Ruby and Aqua saw the panic in their mother's eyes that night. They were only two, But they could still understand and interpret their mother and father's emotions. Today, their mother's, Anne Barbossa's, was one of fear.

"Stay here, in the cabin, Ruby and Aqua. Please, don't come out until I tell you to. Do you understand?" Reluctantly, the two children nodded in response to their mom. Anne walked out of the cabin, back onto the deck of the ship, The Black Pearl.

Being two kids, of course, curiosity and concern overpowered their mother's judgement, and Aqua, the adventurous one, slowly pushed open the door. Ruby cautiously peeked out with her sister.

"Hector, you can't do this!"

"Aye, I believe I can, Anne! 'Tis a mutiny, and the Captian deserves the best!" With this comment from Ruby and Aqua's father, the crew laughed cruelly, pushing a man out onto the plank. With heavy hearts, the two eavesdropping children realized with despair that the man was indeed none other than the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow, a good man and even better pirate, Captain of The Black Pearl.

"Now, now, Barbossa, you don't want to be doin' this. I'm Captain Ja-" But he was cut off by Hector Barbossa, Ruby and Aqua's dad, laughing away.

"Hahahahaha! Nay, you no longer be Cap'n Jack Sparrow! The Black Pearl is mine!" And he kicked Jack into the water, throwing a pistol with one shot with him, too. Turning back to the crew, he immediately took command. "What are ye cockroaches standin' around for? Get back to work!"

"AYE!" his crew shouted. Jack, Babossa's monkey, screeched happily and leaped up onto the Captain's shoulder.

Barbossa walked up to his wife, smiling. "The Pearl is ours, Anne. We can raise Ruby and Aqua to be proper pirates now, under the command of their father as Cap'n," Barbossa told his wife.

"Yes," was all she said as she watched Jack battle the waves to the tiny spit of land in the distance. "Yes..."