A.N. Hey there! This is my newest story! I do hope you enjoy! Its gonna be a longer a one, so this will take a while, but I hope it turns out well. As a standard disclaimer, Yu Yu Hakusho is not my property, it belongs to the great Mr. Togashi, and all the greatness of it. Please drop a review! I'd appreciate it.

Chapter 1:

"Fire-fly," A gentle, soft voice called to the sleeping fire demon. Damnit, if only he could resist this voice…DAMN IT! That voice was too lovely….maybe if he just continued to sleep…

"Hiei-koi." The voice became a bit firmer and a gentle hand began to shake his shoulder. Hiei groaned, "Mmm…" he said grumpily, making his lovely fox demon laugh his oh-so-beautiful laugh.

"Come on my little Warrior, its time to get up." Kurama said. "Fox…its our honeymoon, why can I just sleep in?" Hiei demanded, "And speaking of which, why the HELL are you awake at this ungodly hour?" Hiei said, without opening his eyes.

Kurama only gave the fire demon a chuckle. "Well Hiei, its not an ungodly hour. Its 9 in the morning, also, I had something very special planned for us today to celebrate our honeymoon." He said, with no hint of lust, so Hiei immediately new it wasn't related to the fun they had last night.

When Hiei didn't say anything, Kurama sighed softly then smirked, "I'll make you a deal. If you get up, and go with me, I'll let you tie me up and I'll be your little uke servant, how about that?" Kurama asked him with a smirk.

Hiei opened a cherry red eye hopefully and looked up at Kurama and smirked. "Hn. Fine deal with me." He said sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.

Kurama traced a hand gently over his smooth muscles. "Gods Hiei, you're so beautiful, I don't understand why you haven't been loved before this." Kurama said, leaning down and kissing his mates cheek lovingly.

Hiei caught Kurama's hand and brought it up and kissed it gently. "You think I'm beautiful fox? You should see yourself." Hiei said squeezing his hand. "I'm no where near as gorgeous as you are, I'm a ruthless bastard that enjoys thieving and killing. Plus, I'm the forbidden child, its easy for no one to love me." He said softly.

Kurama smiled and hugged the little demon close, "That's not true, I love you." Kurama said, "Its very easy for me to love you." Kurama kissed him gently then stood up. "Alright. First off, go get your shower Fire-fly, I'll have breakfast ready when you are done." Kurama left the room.

Hiei hadn't missed the dark circles under Kurama's eyes, and Hiei knew it wasn't due to the fun that Kurama and him were having, they didn't stay up that late. Hiei didn't invade Kurama's mind, he trusted Kurama to tell him if anything was wrong and let him know if he could help. Hiei couldn't help but worry, he didn't want to invade his mates space, but…Kurama's lack of sleep was scary. He washed his hair pondering if the fox would be okay.

Kurama continued to cook, trying to ignore how tired he was, what he wasn't telling Hiei was that he was having visits…from Kuronue. It just started out with dreams, but they turned into nightmares, the one last night had been the worst. Kurama closed his eyes, trying to block out the horrid memory, but it came back to him stronger than ever.

"Youko…you abandoned me…you left me to die…you didn't come back…why?" Kuronue's deep voice floated around him in the dark hallway, Kurama watched as Kuronue turned around at the other end of the cave and started to approach Kurama.

Kurama looked down and saw he was dressed as Youko, and silver hair swung in his way, when he looked up, Kuronue was in front of him. "You left me for death Youko, did you not love me?" Kuronue said, making the guilt in Kurama's system rise up.

"Of course I loved you Kuronue!" Kurama couldn't control what was coming out of his mouth. "Then why did you mate someone else, instead of joining me?" Kuronue said, viciously, grabbing a fistful of Youko's silver hair and jerking him down to eye level.

"You were dead! I wasn't prepared to die!" Youko cried out, making Kuronue growl. "Would you die for the pathetic fire demon?" Kuronue demanded, shoving Youko down farther.

When Kuronue was greeted with silence, he sneered. "Of course you would, you are so much softer, so much different, you used to mock the forbidden ones, now you praise them. Why? What does he have that I don't!" Kuronue demanded.

"Hiei has been through so much in his life…" Even to Kurama, Youko sounded pathetic, and Kurama could tell Youko's resolve was crumbling, and despite this being a dream, it frightened him.

"Join me Youko, come to me in death." Kuronue begged. "NEVER!" Kurama took over for Youko, turning suddenly into Shuichi. "I love my Hiei too much to die for you! I won't let it happen!" Kurama said, leaf green eyes flashing angrily.

Kuronue's eyes flashed dangerously, "Fine!" he threw Kurama to the floor, and then walked over a door way and ripped it open. "Since you won't die and come to me, I'll make you!" He said, Kurama was sure he was going to grab a weapon and try to kill him, but what came out of that room horrified Kurama even more than a weapon. Hiei was dragged out by his beautiful black hair, bound by ropes and sutra's looking pleadingly at Kurama for help as he struggled against the bounds.

"If you won't die for me to come see me, you'll die for him and then I'll MAKE you stay with me!" Kuronue said and with a quick flick of the wrist, Hiei's eyes widened for a split second then his head rolled off his neck and blood spurted out.

