Chapter 4: Me Against The World?

"We won't let them change how we feel in our hearts

We're not gonna let them control us

We won't let them shove all the thoughts in our heads

And we'll never be like them"

Simple Plan- Me Against The World

It was 9am when Blaine woke up the next morning. He opened his eyes, and for am moment he didn't know where he was. But then Kurt moved slightly in his arms and a wide smile spread on the raven's face. That was right. He was at Kurt's house.

While he was lying there, taking in the feeling of Kurt pressed up against him, carefully tracing the curve of his back with his hand, he thought about the events of the past couple of days. Things had admittedly been a little crazy, when something that he had first thought to be an elaborate prank had turned out to be nothing short of reality.

It was insane. Things like this just didn't happen, at least not outside of Star Trek or the Xfiles. Yet here he was, thrust into a strange reality where everything was different and nothing made sense.

But as he looked down at Kurt's face, peacefully relaxed as he slept, Blaine realized that he could have had it a lot worse. He didn't even want to imagine having ended up in a reality where there was no Kurt. Or where Kurt didn't know him.

He wanted to spend his life with the gorgeous countertenor. It didn't matter whether there were here or in 'their' reality. It didn't matter that they were only teenagers, a High School romance. He just wanted to be with Kurt for the rest of his life. And even f they would break up, he knew that he would do everything so they would at least stay friends.

He was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even notice when Kurt opened his eyes and looked up at him. At least not until Kurt nudged him gently.

"Morning." Kurt smiled at his startled expression.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Blaine apologized.

"Well you didn't. Not really. But you were thinking so loud I could hardly ignore it."

They looked at each other for a moment.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kurt said, pushing himself up onto his side, so that he could face Blaine.

"I've just been thinking about all that happened in the past few days. Thinking about how happy I am that I ended up here with you." Blaine confessed "Thinking about how I want to spend my whole life with you because even though we're still so very young, I just can't imagine my life without you in it anymore." he finally added almost inaudibly.

Kurt was silent for a while after that, and Blaine lowered his gaze, afraid that he might have sounded foolish. But then Kurt brought a finger under his chin and made him meet his eyes.

"I'm glad you feel that way Blaine. Because I feel the same about you. I mean I know were young, but I just can't…and don't want to imagine my life without you being a part of it. And now that were here, whatever it is that happened to us, the fact that were both here, it just makes me feel more strongly about you." Kurt admitted, before he leaned down and gave Blaine a peck on the lips before he jumped out of the bed.

"Ahhh…no fair." Blaine complained, holding out his arms for Kurt to come back.

"No deal mister." Kurt grinned "I have a moisturizing routine to uphold, and besides, morning breath is not sexy."

Blaine groaned and let his arms drop to his sides as he watched Kurt prance out of the room and into the adjoining bathroom. Soon the beats of 'Bad Romance' came blasting from the speakers and Blaine couldn't help but laugh at Kurt's Lady GaGa obsession, although he had to admit that it was adorable. He was also very aware that he should better keep his mouth shut considering that he had forced the Warblers through every Katy Perry song in existence for their impromptu performances.

While he crawled to the edge of the bed and watched the brunet sway to the beat as he mouthed along to the words and put on some moisturizer there were only two things on his mind.

One, he would never let that boy walk out of his life. Not ever. He would find a way for them to be together openly in this reality and then they would take on the world together.

And two, how could someone be such a morning person?

He could hear Kurt, who had caught him watching, laughing as he rolled onto his back and pulled a pillow over his head.


Two hours later they both of them were up and fully dressed and had had breakfast. Kurt said that he was going to cook for Burt and Carole and that Finn should come home any moment now. Blaine was relieved to hear that Kurt's relationship with Finn hadn't suffered much, except for the fact that they weren't as close as they used to be because with Karofsky being his boyfriend rather than his tormentor, Finn hadn't needed to go all protective mode on him.

But he hoped that their relationship might be close enough for Finn to help him should things come to blows with Karofsky. Blaine had told him t hat he would stay to help Kurt cook, and maybe eat with them if Burt would allow it, which Kurt assumed he would since Burt had wanted to meet Blaine anyways.

So Blaine had called his father and told him that it would get later and that was how they ended up in the kitchen, working to the beats of a fair mix of Lady Gaga and Katy Perry when Finn entered the picture.

