Disclaimer: I do not own victorious or the characters in the show, they belong to the soul-sucking Nickelodeon corporation.

Paring: Andre/Robbie

Rated: M as in don't read if your not mature


The hall was empty at the Hollywood Arts High School, that is except for a boy and his puppet. As Robbie paced back and forth from one side of the stairs to the other he mumbled to himself he heard the crackling of thunder outside. The bell rang and within seconds the halls flooded with students running to lunch or classes Robbie ran back to his locker waiting for André to come over. They had fought two weeks after the party and that had been seven weeks ago and they hadn't talked since, André was completely ignoring him now. What had the fight been over you might be wondering, it all started when Robbie brought up the idea of marriage and it all went down hill from there. Robbie waved to André, but said boy ignored him yet again and walked by and met up with Beck.

"Bet your glad you got pregnant now huh?" Robbie glared at Rex

"We don't even know if I am yet, my appointments not till after school! Why are you always so mean to me?" He sighed placing Rex into his bag and ran to catch up with André and Beck "Guys hold on" Beck stopped but André didn't he went into his class room slamming the door behind him. "What did I do to make him so mad!" Robbie was about to cry, Beck looked around before pulling Robbie to the side.

"Don't tell him I let you know this but…André was only with you because of a bet…he said he'd get you in bed with in a year, he won a bunch of music equipment from various people…I'm so sorry Robbie, I just found out last week, he getting pretty annoyed with you following him around though…I'd back off and let it go if I were you, he's not worth it" Beck went to hug him but Robbie's heart was betting so fast it hurt, his body felt numb and all he could do was nod and turn, he walked a few steps before it became running he heard Beck calling after him but he didn't stop, he ran all the way to the beach were the rain was the heaviest, he fell to his knees crying, his entire relationship was a lie, every hug, every kiss, every touch…every time he said he loved him. Robbie sob at the thought of what he had given to André that he could never get back. André had given him all of his first, he had never had a single girlfriend or boyfriend before him and it was all a lie. As he started to shake from the cold rain that had now completely soaked through his cloths, he got up and walk home, not caring that he had left school or that his father would flip at him later on for not being a good child he just wanted to sleep and forget.

~~~ one week later~~~

"I'm sorry I missed my appointment last week…I had a school problem" Robbie smiled sweetly at the doctor who was reaching for gloves.

"Its not a problem, I'm Dr. Flynn…how far along are you, the nurse didn't write it on my chart" Robbie sighed

"About ten weeks" Dr. Flynn nodded taking the paddle from the tray.

"This will be a bit cold okay" I nodded wincing at the cold jelly that was applied to my slightly curved stomach.

"Isn't it to early to even see anything" Dr. Flynn shook his head laying the paddle on his stomach

"No, your 10 weeks, I'll be able to hear a heart beat, also I can see that…" he pointed to the screen and Robbie saw a small blob that he didn't think looked like a baby but he'd believe the doctor. "Do you want a print up of this…everything is looking great by the way." Robbie nodded taking the picture he printed

"Its so small" Dr Flynn nodded smiling

"Its only about 3cm big right now" Robbie smiled, Dr. Flynn sighed a lightly before asking the question that had been on his mind this whole time "Who and where is the father? Your only 17 your going to need a lot of support." Robbie smiled fell

"His names André, he wont be a part of this though" The doctor nodded sighing handing Robbie a paper towel with a sad smile. Robbie wiped off his stomach and placed the picture in his back pack. He took the bus to school and made it just in time for Sikowitz's class, Robbie zip his sweater placing Rex in front of his stomach. His dad having rudely pointed out that for someone so skinny his baby bump dominated his figure not to mention he'd shoveling comfort foods into his mouth for the last week. He was the first there and knocked on Sikowitz's office door hoping he was there, he had heard they were doing improv falling this week from Tori's blog and that was a problem for him.

