Authors note: Okay, so here's a new story that I have in mind. Yes Renee and Charlie stayed together a few more years longer so that they could have a second child. yes there is a rather large age gape between Bella and and my character Evangeline but it's so my girl isn't too old for Alec when they meet again. Anyways please read and review! And tell me what you think!
I had no idea why my mother dragged us here to Volterra, Italy. my older sister and I were brought by our mother for summer vocation just when recently returning from Forks Washington.
I'm like any normal eight year old I enjoy dolls and adventures but like so many of my age I am stubborn. I wanted to stay longer with daddy in Forks but my nagging mother forbidden it and I was forced onto the plane and brought back.
While my older sister Bella, of nearly five years, hugged my mother and clung to her I stood back and crossed my arms refusing to show my mother any affection. I never really saw how it was fair either that Bella had known and seen my father longer, after all my mother had me and nearly six months later she was signing divorce papers.
It wasn't hard to see, if you ask me, why I had acted as I had, ignoring her and looking the opposite direction from where ever she was. Perhaps that's why now I was walking the rather old looking streets of Volterra, mother was trying to make me happy and forget Forks but I would have preferred for her just to have said 'sorry' or 'I shouldn't have dragged you back' rather than make me go on this extravagant trip.
But I was here and there wasn't much I could do about it so I walked behind my mother,as she giggled with my older sister while my sister wore a dull look, so I looked at the many products that could been seen for sale through the windows of the many Volterra shops. In my right hand I was clutching my stuffed rabbit that daddy had given me a while back during one of my earlier visits, it was my prized possession. My other arm just rested against my left, pail skinned, side pretty much just dangling while my long bright brown hair ran against my back.
You could see my light brown hair held a couple of curls, a look obviously inherited by my father, and blue eyes, which were inherited by my mother. I gotten bored and looked at the paved side walk as I watched my left and right foot,that wore black sandals, move back and forth, I was obviously extremely that I looked up to STILL see my mother and sister chatting away and showing no thought what so ever of stopping anywhere anytime soon, I sighed and looked at my cloths.
I wore a jean dress that had a black bow wrapped around the waist, as you began to look closer down you could see the dress sort of begin to puff up. Finally I had my hair put up in a black ribbon, to say that this ensemble of clothing's was one of my favorite would be an understatement.I had never really enjoyed the whole dress up and try on cloths thing but my mother had picked the shoes and hairstyle, I in turn piratically fell in love with the outfit.
I decided to go closer to my mother and try to listen into the conversation but snorted and began again to fall back behind when I realized the conversation was about boys, why would they talk about them? They were disgusting! Not to mention they teased and enjoy tormenting the girls in my class. I remember once how Stanly Lakers chased me around with paste once in the classroom during homeroom, which resulted with my hair to be coated with the gross substance and him to receive a call to the office.
I had spent a week trying to take the paste out, which was a pain. My thoughts were soon cut off though as my sister and mother began to turn and enter into a tiny bakery, I wasn't close behind. I smiled as I felt the air condition touch my face, Volterra was rather hot in the summer and it seemed, to no surprise, to affect you even more when you were walking in it for hours. But thoughts about the heat soon evaporated as I saw the many treats that were lined up for purchase, eyes glistening I followed my mother up to the cashier to purchase our treat.
There were so many treats to choose from in this tiny shop! Should I take the cake? Or the cookie? maybe the cupcake? I wonders to myself as I saw the assortments of items in the bakery. I was snapped out of my desert hypnoses as the elderly lady, who was in control of the cash register, asked me what I wanted in a deep Italian accent. I had pointed to the chocolate cupcake that received an appraising 'good choice!' from the lady and watched as she punctured numbers into the register. Once my mother had paid for the desert I was passed the chocolate cupcake, which caused me to smile a wide grin.
Pushing some hair behind my ear, so it wouldn't get into my chocolate frosting, I sat down at a table in the older looking building. I chewed my cupcake trying to savior the flavor when I was disturbed, "so honey what do you think of the trip?" my mother,Renee, asked with her big brown eyes. I gulped unsure what to say, "well I...I don't know...I would have preferred to stay home" I answered looking at the metal circular table.
Bella was now watching us with interested eyes although she looked as if she wanted to help but I don't think she knew how, mom's eyes just harden in response "Okay then you know what will just go too the hotel then and take the next flight back home" my mom answered in 'the voice'. Guilt spread through me as I watched Bella's expression saddened, "no its okay mom I'll be fine" I answered trying to get my mother to change her mind "are you sure? because I don't want you to do something you don't want to do" she answered still using 'the voice'.