"Hey Kurt…what are you cooking? Smells nice! Are mum and…?" the frankenteen broke off midsentence as he walked into the kitchen and found Blaine and Kurt working there together. "Um…hi?"

"Hey Finn. This is Blaine." Kurt smiled and Blaine nodded at Finn who waved awkwardly.

"Do I know him?" he asked, clearly confused.

"No. Not really." Blaine offered.

"It's a bit of a long and complicated story. So let's just say that I don't love Karofsky, but I'm too scared of what he'll do if I break up with him to end our relationship. I'm actually in love with Blaine, and he is in love with me, but his father is a homophobe so Blaine has a girlfriend, so we have a bit of a hard time getting together but that doesn't mean we'll stop trying."

Blaine gaped at his boyfriend…well…Karofsky's boyfriend, technically, because he had hardly ever hear him talk that fast. He half expected for Finn to start laughing or run out of the room, but, just as always, Finn surprised him.

"Man Karofsky isn't good enough anyways…he's like…a dick…" he said, seeming completely unfazed by the whole weirdness of the situation "If you hurt my little brother I will hurt you you hear me?" he then growled and Blaine could just stand and nod, too stunned to say anything.

"I'm older than you Finn." Kurt teased.

"Yeah whatever." The giant replied nonchalantly as he grabbed a coke from the fridge.

"Could you set the table?" Kurt asked him.

"He eating with us?" Finn asked, pointing at Blaine.

"Yes." Kurt replied with a smile.


That said, Finn grabbed some plates and other stuff and walked out of the kitchen. Blaine, who had watched the exchange between the brother's completely slackjawed turned to look at his boyfriend who was grinning broadly.

"How…How did you know?" Blaine stuttered.

Kurt laughed at his expression, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

"Oh Blaine." He chuckled "You know, this might be a different universe, but as you have seen a lot of things are still the same. Wes and David are still your friends. Mercedes is still mine. I'm still in New Directions. And Finn, Finn will always be Finn. Goofy, oblivious and lovable. A bit like you."

"Hey!" Blaine protested.

Kurt just batted his eyelashes at him in a way that told Blaine that he had just been teasing.

"Anyways, I know that it was a bit of a long shot, but I just felt like I could still count on Finn you know?"

Blaine stared at the brunet. Kurt had given away their secret on a hunch. And he had been right.

"You're incredible." he said.

"I know." Kurt replied cheekily "It's part of my charme."


Burt and Carole made it just in time for lunch to be ready. It was chicken with mashed potatoes and a mixed salad with a french dressing. All of it was prepared with little salt and as little fat as possible, which made Burt and Finn groan a bit, but they soon stopped, because it was delicious nonetheless. Kurt was really great in the kitchen.

After lunch Kurt and Blaine offered to clear the table and wash the dishes, but Carole, who knew that Burt wanted to talk to the boys, asked Finn to help her with it. So the two of them (Finn under protest) carried the dirty dishes into the kitchen, while Burt and the two boys walked into the living room, where they sat down, Blaine and Kurt on the couch, hands firmly clasped together, and Burt on the seat facing them.

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Burt started.

"So Blaine, Kurt told me about you."

At that the raven shot Kurt an alarmed look, although Kurt had actually told him that he had spoken to his dad, and that Burt had reacted like Burt always did. Amazingly accepting and tolerant.

"Erm…yes…I know. He told me." Blaine replied and Burt nodded, staring at Blaine intently.

"They you know that I have no idea what this thing is you've gotten yourselves into."

Blaine nodded.

"Ok. But you kids should know that I'm here ok? Kurt's my son and whatever is happening I'm gonna do whatever I can to protect him. And you're important to him, and although I don't understand what's happening, that much is pretty obvious, so you should know that you can come to me when you're in trouble. Both of you."

"I care about your son more than about your son more than about anything or anyone else." Blaine said sincerely. "I love him."

The raven held Burt's stare, not flinching, not looking away, as Kurt squeezed his hand encouragingly, which didn't escape Burt's notice. Finally he nodded, apparently satisfied with whatever he had read in Blaine's eyes.

"Ok then. I hope this works out for you boys."

They all got up and Kurt went to hug his father tightly.

