Alright so this is my first fanfic that I've done. Its on one of those copy and paste things that you can find on some people's profile. I'm not exactly sure where I found this one but it was on someones profile. Anyway it is things to do on a road trip.

Summary: After Fred and George make their great escape from Hogwarts in their seventh year their parents decide to take them on an out of the blue road trip. They then do things that were found on this list.

So I hope you guys like it and so far I have had a fun time writing this. Anyway here is the first chapter.

1. Spill juice on the floor of the car repeatedly or better yet, spill milk!

"Mom, where are we going?" George asked.

Fred and George had just left Hogwarts on their brooms and their parents decided to take them on a surprise road trip. George was in the front and their mom was driving. Fred was in the back with their dad.

"I told you it is a surprise," Mrs Weasley said.

"Hey do we have any juice or milk with us?" Fred asked.

"Yeah it is in the cooler behind your." Mr. Weasley said.

"Okay thanks." Fred said.

Fred turned around and pick out a fruit punch juice box from the red cooler. He poked the straw through the whole and turned around. While turning around his hand hit the car seat and the juice box went flying to the car floor. The juice started coming out.

"Quick Fred pick it up!" Mr. Weasley yelled.

Fred bent down and picked up the spilling juice box. As he picked it up he squeezed it. All the juice still left in the container spilled all over the floor.

"What happened back there?" Miss Weasley asked, her voice filled with concern.

George turned around and saw the mess. His face looked amused. "Nothing much, Fred just spilled his juice everywhere."

"Fred!" Miss Weasley yelled her face turning red. "You better hope it doesn't stain!"

"Do not worry Molly, I will clean it," Mr. Weasley said as he took his wand out.

"Remember Arthur we promise not to use magic on this trip," Miss Weasley said irritated.

"Oh, yes, I guess I will just clean it later."

A couple of minutes later Mr. Weasley went into the cooler to get himself some milk. As he opened the bottle Fred accidentally on purpose hit the bottle and knocked it out of his hand and right on Mr. Weasley lap and the car floor.

"Fred Weasley! I know for a fact that that was on purpose!" Mr. Weasley yelled as he looked around for a napkin.

"No it was an accident! I'm being honest!" Fred said innocently. George was hiding a laugh from the front seat.

The first chapter isn't really that funny but it will get better as the story progresses. R&R