A/N: written in response to the '200 Flavourful Prompts' challenge over at the NextGen Fanatics. I'm going to be doing 200 drabbles every day, with a new set of prompts every day. Wish me luck!

sometimes i get the feeling that
i'm stranded in the wrong time,
where love is just a lyric
in a children's rhyme

is it any wonder ; Keane


pairing: LucyScorpius
cinnamon hazelnut (mist, charcoal)

Lucy blows on her tea, the glow of the orange candle flickering across her face. The hand of the clock ticks soundly, and she taps her foot to the beat. A light cinnamon scent dances from the mist that rises from the cup.


She turns her head to a voice coming from the kitchen, her blonde curls spilling down the side of her face. "'Lo, Scorpius."

He takes a seat in front of her, the small candle-light dancing in his grey eyes, that are shining in the dark.

"Couldn't sleep?" Lucy asks, looking at him over the rim of her mug.

Scorpius shakes his head "Not really." Lucy offers him the red mug, and he takes it from her. She can't help but realize that he drinks from the same place her lips were just previously.

She glances up at the hazelnut clock. It's well past midnight.

"I should be getting to bed, I'll see you later?"

"Ye-yeah, definitely. Tomorrow." He tugs the sleeves of his charcoal jumper over his hands, and looks at her almost inquisitively with his steel eyes.

She giggles quietly and slips out of the room.

A/N: please leave a review to let me know what you thought? Thank you!