The door to Satoshi's room flew open to reveal his father standing in the threshold. He had taken a shower that morning and smelled of fresh soap and Axe body spray.
"Okay, Satoshi. I'm off then. Don't expect me home until late. And make sure you watch whatever you're cooking if you have to use the stove. I don't want another incident like last time," his father said, fixing and unfixing his tie until it met his satisfaction.
Satoshi had been sprawled out on his bed and lifted his head at an awkward angle to look at his father for a change. He wore the posh charcoal suit with an immaculate white shirt and black tie underneath that he usually reserved for important executive meetings or "special" dates with beautiful women that would have been out of any man's league, except his. Knowing his father, he'd say it was the latter.
"Yeah, whatever," Satoshi said, nonchalantly, completely disregarding his father's last statement. It's not like he meant to nearly burn the house down. It was just an unfortunate accident. That's all. If he paid any attention to how hard he actually worked, the demanding schedule of maintaining grades no lower than an A minus and working two jobs while finding time to execute house chores, he would have realized that Satoshi fell asleep from exhaustion and not deliberate neglect. He needed a break from it all.
Satoshi waited until the front door locked shut, the revving of his father's red Corvette as it drove off, before answering the sky-blue vibrating cell phone that reverberated on the surface of his study desk, the Caller ID flashing Daisuke's name in bold letters.
"I thought you'd never call back. What's up?"
"Nothing much. Just wondering if you wanted to… oh, I don't know… hang out or something. You can even sleep over. If you want to, that is. I asked my mom and she said it'd be perfectly okay. Actually, I think she just likes seeing your "precious" face," said Daisuke, laughing on the other end.
"Um… I don't know. I was supposed to start studying for the final exams today. Not to mention I'm kind of tired. Been a long week, you know?"
"Oh, come on! The final exams aren't till two weeks from now. More than enough time to study. Besides, that's all I ever see you do. I'm beginning to wonder if you ever have any free time to yourself. And you can sleep all you want over here. I'm not looking to be entertained. Not to mention my mom cooked a big meal just for you, so you have to come!"
Damn that Daisuke. Satoshi could tell he was nervous; he'd been chuckling the whole time. It wasn't fair. If only he knew how overwhelming that affable laugh of his was, how every time he heard that sweet voice it made him melt with insatiable desire. He was weak and powerless against those crimson eyes that beckoned like lustful, blazing beacons of flames. Satoshi sighed deeply in utter defeat, bending over to Daisuke's persistence of a sleepover.
Satoshi released the lock around one of the wheels of his bike, allowing the thick chains to fall with a harmonious chink! He had not made use of it in a long while, preferring to walk, and its presence was convenient now, the refreshing cool summer breeze rejuvenating every aching bone of his body. Daisuke did not live too far, just a few blocks away, but evening drew nearer and he wanted to get there before darkness enveloped the peaceful neighborhood.
How long has it been since he found Daisuke? Two, three months? Time passed so quickly, but it felt more like a year. He tried to help his classmate the best way, and only way, he knew. Attempting to make Daisuke recall anything that could possibly move the investigating detectives assigned to his case on the right path was futile; he only brought to light what he could, or perhaps-what Satoshi truly believed-what he wanted them to be aware of. Satoshi always had an irksome sense that Daisuke was concealing something, an important piece of information.
It could have something to do with those bite marks. No… some of them had the appearance of injection marks. A special drug must've been administered to make him forget.
Just the thought of someone hurting an innocent, cute child caused a harsh, painful heat to amplify in his chest with a raw scorching rage. It had been months since the return of Daisuke to his family, the parents offering the $500,000 reward in exchange for locating their son. But Satoshi refused. He had no interest in money upon seeing the red haired boy. Being granted access to Daisuke's bedroom whenever he desired was payment in itself, an irreplaceable one at that.
Daisuke Niwa waited impatiently for the arrival of the smoky-blue haired guest, grateful for the cool breeze that drafted through the balcony entrance to soothe his warm flesh. He was nervous, chewing a thumbnail with apprehension, deep in contemplation. Satoshi had visited the house many times before—keeping tabs on him seemed to be a part of his hobbies now.
But he's not just visiting. This time he's actually staying the night… He really agreed to sleep over. I've wanted this for a long time, right? Then why am I so jittery?