"Thank you dad."

"Anytime kiddo." Burt returned the hug.

But as Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him towards the stairs so they could get to his room, Burt called out after them once more.

"Oh and Blaine!" he shouted and the boys turned around questioningly. "I just thought I'd let you know that I own a shotgun, so if you ever hurt my son I swear I'll…"

"Dad!" Kurt interrupted "Enough!" he blushed.

"Just thought I'd mention it." Burt grumbled, turning away.

But then Blaine called out to him.

"Mr. Hummel, if I should ever hurt Kurt in any way, I'd gladly offer myself to you for being shot. But that's not going to happen. Not as long as I have any say in it." The raven said with a seriousness that surprised both of the Hummel men.

"Just making sure." Burt grinned, before he walked back into the living room, leaving Kurt and Blaine to walk up into Kurt's room.

As soon as they had closed the door behind them they could hear Burt yelling.

"Door stays open!"

So they chuckled and opened it about an inch. Blaine went to sit on the bed while Kurt shook his head in mock exasperation.

"Unbelievable. When I call him for his tea or his daily portion of vitamins, he's completely deaf, but trust him to hear when I close the door behind me and my boyfriend."

Noticing the look of delight on Blaine's face he cocked his head to the side.


"Well…you just called me your boyfriend."

Kurt shook his head with a smile as he pushed Blaine backwards onto the bed, before leaning down to kiss him.

"Logically I did. Because that's what you are to me. I don't care about Dave or your girlfriend, because this, us, that's what's real to me. This is what matters." he finished, punctuating his statement with a long, deep kiss.

Blaine couldn't agree more, as he flipped them over so he was on top of Kurt.


The two boys spent the day watching Disney movies and cuddling in Kurt's room, before Finn asked Blaine to play a game of Call of Duty with him while Kurt helped Carole with the groceries shopping. But eventually the day had to end, Blaine had to get back home.

Standing at the door to say goodbye both of them were kind of down, because they knew that that meant going back to 'normalcy'.

"I don't want to let you leave." Kurt admitted lowly, his face buried in the crook of Blaine's neck.

"I know." Blaine replied., placing a kiss on Kurt's temple "I don't wanna go, but I have to."

"I hate this." Kurt said, not caring if he sounded like a petulant child "It's not fair."

Blaine laughed weakly, but there was no humor in it. He too thought it unfair that they were faced with this, just when everything had started to get better for them.

"I know baby…I know…but we can't change what happened. All we can do is try and make the best of what we have."

Kurt groaned, but Blaine just kissed him lightly, not letting him protest, because he knew that Kurt was very well capable of convincing him to stay, especially since he didn't want to leave. But he had the feeling that that would not sit well with his father.

"Baby, I'm sorry but I have to go."

Both of the boys sighed as they leaned into each other before Blaine reluctantly pulled away and placed a last kiss on Kurt's lips.

"Call you later?" he asked.

"Can't wait."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

When that door closed behind Blaine, Kurt sighed and let his forehead thud against it heavily. Suddenly he realized that someone was standing behind him, so he turned around and found himself face to face…well more face to chest with his grinning step brother.


"I thought you hated to be called baby? Every time Karofsky does that you throw a hissy fit." Finn stated.

"Well…maybe that's because Karofsky is a dick and Blaine is…Blaine." Kurt replied flatly.

Finn raised an eyebrow and mustered the smaller boy for a while before he shrugged and turned around.

"Blaine seems like a decent guy…care to watch the game?"

Kurt stared after his brother for a while before he shrugged. That was just Finn. He might not be the smartest guy around but he was caring, compassionate and friendly and he had about the attention span of a fruitfly.


When Blaine got home he called out to his dad to let him know that he was back, before he wanted to make his way up the stairs to his room, but before he was even halfway up he was stopped.

"Hey champ, wait up!"

Blaine stopped looking at his father. Something in the older man's posture made him realize that he was not in a good mood.

"Erm….alright." he walked back down the stairs. "What's going on?" he asked trying to sound nonchalant.

"Come on into the living room let's sit down."

Blaine was starting to feel a bit uneasy about this. There was no was his father could know about Kurt. Not unless one of the Warblers, pardon, Blackbirds, had ratted him out and he just couldn't believe that something like that could have happened so he tried to calm himself. As soon as they sat his father started.

