Chapter 24: Mystique

Mystique had a new client. There were usually the regulars, some of them came every night, some once a week or once a month, but every now and then the club welcomed new visitors. Usually people that had never been in were afraid to come to the club, because they were afraid what waited them inside. Not only were there mutants, but there was sex too. The club was known for its reputation and the tagline that "no mutant needed to hide inside it". Usually among the people mutants looked just like everyone else. The only mutant that tried to hide here too was Mystique. She felt like her appearance scared people. People always said that men only needed a hole to fuck, nothing else mattered, but Mystique knew better. Not every dick was able to stand up when you were fucking a blue mutant. That's why she changed her looks everyday. And it was fun too. Just like trying on new clothes. She was always desirable.

"Good evening", Mystique, once again in a new flesh suit, entered the private room. There was a young, bald boy sitting in the couch, looking confused. "How are you doing this evening?"
"I'm fine", said the boy. He looked really young.
"How old are you?" Mystique asked and walked toward him in her lingerie.
"Eighteen", the boy said, trying to act tougher than he was.
"Yeah right", Mystique smiled.
"I am. Besides I've fucked a lot of girls already, so... I'm not new to this", he tried. Mystique wasn't impressed. Whatever amount the boy had under his belt, it was nothing compared to hers.
"Have you been to this club before?" she liked to talk before fucking. Mystique tried to find out what the men liked or didn't like, what she could use and what made her even more beautiful for them. That was the way she made them come back for more.
"No. But I asked them to give me the best, so they gave me you", the boy said. Mystique smiled. He was either lying or trying to flatter her. Maybe both. But she didn't care.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Jimmy", he said. "Why? Does it matter?"
"Just wanted to know the name I'll scream when I come", she said seductively. He seemed pleased and pulled her closer.
"Dance for me", he asked. She did exactly what he wanted and started to sway her hips. Lost in the dance, she didn't notice anything strange at first. It was not until he saw the wide grin on his face that he realized something was up. Her skin started to turn into the color blue. No matter how hard she tried to control it – and she was pretty good at it too – she couldn't turn it back.
"What the fuck?!" she yelled. When she faced him, she grinned like the devil. This was something he had done. He somehow had control over her. The shy boy thing had just been an act. "What are you doing?!"

"So, you're blue. Just like my uncle", he said. It took all her will-power not to slap him. He had embarrassed her, revealed her secret, made her look ugly. It was humiliating.
"You little piece of shit", she pushed him back and got to her feet, away from him. "I'm calling the security."
"Whatever. I work here though", Jimmy explained.
"What?" Mystique said in disbelief. "Logan would have never hired someone like you."
"He already did. I got some good connections. This should be fun", he got onto his feet and was about to leave to cause more trouble, when Mystique shoved him against the wall, not caring how he made her look now.
"If you ever. EVER. do this to me again, I swear I will break your neck with my legs", she hissed.
"Was that a threat?" Jimmy asked and was not scared even the slightest.
"Yes", she said, pushed him again and left. She was furious. Logan had some explaining to do.

When she arrived to his office, she didn't even bother knocking. And there Logan was, Tempest (who people called Little Ororo, because they resembled each other except for the hair color), bouncing up and down in his lap.
"Tempest, get out!" Mystique's words stopped their action. They were both sweaty and out of breath, glaring at her. Tempest wanted to see Logan's reaction and hear what he had to say about this, but Mystique cut it out before he could even open his mouth. "Now!"
She got off of him and collected her clothes, pressing them against her breasts as she took off.
"Who the hell is Jimmy and why have you hired him?" Mystique wanted answers and didn't even wait so Logan could get decent. Besides no one really cared about being decent in this club. The sex was everywhere and it was all really natural to them.
"Jimmy...?" Logan was still lost in thought. He could still smell Tempest on himself.
"Young bald boy", Mystique described him.
"Oh yeah, that kid", he nodded.

"Why would you hire him?"
"Since when has it been your concern who I've hired?" Logan frowned.
"Since they ridiculate me", Mystique said.
"He's Hank's nephew", Logan informed. "What did he do?"

"He's mutant, right? He has some kind of weird power", she was sure.
"He can strip you from your powers, yes", Logan nodded.
"You have to fire him", Mystique insisted.
"Hey, easy now", Logan said and stood up, pulling his pants up. "I'm not gonna fire him. Hank and I are friends. We do favors for each other. I let this nephew work here, he gives me money – and besides, that kid's a mutant. Every mutant is welcome here, you know that. And why don't you just chill. Just because he sees you when you're in your blue form, doesn't mean I should fire him. Every client sees more than that every night anyway."
"No they don't. They see what I want them to see. I don't want them to see me, the real me", Mystique said.
"Why not?"
"Because you don't know what it's like", Mystique said, giving into her weakness. "It's easy for you get laid with all those muscles and with that big dick. But imagine if that was just an illusion. No one would want you when you'd be blue. So let me have that right, to hide it whenever I want to. We have so few rights anyway, so let me have that."
"Okay", Logan was stunned by her speech. "Fine. But I can't fire him. However, I will tell him to behave."

Mystique snorted and left.