AN: I own nothing…. I have made some changes and am reposting all chapters.

Chapter 1: The Letter

Jacob POV-

My great-grandfather has gone crazy. I think for about the nineteenth time as I write his oh so important letter.

I mean here he is on his death bed and he's having me write to an old friend of his? How can he even be sure his friend will get the letter? Gramps claims that they haven't spoken in 63 years. I mean really my Gramps is really old how does he know this friend is still alive? 63 years is a very long time.

"Jake you get that?" His voice is raspy, as he talks and I can't help the frown forming on my face. I had shifted a week before he had gotten sick; he had stayed around long enough to help us new generation of shifters, now he lay dying in a hospital bed in Forks, Washington. I don't know why he insisted to stay in a hospital off of the reservation, but he did and if there was one thing I was taught at a young age was to respect my elder's wishes.

"Yeah Gramps I got it, you sure your Edward friend will get this?" I ask for about the millionth time as I place the letter in an envelope, along with a small little carving of a wolf Gramps wanted me to put in there.

"I'm positive Jacob." He says, whispering something that sounds like he has to get it, and then falling asleep.

I quietly exit the room to find my father rolling down the hall towards me in his wheelchair.

"Jacob, how is he?" My father asked seeming so worried.

"Sleeping for now." I say before heading to the nurses' station to mail the letter and praying for my gramps peace of mind that this friend of his gets it.

Ephraim Black-

The letter only went on 24 hours ago. I remind myself as I try to calm my rapidly beating heart. Jacob had fallen asleep on the couch; I wanted to tell him who I was writing to, however I wasn't sure how to do it.

I could still picture his face, his bronze color hair that was always in disarray, his golden eyes that sparkled when he laughed, and his smile I could never forget his smile.

I still remember the day that I imprinted on my wife Katharine. It was the happiest and saddest day of my life. I had approached Edward before approaching her; I needed for him to understand. The Cullen's left the day after I told him.

Imprinting on Katharine meant that I would lose my best friend.

"I'm extremely happy for you brother, I'll keep my promise to you one day." Edward had said, giving me a hug. Knowing I was called to her. That I needed to be with her and she hated the Cullen's so much. Even after I explained they were friends of mine. In the end I had to choose her over them. Even though it broke my heart to do so.

It's been 63 years since I had any contact with him, but I knew I couldn't die without seeing him one last time. I still felt that overwhelming connection towards him, not a connection of imprints, but something, something I am not sure what to call.

Edward Cullen-

I was surprised when I opened the P.O. Box and found a letter waiting for me the scent of a shifter flowing off of it. Though I didn't recognize the shifters scent.

I made my way home quickly, anxious to read what the letter said. Slowly I opened the envelope and pulling out the letter being careful to not tear it, holding the small wood carving of a wolf in my hand, as it falls out I begin to read.


Edward, my brother I know that it's been 63 years since we had any contact. However I am writing to you because I am sick, I am dying. Edward I'm at Forks Hospital, please if this letter reaches you, please come.

Ephraim Black

If I could cry I would have.

Ephraim and I split ways many years ago, though I never forgot him. The only friend outside of the family I had ever made. When we had to split ways it was almost too painful and I made the decision to keep away from humans and never befriend them again.

"Edward why are you leaving?" Alice asks me, opening my door and peeking into my room without even knocking.

"I'm going to Forks, Washington." I say before jumping out my window and running towards the nearest airport. I didn't need luggage I had my wallet I could get stuff once I reached Ephraim.

He's dying, which means he doesn't have much time.

I've always kept my promises, now here Ephraim is asking me to uphold a promise I made to him all those years ago and there was no way I would let him down.

Ephraim POV-

I always have different versions of the same dream… Tonight is no different as it quickly over takes me.

I see Jacob standing in wolf form in a meadow, teeth bared and fur standing on end as he watches a vampire slowly walk closer towards him. Soon another vampire joins the first, and another, totaling three to one.

Jacob knew he was in trouble, but he didn't back down trying to protect the dying human who was on the forest floor behind him.

Everything happens so fast then.

The vampire's attack just to be attacked by others of their kind.

I recognize Edward then as he kneels before the shaking Jacob.

"Jacob love, are you alright?" I hear Edward say…

"Gramps!" Jacobs yell awakes me.

"Jacob, what's wrong?" I ask, groggy from my sleep.

"There's a vampire here, I just know it is, what do I do? There are humans around." Ever so slightly I extend my senses using strength I don't exactly have, until I too smell the sticky sweet smell of a vampire.

Though it's not just any vampire, Edward has made it.

"Jacob, clam down. Its Edward, he's come finally." I say smiling. I knew he would come. He had promised me.

AN: SO what do you think about this little beginning? Anyone intrigued to know what's going to happen?

Time Line:

1920- Ephraim Black is born

1936- Ephraim Black (16 Years old) Alpha shifter meets Cullen's signs treaty. (Cullen's living in Hoquiam, South of Forks)

1940- Cullen's leave

1941- Ephraim is married

1942- Ephraim has son William

1960- Ephraim's grandson Billy Black is born

1987- Ephraim's great-grandson Jacob Black is born

2003- Jacob shifts (age 16)

2003- Ephraim age 83 dying