"So your girlfriend called."

"Ok?" Blaine was still trying to guess why his father seemed so aggravated.

"And I told her that you weren't at home, that you were out with the guys."

Blaine still didn't get the hint.

"So imagine my surprise when 15 minutes later she called again telling me that she had called your friends and you weren't with them."

"Dad I…" Blaine was getting the bad feeling that he knew where this was going.

"And guess what she was right. Why did you lie to me Blaine?" his father was yelling now.

"Dad I can explain I…"

"Stop lying to me Blaine! She told me she saw you with that strange Glee club guy. She told me about the fairy that sang to you. Did you like that? Did you like it when the fag sang to you? Is that where you…"

"Shut up dad!" Blaine yelled "Stop calling him that!"

George Anderson was shocked, he hadn't seen his son raising his voice like that ever before.

"His name is Kurt. He is NOT a fairy or a fag. He's gay. Yes. But that doesn't make him less good of a person alright? He is an amazing guy. He's funny, talented, smart and absolutely gorgeous." Blaine took a deep breath.

He hadn't meant to lose his composure like that. He knew that he was endangering every chance of him and Kurt to have something resembling peace in this reality.

"Dad look…" he started, a little calmer than before, but his father glared at him.

"Give me your phone." he said.

"What?" Blaine was shocked.


Blaine swallowed hard and pulled his cellphone out of his pocket handing it to his father threw it to the floor, leaving it shattered into pieces. Blaine gasped and wanted to jump up and protest, but his father held him back.

"I will now go to your room and take your laptop. Then you will stay in your room for the rest of the weekend and think about what you've done. You're clearly not in your right mind. That boy has gotten you confused, messed with your head. So you will think about it. And then you will go back to school. And if I hear of you meeting that fairy again, it will have serious consequences! That clear?"

Blaine just stared at his father disbelievingly, but before he could say anything else the man had gotten up and walked out of the room.

Later that night Blaine was lying on his bed sobbing into his pillow. He didn't care that his father thought he was weak, not at all. He asked himself where his mum was, because in this reality his father was even worse. A lot more angry.

But more than anything he thought about Kurt who was all alone in his room right now waiting for Blaine to call. And he knew that Kurt would worry and try to call him after a while. And when he wouldn't pick up he would worry even more, and maybe he would feel terrible. And then he would start to ask himself why Blaine wasn't calling and knowing his Kurt he would come to terrible conclusions.

And he couldn't even do anything to comfort him. Kurt couldn't come over because he didn't know where he lived, he couldn't call him, or message him and Blaine didn't have his laptop so he couldn't even contact him online in any way.

This was terribly, terribly messed up.


Back in his room Kurt was sick with worry. Blaine hadn't called him, or texted him and when he had tried to contact him he hadn't responded. He had turned on the radio, but there hadn't been any messages of car accidents between his house and the town where Blaine was going to High School, which was good.

But that left only very few other options and none of them were good.

One, Blaine's girlfriend had cornered him and he had forgotten about Kurt over sex with her, but Kurt didn't think Blaine would do that. He knew Blaine loved him. A good looking cheerleader wouldn't change that. Blaine had once said he was the hottest cheerleader he had ever seen anyways (Kurt still didn't know whether he wanted to kill or kiss Wes and David for digging up that video)

Or two, his father had somehow found out and grounded Blaine. Or worse.

That meant that Blaine's father knew. Which meant that the whole keeping their relationship a secret thing wasn't going to work out for them. Kurt knew that it was probably foolish, because he could always continue to play pretend with Karofsky, but he knew that his 'boyfriend' was suspicious already, and he wasn't going to let Blaine down like that.

He had an idea what he could do, but he would need help for that. This reality better watch out, Kurt Hummel was just about to get started.

End Notes: So… I feel sorry for Blaine's father if he really thinks things will go down that easily…xD

So I hope you liked this chapter, review and let me know what you thought :D

I will have to go to university a couple of times this week so I don't really know how much time I will have to write, but I intend to get the next chapter done by the end of the week (and also the chapters I'm currently working on for my two other fics in case anyone is reading them as well)

Anyways, thank you for reading and I'll hopefully see you soon!