Kurama's eyes widened as his whole world came crashing down. He crawled over to the head laying nearby. "Hiei…" he whispered touching the now cold cheek, "Hiei!" Kurama didn't care that he was sitting in Hiei's pooling blood. He let out a mournful fox howl and touched the cheek, then turned to Kuronue.

"You bastard…" he sobbed. "You're so weak Kurama! You didn't cry for me! Why for him!" Kuronue demanded.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM MORE THAN YOU!" Kurama screamed at him before his world went black.

Kurama had shot out of bed in tears, since Hiei was dead out asleep he hadn't noticed Kurama's movements. Kurama had to go and wash his face clean of tears, before he sat down on the bed and curled up and stayed awake, every time he tried to sleep, he kept seeing the image of Hiei's dismembered body in his mind.

Kurama was mechanically cooking the food, in deep thought, so he didn't notice the fire demon's energy right behind him until Hiei touched him and Kurama flinched and turned around to Hiei's surprised look. "Fox?" he asked.

"Oh Hiei! You surprised me there!" Kurama said, smiling, "Sorry about that, Fire-fly. Here's your breakfast!" Kurama handed him the plate with an all too cheery smile.

Hiei gave him a skeptical look but took the plate and sat down at the table. "Fox…Kurama, are you okay?" he asked looking at Kurama. Kurama turned with a plate of his own and sat beside his fire demon.

"Well of course I'm okay! Never better!" Kurama smiled at him, slipping his hand into Hiei's free one. "Why do you ask Hiei-koi?" he said, squeezing the fire demon's strong hand.

"Hn." Hiei said taking a bite, "You don't seem to be sleeping much Foxy." Kurama's heart swelled when he heard the nickname, it wasn't often Hiei called him that, and he enjoyed hearing it. "And you've been acting strange," Hiei said.

Kurama smiled, "Hiei, I promise, everything is gonna be okay." Kurama kissed his hand. "Thank you for NOT looking into my thoughts though." Kurama smiled softly. "I appreciate it so."

"Hn, Foxy, you know I wouldn't do that to you." Hiei said, "I trust you to tell me everything that you want help with and that if its major enough, I'll get to hear about it." He said, seeing that Kurama wasn't comfortable on this topic anymore, Hiei moved away. "Where did you say we were going?" he asked.

"I didn't." Kurama flashed him a wicked smirk, Hiei didn't like it, that usually meant Kurama had something up his sleeve that was truly evil.

"Well then…where?" Hiei asked warily. "Well…the first stop is my mother's Hiei. She's been in the dark WAY to long about us, she knows I'm in a relationship, but she really wants to meet the girl." Kurama said taking their plates over to the sink.

Hiei looked amused at this but then growled. "I'd better get my reward later." He said, "And I get to be possessive of you when she finds out." He said, making Kurama laugh. "Deal!" he said, then looked over when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Kurama said, sensing it was Yusuke's energy, Hiei gave him an annoyed look which Kurama returned with a smile.

"Hey fox-boy! Hey midget! I thought maybe we could team up with the doofus and do a bit of sparing today!" Yusuke suggested.

Hiei smirked, "What, are you eager for me to kick your ass Yusuke?" Hiei asked, as Yusuke laughed at him. "Hey you the old man, I bet you're too slow to keep up with me!" Yusuke said.

Hiei flitted over and put a sword on Yusuke's neck. "Oh?" he asked, "You were saying detective?"

"I was saying that maybe I could fight with Kurama instead!" Yusuke said, making Kurama smile, amused. "I wouldn't suggest that Yusuke, Hiei may go easy on you, but I wouldn't." Kurama said going over and wrapping an arm around his fire demon.

"Hn." Hiei sheathed his sword. "I wish we could today Yusuke, but Hiei and I are still celebrating our honeymoon and I promised to take him out today." Kurama said, "Perhaps another day." He said, making Yusuke grin.

"Yeah, and you two better be prepared!" he said, "Ya know Kurama, you're so beautiful, I'm surprised people don't try to rape you instead of kill you." Making Hiei growl.

"Are you hitting on my mate detective? Are you suggesting that you'll rape him?" Hiei said, "Because if you are, I promise you this." Hiei said, "I will cut off your dick and balls and shove them down your throat, meanwhile I'll shove my katana up your ass and twist." Hiei said.

Kurama sweatdropped as Yusuke went deathly pale. "I wasn't meaning anything like that Hiei! God!" he backed away from the growling fire demon.

"Hiei, there's ice cream in the freezer if you want some, go calm down, Yusuke was kidding." Kurama said, pushing his mate towards the freezer. "As for you, watch what you say." Kurama said, trying to keep the exhaustion out of his voice without much success.

"Alright, I will, sorry…I think I'll go now…Kurama, try to relax, you sound beat man," he said looking at Kurama worriedly. Kurama smiled, "Don't worry Yusuke, I'm in good hands." Kurama went over to Hiei after Yusuke left.

"Fox." Hiei said seriously after taking another bit of ice cream. "If I find out you're keeping something from me that I need to know…I won't be happy." Hiei said, "I don't want to get mad at you Kurama, so if you have something to tell me….you'd better do it." Hiei said.

Kurama smiled, "Its alright Hiei, nothing's wrong." He said, "Now lets hurry up and go." Kurama said, trying to push Hiei to go so he didn't think about Kurama, Kurama just hoped tonight he'd be able to sleep.