A/N: Way back when DBZ was first on Cartoon Network, I was all about writing fanfiction for the show. I drifted away for awhile…and then found myself wanting to write for my old fandom again. Blame Hulu for airing the series again. And I was back to loving my original OTP, Bulma and Vegeta.

The Blue and Black community on Livejournal had a week of "Sin" prompts with the seven deadly sins as prompts. It was a good experience for me, having to churn out work without being able to obsessively re-write as I am prone to do. I hope you enjoy with what I came up with.

I don't own DBZ.

Prompt: Pride

As she is lying on the cold gray tile, her lunch tray and its lukewarm contents around her, Bulma knows she doesn't deserve this. Another 16-year old who decided to give public school a try before she goes to college next year might. But that girl isn't her.

She pushes herself up. There are three girls who could have tripped her. Cookie cutter brunettes who hissed at her blue hair and hot pink accessories the moment she arrived. (Whatever. She was not going to wear the dull school uniform without her own twist.) Bulma keeps her chin high even though red spaghetti sauce is across her chest like a wound.

There's a boy watching and Bulma's attention goes to him before she addresses the witches. He's that one boy, he of the brooding face and dark presence. The one the movies told her are in every classroom. . This one is named Vegeta. No one in this school has seemed interesting to her. Except him.

She was going to bitch the girls out but they're not worth it. And there's something about that boy that stills her tongue. Bulma doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of him.

Still, she can't walk away without a little Bulma Briefs touch. As she struts past, she flips them off. It is this and not her being tripped up that catches a teacher's eye. Bulma ends up in detention.

The boy is there, feet propped up on the desk. There are a few other people in there but plenty of extra seats. She could go sit in an isolated corner and wait out the hour. Instead she approaches the chair beside him.

Her breath catches when she's in front of him. She might have saved face in the cafeteria just to humiliate herself now. But he's cute and the way his gaze flicks up from her stained shirt to her face makes her feel warm in the core of her stomach.

"Is this seat taken?" She asks.

Vegeta nudges the seat out with his foot. Bulma plops down into it and grins at him. Her parents won't be happy about the detention. She's probably going to be sentenced to public transportation for a week.

But Bulma feels like her first day of public school was a success.