I felt my anger flare slightly, "look! why would we need to leave? you want to stay and so does Bella! Why do you have to get so angry!" I answered setting my cupcake aside and leaning back into my chair, crossing my arms. That seem to set my mother off because she responded just as equally angry, "because no matter what I do it's never good enough" my mother stated angrily. I felt as if knife was shoved through my heart, had my mother really thought so little of me? But I didn't apologize I simply hardened my gaze "that's not true" I answered bitterly and fiercely.
She shook her head causing her long brown locks to sling from side to side, "No matter how hard I try its so hard to please you! Why do you have to be so hard? I just can't deal with this anymore" she stated closing her eyes and placing her hands against her forehead, tiredly. I realized then that my mother was tired of me of trying so hard to make me happy and so I did the only thing that came to mind as I gazed at the closed,tired, eyes of my mother.
I ran out of the shop. I didn't turn back or listen if my name was being called because if my mother didn't want to deal with me anymore I didn't want to force her to. I began to heave as tears ran down my cheek causing the area where they slide of my cheeks to become colder, feet stomping against the ground I kept going. I could hear my own patter of feet as they hit the ground and the swift movement of air as my dress hit the wind. I don't know where I was running but at some point I closed my eyes and let my legs guide me to the place I needed to be; Tears stopped but the speed and running of my feet didn't,I had never felt so lost.
Why couldn't I have stayed in Forks? I felt so understood here. I had opened my eyes once again wiping my tears away being that they were the cause of my blurry vision. I chuckled lightly wiping some more of the tears away, I was already feeling so understood didn't I have at least another five years to deal with this? Maybe I shouldn't have acted as I had after all it was pretty irrational to have acted the way I had.
But for some strange reason I didn't stop running maybe it's because I realized it was too late to go back I couldn't find my way back most likely and besides I had quiet a lot of hidden resentment toward my mothers. I began to cry again but this time it seemed as though the tears would never stop. It wasn't daddy who pulled out the divorce papers or the one who forced me too leave and he definitely wasn't the one who 'couldn't deal with this anymore'. Right at that moment though,being the clumsy Swan that I was, I manged to slammed into someone right at that moment causing me to fall backwards onto the ground.
Large amounts of pain shot through my body as I hit the ground causing me to looked up trying to see what I hit. For a moment I wondered why I couldn't really make out anything, but I soon realized it was the salty tears that were in my eyes that was making my vision so blurry. I wiped my tears away and came face to face too a beautiful women, she had Violet eyes and Mahogany hair not to mention she would be classified a strikingly beautiful and strikes me to be a pretty snobbish person.
I looked around to see that people were gathered around in a large group, men and women drooling over the angel like lady, while she glared down at me. I just starred at her unsure what to do as she gave me a powerful glare so in response so I just bowed my head down in shame all the while my body still laid on the ground. She crossed her arms still glaring at me so in retaliation I decided to get up and try not to make a complete idiot out of myself. I grabbed my stuff rabbit that had been thrown to the ground as I had, dusting the rabbit of it's dirt I stood up trying to get in a confident stance. She uncrossed her arms, "are you coming for the tour?" she asked in a voice that was covered in venom, which caused me to just stare at her confused.
She sighed, "were giving a tour of the castle" she answered gesturing to medieval styled castle "are you coming?" she asked rolling her eyes from my stupidity. I looked at the women and simply nodded yes as she swiftly turned around dramatically going in front of the group of people and escorting everyone into the direction of the castle. I stayed in back not feeling comfortable being squashed with a bunch of people I didnt know; I shivered slightly when we entered the castle not only did the light dim but it felt colder as well.
I came to the conclusion once I was inside that inside and outside the castle gave off this olden sort of beauty about it obviously this castle was very old but somehow it managed to keep its agriculture beauty. Even with the years that passed and the years of abrasion that had its affects to the building it could still be classified as a true agricultural achievement for it's builders. I would have enjoyed it if it didn't give off this sort of vibe;once I entered the castle I realized I enjoyed looking at it from outside more then actually going in.
I felt as though I wasn't welcome, that I shouldn't be here,my inner voice kept screaming telling me I should turn around in the other direction and make a break for it but I ignored these feelings and continued on behind the group. I nearly paled as I saw the intense in-human hunger flash in the female guides eyes as she turned around to take a quick peak at us. My legs began to shake not at all at any ease by this women but although that scared me quiet drastically it didn't nearly scare me as much as when we had made are way up to the throne room.
As we entered the room three men were seen sitting on thrones, one of the men had jet black hair and skin that was translucent white but the thing that strikes me the most were his red eyes. I gasped and stepped back slightly looking to another man sitting at one of the thrones,he had shoulder-length snow-white hair and white skin,similar to the last man, that looked insubstantial but just as the last I was filled with fear as I saw his red eyes. I looked at the last man sitting at a throne who had back colored shoulder-length hair and pail white skin that looked as though it had a papery texture to it, he also shared the features of red eyes just as the two other men before him.
