[DISCLAIMER: I do not own Home and Away or the characters, but I do own this plot/any characters I have made up]

Beautiful blonde 19 year old Indigo Walker awoke suddenly to her alarm clock. She opened her eyes slightly to see through the cracks of her curtains, that it was already a bright and sunny day. She lazily leant over and hit the snooze button, just as her younger brother Dex walked into her room.

"Morning sis" he said as he walked over to the window, pulling the curtains open "Its a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping" Dex added with a big grin on his face and Indi groaned as the sunlight pierced her eyes, so she pulled the quilt over her face. Dex walked over and with one hard pull, her bed spread was now laying on the ground, and all that was covering her was one sheet.
"GET OUT DEX!" she screamed at him as he laughed and ran to her door,dodging a pillow she had thrown at him.

After finally getting out of bed, Indi made her way towards the kitchen and found her father Dr Sid Walker and his girlfriend Marilyn Chambers sitting at the table.

"Morning Indi" Marilyn said a bit too cheerfully for Indi's liking, considering it was still early in the morning. Indi sat down on the other side of her father and Marilyn and poured herself a glass of fresh orange juice. Dex appeared shortly after she had finished eating her vegemite toast, already dressed in his school uniform.
"Already off to school Dex? I thought surely that considering your trials are finished with, you'd have a little sleep in" his father said to Dex as he placed his school bag on the table.
"Oh no daddy dearest, trials may be over but I still have assignments which is why I'm going to the diner to meet with April to discuss one."

Indi looked up as her younger brother headed for the door, but before leaving he said to her
"You better get a move on Indi, wouldn't want you to be late for your final exam for the semester" he said smiling and pulled the front door shut. Indi looked at the time and squeeled, as she left the kitchen "Why didn't anyone tell me what time it was!" she said slamming her bedroom door.
Sid couldn't help but giggle as he yelled back at her "I told Dex to go and wake you up" All Marilyn and Sid could hear were frantic noises of Indi getting dressed and finding her last minute study notes for the drive to Uni.

A few minutes had past and she had reappeared, clutching her oversized designer bag and pieces of paper. Marilyn smiled as she got up from the table, excusing herself to Sid
"I think I'll give Indi a lift to Uni today, you've probably got to get to the hospital".
Sid nodded"Thanks Marilyn" he said, not quite looking at her in the eyes. There was still some awkwardness between the two ever since Marilyn had kidnapped baby George from Nicole and Angelo a week ago. Sid looked over at his oldestt child, who was quickly revising her notes as she waited for Marilyn to get her car keys. Once she had found them, Sid told his daughter good luck and not to stress.
"Oh yeah sure Dad, of course I'm going to stress! This is a business studies exam which is half of my grade! I will DEFINETLY be stressing!" Indi said with her usual sarcastic tone but managed to give her Dad a quick smile before leaving the house.

Indi walked out of her Uni exam, feeling relieved. That had been her final exam for the semester and now she had a whole months holiday to spend with Romeo. As she caught a bus back to Summer Bay, she started thinking about the past couple of months – the whole Romeo-sleeping-with-Ruby and -the STI scare and also her best friend Nicole taking baby George back from Marilyn and leaving the bay with Angelo.

Indi took out her Iphone, looking down at the photo of herself and Nicole from after Georges birth where she had taken Nic to Yabbi Creek to see a band. They had both dressed up that night, Indi with her bright red lipstick, Nic's dark and ravishing purple eye shadow which made her blue eyes pop. She smiled to herself, remembering back on that night, not about the whole Kieran scaring the crap out of her thing but that Indi had called Romeo for help, and he had saved her.
Indi and Romeo had gotten back together a few weeks ago, and so far everything was going well. Ruby had even apologised for what she did when they had been made to work with each other at the diner, Indi was actually happy that Ruby now had a boyfriend, Casey one of the notorious River Boys. Everything in her life at the moment seemed to be calm and collected, but this was all about to change...

Dr Sid Walker arrived home after his shift at the hospital before the rest of his family, which was very unusual. Marilyn had left a note saying she had gone to visit Nic and Angelo in the city, Dex had sent his father a message saying he was with April and Xavier while Sid had gathered Indi was with Romeo, who he still did not trust.