"Thinking again, are you?"
Daisuke gasped and jolted around to confront the source of the inquiry, inhaling sharply as he met a pair of intensely focused steel-blue eyes. He was so far gone in contemplation that he didn't take note of the figure leaning against the threshold. "S-Satoshi, you're h-here," he stammered, regaining some composure. Satoshi merely chuckled at Daisuke's obvious unexpected surprise, and sauntered so close they almost touched chests. In his feeble attempt, Daisuke instinctively took a step back in self-preservation, but Satoshi kept mending the gap by advancing. Daisuke released a soft grunt as a wall connected with his backside.
"Of course I'm here. You invited me. Remember?" An inane smirk smothered Satoshi's face, realizing with triumphant pleasure that Daisuke was quivering, his tiny smile fading with each word that produced in a sing-song manner from his mouth. I'm so glad I gave in to this. God, I can't help myself anymore. A few minutes passed before Daisuke could speak. God, he was so unsettled.
"Um… You wanna play a game?" he asked innocently, trying to change the threatening atmosphere. A small yelp escaped his lips as both of his slender arms where forcefully pinned by Satoshi above his head, the applied pressure causing him to squirm and clench his teeth in pain. His breathing rate raced as his companion scooted in closer, just mere inches from his face.
"I thought we'd play… a "special" game this time," Satoshi whispered, temptingly near Daisuke's ear. His steel-blue eyes gazed at him with an ominously seductive stare, their message well-known without words. Before he could speak in protest, Satoshi permitted his wet tongue to glide up Daisuke's smooth, creamy-white neck, coating it in saliva and trail its outline with slow pecking kisses. He took a delicate earlobe between his teeth and began to nibble until it bled, lapping at the fresh blood with pleasure.
Still pinning his arms, Satoshi released a free hand and moved towards Daisuke's lower half, unbuttoning and carelessly sliding the zipper down to hold his throbbing erection full in his hand. Satoshi could feel it pulsate with aching desire and he smirked arrogantly at his thick member that attempted to conceal itself behind the blue jean material, but failed miserably. Daisuke twisted his head in embarrassment, cheeks flushing a blinding bright pink, but Satoshi merely followed his movement, nearly crushing Daisuke's wrists to force him to gaze into his eyes.
"Oooh, I didn't know you would get this excited Dai," Satoshi teased, cocking his head in a childish manner. "I never would have expected someone as cute as you to conceal something so big. I mean, it's nearly as big as my hand." He laughed at Daisuke's apparent discomfort of the over-exaggeration. Satoshi began to massage Daisuke's erection, the back and forth motion causing an uncontrollable burning tingle in his member and stomach, granting a euphoric sensation.
"Sa-Satoshi… s-stop… unhhh…" Daisuke moaned, trying to resist, but eventually yielding to the overwhelming ecstasy of his dick being stroked and played with by the romantic interest. This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be enjoying this; he's a boy just like me. It's unnatural. He's just toying with me… But… oh god… it feels so damn good! Satoshi forcefully pressed his lips against Daisuke's, probing them open with a coercive lick. Their kiss was deep and passionate, exploring the moist terrain of each other's mouths with roaming, eager tongues. Daisuke resisted at first, but then collapsed underneath Satoshi's firm pull on his dick, a purr caught in his throat, thrusting into his kiss to prolong it. He had no desire for anything to ruin this moment.
Daisuke groaned harshly into Satoshi's mouth, pushing against his cat-like body as he finally came, the seed spurting all over the front of Satoshi's pants. Finally, he tore away from Daisuke, chuckling vehemently with irrevocable ecstasy in response to the sensual moan that could've been heard from outside the door.
"You taste so good Daisuke. Give me the honor of tasting more of you… tonight," Satoshi said, lewdly. Daisuke, rendered speechless, merely nodded. Whether it was because he agreed to his request or because he wanted to be released from his bind, he didn't know, or care for that matter.
Night had fallen upon them, the full pale-white orb of a moon concealing its exquisite figure behind a dark sky beleaguered with gray clouds and incandescent stars. And it gazed in wondrous awe at the two young men about to venture into a world they could only imagine. Anticipating. Waiting. In portentous silence.