Lucius asks as Brodell takes a step closer to Scabior.

"She has my wand," Scabior tells him.

"Your wife is in labor," Lucius replies, jerking Scabior's wand away and tossing it towards him.

"That's not possible. She's not supposed to have her for another month!" Scabior objects, struggling harder against his bonds.

"Professor Wynter? Why didn't you say so?" The girl squeals happily.

"Untie me, beau'iful," Scabior requests, turning his charm on for her.

One of the other girls waves her wand at him, removing the green cords from his wrists and ankles.

"You're very good to me," He smiles, quickly grabbing his wand. "Forgive me for this." He waves his wand and knocks her off her feet. With Lucius's help they easily bind the entire team to the ground and turn their charms red.

"We let you go!" The Slytherin girl objects angrily.

"If you don't make it back to the Great Hall, your capture of Weasley is void, which means you lose. We can't have you making it back now, can we? Not after you tied Scabior up like that." Lucius explains as Scabior turns back in the direction of Hogwarts and starts off at a brisk pace.

"Have you chosen a name?" Lucius asks Scabior, quickly catching up with him.

"Nora Fidelity Wynter," Scabior answers, his voice calm but his expression worried.

"You're giving her Kaila's last name instead of yours?" Lucius frowns.

"Kaila kept 'er last name so the students wouldn't 'ave two professors with the same last name. The Snapes can get away with it because Severus is a 'eadmaster rather than a professor, but with us it would cause confusion." Scabior explains.

"Why not give Nora your last name?" Lucius questions.

"It seems more suitable to use Kaila's." Scabior replies simply, quickening his pace as they enter the castle.

"You would object to your daughter having your last name?" Lucius asks with a frown.

"No…but Kaila and I 'ave already agreed that Nora will 'ave 'ers." Scabior answers.

It only took them a few minutes to reach the hospital wing. Scabior stopped breathing when he spotted Kaila lying in one of the beds, he head propped up on a pillow, sweat making her hair cling to her forehead. Her eyes were closed, and he couldn't tell whether or not she was still breathing.

"Kaila?" He asks hesitantly, approaching her and running his fingers down the side of her face. Her eyes flutter open and he lets out a sigh of relief as she smiles up at him. "What 'appened?" He sits down in the bed next to her, studying her as though looking for any sign that she had been hurt.

"I don't know…" Kaila answers weakly, "I was out in the woods and your daughter decided she wanted out. She's as stubborn as you are, you know. I wouldn't have made it back in time if it weren't for Hermione."

"Granger?" Scabior demands sharply, "'Ermione Granger 'elped my wife and daughter?"

"You sound surprised," Kaila points out, placing her hand comfortingly over his on her stomach, "Is everything alright?"

"Granger should 'ate me. I turned 'er over to Bellatrix Lestrange during the war and she was tortured. Granger thinks I'm the sort who would 'arm one of the students." Scabior answers hesitantly.

"You proved me wrong." Hermione points out, coming up behind him, "I don't hate you. Besides, she needed my help."

Scabior turns and offers her a grin, "I don't know 'ow to thank you, lovely, but I am grateful." After a moment he frowns and turns back to Kaila, "If you've 'ad the baby…"

"Madam Pomfrey took her to make sure she was healthy. The baby is a month early. Madam Pomfrey knew people would want to be here, so she took the baby into her office where it would be quiet." Kaila explains.

"Don't you worry a thing about little Rosalie," Madam Pomfrey says happily, entering the room with a small pink bundle wrapped in her arms. She moves over to Kaila and gently lays the baby in her arms.

"Rosalie…" Scabior repeats in surprise, his eyes instantly drawn to his daughter. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes widened in awe. "…After roses?"

"For your mom and you. Rosalie Nora Fidelity Wynter-McBain."

Scabior pushes his fingers through his hair, suddenly overcome by emotion.

Kaila frowns, "Scabior? Please don't be mad…It's not to late to change it if-"

"No!" He objects instantly, meeting her gaze. He leans towards her and presses his lips to hers before pulling back and caressing his daughters face. "I am…amazed. By her and that you would do this for me."

"I love you," She answers softly, "I wanted her to have your last name and a first name that would honor your parents."

"May I 'old 'er?" He requests, running a finger down the baby's nose.

"Of course you can," Kaila smiles, "She's yours."

Scabior arranges his arms the way Kaila had hers and watched as she moved Rosalie into them. He tenses as the baby stirs, but she quickly settles down and he lets out a sigh of relief that he could hold her without breaking her.

Kaila leans her head back against the pillow, still exhausted from the experience. She smiles as Scabior presses a kiss to her forehead.

"Go to sleep, beau'iful. I'll take care of us while you rest."

Her eyes flutter shut and he stands up, humming under his breath and gently rocking his daughter to sleep. "As lovely as 'er mum, isn't she?" Scabior murmurs, glancing over to where Severus, Jenna, Hermione and Lucius were watching him in amusement.

"Like a rose," Lucius smirks.

"My Roses,"