Outside it was just night time and it had actually just started to rain, Sid sat himself down on the lounge and opened up some mail which had been lying on the coffee table. He had just gotten comfortable when all of a sudden there was someone banging on the front door. He sighed, looking into that direction
"Dex, if you've lost your key again..." he started to say as he got up off the lounge, heading for the door. But then Sid opened the door, the person he saw was not who he was expecting. The young woman was standing on the doorstep, drenched from head to toe. She was holding a newspaper over her head, smiling at Sid.
"Dr Walker, nice to see you again" she said stepping beside him into the house. Sid watched as the red haired girl took off her wet jacket, walking into the lounge room leaving her bags where they were.
"Elizabeth?" Sid asked, scratching his head.
The girl turned to Sid after she had finished looking around the room, pulling back her dark red wet hair from her face to reveal her green eyes.
"How many times have I asked you to call me Ella, Sid?" she said with a playful smile, as she traced her fingertips along the kitchen table.

Romeo walked Indi to her doorstep and it had finally stopped raining. He looked at the window near the door, then back to Indi who was laughing.
"I doubt he's even home, why don't you come in for a bit?"
Romeo smiled but shook his head
"I better not, got an early morning tomorrow. And plus I wouldn't want your Dad to walk in on us again..."

Indi blushed, smiling with her tongue between her teeth and Romeo kissed her farewell, walking off towards his car.
She opened her front door, calling out to see if anyone was home and when she walked into the lounge room she saw her Dad and someone very familiar sitting next to him.
"INDI!" the girl said as she ran over to her. Indi was speechless as she hugged her old best friend from the city.
"You haven't changed one bit!" Ella said, as she looked Indi up and down.
"Neither have you Ella" she looked over at her Dad, who was still sitting at the table and simply shrugged.
"Why don't we get you into some warm clothes?" Indi said, taking Ella's hand and walking to her room.

As Indi searched the bathroom across from her room, Ella was staring at her photos placed on her desk. She smiled to herself as she looked closely at the year 10 formal photo of Indi and herself, Indi wearing a long satin light blue dress, while she wore a long metallic green dress. Next to that photo was of Indi and a good looking blonde guy, who was holding her from behind and then the last photo was of Indi with another girl who's hair was a more white blonde.

When Indi walked in with the towel, Ella pointed at the two photos.
"New boyfriend and best friend?" she teasingly asked, taking the towel off her. Indi rolled her eyes and sat on the end of the bed.
"That's Romeo and Nic..."
Ella nodded while she started to take off her wet clothes. Indi watched as her best friend, who had clearly not changed over the past year, practically got naked in front of her. The only thing that had really changed was her hairstyle, it was long and wavy now; dark red and with a full fringe that highlighted her green eyes. Indi had always thought Ella was the splitting image of Lindsay Lohan, before she had fallen from grace and gone to rehab a few times. But now she reminder her of Emma Stone in Zombieland, now because her hair was a similar colour and cut.

"What are you doing here in Summer Bay? How come you didn't tell me you were coming?" Indi eventually asked.
Ella looked at Indi, wrapping the towel around her, ready for a shower.
"Well as good as facebook is, it's not the same as talking to you face to face. As for why I'm in the so called 'Summer Bay', can we get to that tomorrow or something? I just really need a shower now and some sleep" Ella said, turning on her toes towards the bathroom, not giving Indi a chance to rebut.

The next morning, Dex was sitting alone in the kitchen reading the back of his cereal box and drinking his juice when he looked to the side as Ella walked in. His mouth dropped as she casually walked to the side of him, only wearing a white singlet, which was just covering her black bonds underwear. Dex had not known Ella had come to town, because if he had; he would have made sure he wasn't in his Bart Simpsons pyjamas. Ella hadn't spoken a word to him, until she had finished taking a sip of his juice and smiled down at him as he peered up at her like an adoring puppy to their owner who was holding treats.
"Haven't you grown up all hansom" Ella said putting down the glass, with a teasing smile and walking away. Dex had to shake his head to the side a couple of times to make sure what he had just seen was not his imagination, that Ella his sisters best friend from the city, his first crush was in fact; half naked in his house.

