Title: Flip 'er (1/2)
Author: clanket
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: NC-17
Summary:Callie and Arizona smut. This is basically a two-parter PWP. I think the title will make sense after part two (kinda…)!

Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libellous, defamatory, or in any way factual.

A/N: Thanks to the wonderful roughian for making me push through this Iand/I for the title!

Callie's fingers worked inside her girlfriend, pumping in and out repeatedly, while the blonde wrapped her free leg around her lover leaving the other between Callie's thighs where the brunette could grind down onto it. Callie's ragged breaths washed over Arizona's neck as she attempted to suck and bite at the sensitive flesh there while keeping the motions of her hand steady. Her thumb flicked and circled Arizona's clit, pushing into it with each thrust of the fingers that were being backed by Callie's hips. At a particularly sexy whimper, she couldn't stop the growl that burst forth or the ensuing hard bite she placed against that reddened neck. Arizona gasped at the force of it but didn't complain, opting instead to thrust her hips up into Callie's hand harder while pulling the body atop hers into her own with that toned leg.

Letting the flesh go, Callie smirked at the mark she'd left on her girlfriend before licking a wet path from it down to Arizona's breast where she promptly took the pink nipple into her mouth and sucked hard. The blonde's back arched; a silent plea for Callie to keep going. The Latina was more than happy to oblige: she sucked more of that breast into her mouth before allowing her tongue to toy with the tantalizing hardened peak, rolling it around and flicking it to elicit more of those moans that drove her wild.

"Oh God, Callie. Don't stop. So close," Arizona breathed. Callie looked up from her spot against that milky chest to find Arizona's eyes closed, her brow furrowed in concentration and loving what Callie could do to her. Smirking, Callie dragged her teeth across that breast as she let it out of her mouth, nibbling on the nipple before completely letting it go.

"Oh, God," Arizona nearly screamed. "Talk to me," she said as she brought her hand to Callie's cheek and made eye contact. "I need you to talk to me."

The brunette prized this about her lover: she wouldn't try to drop hints about what she needed; she would tell her straight up what she wanted in bed and she would do it without apology. And she always loved it when her partner was vocal. So Callie smiled, knowing she would always be able to give Arizona what she needed, and leaned in to kiss the blonde deeply. Their tongues met with much intensity, as they usually did, and pushed and massaged and teased in the most delicious of ways before Callie grabbed that pouty lower lip with her teeth and tugged on it a little.

Her fingers pushing in deep, hips picking up speed, Callie lowered her head so that her mouth was right next to an ear.

"I love how wet you get for me," she panted before flicking her tongue over the pale shell.

"Mm, yeah, only for you," Arizona managed to reply, faintly hoping that the ego stroke would ensure that Callie would keep going.

"You're so sexy when you're like this," the brunette continued, "when you're under me, begging, sweaty, and, God, so fucking wet," she practically moaned as she allowed her hips to linger, fingers staying deep inside Arizona and curling to rub that sensitive, elusive spot that she seemed to find more often than not ever since that one time she accidentally discovered it and made Arizona scream so loudly that Cristina had come rushing in with baseball bat in hand, screaming that whoever was in there had three seconds to get out – and that was despite the brunette's every attempt to keep her quiet.

"I love how hard you pull me in even when you're trying to give me room to move. Like now, how your thighs want to squeeze me, how your hands push on my back to drag me closer – mmm," Callie moaned as Arizona roughly raked her nails along the small of her back, no doubt leaving half-moon indentations where they stilled. "Like that – how you dig your nails into me instead of holding me still. Never stop doing that."

The brunette's strong fingers continued to move in and out of her girlfriend, loving how she trembled beneath her. She could feel the blonde getting closer, feel her shake and tighten around those digits, hear her breathing become increasingly ragged.

After a sudden gasp as the Latina's thumb picked up its speed, Arizona let out a barely-coherent "Uh-huh," just wanting to hear her girlfriend's voice continue to husk into her ear, knowing it would make her impending orgasm that much stronger.

