A/N : Thanks for the reviews, guys. I really appreciate your supports. :D

After lots of character, Casino Nights suggested me to stop accepting characters. He was right… so I'm going to half-close the submission. More OC submission is not recommended, but I'll consider it…'

Listing Characters :

Anatoly 'Grass' Levinski Prower (Fox) – 56th Reg. Pvt. Levinski Prower [Support Specialist]
Starlight Comet (Cat) – Shadow's Party Girl 96 [Berserker]
Mike (Hedgehog|Vampire) – Epsilon Team Sgt. Mike [Commando]
Steve (Hedgehog|Vampire) – The Awesome One 4 [Sharpshooter]
Azure Wolfson (Wolf) – Leon29 the wolf [Berserker]
Isaac (Hedgehog) – Al Capone SOI [Berserker]
Theo Arcreus (Hedgehog|Demon) – DarkSideOfTheMoon19[Commando]
Akemi (Wolf) - swiftshadow123 [Berserker]
Erisella 'Chaos' Ambrosine (Cat) – P3 LadyChaos [Support Specialist]
Milo Prower (Fox) – xXCookieGiverXx [Demolition Expert]
Don Anderson (Wolf|Vampire) – anything170 [Firebug]
Vegeta (Hedgehog) - AHellhammer [Medic]
Noir Asmodeus Prower (Fox) – Noir the fox [Sharpshooter]
Ein (Echidna) – Gameking40 [Berserker] (In FFn Term… KIA, sorry)
Discord (Echidna|Demon) – duskzilla[TBD?]
Alex (Hedgehog) - Casino Nights [Berserker]
Molly Delila Sapphire Dark (Jaguar) – Spectacular Super Nova [Commando]
Caliber Lox (Red Panda Bear) – Flint Flossy TKZ[Demolition Expert]
Richter Solairte (Echidna) – Richter Solairte [Berserker]
Speed (Hedgehog) – Speed the Hedgehog [Support Specialist]
Hudson Vata (Hedgehog) – Task Force Metal[Commando]

Chapter 17 : Street War

Back on the small safe-house owned by the Mobians, the group had already gotten along quite fine with each other, except probably Discord and Theo still being as competitive as ever.

The Mobian squads were forging a plan for their next move. The Special Branch had provided them with info about a Horzine scientist still surviving the outbreak. With any luck, that scientist might be the key to end all the apocalypse happening right now.

"So like… we're taking orders from those police?" scoffed Richter, "No way! I'm not taking orders from anyone!"

"Actually, we're more independent than you think…" replied Akemi, "They give info, we do the hard stuff…"

"Oh, well that's cool, then! Hey, I wanna walk outside this small place, anyone wants to come?"

"Well, I'm a bit bored, I guess I can use some small walk…"

Milo quickly followed Akemi, "Hey! Don't leave me! I wanna come too!"

Theo came inside the room, a small black spot was visible around his robotic eye. Akemi noticed this and asked, "Hey, what happened to your eye?"

"I don't want to talk about it…" said the hedgehog.

"Hey, come on, spill it!" Richter exclaimed.

"Fine… so I was fighting with Discord again. We kinda ruined the basement after throwing our attacks against each other. Mike saw us and gave us a punch for each one of us, both on our eyes…"

"Ouch…" Milo cringed, "Well, do you want to come out with us?"

"Well… sure… need something to do to kill the time"

"Great!" Richter cheered, "Let's ask if the others want to come!"

Levinski was examining the reports about the places. The scientist was last seen on a closed road, due to the attacks from the specimens. The fox wasn't even sure if he, or she was still alive. He put the papers down and checked his weapons, the crystal machete, an AA12 Automatic Shotgun, and dual M9s.

Starlight came toward him, feeling the uneasiness from the green fox, "We'll make it Grass-kun…" she spoke, putting her hand on the Levinski's shoulder.

"Things are starting to get more unexpected."

"But that doesn't give us a reason to stop hoping… does it?"

"No…" Levinski shook his head, "Of course not… By the way, can you clean the mess up? I was showing Ein about the specimens we're fighting and that echidna started to run around… knocking everything over…"

Starlight looked around her, and noticed… that the room was devastated. Papers were scattered everywhere, shelves were on the ground, and there was something under the table… a… hand?

And yes… it was the same disembodied hand Ein carries around every day.

The feline shrieked, that Levinski covered his eyes in surprise and dropped the weapons he had… accidentally having his machete scratched his foot on the side. "Starlight! What's…?"


"Hand?" Levinski looked under the table, "Oh… a hand… EIN!"

The echidna rushed toward them, "Who dares summoned…?" before he was finished, Levinski, who had a popped vein, threw the hand at his face, "Mr. Handy Man!"

Starlight's eyes twitched at the sight of the echidna treating the disembodied hand like his best friend. Levinski took a more intense action, by Air Blowing the echidna out of the room and locked the door, "Okay! Where were we?"