"Oh Robbie your back, where were you for this past week?" he smiled leaning back in his chair, placing his feet on his desk and sipping his coconut.

"I can't do improv falling" Sikowitz raised one eyebrow

"It is part of your grade…are you afraid of falling? I could help you with that, I'm very good at surprise tripping" Robbie shook his head

"I'm not afraid of falling, and please don't trip me…I'm…well I'm" he took a deep breath "I'm pregnant" Sikowitz fell out of his chair before jumping up.

"Joke?" Robbie shook his head handing him the picture as proof "Oh Robbie…I thought you and André broke up? I haven't seen you two inappropriately cuddling/kissing in my class for weeks" Robbie nodded biting his lip trying to keep from crying.

"He dumped me, he doesn't know" Sikowitz patted his head

"I give you permission to not do the falling lesson, or any lesson that you think will bring harm to the baby, now we must go out there… and Robbie" he grabbed Robbie shoulder before he could open the door "tell him" Robbie nodded and continued out. Class went by quick everyone asked why Robbie was not falling and Sikowitz said it was do to a stomach problem which made Robbie roll his eyes. After class the group went to lunch, André was late.

"Where have you been, I called your house but your dad said you unable to answer" Beck said his arm resting around Jades waist.

"I had food poisoning" they all made faces

"Robbie can we talk?" André didn't even look down at him while he talk, his eyes were focused on something in the distance, Robbie nodded standing.

"Can you guys watch Rex?" the group nodded and Robbie walked away following André to the side of the school that corner with bleachers, it was mostly privet. "What did you need?" he tried to smiled

"I wanted to talk to you alone…we haven't talked in weeks, I missed you baby" he smiled kissing Robbie lightly

"Don't kiss me!" he whispered angrily not wanting to make people stair.

"Why not…baby you mad at me or something?" Robbie slapped him "What! Why'd you just hit me?" he slapped him again.

"You leave me, broken and alone for eight weeks after seven months of pure lies and expect me not to be mad or to let you kiss me!" André was now looking confused.

"I left you like twenty notes in your locker…my grandma was sick and I've been pulling extra shifts at work I'm sorry I haven't seen you but its been a hard couple of weeks for me, and what the hell did you mean by seven months of lies?" he gave Robbie a look of sad confusion.

"I can't tell you who, but someone told me that our relationship nothing more then a bet to get into my pants for music stuff." Robbie said quietly, dropping his head into his hands as he started to cry.

"Who the hell told you that…Robbie if this was just some stupid bet would I be here…I didn't want to ask you this here but I think you need this proof that I love you" Robbie wiped his eyes and gasped as André dropped to one knee and pulled a box from his jacket. "we've been together nine months and I love you more then anything baby…It's a promise ring, I want to marry you and if you hopefully you'll want to marry me too" Robbie just nodded a lot giggling as the ring was slipped onto his finger, it was plain sliver with three engraved diamonds in it. André stood picking him up and spinning them around kissing him hard.

"André?" Robbie said as he was put down.

"Yeah baby?" André mumbled against Robbie's neck as he bit and sucked at it

"Mmm… I have tell you something important…stop!" he giggled and André sighed pulling away and smiling at him tighten his arms around Robbie's waist "I'm pregnant" he pulled all the way away.

"We only…once" Robbie nodded "Holy fuck!" Robbie nodded again. "So your like two months" He nodded yet again.

"Ten weeks…I went to the doctor this morning, he gave me this" Robbie smiled handing him the photo and watch as André smiled small.

"Who told you about this "bet" for your sexiness" Robbie giggled and sighed

"I'm only telling you cuz their a liar…it was Beck" André rolled his eyes

"Of course he'd do that…he wants you bad baby" Robbie's eyes widened

"How do you know that? He loves Jade!" André laughed

"He was over and I went to take a shower, forgot my razor, came back to get it and he was stealing a picture of you, he spilled everything, Jade is just a toy for him…stay away from him please" Robbie nodded cuddling closer to André. Maybe things would work out after all.


Maybe I'll right a sequel to this…review if you'd like one…

Ps- I know the ending sucks…no beta either