By then I had taken three shaken steps back completely scared out of my mind while two men sitting on the throne held amused smiles and the one with black shoulder-length hair wore a dull one. I began to breath heavily while I gripped my stuffed rabbit and stared at the men unsure what to do; but before I could react or scream the man with jet black hair pulled one of the larger women from the group and with long sharp teeth bit into her neck.
After that it was as though I had entered my own personal hell, monstrous screaming could be heard in the room as everything turned red. Red began to cover the floors while dead bodies could be seen mangled on the floor and blurry objects that ran an intense speed began to grab people, who ran frantically screaming, and biting into their neck's before throwing the dead bodies on the floor and moving onto their next victims. Someone slammed into me while trying to get away from these monsters and once I hit the ground I saw no reason as to get up.
I new I was going to die so why even try to get away? I could surely never out run these things so why try? My fate was sealed and soon I would be one of the many people joining the dead bodies on the floor. I did the best thing I could do at that moment I curled up,latching onto my stuffed rabbit for dear life, and began to cry. I could still hear the wooshing movement of these monsters around and began to wonder why I wasn't dead yet? curious I looked up only to lock eyes with one of the red monsters. He had light brown hair and held a boyish appearance while he gazed at me with red-stunned eyes.
I locked eyes with him for a moment until my gaze was broken off when I realized one of the moving objects were heading my direction, I gulped and once again found myself into the curled up position waiting for the horrible monster to reach me. Tears trailed down my eyes and faces of my family flashed before my eyes and I quietly said good bye to everyone of them, even if I knew they couldn't hear me. As I said good bye to my mother I suddenly felt something cold latch onto my arms causing me to look up and lock eyes with a red-eyed gave me a murderous smile before she moved forward but before she could do anything else she was slammed into the wall causing her to let go of my arms and let out an angry shrill.
I starred stunned at the boyish boy who had slammed the blonde,in fact everyone else in the room looked stunned including him. He turned to me and just gazed me unsure what had occurred himself, then he moved forward in my direction. I began to cry again backing away every time he stepped forward while everyone one else looked at us to see what would happen next. I stopped when I realized it was pointless if the blonde didn't finish me off this boy would after all his now turned black eyes were filled with hunger.
he looked as though he was ready to jump me and bite into my neck while on the other hand he was scared he would bite me. I could see his inner struggle written all over his face not to mention one moment he looked as though he would bite me and the next he was shooting glares at the blond for trying to bite me. She shot them just as eagerly back but for someone reason the boy turned away refusing to look her in the eye, "brother what is the meaning of this?" she asked in a demanding voice "I simply trying to eat my food and you slam me into the wall!" she screeched while she bore her piercing red eyes at him in anger.
He growled slightly not meeting her eyes, "do not intervene sister this does not include you" he answered giving a warning that was obviously filled with anger. But she did not take in mind his warning and simply snorted, " it includes me when it revolves around my food" she answered growling at her brother. she looked between me and him, neither once of us looking directly into her eyes, and trying to make up her mind about something while her brother glared at her warningly and I just looked between the two of them both scared and confused.
Her face darkened and just like that she suddenly appeared in front of me, "you are going to die little girl!" she said as her petrifying red eyes glared at me and I looked to the ground frozen in fear. She suddenly lunged at me but was once again she was grabbed again by the boyish boy in mid- lunged and was thrown to the ground. She obviously wasn't expecting her brother to once again attack her because she was completely and utterly shocked, "it is best to heed my warning sister" he replied bitterly to her stunned face.
She growled and quietly steeped away either deciding she couldn't defeat her brother to get to me or I just wasn't worth it but by the look on her face I'm guessing it was the first one. I once again found myself taking up a curled position again, "leave me alone" I said as the boyish boy began to step forward again. he didn't listen though and began to walk closer, "leave me alone!" I shrieked causing his eyes to harden and step forward "why cant you leave me alone!" I said in a voice that held both anger and fear.
He suddenly tried to reach for me in my balled up postilion, which only caused me to cry harder and scream louder "leave me alone!" I cried desperately putting my head to my knee's when I realized the rest of the monsters began to step forward. I closed my eyes and thought of my family and friends my home that I would never get to see again and forks Washington that I had loved so much.
'this isn't fair!' I thought sadly and just like that I had decided to refuse to be these monsters next meal and that I would kick and scream before I would let their long sharp teeth sink into my I felt a cold hand touch my arms I could only think of my mother and where ever she was most likely looking for me and waiting for a child that would never show up. I twitched slightly and gripped my stuffed bunny harder when suddenly the coldness from my arm was gone and I could hear the loud chatter and voices of people and the many closing and opening's of door .