"I want to hear you come for me, Arizona," Callie demanded a moment before biting down on the soft earlobe next to her mouth. Arizona liked when she got a little aggressive occasionally and when she was begging and needing to be told how Callie was feeling? Well that was the occasion to do it. The blonde was so close now, Callie just knew it.

"I can feel your abs twitching, Arizona," the Latina breathed into her lover's ear. "I can feel them tensing, how they move with me and how they work with your body to squeeze my fingers. I know you want to come. I know you need to come. So let me fuck you, let me make you come."

Callie pushed into Arizona as hard as she could manage, making sure her fingers went in as deep as possible and curling or scissoring intermittently.

"I'm fucking you so easily. Come for me, Arizona. I want to hear you. Come for me," Callie demanded a final time, fingers burying inside the blonde and pushing against that sensitive spot again, thumb never slowing even as her girlfriend let out a guttural cry of ecstasy and tensed, arching into the caramel body above her.

Callie kept her fingers inside her girlfriend, using strong, short thrusts to help her ride out her release and bit her smooth shoulder harder than necessary as she came down, still grinding into the pale thigh between her legs to ensure her own climax. Rubbing herself on that expanse of smooth skin, long since coated with her own juices, Callie finally felt her body let go, freezing and moaning into Arizona's ear before going limp and trying to catch her breath.

Just as she was beginning to relax, Arizona felt herself being moved – rolled, actually – until she lay atop a body that was a paradoxical mix of soft and strong. She loved it nonetheless and maybe even more so because of the mysteries that hid behind that classically-feminine figure.

Now straddling her girlfriend, Arizona rested her head on a tan shoulder, acutely aware of the fact that Callie had not bothered to remove herself from the depths of her sex. There was also the addition of gentle fingers soothing across her back, almost tickling, just the way she liked. The blonde smiled. Her Calliope really did know exactly how she liked to be touched. She continued to smile as she tried to get her breathing back to normal. Callie was no doubt grinning smugly beneath her.

Arizona lazily opened her eyes and glanced upward to see if her suspicions would be proven correct. Surely enough, they were; there lay Callie, eyes closed, cute little cocky smile playing across her full lips as she waited for her girlfriend to return to the world of the living. When the fairer woman lifted her hips to ease Callie out of her, the latter opened her eyes and smiled more genuinely at the spent woman on her chest.

"Hey," the Latina greeted softly.

Arizona inhaled deeply, closing her eyes to enjoy the breath, and then let it out just as reverently before lifting her head and resting her chin on a flattened hand above Callie's wildly beating heart.

"Hey," she replied just as softly. "So that was pretty good, huh?" she joked with a lazy smile.

Callie quickly bunched the bed sheet beneath her in one hand to rid it of the excess moisture lingering there before moving the hand to the small of Arizona's back and lacing her fingers together, thumbs moving back and forth to toy with the tiny blonde fuzz she knew lay there.

"Yeah, not too bad," Callie replied with a grin. She brought one hand up to smooth Arizona's hair back out of her face and rejoiced in the easy, content smile she received for the gesture. She kissed that pink mouth, unable to resist its close proximity.

"You're so sexy when you get like that," she confessed.

Arizona's brow crinkled cutely in question. "Like what?"

Callie kissed her again, hands running up and down that smooth back, wrapping around her sides to feel her ribs expand and contract with each breath.

"Telling me what to do, making sure I'm doing it right."

Arizona shyly ducked her head and pressed it into Callie's chest but only for a moment. When her eyes met Callie's again, they were sparkling with a devious kind of laughter.

"What?" the Latina asked, a little afraid of what the answer may be.

The blonde lifted her head, still smiling, and started to trace random patters over the golden skin beneath her.

"Well," she drawled, "if you like that then there are a couple of other things I kinda wanna try?"

Her girlfriend's curiosity was piqued. "Oh yeah, like what?"

"Well I was online today and saw something I think you might be interested in," she started, mischievous blue eyes meeting inquisitive brown.