"You are asking me to clean this mess up…"

"Oh, yeah. Let's do it together…"

The Mobians outside the house were having a bit misadventure on their small walk. At first, Richter wanted to go to a cotton candy stand, that he left the others away, only to come back with 2 FleshPounds charging at him, followed by some other specimens.


"What? I thought you wouldn't want to miss the fight. So I bring them here!" replied Richter.

"Well, it is not necessary…" said Theo.

Milo took Mike's bombs and started blowing the streets up. The overpowered bomb was already throwing the cars everywhere. Azure tried to evade the car rainstorm coming toward them. Richter summoned his hammer and smashed them away from him, causing some near-friendly fire case. Like when Theo was fighting a FleshPound, a car whacked away by the echidna flew toward the hedgehog. Fortunately Theo was able to teleport several inches away, and the FleshPound became the victim instead.

The hedgehog didn't know whether to thank him for taking care of the FleshPound or spank his ass for almost crushing him, so he just stayed silent.

Akemi was yelling at Milo to stop throwing the 'booms of doom', as the fox called them. Unfortunately the explosion had clearly deafened everyone. Akemi cursed at Mike not using silencer in the bombs, but then again, how do you create silencer for a bomb?

Isaac spotted more specimens coming from the other side of the street. He cursed himself for not bringing the Predator Drone for himself. Using the available weapons he had (which include an RPD and a SCAR-H) he tried fending off the specimens. The burst of bullets blew the specimens away, but not stopping them from advancing.

Soon, the vehicle rainstorm stopped, meaning Milo had run out of bombs. More specimens were coming to them. Some of the fighters were losing their courage. Molly fired her UMP.45 at the zombie-like creatures at their heads, blowing them off. But her ammos were starting to run low. Plus, the FleshPound's head are too strong, that she would need high caliber bullets to actually one-shot-one-kill the creature. "Seriously, what are these things?" she exclaimed.

"Oh, some freaky lab experiments. They were supposed to be super-soldiers." Said Azure.

"Well, no wonder they're very aggressive!" Richter laughed, "They weren't given any clothing!"

"Hey, you're right! I've never seen a naked human, not in public at least." Said Speed.

Caliber meanwhile was using his newly acquired M32 Grenade Launcher at the specimens. To his dismay, it was only useful for long range, and the Siren screams made it useless. "You ugly bitches!" Caliber cursed, covering his ears from the deadly shrieks, "I'll make your face worse than ever!"

Caliber focused on the female specimen's head, of course not using the launcher. He switched to Bullpup and started firing bullets. It wasn't a short work as the shrieks kept his concentration divided, "Shut up and die, ugly face!"

Though the group enjoyed the fight, they knew… or to be exact, most of them knew they won't last forever. The FleshPound became more and more abundant, and the Clots weren't helping as they slowed the Mobians down. "Akemi! Have you called the others yet?" yelled Theo.

"Yeah.. whoa!" Akemi evaded a FleshPound trying to smash him, "They should be here any minute now!"

As if the cue, a humvee ran the FleshPound over, and riding on it, was Mike, Starlight, Levinski and Steve, "You guys need some help?" Levinski asked.

"Always the best driver, Lev. What took you so long?" Akemi crossed his arms.

"We have to assist someone…" said Mike, stepping aside, showing a dark-green hedgehog, and ACR on his back, "Gentlemen, meet Hudson Vata"

"I see you got a lot of people here…" said Hudson.

"You bet, strength on the numbers" said Steve, "Ready to fight?"

"As I'll ever be…"

Levinski stomped on the gas and started patrolling across the street. Starlight was ready to mow the specimens down with the machine gun on the back of the car.

Richter was probably the only one not using firearms, except one time he stepped on a pistol lying on the floor and accidentally had its trigger pulled. By pure coincidence, a GoreFast was shot on the head with it. He didn't mind much, since several Scrakes are advancing toward him, with chainsaws buzzing loudly.

To disable the chainsaw, Richter smashed it with his hammer. He had to do it repeatedly because somehow… even broken the chainsaw was still moving, and was as deadly as ever. Sometimes he just had to trap the specimens down the ground, or instant kill with a stalagmite coming from the ground right under the Scrakes. "Really… this army is freaks! And ugh… even if they're coated with sugar I won't lick on them… or maybe…"

"Focus, Richter!" Isaac yelled next to him, trying to gun an incoming horde of… wait.

"Uh… why are you firing at nothing?" asked Richter.

"You THINK there is nothing… but just you wa… WHOA!" a female specimen suddenly appeared in front of Isaac, trying to claw him.

"What the…?"