I looked up confused and found myself now in an ally! It was a short ally and if you just stepped forward you would find yourself surrounded by the many shops that Italy had to offer. I watched the people with red swollen eyes as they smiled and laughed while they passed by the alley I simply shook my head in response thinking that it was to good to be possible.
But something woke me up from my daze I could clearly hear my sister's and my mother frantic voice in the distance, this caused me to shoot up and run out of the ally running toward the voice. I followed the voices until I found my mother using a pay phone and screaming into it, "Charlie I'm serious she's gone! I can't find her!" she cried as she talked to my father. Tears ran down her face as she tried to explain my disappearance while Bella tried the best she could to sooth my mother who was now in hysterics.
Bella turned around and gasped, "Evie!" she cried using my nickname before running towards me and engulfing me into a hug. I returned it without a second thought while my mother dropped the phone causing the pay phone to hang from the cord. She starred shocked at me for a few moment before running toward me and being the second to engulfed me into a giant bear hug, which I returned without a second thought as well. My mother began to cry hard as I joined her in the shedding of tears, "I though I would never see you again" she said while her voice broke "Me too" I answered hugging my mother harder.
People starred but I didn't care I was with the people I loved,no matter how angry I was with them, and at the end of the day that's all that really mattered. I laughed lightly when I heard my father calling my mother's name from the dangling phone at the pay phone, "you should have brought your phone mom" I said wiping some of my tears away "maybe but without it I have less distractions and more time to focus on spending time with you girls" she answered calling Bella into the hug and kissing us both lovingly on the forehead.
I leaned into the kiss that my mother placed on my forehead while my mother smiled at me and lifting an eyebrow curiously, "hey Evie where's your ribbon?" she asked referring to my hair,which was once put up in a ponytail by a black ribbon but now hung loose and freely with the lose of it. I realized that my mother was right as I felt the top of my head and my ribbon was no longer there but I simply shrugged as if to say 'I have no idea'.
The Volturi
There was a loud gasp from the vampires in the castle as the child disappeared. Alec starred at the spot where the child was looking completely devastated but he quickly got his composer back and returned to his hard face. Aro giggled menacingly, " it will be interesting to see how this turns out" Aro stated as he watched Alec pick up the black ribbon that belong to the child, it now laid on the floor of the Vulturi castle.
Alec picked it up and starred at it for a few moment before gripping it angrily no doubt from loosing the child, "why did I act like that?" Alec asked turning to Aro for answers. There was both the glint of amusement and mischievous could be found in the eys of the vampire, "why Alec I think you just found your blood singer and quiet a useful one at that" Aro answered smiling at the idea of someday adding the child too his collection. Alec stood dumbstruck which only caused Aro to giggle in amusement at the vampire's stupidity for not figuring it out sooner.
Alec then let out a loud growl slamming one of his hands into the wall angrily before sharply turning around and walking toward Demetri. Everyone except Aro, who was grinning madly now, looked shocked at Alec's sudden lack of composure. Demetri simply starred at Alec as he shoved the ribbon to him, "your a tracker now track her down" he demanded as Demetri simply glared at the brown headed boy. He suddenly turned to Aro, "we must find the girl she knows are secret now Aro who's to say she wont tell someone?" he asked causing the older vampire to stop smiling.
Aro looked at Alec and realized that he only said that so he could find the girl but it was true that she now was a threat and risked exposer. he nodded seriously, "I am afraid your right Alec she risks exposer it would be best that we find her if we can" he said earning the attention of every vampire in the coven. Demetri snatched the ribbon and began to smell it so he could track the girl but for some strange reason he couldn't. he starred at the ribbon and tried to smell it again but it had only proven to be just as useless as last time, "I can not" he answered bowing his head.
Alec hissed, "your a tracker! How could you not?" he bellowed at the dark headed vampire. Demetri ignored Alec's outburst and spoke to Aro, "something is blocking me its like a shield of some sort" he answered. Aro chuckled lightly before sitting back down in his throne, "this has shown to be very interesting aside from that the child will most likely forget some of it over the years. Also the risk of her informing someone is unlikely since no adult would believe a child" he said thinking the whole matter over.
Alec simply hissed and grabbed the ribbon out of Demetri's hand before walking off knowing very well that because of this 'shield' he would not able to find his precious blood singer. He had found her and managed to loose her in one day all he had left was the ribbon that once held up her hair. While Alec walked off the Volturi starred shocked never believing once in their long lives that Alec would ever act like this .
But unknowingly to Alec this wasn't over little did he know of fates plan's or how a clumsy Bella Swan would lead to the reunion between a vampire and a blood singer.