Later on in the day, Indi had taken Ella around Summer Bay to show her the diner ,where Angelo's restaurant was and now they were walking along the beach; talking.
"So after that whole drama with Kieran, me and Romeo sorted things out and we're back together" Indi said, filling her best friend in on her love life. Ella smiled, she could see how radiant Indi was which made her happy.
"And what about your friend Nicole?" Ella asked as she picked up a pretty shell off the edge of the water. Indi sighed, not knowing where to start about that situation.
"... so Nic ended up leaving a week ago with Angelo and baby George for the city. I haven't heard much from her yet, they're both keeping it pretty hush hush. But I do miss her..."
Ella nodded, intertwining their arms together as they continued their stroll across the beautiful beach.

As they got closer to the entrance to the diner, Indi realised that she had been talking the whole time and Ella had just been listening.
"Anyway, tell me what's new with you? Why you here? It's pretty out of the blue."
Ella looked out into the ocean, watching some guys around their age or older waiting out in the deep for a some good waves.

"Oh you know the usual Indi. Dads too busy fooling around with his secretary to realise Mums fooling around with the neighbour, same old same old. " Ella paused as Indi stopped and turned her friends body to face her.
"I just felt like seeing my old friend! okay!" Ella said trying to reassure Indi that she was completely fine. Indi knew all too much about the lives of the parents in the city, her parents to be exact. But Indi knew when to stop nagging Ella with questions, she knew her friend had something else on her mind and that in her own time would eventually tell her.
Indi smiled, turning to continued their walk up to the diner to get a milkshake.

"What about your love life Ella? Still seeing that guy from our old school?" Ella laughed as if Indi should have known better.
"Oh my dear Indi, he's way in the past. I was seeing a few guys a couple of weeks back..."
Indi interrupted her
"A few guys?" she asked with her eyebrow raised. Ella grinned widely, knowing her friend didn't approve of her 'dating style'.
"You know what I'm like Indi, I get bored very easily. I need to be entertained..."
Ella told her friend as they stopped near the steps walking up from the beach to the diner. She looked down near the water and saw the same guys she was watching before out there surfing. They emerged in a group of 6, carrying their boards and covered in tattoos.

Indi looked down at the guys walking up the beach towards then, probably heading for the showers. She turned to Ella, who was watching them with a smile over her face, as she pulled back her fringe which was covering her eyes from the wind.
"That's the River Boys" Indi told Ella, who seemed even more impressed that they had their own group name, and by the sounds of Indi's tone, were not the usual Summer Bay residents.
"They're from Mangrove River, just past Yabbi Creek. All they care about is surfing and partying..." Ella looked at Indi with confusion
"And what's so bad about that? She exclaimed, turning back to watch them get closer.
"They're bad news Ella, they cause trouble."

Ella started twirling her red long wavy hair around her finger, as she liked what she was seeing. The River Boys passed the girls on their way up the steps, and one of them stood out from the others. The older one who was in the middle, obviously in charge of the group had a tattoo above his ripped abs which said 'Blood and Sand'. He was talking to a taller guy next to him, who had more of skinnier but still toned build. The taller one turned his head as they passed, smiling cheekily at them.

"Lookin' good gals' he said with a wink of his brown eyes. The older one laughed to himself, which showed Ella he had dimples. She half smiled to the taller one who had winked at her and watched as they made their up to the top of the stairs.
Indi shook her head, as she folded her arms in disgust.
"The taller one who spoke to us is Heath, the middle brother of the Braxton family. The oldest one, who was next to him is Darryl but everyone calls him Brax, he now owns Angelos after paying him out of the business."

Ella looked at Indi, a question coming to her mind.
"Braxton? Sounds famililar?"
Indi pulled her friend up the stairs, continuing to talk about the River Boys
"They're the older brothers of Casey, you know the one I told you who is now dating Ruby..."
Ella made a oooo noise "The skank who slept with Romeo?"
Indi couldn't help but laugh "Yeah him, but he's not like his brothers. They're bad news..."

Ella looked over her shoulder as Indi and her walked into the entrance of the diner, quickly getting a last glance at the oldest brother, Brax standing next to his yunger brother Heath near the showers.
"You know how I like a bad boy Indi..." Ella said grinning at her best friend who rolled her eyes, laughing.

Ella had seen the infamous River Boys in person and out of the whole gang, only one caught her attention. One she was determined to get with, it was a game she was just starting to play and this town had just become her playtown. Darryl 'Brax' Braxton had no idea what he was in for.

What kind of games has the new girl got in store for Summer Bay?
Stay tuned...

AUTHORS NOTE: I hope everyone liked my first chapter! I would love to hear what you thought/ideas.