"Die!" Isaac stabbed it with his machete, "They're Stalkers… they can turn invisible, but some of us got scanners to detect them"

"Okay, this is just getting freakier and freakier" the orange echidna scratched his head, "First a mutant spider zombie that crawls on us, then a zombie running with a blade, then the one that screams like banshee, and then the one with chainsaw, then the one with a flame-thrower, and then there is the one with meat grinders, now an INVISIBLE ZOMBIE? WHAT KIND OF ZOMBIE ARE THEY?"

"They're not zombies…"

"Well, they look like one, and they act like one"

"Uh… but that doesn't mean they're zombies… they're 'specimens'"

"And I thought those crimzoms are strange enough…"

"Those what?"

"Uuuuh, never mind"

Caliber dashed toward them, with an M79 'Thumper' on his hand, "How are you doing with them?"

"Not good, where's your M32 Grenade Launcher?" asked Isaac.

"Those chainsaw-arms destroyed it…" Caliber twirled his launcher, chuckling a bit, "But this one should do well for now"

Suddenly a Humvee flew above them, and landed on a horde of Clots, completely turning them into pancakes. A maniacal laugh was heard from the Humvee as Noir pumps his fist from the car, "I've never felt so aliiiveeee!"

"Good! Because I'm gonna kill you!" Don yelled from the back on the machine gun seat.

"No time for that," Alex jumped with her claws ready, "We have some specimens to butcher!"

"Okay, but no more rushing like that, or that's gonna be your end, Prower!" said Don.

"I'd like to see you try…" Noir stomped on the gas and drove toward Isaac, Richter and Caliber, "Hello guys"

"Your wheels are bloody" said Isaac.

"Yup, do you like the paint?"

"Ehh… " Richter looked at the gore on the tire, "You gotta clean it up. It's stinky"

"Whatever…" Noir took a chocolate bar and took a bite… or was about to when it was gone to Richter's hand, "Hey!" he snapped as the echidna ate it with a single bite

"Thank you, Noir! My source of power!"

"Ugh… fine. We gotta go, hunting them down and pop their heads like watermelon! Alex, you wanna come?"

"No, I'm going to stay with them…"

"Cool… see you later then…"

The specimen rampages didn't last long. Soon the horde was destroyed, leaving the streets full of blood. Alex was walking down the road, kicking the bodies of the dead specimens. She clawed some of the surviving ones.

She then met the others talking nearby the two Humvees, "Hi there guys."

"Tough fight, huh?" asked Mike.

"They're very… unique…"

"Well, as unique as they are, they don't stand a chance against us…" said Theo, "Where's Discord and Ein by the way?"

"Never thought you'd ask…" Discord appeared behind them, dragging Ein who was struggling to get away, "I had to hold the zombies from the south side, and keep Ein from killing himself…"

"Well… took you long enough, but yea, two people against a horde of specimens. I'm glad we don't have to fight the daddy…" said Levinski.

"What daddy?" asked Richter.

"Sort of a mutant scientist…" Starlight spoke, "With a…" something poked her leg. She turned around to see a Crawler, "NYA!" the specimen was no more as she smashed it with her chainsaw.

"Uh… save the description for later, Star…" said Levinski, "Let's just get home now…"

"No, we're going to get that survivor now" Mike cut him, "We got no time to lose…"

A/N : Okay. Wrap up here. :P

But don't worry, something to spice up. YES! It's that!

Mobians Comedians in 'Scream Contest'

Mike was really pissed off after a Siren decided to make an appearance and attack him and his friends with its high-pitch scream. "Oh, shut up! You think you can scream really good, but I'm gonna prove you wrong!"

"What is he gonna do?" asked Azure asked.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mike screamed louder than the Siren, and also with higher frequency.

"KRAAAAAAAAH!" the Siren screamed back






"KRAA…!" The Siren fell on the ground, passed out.

"Whoo! I win guys! Er… guys?" Mike looked around, seeing that the others were all lying on the ground, with swirling eyes.

Mobians Comedians in 'Sweet Victory'

"Okay, guys… we must focus on the specimens" said Levinski, "Do not be distracted by the amusement rides"

The amusement park looked really attracting. Of course, no one was interested, knowing that there's something they must do.

"Specimens at twelve!" Isaac reported, "They're attacking an ice cream vendor!"

"ICE CREAM VENDOR? NOOOOOO!" Richter dashed toward the horde of FleshPounds that was about to destroy the vendor. The next thing the group knew, was that the specimens were tossed several feet to the sky like ragdolls, getting hammered by a certain angry echidna, "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE THE SACRED SANCTUARY OF SWEETS, YOU UNHOLY MONSTERS FROM HELL?"

"Er… Starlight?" Levinski said.

"Yea, Lev-kun?"

"Remind me… not to buy any kind of sweets. Judging from what he says, I think it will bring bad luck…"

"Awww…." Starlight pouted.

I guess that's what I got. Remember that you can give me suggestion for story and off panel. Review please!