The next season of Survivor...

"I've got it!" yelled Paige.

"They're catching up!" yelled Archer, "Do you seriously want to lose now?"

Frank groaned, "Someone please carry me!"

Will return to the roots of Season 4: Reals vs. OCs...

"I wonder who's on the other tribe..." wondered Chris. John shrugged.

"Who knows," replied John.

OCs created by the author...

"I've got what it takes to win!" - Bruce

Taking on real video game / anime characters...

Twilight Sparkle trotted to join her fellow Savaii tribe members, followed by the mysterious Dexter Morgan.

"I'm not afraid of them..." muttered Stephen to Mikayla. Mikayla nodded.

Are they fearless?

"The silent betrayal will take place tonight..." - Sweet Tooth

Or just plain weird?

"Ling Ling not afraid of Upolu. Ling Ling make quick work of them!" said Ling Ling in a weird language that Soubi hardly understood.

"...Ok then." said Soubi quietly to himself.

"I understood the creature somehow... even though we speak different languages." - Soubi

Who will come out victorious?

Which tribe will dominate in the challenges?

Metal Mario high fived Harry after winning a challenge.

Find out on Survivor Aquatic Ruin!

"You have to a strong will in order to play this game. I believe I have that will." - Erin

"Bring on the twists, Probst! I'm not afraid, mate!" - Stepney

Premiering before or after Christmas weekend! Be ready!

"And then I got coined the name 'Papa Murph'. Isn't that weird?" - Brandon

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Look up these game/anime/tv series in learn more about the Savaii tribe:

Loveless, Archer, Thomas and Friends, Twisted Metal, Drawn Together, Mario, Dexter, 3rd Rock from the Sun, and My Little Pony