"Hey! Echizen! Don't forget I'm your sempai! You can't steal my food!" yelled Momo, as he glared at the young prodigy, who had a french-fry in his mouth. Ryoma smirked and took another one, Momo opened his mouth to yell again, but was silenced with one look from Tezuka. It was lunch time now. When Tezuka had walked into chemistry class, without one word, his teacher had looked at him…kind of fearfully, and continued through the lesson, without one word to him.

"Ne, Tezuka. You're ribs look kind of dry…would you like to add some flavor to them?" Fuji said innocently, as he held up a bottle of wasabi. A vein popped up in Tezuka's forehead, as he ignored the sadist and continued eating his sandwich. The entire regular team had all managed to get the same lunch period, along with Ryoma's three friends, Horio, Katsou, and Kachirou. A group of girls were walking by, and one of them walked towards their table. She was short, maybe 5'0, with long dark brown curly hair, and was exceptionally tiny.

"Hey, Kikumaru-kun…about the dance, my parents said you could pick me up at 7, so that they could meet you. Is that okay?" she asked, Kikumaru, who had a pink tint on his cheeks.

"Y-yeah, that'll be fine." he said, scratching the back of his head.

"Good! I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun!" she said, smiling and walked back to her group of friends.

"Ehhhhhh?" both Momo and Ryoma said at the same time.

"Eiji has a date, Eiji has a date." chanted Horio.

"S-she's just a friend." Kikumaru said, as he turned a bit more pinker. Suddenly, Tomoka and Sakuno showed up.

"Ryoma-kun!" Tomoka yelled, as Sakuno shyly said hello.

"What are you doing here? Can't you see it's men only?" Horio said, as he gestured for her to go away.

"How rude!" Tomoka said, and they started arguing. Nobody was really paying attention though, since they all had gotten accustomed to them from middle school.

"U-umm.." Sakuno said quietly, as she looked at Tezuka. This got everyone's attention. Tezuka looked at her, and blinked.

"H-here, for your h-help this morning. T-thank you again." she said, as she put a slice of cheesecake next to his lunch. Nobody moved.

"I just helped you find your way. You already thanked me anyway. You don't have to give me this." he said, as he looked her in the eyes, and she looked away after a few seconds.

"I know…I-I just felt bad for w-wasting you time. Please a-accept it as my gratitude." she said, as she slowly started turning from pink to red. Tezuka felt as though the girl would faint from all the blood rushing to her face.

"Very well. Thank you." he said. It was still super silent, until,

"Ryoma kun! Do you have a date to the dance yet?" asked Tomoka, as she focused her attention back on the poor kid. Ryoma rolled his eyes, and finally stole Momo's entire tray of fries.

"Brat!" he said, trying to grab them. Ryoma smirked, took a handful of the fries, and pushed them into his mouth, then gave Momo back the tray, with just a few left.

"20 laps now." Tezuka said, as he glared at both of them.

"Ne, Buchou how are we going to run laps if the courts are closed?" Ryoma asked, his eyes big and innocent. Tezuka's eyes slanted, as Momo sweat dropped.

"I meant around the school.40 Laps. Now." Tezuka said. Momo glared at Ryoma, as they both got up, with heads hung low, and walked outside to start their laps.

"Wait! Ryoma-kun!" Tomoka yelled, as she went after him. Sakuno blinked, and realized that she was standing while the regulars she hardly talked to you were just looking at her.

"I-I…uhh…I g-guess I'll go…" she said, as she looked around the cafeteria. With Tomoka gone, Sakuno had very few choices, because she really didn't talk much to anyone else.

"Ryuzaki-chan, don't be silly. Sit here." Fuji said, as he patted the space between him and Tezuka. Sakuno turned red.

"I-I don't want to be a bother." she said, shy at the regulars stares.

"Nonsense." Fuji said, smiling with his eyes closed…(always wondered how he did that). Sakuno was too polite to refuse, and reluctantly took the seat between the two juniors. She took out her bento, and carefully made sure not to hit either of them as she ate her food.

"Soo…Ryuzaki-chan, do you have a date to the dance?" Horio asked, grinning. Silence hung in the air again, and then Sakuno broke into a fit of coughing.

"Ahhh! She's dying!" Kikumaru yelled, as tears filled his eyes. Fuji tapped her back until the coughing ceased. Sakuno felt like she could die of embarrassment.

"Ahhhh!She's alive!" Kikumaru yelled, this time crying tears of joy.

"Horio-kun, you should think before you ask someone about their private lives." Oishi said, as he looked at Sakuno worriedly, as she gulped down water.

"Sorry about that Ryuzaki-chan." Horio said, as he looked down sheepishly.

"I-It's okay. It wasn't your fault. I just c-choked on my food." Sakuno said, her face beet red.

"There is a 75% chance that Sakuno Ryuzaki has a date to the dance." Inui said, as he looked at her through his glasses. Sakuno felt too warm, as she blushed even more, if that was possible. She shook her head no.

"Haha, Inui-kun just got proved wrong." Kikumaru said as he finished off his pizza.

"Have you been asked?" Fuji asked, opening his eyes. Tezuka's eyes narrowed as he saw something forming in the mischievous blue orbs. Sakuno hesitantly nodded.

"And you rejected them?" Inui said, in wonder. Sakuno nodded, feeling dizzy with all the questions, and he face felt very hot. She saw him write something down in a notebook.

"Hey Ryuzaki-chan! Has Ochibi asked you yet?" Kikumaru asked. There was silence, and the BAM! Sakuno fell onto Tezuka, who had just taken a bite of the cheesecake she had given him. Fearful eyes looked at him as he chewed his cake. As soon a he swallowed he said,

"60 Laps. Everyone. Now." Everyone quickly got up and went outside with Momo and Ryoma. Tezuka immediately regretted doing that. Now he was sitting with an unconscious Ryuzaki in his lap, and an entire cafeteria looking at him.